def executeRequest(self, request): client = None response = None try: if not self.verify: client = self.create_http_client() elif self.params.proxyUsername and self.params.proxyPassword: credentials = UsernamePasswordCredentials(self.params.proxyUsername, self.params.proxyPassword) auth_scope = AuthScope(self.params.proxyHost, Integer.valueOf(self.params.proxyPort)) creds_provider = BasicCredentialsProvider() creds_provider.setCredentials(auth_scope, credentials) client = HttpClientBuilder.create().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(creds_provider).build() else: client = HttpClients.createDefault() response = client.execute(request) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() entity = response.getEntity() result = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, result, headers) finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
def execute_request(self, request): client = None response = None try: sslContext = SSLContextBuilder.create().loadTrustMaterial( TrustSelfSignedStrategy()).build() allowAllHosts = NoopHostnameVerifier() connectionFactory = SSLConnectionSocketFactory( sslContext, allowAllHosts) client = HttpClients.custom().setSSLSocketFactory( connectionFactory).build() response = client.execute(request) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() entity = response.getEntity() result = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, result, headers) finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
def executeRequest(self, request): client = None response = None try: local_context = BasicHttpContext() if self.authentication == "Ntlm": credentials = self.get_credentials() client = self.get_ntlm_client() credentials_provider = BasicCredentialsProvider() credentials_provider.setCredentials( AuthScope.ANY, NTCredentials(credentials["username"], credentials["password"], None, credentials["domain"])) local_context.setAttribute(HttpClientContext.CREDS_PROVIDER, credentials_provider) else: client = HttpClients.createDefault() self.set_basic_credentials(request) response = client.execute(request, local_context) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() entity = response.getEntity() result = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, result, headers) finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
def executeRequest(self, request): self.logger.debug('executeRequest: request: %s' % repr(request)) client = None response = None try: client = HttpClients.createDefault() response = client.execute(request) self.logger.debug('executeRequest: response: %s' % repr(response)) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() self.logger.debug('executeRequest: status: %s' % status) entity = response.getEntity() data = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, data, headers) except Exception as e: self.logger.error('executeRequest: failed: %s' % repr(e)) raise e finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
def executeRequest(self, request): client = None response = None try: client = HttpClients.createDefault() response = client.execute(request) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() entity = response.getEntity() result = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, result, headers) finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
def execute_request(self, request): client = None response = None try: client = HttpClients.createDefault() response = client.execute(request) status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() entity = response.getEntity() result = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8") if entity else None headers = response.getAllHeaders() EntityUtils.consume(entity) return HttpResponse(status, result, headers) finally: if response: response.close() if client: client.close()
HttpPost request = new HttpPost( uri ); // Request headers. Replace the example key below with your valid subscription key. request.setHeader( "Content-Type", "application/json" ); request.setHeader( "6b6835f22fdd86e00d0bdc15b512ba6e" ); // Request body. Replace the example URL below with the URL of the image you want to analyze. StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity( "{ \"url\": \"" + picUrl + "\" }" ); request.setEntity( reqEntity ); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute( request ); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity( ); if ( entity != null ) { result = EntityUtils.toString( entity ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { System.out.println( e.getMessage( ) ); } return result; } public static String faceRequest( String subscriptionKey, String picUrl ) { String result = null; HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient( ); try
