Пример #1
class Data():
    A helper class to load Ju Yao data.
    def __init__(self, hparam):
        self.hparam = hparam
        cprint('get info from csv file.', 'green')

        if os.path.isdir(self.hparam.CT_RTStruct_dir):
            cprint('get organ 3D bool index from dicom RTStruct.', 'green')
            cprint('DICOM fold not found.', 'green')
        if 'deposition_file' in hparam:
            self.deposition  = self.get_depositionMatrix()
            self.max_ray_idx = self.deposition.shape[1]
            cprint('deposition loaded.', 'green')
            assert('max_ray_idx' in hparam)
            self.max_ray_idx = hparam.max_ray_idx

        cprint('parsing valid ray data.', 'green')
        self.dict_rayBoolMat, self.dict_rayIdxMat, self.num_beams = self._read_rayIdx_mat() 

    def _set_beamID_rayBeginNum_dict(self):
        self.dict_beamID_ValidRayBeginNum = OrderedBunch()
        begin = 0
        for beam_id, mask in self.dict_rayBoolMat.items():
            self.dict_beamID_ValidRayBeginNum[beam_id] = [begin, mask.sum()] 
            begin += mask.sum()

        num_bixel = 0
        for beam_id, (_, num) in self.dict_beamID_ValidRayBeginNum.items():
            num_bixel += num
        assert num_bixel == self.deposition.shape[1]

    def get_depositionMatrix(self): 
        if not os.path.isdir(self.hparam.deposition_pickle_file_path):
        fn_depos = os.path.join(self.hparam.deposition_pickle_file_path, 'deposition.pickle') 

        if os.path.isfile(fn_depos):
            cprint('loading deposition data.', 'green')
            D = unpickle_object(fn_depos) 
            cprint('building deposition data from Deposition_Index.txt', 'green')
            D = self._read_deposition_file_and_save_to_pickle_sparse()  # use sparse matrix to store D

        # check shape
        ptsNum = 0
        for organName, v in self.organ_info.items():
            ptsNum += v['Points Number'] 
        assert ptsNum == D.shape[0], f'shape not match: ptsNum={ptsNum}, deposition_matrix shape={D.shape}'
        print(f'deposition_matrix shape={D.shape}')
        return D

    def _get_uniqueRays_doseGridNum(self):
        print('check ray_index and organs in Deposition_Index.txt')
        ray_list, organName_Dep, doseGridNum = [], [], 0
        is_redundancy = False
        for line in open(self.hparam.deposition_file, 'r'):
            if 'pts_num' in line: # new organ
                pts_num = int(line.split(':')[-1])
                if pts_num == 0:
                    cprint(f'skip organ with zero points, points_num:{pts_num} in Deposition_Index.txt', 'yellow')
                    organ_name = self.get_organName_from_pointNum(pts_num)
                    if organ_name in organName_Dep:
                        is_redundancy = True
                        cprint(f'skip duplicate points_num:{pts_num} and organ_name:{organ_name} in deposition.txt', 'yellow')
                        is_redundancy = False
                        cprint(f'find points_num:{pts_num} and organ_name:{organ_name} in deposition.txt', 'green')
            elif 'Indx:' in line:
                ray_list.append(int(line.split(' ')[0].split(':')[-1]))
            elif not is_redundancy and ' ]:' in line:
                doseGridNum += 1

        # ensure deposition_Index.txt has all organs in csv and organs should be consistent with the deposition.txt 
            if len(self.organ_info.keys()) != len(organName_Dep):
                raise ValueError('organ numbers in Dep and CSV not match')
            for organName_CSV, organName_D in zip(self.organ_info.keys(), organName_Dep):
                if organName_CSV != organName_D:
                    raise ValueError('organ order in Dep and CSV not match')
        except Exception as e:
            pdb.set_trace() # deposition.txt seems lacking organs in cvs.

