def GenBan(): year = fetchvalue('select max(substr(period,1,4)) from brreport') print(f"当前年份:{year}") sql = ( 'select period,case [type] when "0" then "分管行长" else "运营部负责人" end as typ,' 'branch,name,content from brreport ' f'where period like "{year}%" ' 'order by period,typ,branch') def data(): for period, typ, branch, name, content in fetch(sql): content = json.loads(content) for k, v in content['content']: v = v.strip() if '跟班' in k and v != "": yield period, typ, branch, name, k, v with Path(f'~/Downloads/{year}年跟班情况统计.xlsx').write_xlsx( force=True) as book: book.add_formats(FORMATS2) book.add_table(sheet='跟班情况统计', data=data(), columns=[ Header('期次', 12, format='normal'), Header('类型', 15, format='normal'), Header('分行', 20, format='normal'), Header('姓名', 15, format='normal'), Header('类别', 15, format='cnormal'), Header('内容', 75, format='normal') ]) print('导出文件成功!')
def show_teller(sql, arg): header = '柜员号,姓名,电话,柜员级别,柜组,机构号,员工号,执行交易组,转账限额,现金限额,认证类型,状态,屏蔽交易,岗位性质,启用日期,停用日期,交易币种,发起交易组,证件种类,证件号码,是否运营人员'.split( ',') for tlr in fetch(sql, arg): tlr = list(tlr) tlr[3] = {'0': '0-经办', '1': '1-主办', '2': '2-主管'}.get(tlr[3]) tlr[-11] = {'0': '0-密码', '1': '1-指纹'}.get(tlr[-11]) tlr[-8] = { '0': '0-非管库员', '1': '1-管库员', '2': '2-机器柜员', '3': '3-行外人员' }.get(tlr[-8]) tlr[-3] = {'1': '1-身份证'}.get(tlr[-3], tlr[-3]) gw = tlr.pop(7) tprint(zip(header, tlr), {0: '20'}) g = [] jndj = set() for i, y in enumerate(gw.split(',')): if i % 2 == 0 and y: x = POST[i // 2] v = fetchvalue( f"select group_concat(memo,',') from eddj where code in ('{y[:2]}','{y[2:]}')" ) g.append((x, v)) elif i % 2 == 1: jndj.add(y) tprint(g, {0: '20'}) jndj.remove('') print('技能等级: ', *jndj)
def export_file(): period = fetchvalue('select max(period) from lzwt') path = ROOT / f'营业主管履职报告重点问题与答复意见({str(Period(period))[:-1]}).xlsx' with path.write_xlsx() as book: book.add_formats(FORMATS) write_curpriod(book, period, '重点问题') write_curpriod(book, period, '一般问题') for r in fetch('select distinct substr(period,1,4)as year from lzwt ' 'order by year desc'): write_year(book, r[0]) print(f'导出文件 {} 成功') update_write_time(path) # 更新写入时间,防止无变更导入
def export_teller(branchs): captial = "" Ver = fetchvalue('select ver from LoadFile where name="teller" ') with Path(f'~/Documents/业务检查用柜员表(截至{Ver}).xlsx').write_xlsx( force=True) as book: for br in branchs.split(','): if captial and len(br) < 9: br = captial[:-len(br)] + br name = fetchvalue('select mc from ggjgm where jgm=?', [br]) if not name: continue book.add_table(sheet=f'{br}-{name}', data=Data(fetch(query_sql, [br]), converter=conv), columns=[ Header('柜员号', 11, 'normal'), Header('姓名', 15, 'normal'), Header('电话', 12, 'normal'), Header('柜员级别', 12, 'normal'), Header('柜组', 9, 'normal'), Header('工号', 9, 'normal'), Header('岗位', 25, 'normal'), Header('执行交易组', 80, 'normal'), Header('转账限额', 12, 'normal'), Header('现金限额', 12, 'normal'), Header('认证类型', 10, 'normal'), Header('状态', 11, 'normal'), Header('屏蔽交易', 30, 'normal'), Header('岗位性质', 12, 'normal'), Header('启用日期', 12, 'normal'), Header('终止日期', 12, 'normal'), Header('交易币种', 20, 'normal'), Header('发起交易组', 45, 'normal'), Header('是否运营人员', 12, 'normal'), Header('证件类型', 15, 'normal'), Header('证件号码', 19, 'normal'), Header('技能等级', 8, 'normal'), ]) captial = br print('导出文件成功!')
