Пример #1
from gripper.PyControl import *
from gripper.xboxController import *

from pipeline.bincam import BinaryCamera
from options import Options
from lfd import LFD

from Net.tensor import net2

bincam = BinaryCamera("./meta.txt")

options = Options()

t = TurnTableControl()  # the com number may need to be changed. Default of com7 is used
izzy = PyControl(115200, 0.04, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0])
# same with this
c = XboxController([options.scales[0], 155, options.scales[1], 155, options.scales[2], options.scales[3]])

options.tf_net = net2.NetTwo()
options.tf_sess = options.tf_net.load(options.tf_dir + "net2/net2_01-21-2016_02h14m08s.ckpt")

options.record = True

lfd = LFD(bincam, izzy, t, c, options=options)

dataset_name = ""  # if you want to add to existing dataset, specifiy directory name (not path).
# else a new one is created in datetime format