def __init__(self, asdf_file_name, netsta_list='*'): self._data_path = asdf_file_name self._earth_radius = 6371 # km self.fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_name) # Gather station metadata netsta_list_subset = set( netsta_list.split(' ')) if netsta_list != '*' else netsta_list self.netsta_list = [] self.metadata = defaultdict(list) rtps = [] for netsta in list(self.fds.unique_coordinates.keys()): if (netsta_list_subset != '*'): if netsta not in netsta_list_subset: continue self.netsta_list.append(netsta) self.metadata[netsta] = self.fds.unique_coordinates[netsta] rtps.append([ self._earth_radius, np.radians(90 - self.metadata[netsta][1]), np.radians(self.metadata[netsta][0]) ]) # end for rtps = np.array(rtps) xyzs = rtp2xyz(rtps[:, 0], rtps[:, 1], rtps[:, 2]) self._tree = cKDTree(xyzs) self._cart_location = defaultdict(list) for i, ns in enumerate(self.netsta_list): self._cart_location[ns] = xyzs[i, :]
def merge_results(output_path): search_strings = ['p_arrivals*', 's_arrivals*'] output_fns = ['p_combined.txt', 's_combined.txt'] for ss, ofn in zip(search_strings, output_fns): files = recursive_glob(output_path, ss) ofn = open('%s/%s' % (output_path, ofn), 'w+') data = set() for i, fn in enumerate(files): lines = open(fn, 'r').readlines() if (i == 0): ofn.write(lines[0]) # end if for j in range(1, len(lines)): data.add(lines[j]) # end for os.system('rm %s' % (fn)) # end for for l in data: ofn.write(l) # end for ofn.close()
def test_get_stations(): fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_list) rows = np.array( fds.get_stations('1900-01-01T00:00:00', '2100-01-01T00:00:00')) station_set = set() for n, s in rows[:, 0:2]: station_set.add((n, s)) # There are eight stations in the h5 file assert len(station_set) == 8
def test_get_coordinates(): fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_list) rows = np.array( fds.get_stations('1900-01-01T00:00:00', '2100-01-01T00:00:00')) station_set = set() for n, s in rows[:, 0:2]: station_set.add((n, s)) # we should have coordinates for each station assert len(fds.unique_coordinates) == len(station_set)
def get_unique_station_pairs(self, other_dataset, nn=1): pairs = set() for st1 in self.netsta_list: st2list = None if (nn != -1): if self == other_dataset: st2list = set( self.get_closest_stations(st1, other_dataset, nn=nn + 1)) if st1 in st2list: st2list.remove(st1) st2list = list(st2list) else: st2list = self.get_closest_stations(st1, other_dataset, nn=nn) else: st2list = other_dataset.netsta_list # end if for st2 in st2list: pairs.add((st1, st2)) # end for # end for pairs_subset = set() for item in pairs: if (item[0] == item[1]): continue dup_item = (item[1], item[0]) if (dup_item not in pairs_subset and item not in pairs_subset): pairs_subset.add(item) # end if # end if return list(pairs_subset)
def cull_pairs(pairs, keep_list_fn): result = set() pairs_set = set() for pair in pairs: pairs_set.add('%s.%s' % (pair[0], pair[1])) # end for keep_list = open(keep_list_fn, 'r').readlines() for keep_pair in keep_list: keep_pair = keep_pair.strip() if (len(keep_pair)): knet1, ksta1, knet2, ksta2 = keep_pair.split('.') keep_pair_alt = '%s.%s.%s.%s' % (knet2, ksta2, knet1, ksta1) if (keep_pair in pairs_set or keep_pair_alt in pairs_set): result.add(('%s.%s' % (knet1, ksta1), '%s.%s' % (knet2, ksta2))) # end if # end for return list(result)
def test_get_local_net_sta_list(): fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_list) local_netsta_list = list(fds.local_net_sta_list()) rows = np.array( fds.get_stations('1900-01-01T00:00:00', '2100-01-01T00:00:00')) # Get a list of unique stations stations = set() for n, s in rows[:, 0:2]: stations.add((n, s)) # end for # On serial runs, all stations should be allocated to rank 0 assert len(local_netsta_list) == len(stations)