        # unique ray
        ray_list = list(set(ray_list))
        # ensure ray_list shoud == [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]
        if self.hparam.is_check_ray_idx_order:
            for idx in range(len(ray_list)):
              assert idx == ray_list[idx], ray_list[idx]
            cprint('ray idx order is NOT checked. Some ray idx (should in integer order) may not present in Deposition_Index.txt', 'red')

        return ray_list, doseGridNum

    def _read_deposition_file_and_save_to_pickle_sparse(self):
        using sparse matrix for deposition matrix to save memory.
        # get shape inf to build dps matirx
        ray_list, DoseGridNum = self._get_uniqueRays_doseGridNum()

        # fill dps matrix
        print('building depostion matrix')
        row_idxs, col_idxs, values  = [], [], [] 
        with open(self.hparam.deposition_file, "r") as f:
            organ_order, point_idx = [], -1  # organ_order should be consistent with the deposition.txt  
            is_redundancy = False
            for line in f:
                if 'pts_num' in line: # new organ
                    pts_num = float(line.split(':')[-1])
                    if pts_num != 0:
                        organ_name = self.get_organName_from_pointNum(pts_num)
                        if organ_name in organ_order:
                            is_redundancy = True
                            is_redundancy = False
                elif not is_redundancy and ' ]:' in line:  # new organ point
                    point_idx += 1
                elif not is_redundancy and 'Indx' in line:  # new ray/bixel
                    ray_idx = int(line.split(' ')[0].split(':')[-1])
                    value   = float(line.split('Pt_dose:')[-1].split('(')[0])

            # build sparse deposition matrix
            D = coo_matrix((values, (row_idxs, col_idxs)), shape=(DoseGridNum, max(ray_list)+1))
            cprint(f'sparse depostion matrix shape: {D.shape}', 'green')
        # save
        pickle_object(os.path.join(self.hparam.deposition_pickle_file_path, 'deposition.pickle'), D)
        return D

    def _set_paramters_from_csv_table(self):
        df = pd.read_csv(self.hparam.csv_file, skiprows=1, index_col=0, skip_blank_lines=True)  # duplicated column will be renamed automatically

        # drop nan columns
        cols = [c for c in df.columns if 'Unnamed' not in c] 
        df = df[cols]

        # drop organ with 0 point num
        organ_names = []
        for name, pointNum in df.loc['Points Number'].items():
            if pointNum == '0':
        df = df.drop(organ_names, axis='columns')

        # drop another organs if skin present
        is_skin = False
        nonskin_names, skin_names = [], []
        for name in df.columns:
            if 'skin' in name:
                is_skin = True
        if is_skin:
            self.csv_loss_table = df.drop(skin_names, axis='columns') # this var will be used in loss.py, therefore we should keep the duplicated columns
            df = df.drop(nonskin_names, axis='columns')

        # drop duplicated columns
        df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.replace("(\.\d+)$", "").duplicated()]

        # set up dict of organ info
        self.organ_info = OrderedBunch(df.loc[['Grid Size', 'Points Number']].astype(float).to_dict())
        for organ_name, v in self.organ_info.copy().items():
            self.organ_info[organ_name]['Grid Size'] = v['Grid Size']*10.  # cm to mm
            self.organ_info[organ_name]['Points Number'] = int(v['Points Number'])
        cprint('following csv info will be used to parsing deposition matrix', 'green')

        tmp = self.csv_loss_table.loc[['Grid Size', 'Points Number', 'Hard/Soft', 'Constraint Type', 'Min Dose', 'Max Dose', 'DVH Volume', 'Priority']]
        cprint('following csv info will be used in loss function', 'green')
        with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None):

    def get_organName_from_pointNum(self, pointsNum):
        for organName, v in self.organ_info.items():
            if v['Points Number'] == pointsNum:
                return organName
        raise ValueError(f'Can not find organ name with pointNum={pointsNum}')

    def get_pointNum_from_organName(self, organ_name):
        if organ_name not in self.organ_info:
            raise ValueError(f'Can not find organ name in OrganInfo.csv')
        return self.organ_info[organ_name]['Points Number']

    def _read_rayIdx_mat(self):
        # get bool matrixes, where 1 indicates the present of ray
        with open(self.hparam.valid_ray_file, "r") as f:
            dict_rayBoolMat = collections.OrderedDict() 
            beam_id = 0
            for line in f:
                if 'F' in line: # new beam 
                    beam_id = int(line.replace('F','')) + 1 # NOTE: index of beam start from 1
                    dict_rayBoolMat[beam_id] = [] 
                    row = np.loadtxt(StringIO(line))
        num_beams = beam_id
        # convert (list of 1D arrays) to (2D matrix)
        ray_num = 0
        for beam_id, FM in dict_rayBoolMat.copy().items():
            FM = np.asarray(FM, dtype=np.bool)
            dict_rayBoolMat[beam_id] = FM
            ray_num += FM.sum()
        assert ray_num == self.max_ray_idx
        assert ray_num == self.deposition.shape[1], f'shape not match: rayNum={ray_num}, deposition_matrix shape={D.shape}'