def content(): sess = None try: sess = db.session() props = Contract.get_non_core_by_name(sess, "configuration").make_properties() ECOES_USER_NAME_KEY = "" try: user_name = props[ECOES_USER_NAME_KEY] except KeyError: raise UserException( "The property " + ECOES_USER_NAME_KEY + " cannot be found in the configuration properties." ) ECOES_PASSWORD_KEY = "ecoes.password" try: password = props[ECOES_PASSWORD_KEY] except KeyError: raise UserException( "The property " + ECOES_PASSWORD_KEY + " cannot be found in the configuration properties." ) PROXY_HOST_KEY = "" PROXY_PORT_KEY = "proxy.port" proxy_host = props.get(PROXY_HOST_KEY) client = DefaultHttpClient() if proxy_host is not None: proxy_port = props.get(PROXY_PORT_KEY) if proxy_port is None: raise UserException( "The property " + PROXY_HOST_KEY + " is set, but the property " + PROXY_PORT_KEY + " is not." ) proxy = HttpHost(proxy_host, int(proxy_port), "http") client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy) http_get = HttpGet("") response = client.execute(http_get) EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity()) http_post = HttpPost("") http_post.setEntity( UrlEncodedFormEntity( [ BasicNameValuePair("username", user_name), BasicNameValuePair("password", password), BasicNameValuePair("beenHereBefore", "1"), BasicNameValuePair("forceLogout", "1"), ], HTTP.UTF_8, ) ) response = client.execute(http_post) location_header = response.getFirstHeader("Location") location = location_header.getValue() EntityUtils.consume(response.getEntity()) guid = urllib.quote_plus(location[19:]) mpans = ( sess.query(Era.imp_mpan_core) .join(Supply, Source) .join(Supply.dno_contract) .filter( != "99", Era.finish_date == null(), Source.code != "3rd-party", Era.imp_mpan_core != null(), ) .distinct() .order_by(Era.imp_mpan_core) .all() + sess.query(Era.exp_mpan_core) .join(Supply, Source) .join(Supply.dno_contract) .filter( != "99", Era.finish_date == null(), Source.code != "3rd-party", Era.exp_mpan_core != null(), ) .distinct() .order_by(Era.exp_mpan_core) .all() ) mpans = [v[0] for v in mpans] http_get = HttpGet("" + guid) yield "MPAN Core,MPAN Core No Spaces,ECOES PC,Chellow PC, " "ECOES MTC,Chellow MTC,ECOES LLFC,Chellow LLFC,ECOES SSC, " "Chellow SSC,ECOES Supplier, Chellow Supplier,ECOES DC, " "Chellow DC,ECOES MOP,Chellow MOP,ECOES GSP Group, " "Chellow GSP Group,ECOES MSN, Chellow MSN,ECOES Meter Type, " "Chellow Meter Type,Problem" entity = client.execute(http_get).getEntity() csv_is = entity.getContent() f = StringIO.StringIO() bt = while bt != -1: f.write(chr(bt)) bt = parser = iter(csv.reader(f)) # Skip titles for values in parser: problem = "" ecoes_titles = [ "mpan-core", "address-line-1", "address-line-2", "address-line-3", "address-line-4", "address-line-5", "address-line-6", "address-line-7", "address-line-8", "address-line-9", "post-code", "supplier", "registration-from", "mtc", "mtc-date", "llfc", "llfc-from", "pc", "ssc", "measurement-class", "energisation-status", "da", "dc", "mop", "mop-appoint-date", "gsp-group", "gsp-effective-from", "dno", "msn", "meter-install-date", "meter-type", "map-id", ] ecoes = dict(zip(ecoes_titles, values)) mpan_spaces = ( ecoes["mpan-core"][:2] + " " + ecoes["mpan-core"][2:6] + " " + ecoes["mpan-core"][6:10] + " " + ecoes["mpan-core"][-3:] ) disconnected = len(ecoes["supplier"]) == 0 current_chell = mpan_spaces in mpans if disconnected and current_chell: problem += "Disconnected in ECOES, but current in Chellow. " elif not disconnected and not current_chell: problem += "In ECOES (energized or de-energized), but " "not current in Chellow. " if current_chell: mpans.remove(mpan_spaces) supply = Supply.get_by_mpan_core(sess, mpan_spaces) era = supply.find_era_at(sess, None) if era.imp_mpan_core == mpan_spaces: supplier_contract = era.imp_supplier_contract llfc = era.imp_llfc else: supplier_contract = era.exp_supplier_contract llfc = era.exp_llfc chellow_pc = era.pc.code try: if