def get_stations(self, starttime, endtime, network=None, station=None, location=None, channel=None): starttime = UTCDateTime(starttime).timestamp endtime = UTCDateTime(endtime).timestamp query = 'select * from wdb where ' if (network): query += " net='%s' " % (network) if (station): if (network): query += "and sta='%s' " % (station) else: query += "sta='%s' " % (station) if (location): if (network or station): query += "and loc='%s' " % (location) else: query += "loc='%s' " % (location) if (channel): if (network or station or location): query += "and cha='%s' " % (channel) else: query += "cha='%s' " % (channel) if (network or station or location or channel): query += ' and ' query += ' et>=%f and st<=%f' \ % (starttime, endtime) query += ' group by net, sta, loc, cha' rows = self.conn.execute(query).fetchall() results = set() for row in rows: ds_id, net, sta, loc, cha, st, et, tag = row rv = (net, sta, loc, cha, self.asdf_station_coordinates[ds_id]['%s.%s' % (net, sta)][0], self.asdf_station_coordinates[ds_id]['%s.%s' % (net, sta)][1]) results.add(rv) # end for return list(results)
def test_get_global_time_range(): fds = FederatedASDFDataSet(asdf_file_list) rows = np.array( fds.get_stations('1900-01-01T00:00:00', '2100-01-01T00:00:00')) station_set = set() for n, s in rows[:, 0:2]: station_set.add((n, s)) minlist = [] maxlist = [] for (n, s) in station_set: min, max = fds.get_global_time_range(n, s) minlist.append(min) maxlist.append(max) # end for min = UTCDateTime(np.array(minlist).min()) max = UTCDateTime(np.array(maxlist).max()) # Ensure aggregate min/max to corresponding values in the db assert min == UTCDateTime('2000-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z') assert max == UTCDateTime('2002-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z')
def _load_events_helper(self): eventList = [] poTimestamps = [] lines = [] for ifn, fn in enumerate(self.csv_files): print(('Reading %s' % (fn))) for iline, line in enumerate(open(fn, 'r').readlines()): lines.append(line) # end for # end for if (self.rank == 0): eid_set = set() for iline, line in enumerate(lines): evtline = '' if (line[0] == '#'): items = line.split(',') vals = list(map(float, items[1:])) year = int(vals[0]) month = int(vals[1]) day = int(vals[2]) hour = int(vals[3]) minute = int(vals[4]) second = vals[5] lon = vals[6] lat = vals[7] if (lon < -180 or lon > 180): continue if (lat < -90 or lat > 90): continue depth = vals[8] if vals[8] >= 0 else 0 mb = vals[10] ms = vals[11] mi = vals[12] mw = vals[13] mag = 0 magtype = 'mw' if (mw > 0): mag = mw magtype = 'mw' elif (ms > 0): mag = ms magtype = 'ms' elif (mb > 0): mag = mb magtype = 'mb' elif (mi > 0): mag = mi magtype = 'mi' # end if eventid = vals[-1] if (eventid in eid_set): raise RuntimeError( 'Duplicate event-id found. Aborting..') else: eid_set.add(eventid) # end if utctime = None try: utctime = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) except Exception: continue # end try origin = Origin(utctime, lat, lon, depth) event = Event() event.public_id = int(eventid) event.preferred_origin = origin event.preferred_magnitude = Magnitude(mag, magtype) eventList.append(event) poTimestamps.append(origin.utctime.timestamp) else: eventList[-1].preferred_origin.arrival_list.append(iline) # end if #if(iline%1000==0): print iline # end for eventList = split_list(eventList, self.nproc) poTimestamps = split_list(poTimestamps, self.nproc) # end if # broadcast workload to all procs eventList = self.comm.scatter(eventList, root=0) poTimestamps = self.comm.scatter(poTimestamps, root=0) print( ('Processing %d events on rank %d' % (len(eventList), self.rank))) for e in eventList: lineIndices = copy.copy(e.preferred_origin.arrival_list) e.preferred_origin.arrival_list = [] for lineIndex in lineIndices: items = lines[lineIndex].split(',') vals = list(map(float, items[8:])) year = int(vals[0]) month = int(vals[1]) day = int(vals[2]) hour = int(vals[3]) minute = int(vals[4]) second = vals[5] utctime = None try: utctime = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) except Exception: continue # end try try: lon = float(items[4]) except: lon = 0 try: lat = float(items[5]) except: lat = 0 try: elev = float(items[6]) except: elev = 0 distance = vals[-1] a = Arrival(items[3].strip(), items[0].strip(), items[2].strip(), items[1].strip(), lon, lat, elev, items[7].strip(), utctime, distance) e.preferred_origin.arrival_list.append(a) # end for # end for self.eventList = eventList self.poTimestamps = np.array(poTimestamps)