        # convert 1 to ray idx
        dict_rayIdxMat = collections.OrderedDict()
        ray_idx = -1
        for beam_id, FM in dict_rayBoolMat.items():
            idx_matrix = np.full_like(FM, self.max_ray_idx, dtype=np.int)  # using max_ray_idx to indicate non-valid ray 
            for row in range(FM.shape[0]):
                for col in range(FM.shape[1]):
                    if FM[row, col] == 1:
                        ray_idx += 1
                        idx_matrix[row, col] = ray_idx
            dict_rayIdxMat[beam_id] = idx_matrix
        return dict_rayBoolMat, dict_rayIdxMat, num_beams

    def project_to_fluenceMaps(self, fluenceVector):
        '''Convert 1D fluenceVector to 2D fluenceMap
            Arguments: fluenceVector: ndarray (#bixels, )
            Return: {beam_id: fluenceMap ndarray (H,W)} ''' 
        # set up a tmp with shape:(#bixels+1, ) and tmp[#bixels+1]=0; 
        # where #bixels+1 indicate non-valid ray.
        # In this way, we can set the intensity of nonvalid ray to 0.
        tmp = np.append(fluenceVector, 0)
        dict_FluenceMap = collections.OrderedDict()
        # construct 2D fluence matrix from fluenceVector using numpy's fancy 2D indice
        for beam_id, ray_idx in self.dict_rayIdxMat.items():
            dict_FluenceMap[beam_id] = tmp[ray_idx]
        return dict_FluenceMap

    def project_to_fluenceMaps_torch(self, fluence):
        '''fluence: (#bixels, )
            return: {beam_id: fluenceMap with the shape of (H,W)}
        # set up a tmp with shape:(#bixels+1, ) and tmp[#bixels+1]=0; 
        tmp = torch.cat([fluence, torch.tensor([0.,], dtype=torch.float32, device=fluence.device)]) # shape:(max_ray_idx, ); tmp[max_ray_idx]=0
        dict_FluenceMap = collections.OrderedDict()
        for beam_id, ray_idx in self.dict_rayIdxMat.items():
            dict_FluenceMap[beam_id] = tmp[ray_idx]
        return dict_FluenceMap

    def get_rays_from_fluences(self, dict_FluenceMat):
        '''dict_fluences: {beam_id: fluence matrix}
            valid_rays: (#valid_bixels,)
        valid_rays = []
        for (_, boolMat), (idx, F) in zip(self.dict_rayBoolMat.items(), dict_FluenceMat.items()):
        valid_rays = np.concatenate(valid_rays, axis=0)
        return valid_rays

    def project_to_validRays_torch(self, dict_fluences):
        ''' Convert flatten fluenceMap to valid fluenceVector
            dict_fluences: {beam_id: fluence vector}
            valid_rays: (#valid_bixels,)
            dict_fluenceMaps: {beam_id: fluence matrix} '''
        dict_fluenceMaps = OrderedBunch()
        valid_rays = []
        for (beam_id, msk), (_, fluence) in zip(self.dict_rayBoolMat.items(), dict_fluences.items()):
            msk = torch.tensor(msk, dtype=torch.bool, device=fluence.device)
            valid_rays.append(fluence.view(*msk.shape)[msk].flatten()) # select valid rays and back to 1d vector
            dict_fluenceMaps[beam_id] = fluence.detach()
        valid_rays = torch.cat(valid_rays, axis=0)
        return valid_rays, dict_fluenceMaps

    def _get_organ_3D_index(self):
        Return: self.organ_masks {organ_name: bool mask (z=167, x=512, y=512)}
        ## get organ priorities from csv file
        df = self.csv_loss_table