def _(filename, *args, **kw): need_create and createtable() # 第一次执行本函数时建表 file = Path(filename) name = a = fetchvalue('select mtime from LoadFile where filename=?', [name]) # 查询是否已导入 is_imported = a and a >= file.mtime # 判断是否已经导入 if not is_imported: func(filename, *args, **kw) execute( 'insert or replace into LoadFile values(?,?)', # 保存记录 [name, file.mtime]) else: print(f'{name} 已导入,忽略')
def export_ylb(qc): if not qc: qc = fetchvalue( 'select period from brreport order by period desc limit 1') print('导出期次:%s' % (qc)) wentis = [] for lb in ('分管行长', '运营主管'): type_ = 0 if lb == '分管行长' else 1 with (SAVEPATH / '报告' / ('%s履职报告(%s).xlsx' % (lb, qc))).write_xlsx()\ as book: book.add_formats(FORMATS) for br, name, content in fetch(ylb_sql, [qc, type_]): print("%-10s%s" % (br, name)) book.worksheet = br book.set_widths(WIDTHS) content = json.loads(content) header = content['header'] book.A1_B1 = header[0], 'bt' book.A2_B2 = header[1], 'normal' book.A3_B3 = header[2], 'normal' r1, r2 = 4, 4 isWenTi = False oldlb = None for lb, nr in content['content']: nr = nr.strip() book[f'B{r2}'] = nr, 'normal' if lb: isWenTi = '问题' in lb or '意见或建议' in lb if oldlb and oldlb != lb: book[f'A{r1}:A{r2-1}'] = oldlb, 'vnormal' r1 = r2 oldlb = lb if isWenTi and nr and len(nr) > 10: wentis.append([br, name, nr]) r2 += 1 book[f'A{r1}:A{r2-1}'] = oldlb, 'vnormal' filename = SAVEPATH / '问题' / ('分行运营主管履职报告问题%s.xlsx' % (qc)) with filename.write_xlsx() as book: book.add_formats(FORMATS) book.worksheet = '分行履职报告问题表' book.set_widths({'A:B': 9, 'C:C': 80, 'D:E': 15, 'F:F': 80}) book.A = '分行 提出人 问题描述 答复部门 答复人 答复意见'.split(), 'h2' book + 1 for d in wentis: book.A = [d[0], d[1]], "vnormal" book.C = d[2], 'normal' book.D = ['', ''], 'vnormal' book.F = '', 'normal' book + 1 print('共导出问题 %d 条' % (len(wentis)))
def checkload(filename: str, loadfile: "function", *args, **kw) -> bool: # 检查文件是否已经导入 ''' 检查指定的文件是否已经导入数据库,如未导入执行 loadfile 函数 filename: 待导入的文件 loadfile: 导入文件的程序 *args,**kw : loadfile 除 filename 以外的参数 ''' need_create and createtable() # 第一次执行本函数时建表 file = Path(filename) name = a = fetchvalue('select mtime from LoadFile where filename=?', [name]) # 查询是否已导入 is_imported = a and a >= file.mtime # 判断是否已经导入 if not is_imported: loadfile(filename, *args, **kw) with trans(): execute( 'insert or replace into LoadFile values(?,?)', # 保存记录 [name, file.mtime]) return is_imported
def loadwt(filename): print(f'导入最新处理完成的文件:{}') data = filename.sheets(0) if len(data) > 3 and len(data[2]) >= 7: rq = Period(data[0][0]).value print(f'当前导入文件日期:{rq}') count = fetchvalue('select count(reporter) from lzwt where period=?', [rq]) if count > 0: confirm = input('基准文件中已有数据,是否重新导入? Y or N') if confirm.lower() == "n": return r = execute('delete from lzwt where period=?', [rq]) print('存量数据已删除') def procline(line): print(line) line = [x.strip() for x in line] bh = get_md5(line[2]) importance = '重点问题' if '重点' in line[6] else '一般问题' dfr = "" if not (line[4].endswith('部') or line[4].endswith('中心')): dfr = line[4] line[4] = '运营管理部' nline = [bh, rq, importance, *line[:7], dfr] return nline data = filter(None, map(procline, data[2:])) sql = ( 'insert or replace into lzwt(bh,period,importance,category,branch,content,reporter,' 'reply_dept,reply,status,reply_person)values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' ) executemany(sql, data) s = 0 for r in fetch( 'select importance,count(period) from lzwt ' 'where period=? group by importance ', [rq]): print(*r) s += int(r[1]) print(f'共导入数据:{s:,d}')
def do_report(): period = fetch_period() Downloads = Path("~/Downloads") print('当前期次:%s' % (period)) print( f'报告数量:{fetchvalue("select count(distinct title||br)from report where period=?",[period])}') with (Downloads / "当期履职报告报送情况统计表.xlsx").write_xlsx(force=True)as book: hd_sql = ('select brorder,brname from brorder a ' 'left join report b ' 'on instr(,a.brname)>0 and period =? and b.lx="事后监督" ' 'where is null ' 'order by brorder' ) print('事后监督报告漏报清单') print('应报:', fetchvalue('select count(*) from brorder where brname not like "%总行%" and brname not in ("香港分行","义乌分行")'), "实报:", fetchvalue("select count(*)from report where lx='事后监督' and period=?", [period])) data = list(fetch(hd_sql, [period])) if len(data): fprintf("{0:2d} {1:20s}", hd_sql, [period]) book.add_table(sheet="事后监督未报送", data=fetch(hd_sql, [period]), columns=[ Header("分行序号", 8), Header("分行名称", 45) ]) yyzgs = fetchvalue('select count(distinct jg)from yyzg ' f'where jg not like "331000%" and jg not in {Excluders}') bss = fetchvalue( 'select count(*)from report where period=? and lx="营业主管"', [period]) print(f'营业主管数:{yyzgs},实报:{bss}') zgwb_sql = ( 'select jgmc,xm from yyzg a ' 'left join report b on upper(a.ygh)=upper(b.ygh) and period=? and lx="营业主管" ' 'where a.js like "a%" and b.ygh is null ' f'and a.jg not like "331000%" and a.jg not in {Excluders}' ) data = list(fetch(zgwb_sql, [period])) if len(data): fprintf('{0:20s} {1:25s}', zgwb_sql, [period]) book.add_table(sheet="营业主管履职报告未报送清单", data=fetch(zgwb_sql, [period]), columns=[ Header("机构", 40), Header("姓名", 20) ]) print(' - '*10) zgyc_sql = ( 'select br,name from report b ' 'left join yyzg a on upper(a.ygh)=upper(b.ygh) and a.js like "a%" ' 'where a.ygh is null and lx="营业主管" and period=? ' ) data = list(fetch(zgyc_sql, [period])) if len(data): fprintf('{0:20s} {1:25s}', zgyc_sql, [period]) book.add_table(sheet="营业主管履职报告异常报送清单", data=fetch(zgyc_sql, [period]), columns=[ Header("机构", 40), Header("姓名", 20) ]) print(f"当期履职报告报送情况统计表已生成")
def fetch_period() -> str: d = fetchvalue('select period from report order by date desc limit 1') if not d: raise Exception('无数据记录') return d
def loadcheck(name: str, path: str, mtime: datetime, ver: str): checkSQL = "select count(name) from loadfile where name=? and path=? and mtime>=datetime(?)" doneSQL = "insert or replace into loadfile values(?,?,datetime(?),?)" if value := fetchvalue(checkSQL, [name, path, mtime]): raise Exception(f'文件:{path} 已导入')
def get_ver(name): return fetchvalue("select ver from loadfile where name=?", [name])