def plot_results(stations, results, output_basename): # collate indices for each channel for each station assert len(stations) == len(results) groupIndices = defaultdict(list) for i in np.arange(len(results)): groupIndices['%s.%s' % (stations[i][0], stations[i][1])].append(i) # end for # gather number of days of usable data for each station usableStationDays = defaultdict(int) maxUsableDays = -1e32 minUsableDays = 1e32 for k, v in groupIndices.items(): for i, index in enumerate(v): x, means = results[index] means = np.array(means) days = np.sum(~np.isnan(means) & np.bool_(means != 0)) if usableStationDays[k] < days: usableStationDays[k] = days maxUsableDays = max(maxUsableDays, days) minUsableDays = min(minUsableDays, days) # end if # end for # end for # Plot station map pdf = PdfPages('%s.pdf' % output_basename) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 30)) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.7]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.05, 0.7, 0.9, 0.3]) ax2.set_visible(False) minLon = 1e32 maxLon = -1e32 minLat = 1e32 maxLat = -1e32 for s in stations: lon, lat = s[4], s[5] if lon < 0: lon += 360 # end if minLon = min(minLon, lon) maxLon = max(maxLon, lon) minLat = min(minLat, lat) maxLat = max(maxLat, lat) # end for minLon -= 1 maxLon += 1 minLat -= 1 maxLat += 1 m = Basemap(ax=ax1, projection='merc', resolution='i', llcrnrlat=minLat, urcrnrlat=maxLat, llcrnrlon=minLon, urcrnrlon=maxLon, lat_0=(minLat + maxLat) / 2., lon_0=(minLon + maxLon) / 2.) # draw coastlines. m.drawcoastlines() # draw grid parallels = np.linspace(np.around(minLat / 5) * 5 - 5, np.around(maxLat / 5) * 5 + 5, 6) m.drawparallels(parallels, labels=[True, True, False, False], fontsize=20) meridians = np.linspace(np.around(minLon / 5) * 5 - 5, np.around(maxLon / 5) * 5 + 5, 6) m.drawmeridians(meridians, labels=[False, False, True, True], fontsize=20) # plot stations norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minUsableDays, vmax=maxUsableDays, clip=True) mapper = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cm.jet_r) plotted = set() for s in stations: if s[1] in plotted: continue else: plotted.add(s[1]) # end if lon, lat = s[4], s[5] px, py = m(lon, lat) pxl, pyl = m(lon, lat - 0.1) days = usableStationDays['%s.%s' % (s[0], s[1])] m.scatter(px, py, s=400, marker='v', c=mapper.to_rgba(days), edgecolor='none', label='%s: %d' % (s[1], days)) ax1.annotate(s[1], xy=(px + 0.05, py + 0.05), fontsize=22) # end for fig.axes[0].set_title("Network Name: %s" % s[0], fontsize=30, y=1.05) fig.axes[0].legend(prop={'size': 16}, loc=(0.2, 1.3), ncol=5, fancybox=True, title='No. of Usable Days', title_fontsize=16) pdf.savefig() plt.close() # Plot results for k, v in groupIndices.items(): axesCount = 0 for i in v: assert (k == '%s.%s' % (stations[i][0], stations[i][1])) # only need axes for non-null results a, b = results[i] if len(a) and len(b): axesCount += 1 # end if # end for fig, axes = plt.subplots(axesCount, sharex=True) fig.set_size_inches(20, 15) axes = np.atleast_1d(axes) if len(axes): axesIdx = 0 for i, index in enumerate(v): try: x, means = results[index] if len(x) and len(means): x = [a.matplotlib_date for a in x] d = np.array(means) if len(d): d[0] = np.nanmedian(d) # end if dnorm = d dnormmin = np.nanmin(dnorm) dnormmax = np.nanmax(dnorm) axes[axesIdx].scatter(x, dnorm, marker='.', s=20) axes[axesIdx].plot(x, dnorm, c='k', label='24 hr mean\n' 'Gaps indicate no-data', lw=2, alpha=0.7) axes[axesIdx].grid(axis='x', linestyle=':', alpha=0.3) axes[axesIdx].fill_between(x, dnormmax * np.int_(d == 0), dnormmin * np.int_(d == 0), where=dnormmax * np.int_(d == 0) - dnormmin * np.int_(d == 0) > 0, color='r', alpha=0.5, label='All 0 Samples') axes[axesIdx].fill_between(x, dnormmax * np.int_(np.isnan(d)), dnormmin * np.int_(np.isnan(d)), where=dnormmax * np.int_(np.isnan(d)) - dnormmin * np.int_( np.isnan(d)) > 1, color='b', alpha=0.5, label='No Data') axes[axesIdx].xaxis.set_major_locator(AutoDateLocator()) axes[axesIdx].xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')) for tick in axes[axesIdx].get_xticklabels(): tick.set_rotation(45) # end for axes[axesIdx].legend(loc='upper right', prop={'size': 12}) axes[axesIdx].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=16) stn = stations[index] axes[axesIdx].set_title('Channel %s.%s' % (stn[2], stn[3]), fontsize=18, y=0.95, va='top') axes[axesIdx].set_xlim(xmin=min(x), xmax=max(x)) axes[axesIdx].set_ylim(ymin=dnormmin, ymax=dnormmax) axes[axesIdx].set_ylabel('Ampl.', fontsize=16) axesIdx += 1 # end if except: # plotting fails when each axes contain <2 values; just move on in those instances logging.warning('Plotting failed on station %s' % k) # end try # end for axes[-1].set_xlabel('Days', fontsize=16) # end if plt.suptitle('%s Data Availability (~%d days)' % (k, usableStationDays[k]), y=0.96, fontsize=20) pdf.savefig() plt.close() gc.collect() # end for pdf.close()