        # only consider min_dose and priority
        df = df.loc[['Min Dose','Priority']]

        # string to float
        df = df.astype(float)

        # add a row to indentify ptv/oar
        ptv_oar = [1 if 'TV' in name else 0 for name in df.columns]
        ptv_oar = np.array(ptv_oar).reshape(1,-1)
        names = [name for name in df.columns]
        df2 = pd.DataFrame(ptv_oar, index=['ptv/oar'], columns=names)
        df = df.append(df2)
        df = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.str.replace("(\.\d+)$", "").duplicated()] # remove deuplicated organ name

        # sort to identify the overlapped organs and write to dataset dir to verify
        sorted_df = df.sort_values(by=['Priority', 'ptv/oar', 'Min Dose'], axis='columns', ascending=False)
        sorted_df.to_csv(self.hparam.csv_file.replace('OrganInfo.csv', 'sorted_organs.csv'))
        cprint('following organ order will be used to parse RTStruct', 'green')
        ## get contour from dicom

        # ensure all organ_names in csv appeared in RTStruct
        Dicom_Reader = Dicom_to_Imagestack(get_images_mask=True, arg_max=True)  # arg_max is important to get the right order for overlapped organs.
        roi_names = []
        is_rtstruct_complete = True
        for name in sorted_df.columns:
            if name not in Dicom_Reader.all_rois:
                cprint(f'Warning: {name} not in RTStruct! we simply skip it.', 'red')
                is_rtstruct_complete == False
        cprint(f'number of organ: {len(roi_names)}', 'green')
        if not is_rtstruct_complete:
            raise ValueError('some organ not in RTStruct')

        # get contours 
        # match MonteCarlo dose's shape 
        if Dicom_Reader.mask.shape != self.hparam.MCDose_shape:
            cprint(f'\nresize contour {Dicom_Reader.mask.shape} to match MC shape {self.hparam.MCDose_shape}', 'yellow')
            Dicom_Reader.mask = resize(Dicom_Reader.mask, self.hparam.MCDose_shape, order=0, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=False, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False).astype(np.uint8)

        # match network output shape
        if self.hparam.net_output_shape != '':
            if Dicom_Reader.mask.shape[0] != self.hparam.net_output_shape[0]: 
                cprint(f'resize and crop contour {Dicom_Reader.mask.shape} to match network output shape {self.hparam.net_output_shape}', 'yellow')
                Dicom_Reader.mask = resize(Dicom_Reader.mask, (self.hparam.net_output_shape[0],)+Dicom_Reader.mask.shape[1:], \
                                           order=0, mode='constant', cval=0, clip=False, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False).astype(np.uint8)
                crop_top  = int((self.hparam.MCDose_shape[1]-self.hparam.net_output_shape[1] + 1) * 0.5)
                crop_left = int((self.hparam.MCDose_shape[2]-self.hparam.net_output_shape[2] + 1) * 0.5)
                Dicom_Reader.mask = Dicom_Reader.mask[:, crop_top:crop_top+self.hparam.net_output_shape[1], crop_left:crop_left+self.hparam.net_output_shape[2]]

        cprint(f'shape of contour label volume = {Dicom_Reader.mask.shape}', 'green')
        cprint(f'max label in contour label volume = {Dicom_Reader.mask.max()}', 'green')

        # label mask -> bool mask
        self.organ_masks = OrderedBunch()
        for i in range(1, Dicom_Reader.mask.max()+1): # iter over contours
            tmp = np.zeros_like(Dicom_Reader.mask, dtype=np.bool) 
            tmp[Dicom_Reader.mask==i] = True
            self.organ_masks[roi_names[i-1]] = tmp

        # we may use these var out the method 
        self.CT = Dicom_Reader.dicom_handle
        self.Dicom_Reader = Dicom_Reader

        debug = False 
        if debug:  # show overlapped ct
            os.environ['SITK_SHOW_COMMAND'] = '/home/congliu/Downloads/Slicer-4.10.2-linux-amd64/Slicer'
            dicom_handle = Dicom_Reader.dicom_handle
            #annotations_handle = sitk.GetImageFromArray(self.organ_masks['Brainstem+2mmPRV'])
            #  annotations_handle = sitk.GetImageFromArray(self.organ_masks['Brainstem+2mmPRV', 'PTV1-nd2-nx2', 'PTV2'])
            #  annotations_handle = sitk.GetImageFromArray(self.organ_masks['PTV1-nd2-nx2'])
            annotations_handle = sitk.GetImageFromArray(self.organ_masks['Parotid_L'])
            overlay = sitk.LabelOverlay(dicom_handle, annotations_handle, 0.1)
Пример #2
class MonteCarlo():
    def __init__(self, hparam, data):
        self.hparam = hparam
        self.data = data

        self.nb_leafPairs = 51  # 51 leaf pairs
        self.x_spacing = 0.5  # cm
        self.nb_apertures = 1000  # we will generate this number random apertures
        self.nb_beams = data.num_beams

