Пример #1
def Calc(calc, outfile, NoDataValue=None, type=None, format=None, creation_options=None, allBands='', overwrite=False, debug=False, quiet=False, **input_files):
    """ Perform raster calculations with numpy syntax.
    Use any basic arithmetic supported by numpy arrays such as +-*\ along with logical
    operators such as >. Note that all files must have the same dimensions, but no projection checking is performed.

    Keyword arguments:
        [A-Z]: input files
        [A_band - Z_band]: band to use for respective input file

    add two files together:
        Calc("A+B", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    average of two layers:
        Calc(calc="(A+B)/2", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    set values of zero and below to null:
        Calc(calc="A*(A>0)", A="input.tif", A_band=2, outfile="result.tif", NoDataValue=0)
    opts = Values()
    opts.input_files = input_files
    opts.calc = calc
    opts.outF = outfile
    opts.NoDataValue = NoDataValue
    opts.type = type
    opts.format = format
    opts.creation_options = [] if creation_options is None else creation_options
    opts.allBands = allBands
    opts.overwrite = overwrite
    opts.debug = debug
    opts.quiet = quiet

    doit(opts, None)
Пример #2
def Calc(calc, outfile, NoDataValue=None, type=None, format=None, creation_options=None, allBands='', overwrite=False, debug=False, quiet=False, **input_files):
    """ Perform raster calculations with numpy syntax.
    Use any basic arithmetic supported by numpy arrays such as +-*\ along with logical
    operators such as >. Note that all files must have the same dimensions, but no projection checking is performed.

    Keyword arguments:
        [A-Z]: input files
        [A_band - Z_band]: band to use for respective input file

    add two files together:
        Calc("A+B", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    average of two layers:
        Calc(calc="(A+B)/2", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    set values of zero and below to null:
        Calc(calc="A*(A>0)", A="input.tif", A_band=2, outfile="result.tif", NoDataValue=0)
    opts = Values()
    opts.input_files = input_files
    opts.calc = calc
    opts.outF = outfile
    opts.NoDataValue = NoDataValue
    opts.type = type
    opts.format = format
    opts.creation_options = [] if creation_options is None else creation_options
    opts.allBands = allBands
    opts.overwrite = overwrite
    opts.debug = debug
    opts.quiet = quiet

    doit(opts, None)
Пример #3
def Calc(calc: Union[str, Sequence[str]], outfile: Optional[PathLike] = None, NoDataValue: Optional[Number] = None,
         type: Optional[Union[GDALDataType, str]] = None, format: Optional[str] = None,
         creation_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, allBands: str = '', overwrite: bool = False,
         hideNoData: bool = False, projectionCheck: bool = False,
         color_table: Optional[Union[PathLike, gdal.ColorTable]] = None,
         extent: Optional[Extent] = None, projwin: Optional[Union[Tuple, GeoRectangle]] = None, user_namespace=None,
         debug: bool=False, quiet: bool = False, **input_files):

    """ Perform raster calculations with numpy syntax.
    Use any basic arithmetic supported by numpy arrays such as +-* along with logical
    operators such as >. Note that all files must have the same dimensions, but no projection checking is performed.

    Keyword arguments:
        [A-Z]: input files
        [A_band - Z_band]: band to use for respective input file

    add two files together:
        Calc("A+B", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    average of two layers:
        Calc(calc="(A+B)/2", A="input1.tif", B="input2.tif", outfile="result.tif")

    set values of zero and below to null:
        Calc(calc="A*(A>0)", A="input.tif", A_band=2, outfile="result.tif", NoDataValue=0)

    work with two bands:
        Calc(["(A+B)/2", "A*(A>0)"], A="input.tif", A_band=1, B="input.tif", B_band=2, outfile="result.tif", NoDataValue=0)

    sum all files with hidden noDataValue
        Calc(calc="sum(a,axis=0)", a=['0.tif','1.tif','2.tif'], outfile="sum.tif", hideNoData=True)
    opts = Values()
    opts.input_files = input_files
    # Single calc value compatibility
    # (type is overridden in the parameter list)
    if isinstance(calc, (list, tuple)):
        opts.calc = calc
        opts.calc = [calc]
    opts.outF = outfile
    opts.NoDataValue = NoDataValue
    opts.type = type
    opts.format = format
    opts.creation_options = [] if creation_options is None else creation_options
    opts.allBands = allBands
    opts.overwrite = overwrite
    opts.hideNoData = hideNoData
    opts.projectionCheck = projectionCheck
    opts.color_table = color_table
    opts.extent = extent
    opts.projwin = projwin
    opts.user_namespace = user_namespace
    opts.debug = debug
    opts.quiet = quiet

    return doit(opts, None)