def process(input_folder, inventory, output_file_name, min_length_sec, merge_threshold, ntraces_per_file): """ INPUT_FOLDER: Path to input folder containing miniseed files \n INVENTORY: Path to FDSNStationXML inventory containing channel-level metadata for all stations \n OUTPUT_FILE_NAME: Name of output ASDF file \n """ comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD nproc = comm.Get_size() rank = comm.Get_rank() # Read inventory inv = None try: inv = read_inventory(inventory) except Exception as e: print(e) # end try files = np.array(glob.glob(input_folder + '/*.mseed')) random.Random(nproc).shuffle(files) # files = files[:100] ustations = set() ustationInv = defaultdict(list) networklist = [] stationlist = [] for file in files: _, _, net, sta, _ = file.split('.') ustations.add('%s.%s' % (net, sta)) networklist.append(net) stationlist.append(sta) # end for networklist = np.array(networklist) stationlist = np.array(stationlist) idx = np.lexsort((networklist, stationlist)) files = files[idx] myfiles = split_list(files, nproc)[rank] if (rank == 0): for i, ustation in enumerate(ustations): net, sta = ustation.split('.') sinv =, station=sta) if (not len(sinv.networks)): print(('Missing station: %s.%s' % (net, sta))) ustationInv[ustation] = None else: ustationInv[ustation] = sinv # end if # end for # end if ustationInv = comm.bcast(ustationInv, root=0) # Extract trace-count-lists in parallel mytrccountlist = np.zeros(len(myfiles)) for ifile, file in enumerate(tqdm(myfiles)): try: st = read(file, headonly=True) mytrccountlist[ifile] = len(st) # end if except Exception as e: print(e) # end try # end for trccountlist = comm.gather(mytrccountlist, root=0) if (rank == 0): trccountlist = np.array( [item for sublist in trccountlist for item in sublist]) # Some mseed files can be problematic in terms of having way too many traces -- # e.g. 250k+ traces, each a couple of samples long, for a day mseed file. We # need to blacklist them and exclude them from the ASDF file. print(('Blacklisted %d files out of %d files; ' \ 'average trace-count %f, std: %f' % (np.sum(trccountlist > ntraces_per_file), len(trccountlist), np.mean(trccountlist), np.std(trccountlist)))) f = open(str(os.path.splitext(output_file_name)[0] + '.trccount.txt'), 'w+') for i in range(len(files)): f.write('%s\t%d\n' % (files[i], trccountlist[i])) # end for f.close() if (os.path.exists(output_file_name)): os.remove(output_file_name) ds = pyasdf.ASDFDataSet(output_file_name, compression='gzip-3', mpi=False) for ifile, file in enumerate(tqdm(files)): st = [] if (trccountlist[ifile] > ntraces_per_file): continue else: try: st = read(file) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # end try # end if if (len(st)): netsta = st[0] + '.' + st[0].stats.station if (ustationInv[netsta]): if (merge_threshold): ntraces = len(st) if (ntraces > merge_threshold): try: st = st.merge(method=1, fill_value='interpolate') except: print('Failed to merge traces. Moving along..') continue # end try print( ('Merging stream with %d traces' % (ntraces))) # end if # end if # end if for tr in st: if (tr.stats.npts == 0): continue if (min_length_sec): if (tr.stats.npts * < min_length_sec): continue # end if asdfTag = make_ASDF_tag(tr, "raw_recording").encode('ascii') try: ds.add_waveforms(tr, tag='raw_recording') except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failed to append trace:') print(tr) # end try # end for try: ds.add_stationxml(ustationInv[netsta]) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Failed to append inventory:') print((ustationInv[netsta])) # end try # end if # end for print('Closing asdf file..') del ds