        )  # get y axis leaf position from jaw_y1 ,jaw_y2

    def get_random_apertures(self):
        return: self.dict_randomApertures {beam_id: ndarray(nb_apertures, H, W)}
        def get_random_shape(H, W):
            if np.random.randint(0, 2):
                img = random_shapes((H, W),
                                    min_size=min(H, W) // 3,
                                    intensity_range=(1, 1))[0]
                img = np.where(img == 255, 0, img)
                img = np.zeros((H, W), dtype=np.uint8)
                for i in range(len(img)):  # for each row
                    l, r = np.random.randint(0, W + 1, (2, ))
                    if l == r: continue
                    if l > r: l, r = r, l
                    img[i, l:r] = 1
            return img

        save_path = Path(
        if os.path.isfile(save_path):
            self.dict_randomApertures = unpickle_object(save_path)

        self.dict_randomApertures = OrderedBunch()
        for beam_id in range(1, self.nb_beams + 1):  # for each beam
            H, W = self.data.dict_rayBoolMat[beam_id].shape
            self.dict_randomApertures[beam_id] = np.zeros(
                (self.nb_apertures, H, W),
                np.uint8)  # default closed apertures
            for i, apt in enumerate(
                    self.dict_randomApertures[beam_id]):  # for each apterture
                if i == 0:  # skip first aperture for each beam to get a all-leaf-opened aperture
                    self.dict_randomApertures[beam_id][i] = np.ones((H, W),
                    self.dict_randomApertures[beam_id][i] = get_random_shape(
                        H, W)
        pickle_object(save_path, self.dict_randomApertures)

    def _get_leafBottomEdgePosition(self):
        the leaf coords is:     jaw_y2(+)
                            jaw_x1(-)   jaw_x2(+)
        Return: self.coords, list of 51 leaves' bottom edge positions 
        ## read FM_info file
        FM_info_template = os.path.join(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir,
                                        'templates', 'FM_info.txt')
        with open(FM_info_template, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()

        ## 0. get the thickness of the 51 pair leaves
        is_thick_line = False
        thicks = []
        leaf_num = 0
        for line in lines:
            if 'MLC_LeafThickness' in line:
                is_thick_line = True
            if leaf_num == self.nb_leafPairs:
            if is_thick_line:
                thicks.append(float(line.replace('\n', '')))
                leaf_num += 1
        #print(f'center leaf thickness: {thicks[25]}')

        ## 1. get edge bottom coord of leaves (51 pairs)
        coords = []  # leaves bottom edges

        # upper half leaves: total 25 edge bottom positions
        coord26thLeafUp = thicks[25] / 2.  # 26-th leaf with its center at y=0
        coords.append(coord26thLeafUp)  # +1 position
        for i in range(24, 0, -1):  # [24, 0], +24 positions
            coord26thLeafUp += thicks[i]
        coords = coords[::-1]

        # lower half leaves: total 26 edge bottom positions
        coord26thLeafbot = -thicks[25] / 2.
        coords.append(coord26thLeafbot)  # +1 position
        for i in range(26, self.nb_leafPairs):  # [26, 50], +25 positions
            coord26thLeafbot -= thicks[i]

        # round to 2 decimals
        self.coords = [round(c, 2) for c in coords]

    def _get_leafInJawField(self):
        get y axis leaf positions by finding the leaves in jaw field 