int(ecoes["pc"]) != int(chellow_pc): problem += "The PCs don't match. " except ValueError: problem += "Can't parse the PC. " chellow_mtc = era.mtc.code try: if int(ecoes["mtc"]) != int(chellow_mtc): problem += "The MTCs don't match. " except ValueError: problem += "Can't parse the MTC. " chellow_llfc = llfc.code try: if int(ecoes["llfc"]) != int(chellow_llfc): problem += "The LLFCs don't match. " except ValueError: problem += "Can't parse the LLFC. " chellow_ssc = era.ssc if chellow_ssc is None: chellow_ssc = "" chellow_ssc_int = None else: chellow_ssc = chellow_ssc.code chellow_ssc_int = int(chellow_ssc) if len(ecoes["ssc"]) > 0: ecoes_ssc_int = int(ecoes["ssc"]) else: ecoes_ssc_int = None if ecoes_ssc_int != chellow_ssc_int and not (ecoes_ssc_int is None and chellow_ssc_int is None): problem += "The SSCs don't match. " chellow_supplier = if chellow_supplier != ecoes["supplier"]: problem += "The supplier codes don't match. " hhdc_contract = era.hhdc_contract if hhdc_contract is None: chellow_dc = "" else: chellow_dc = if chellow_dc != ecoes["dc"]: problem += "The DC codes don't match. " mop_contract = era.mop_contract if mop_contract is None: chellow_mop = "" else: chellow_mop = if chellow_mop != ecoes["mop"]: problem += "The MOP codes don't match. " chellow_gsp_group = supply.gsp_group.code if chellow_gsp_group != ecoes["gsp-group"]: problem += "The GSP group codes don't match. " chellow_msn = era.msn if chellow_msn is None: chellow_msn = "" if chellow_msn != ecoes["msn"]: problem += "The meter serial numbers don't match. " if chellow_pc == "00": chellow_meter_type = "H" elif len(era.channels) > 0: chellow_meter_type = "RCAMR" elif era.mtc.meter_type.code in ["UM", "PH"]: chellow_meter_type = "" else: chellow_meter_type = "N" if chellow_meter_type != ecoes["meter-type"]: problem += ( "The meter types don't match. See " "" "ItemCounter=0483 " ) else: chellow_pc = "" chellow_mtc = "" chellow_llfc = "" chellow_ssc = "" chellow_supplier = "" chellow_dc = "" chellow_mop = "" chellow_gsp_group = "" chellow_msn = "" chellow_meter_type = "" if len(problem) > 0: yield "\n" + ",".join( '"' + str(val) + '"' for val in [ mpan_spaces, ecoes["mpan-core"], ecoes["pc"], chellow_pc, ecoes["mtc"], chellow_mtc, ecoes["llfc"], chellow_llfc, ecoes["ssc"], chellow_ssc, ecoes["supplier"], chellow_supplier, ecoes["dc"], chellow_dc, ecoes["mop"], chellow_mop, ecoes["gsp-group"], chellow_gsp_group, ecoes["msn"], chellow_msn, ecoes["meter-type"], chellow_meter_type, problem, ] ) else: yield " " sess.expunge_all() EntityUtils.consume(entity) for mpan_core in mpans: supply = Supply.get_by_mpan_core(sess, mpan_core) era = supply.find_era_at(sess, None) if era.imp_mpan_core == mpan_core: supplier_contract = era.imp_supplier_contract llfc = era.imp_llfc else: supplier_contract = era.exp_supplier_contract llfc = era.exp_llfc ssc = era.ssc ssc = "" if ssc is None else ssc.code hhdc_contract = era.hhdc_contract if hhdc_contract is None: dc = "" else: dc = mop_contract = era.mop_contract if mop_contract is None: mop = "" else: mop = msn = era.msn if msn is None: msn = "" if era.pc.code == "00": meter_type = "H" else: if len(era.channels) > 0: meter_type = "RCAMR" else: meter_type = "N" yield "\n" + ",".join( '"' + str(val) + '"' for val in [ mpan_core, mpan_core.replace(" ", ""), "", era.pc.code, "", era.mtc.code, "", llfc.code, "", ssc, "",, "", dc, "", mop, "", supply.gsp_group.code, "", msn, "", meter_type, "In Chellow, but not in ECOES.", ] ) except: yield traceback.format_exc() finally: if sess is not None: sess.close()
DownloadLeaders task = new DownloadLeaders(); task.execute(); } public String getLeaderData() { String response = ""; try { HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); String connect = MyConsts.NETWORK_FOLDER + "getallusers.php"; HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(connect); HttpResponse httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httppost); HttpEntity resEntityGet = httpResponse.getEntity(); if (resEntityGet != null) { // do something with the response response = EntityUtils.toString(resEntityGet); Log.i("GET RESPONSE", response); // Log.d( response = response.trim(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Log.d( e.printStackTrace(); // finish(); } return response; } public void postLeaderData(String result) { getDataFromJSON();