def plotCls(self,saveFile,keys=None,xlimits=None,ylimits=None,transform=True,showBinnedTheory=False,scaleX='linear',scaleY='linear'): nsigma = 2. binCenters = self.binner.getBinCenters() if transform: ylab = "$\ell C_{\ell}$" mult = binCenters multTh = 1.#binCenters*0.+1. else: ylab = "$C_{\ell}$" mult = binCenters*0.+1. multTh = 0.#binCenters*0. pl = Plotter(labelX="$\ell$",labelY=ylab,scaleX=scaleX,scaleY=scaleY) if keys is None: keys = list(self.datas.keys()) for key in keys: dat = self.datas[key] if dat['covmat'] is None: #This is a theory curve ells = np.array(list(range(len(dat['unbinned'])))) if dat['isFit']: ls="--" lw=1 else: ls="-" lw=2 base_line, = pl.add(ells,(multTh*(ells-1)+1.)*dat['unbinned'],label=dat['label'],lw=lw,ls=ls) if dat['isFit']: pl._ax.fill_between(ells,(multTh*(ells-1)+1.)*dat['unbinned']*(1.-nsigma*dat['amp'][1]/dat['amp'][0]),(multTh*(ells-1)+1.)*dat['unbinned']*(1.+nsigma*dat['amp'][1]/dat['amp'][0]),alpha=0.3, facecolor=base_line.get_color()) if showBinnedTheory: pl.add(binCenters[:len(dat['binned'])],mult[:len(dat['binned'])]*dat['binned'], ls='none',marker='x',mew=2,markersize=10,label=dat['label']+' binned') else: errs = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(dat['covmat'])) print((dat['label'])) pl.addErr(binCenters[:len(dat['binned'])],mult[:len(dat['binned'])]*dat['binned'],mult[:len(dat['binned'])]*errs,label=dat['label'],marker='o',elinewidth=2,markersize=10,mew=2,) [i.set_linewidth(2.0) for i in list(pl._ax.spines.values())] pl._ax.tick_params(which='major',width=2) pl._ax.tick_params(which='minor',width=2) pl._ax.axhline(y=0.,ls='--') if not(xlimits is None): pl._ax.set_xlim(*xlimits) else: pl._ax.set_xlim(self.binner.bin_edges[0],self.binner.bin_edges[-1]) if not(ylimits is None): pl._ax.set_ylim(*ylimits) pl.legendOn(loc='lower left',labsize=10) pl.done(saveFile)
def stat_analysis(cutouts, binsize, arcmax, cents, modRMaps): profiles = [] for i in range(0, len(cutouts)): thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, binsize) breali = bin2D(modRMaps[i] * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) a = breali.bin(cutouts[i])[1] profiles.append(a) statistics = stats.getStats(profiles) mean = statistics['mean'] error = statistics['errmean'] covmat = statistics['cov'] corrcoef = stats.cov2corr(covmat) io.quickPlot2d(corrcoef, 'corrcoef.png') pl = Plotter(labelX='Distance from Center (arcminutes)', labelY='Temperature Fluctuation ($\mu K$)', ftsize=10) pl.add(cents, mean) pl.addErr(cents, mean, yerr=error) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done(out_dir + "error.png")
listAllReconPower[polComb] = np.vstack( (listAllReconPower[polComb], rcvInputPowerMat)) statsCross = {} statsRecon = {} pl = Plotter(scaleY='log') pl.add(ellkk, Clkk, color='black', lw=2) for polComb, col in zip(polCombList, colorList): statsCross[polComb] = getStats(listAllCrossPower[polComb]) pl.addErr(centers, statsCross[polComb]['mean'], yerr=statsCross[polComb]['errmean'], ls="none", marker="o", markersize=8, label="recon x input " + polComb, color=col, mew=2, elinewidth=2) statsRecon[polComb] = getStats(listAllReconPower[polComb]) fp = interp1d(centers, statsRecon[polComb]['mean'], fill_value='extrapolate') pl.add(ellkk, (fp(ellkk)) - Clkk, color=col, lw=2) Nlkk2d = qest.N.Nlkk[polComb] ncents, npow = stats.binInAnnuli(Nlkk2d, p2d.modLMap, bin_edges) pl.add(ncents, npow, color=col, lw=2, ls="--")