        Return: self.dict_jawsPos {beam_id: [x1,x2,y1,y2]}, self.dict_inJaw {beam_id: (51,)}
        self.dict_jawsPos = OrderedBunch()  # jaw positions
        self.dict_inJaw = OrderedBunch(
        )  # bool vector indicate leaves in jaw Filed
        ## get jaw positions from seg*.txt file
        seg_files = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir, 'templates',
        seg_files.sort()  # sort to be consistent with beam_id

        for beam_id, seg in enumerate(seg_files):
            beam_id += 1
            H, W = self.data.dict_rayBoolMat[beam_id].shape
            #  print(f'beam_ID:{beam_id}; file_name:{seg}')
            with open(seg, 'r') as f:
                lines = f.readlines()

            ## get jaw positions
            is_jaw_line = False
            jaw = OrderedBunch()
            for line in lines:
                if 'MU_CollimatorJawX1' in line:
                    is_jaw_line = True
                if is_jaw_line:
                    position = line.split(' ')[1:5]
                    position = [float(p) for p in position]
                    jaw.x1, jaw.x2, jaw.y1, jaw.y2 = position
                    print(f'jaw position: {jaw.x1, jaw.x2, jaw.y1, jaw.y2}')
            self.dict_jawsPos[beam_id] = jaw

            ## Is a leaf in jaws' open field?
            # for upper half leaves: if (leaf bottom edge > jaw_y1) {this leaf in valid field}
            # for lower half leaves: if (leaf upper  edge < jaw_y2) {this leaf in valid field}
            self.dict_inJaw[beam_id] = np.empty((self.nb_leafPairs, ),
            for i, c in enumerate(self.coords):
                in_field = False
                if (c < jaw.y2 and c > jaw.y1):
                    in_field = True
                if (c < jaw.y2 and
                        self.coords[i - 1] > jaw.y1):  # consider upper edge
                    in_field = True
                self.dict_inJaw[beam_id][i] = in_field
                #  print(f'{in_field}---{i}: {c}')
            #  print(f'{self.dict_inJaw[beam_id].sum()}')
            assert self.dict_inJaw[beam_id].sum(
            ) == H, f'H={H}, inJaw={self.dict_inJaw[beam_id].sum()}'

    def _get_x_axis_position(self):
         get x axis position from self.dict_randomApertures 
            self.dict_lrs {beam_id: strings (#aperture, 51)}, NOTE: 51 leaf pairs in reversed order.
        self.dict_lrs = OrderedBunch()  # {beam_id: (#aperture, H)}

        def get_leafPos_for_a_row(row):
            [0.0] 0 [0.5] 0 [1.0] 1 [1.5] 1 [2.0] 0 [2.5] 0 [3.0]
            jaw_x1 = self.dict_jawsPos[beam_id].x1
            if (row == 0).all():  # closed row
                lr = default_lr
                first, last = 0, 0
            else:  # opened row
                first, last = np.nonzero(row)[0][[
                    0, -1
                ]]  # get first 1 and last 1 positions
                #  last += 1 # block the left bixel of first 1, and right bixel of last 1; TODO +1?
                l = jaw_x1 + first * self.x_spacing  # spacing 0.5mm
                r = jaw_x1 + last * self.x_spacing  # spacing 0.5mm
                lr = '{:.2f} {:.2f}\n'.format(l, r)
            #  cprint(f'row:{row_idx}; {first}  {last};  {lr}', 'green')
            return lr

        for beam_id, apts in self.dict_randomApertures.items(
        ):  # 0. for each beam
            #  print(f'\n beam_id:{beam_id}')
            H, W = self.data.dict_rayBoolMat[beam_id].shape
            #  print(f'height:{H}; width:{W}')

            pos = self.dict_jawsPos[
                beam_id].x1 - self.x_spacing  # leaf closed at jaw_x1-0.5 by default
            default_lr = '{:.2f} {:.2f}\n'.format(
                pos, pos)  # by default, leaves closed
            self.dict_lrs[beam_id] = np.full(
                (self.nb_apertures, self.nb_leafPairs),
                dtype=object)  # (#aperture, 51),
            for a in range(self.nb_apertures):  # 1. for each aperture
                row_idx = 0
                for i in range(self.nb_leafPairs):  # 2. for each row
                    if self.dict_inJaw[beam_id][i]:
                        lr = get_leafPos_for_a_row(apts[a, row_idx])
                        self.dict_lrs[beam_id][a, i] = lr
                        row_idx += 1
                self.dict_lrs[beam_id][a] = self.dict_lrs[beam_id][
                    a, ::
                    -1]  # NOTE: In TPS, 51 leaf pairs are in reversed order.

    def write_to_seg_txt(self):
        Write seg*.txt to the shared disk of windowsServer
            self.dict_lrs {beam_id: strings (#aperture, 51)}, NOTE: 51 leaf pairs in reversed order.
        ## write Seg_{beam_id}_{aperture_id}.txt
        for beam_id in range(1, self.nb_beams + 1):
            seg_template = os.path.join(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir,
            with open(seg_template, 'r') as f:
                lines = f.readlines()
            for aperture_id in range(0, self.nb_apertures):
                ap_lines = lines.copy() + [None] * 51
                ap_lines[-51:] = self.dict_lrs[beam_id][
                    aperture_id]  # 51 leaves positions

                # write Seg*.txt
                save_path = os.path.join(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir,
                with open(save_path, "w") as f:
                cprint(f'Writing Seg_{beam_id}_{aperture_id}.txt', 'green')

            f'Done. {self.nb_beams*self.nb_apertures} Seg*.txt files have been written to Dir {self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir}/segs.',

    def get_unit_MCdose(self):
        ''' Return: unitMUDose, ndarray (nb_beams*nb_apertures, #slice, H, W)  '''
        )  # get x axis position from the saved random generated fluences

            f'compute unit MU Dose on winServer and save results to {self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir}',
        if not Path(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir, 'Segs',
        call_FM_gDPM_on_windowsServer(self.hparam.patient_ID, self.nb_beams,

    def get_dose(self, uid):
        ''' return:mcDose(#slice, H, W) '''
        dpm_result_dir = Path(self.hparam.winServer_MonteCarloDir,
                              'gDPM_results', f'dpm_result_{uid}Ave.dat')
        with open(dpm_result_dir, 'rb') as f:
            dose = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32)
            dose = dose.reshape(*hparam.MCDose_shape)
        mcDose = np.swapaxes(dose, 2, 1)
        return mcDose
Пример #3
    def init_segments(self):
        dict_gradMaps {beam_id: matrix}
        new_dict_segments {beam_id: vector}'''
        # deposition matrix (#voxels, #bixels)
        deposition = convert_depoMatrix_to_tensor(self.data.deposition,

        # get fluence
        if self.hparam.optimization_continue:  # continue last optimization
            file_name = os.path.join(
            if not os.path.isfile(file_name):
                raise ValueError(f'file not exist: {file_name}')
                cprint(f'continue last optimization from {file_name}',
                segments_and_MUs = unpickle_object(file_name)
                dict_segments, dict_MUs = OrderedBunch(), OrderedBunch()
                for beam_id, seg_MU in segments_and_MUs.items():
                    dict_segments[beam_id] = torch.tensor(
                    dict_MUs[beam_id] = torch.tensor(seg_MU['MU'],
                fluence, _ = computer_fluence(self.data, dict_segments,
                self.dict_segments = OrderedBunch()
                for beam_id, seg in dict_segments.items():
                    self.dict_segments[beam_id] = seg.cpu().numpy()
            fluence = torch.zeros((deposition.size(1), ),
                                  requires_grad=True)  # (#bixels,)

        # compute fluence gradient
        doses = cal_dose(deposition, fluence)  # cal dose (#voxels, )
        dict_organ_doses = split_doses(
            doses, self.data.organName_ptsNum
        )  # split organ_doses to obtain individual organ doses
        loss, breaking_points_nums = self.loss.loss_func(dict_organ_doses)
        print(f'breaking points #: ', end='')
        for organ_name, breaking_points_num in breaking_points_nums.items():
            print(f'{organ_name}: {breaking_points_num}   ', end='')
        loss.backward(retain_graph=False)  # backward to get grad
        grads = fluence.grad.detach().cpu().numpy()  # (#bixels,)

        # project 1D grad vector (#vaild_bixels,) to 2D fluence maps {beam_id: matrix}
        dict_gradMaps = self.data.project_to_fluenceMaps(
            grads)  # {beam_id: matrix}

        new_dict_segments, new_dict_lrs = self.sp.solve(
            dict_gradMaps)  # new_dict_segments {beam_id: vector}

        del fluence, doses, deposition
        return dict_gradMaps, new_dict_segments, new_dict_lrs