def stack_on_map(lite_map, width_stamp_arcminute, pix_scale, ra_range, dec_range, catalog=None, n_random_points=None): width_stamp_degrees = width_stamp_arcminute / 60. Np = / pix_scale + 0.5) pad = / 2 + 0.5) print("Expected width in pixels = ", Np) lmap = lite_map stack = 0 N = 0 if catalog is not None: looprange = range(0, len(catalog)) assert n_random_points is None random = False else: assert n_random_points is not None assert len(ra_range) == 2 assert len(dec_range) == 2 looprange = range(0, n_random_points) random = True print(looprange) for i in looprange: banana = True mass = catalog[i][10] if random: ra = np.random.uniform(*ra_range) dec = np.random.uniform(*dec_range) if random == False: ra = catalog[i][1] #1 for ACT catalog 2 for SDSS dec = catalog[i][2] #2 for ACT catalog 3 for SDSS for j in range(0, 2130): distance = np.sqrt((ra - RAps[j])**2 + (dec - DECps[j])**2) crit = 0.25 if distance < crit: banana = False print('too close') ix, iy = lmap.skyToPix(ra, dec) if ix >= pad and ix < lmap.Nx - pad and iy >= pad and iy < lmap.Ny - pad and banana == True and mass > 8: print(i) #print(ra,dec) smap = lmap.selectSubMap(ra - width_stamp_degrees / 2., ra + width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec - width_stamp_degrees / 2., dec + width_stamp_degrees / 2.) #print ( #cutout = zoom(,zoom=(float(Np)/[0],float(Np)/[1]) cutout = resize(, output_shape=(Np, Np)) - randomstack xMap, yMap, modRMap, xx, yy = fmaps.getRealAttributes(smap) dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breali = bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) a = breali.bin(cutout)[1] profiles.append(a) io.quickPlot2d(cutout, str(i) + "cutout.png") #print (cutout.shape) stack = stack + cutout N = N + 1 else: print("skip") stack = stack / N #-randomstack #print(stack.shape()) #print( # print(stack) print(N) statistics = stats.getStats(profiles) mean = statistics['mean'] error = statistics['errmean'] corrcoef = statistics['corr'] covmat = statistics['covmat'] print(mean / error)'statistics', statistics)'newrandomstamp',stack) # io.quickPlot2d(stack,out_dir+"newACTstack.png") dt = pix_scale arcmax = 20. thetaRange = np.arange(0., arcmax, dt) breal = bin2D(modRMap * 180. * 60. / np.pi, thetaRange) cents, recons = breal.bin(stack) pl = Plotter(labelX='Distance from Center (arcminutes)', labelY='Temperature Fluctuation ($\mu K$)', ftsize=10) pl.add(cents, mean) pl.addErr(cents, mean, yerr=error) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done(out_dir + "error.png") print(covmat) io.quickPlot2d(covmat, 'covmat.png') return (stack, cents, recons)
".png") ellfac = el_ilc * (el_ilc + 1.) / (2. * np.pi) * 1e12 * constDict['TCMB']**2 ellfac2 = eln * (eln + 1.) / (2. * np.pi) * 1e12 * constDict['TCMB']**2 pl = Plotter(labelX="$\ell$", labelY="$C_\ell \, (1 + \ell) \ell / 2\pi \, [\mu \mathrm{K}]$", ftsize=12, figsize=(8, 6), scaleY='log') pl._ax.set_ylim(1, 10000) pl._ax.set_xlim(100., 5000.) pl.add(el_ilc, cls_ilc * ellfac, color='black') pl.add(eln, nl * ellfac2, label="$N_\ell$ CCATP") pl.add(eln2, nl2 * ellfac2, label="$N_\ell$ SO") pl.addErr(el_ilc, cls_ilc * ellfac, err_ilc * ellfac, label="CCATP") pl.addErr(el_ilc2 + 10, cls_ilc2 * ellfac, err_ilc2 * ellfac, label="SO") #pl.legend(loc='upper right',labsize=10) pl.done(outDir + experimentName + "_cmb_cls" + constraint_tag[cf] + ".png") ls = np.arange(2, 8000, 10) pl = Plotter(labelX="$\ell$", labelY="$C_\ell \, (1 + \ell) \ell / 2\pi \, [\mu \mathrm{K}]$", ftsize=12, figsize=(8, 6), scaleY='log') pl._ax.set_ylim(0.1, 1000) pl._ax.set_xlim(100., 8000.) pl.add(el_il, cls_il * ellfac, color='black') pl.add(elnc, nlc * ellfac2, label="$N_\ell$ CCATP") pl.add(elnc2, nlc2 * ellfac2, label="$N_\ell$ SO")
xint.generateCls(frange) Clgg = xint.getCl("cmass", "cmass") Clkg = xint.getCl("cmb", "cmass") b = coreBinner(snrange) cents, clkgbinned = b.binned(frange, Clkg) from scipy.interpolate import interp1d clkgint = interp1d(frange, Clkg) print(("kg S/N ", sn)) pl = Plotter(labelX="$L$", labelY="$LC_L$") pl.add(frange, frange * Clkg) pl.addErr(cents, clkgint(cents) * cents, yerr=np.array(errs) * cents, marker="o") #pl.legendOn(loc='lower right',labsize=12) pl._ax.set_xlim(0, 2000) #pl._ax.set_ylim(-0.2e-7,1.6e-7) pl._ax.axhline(y=0., ls="--", alpha=0.5) pl.done("output/errs.png") zcents, dndz = np.loadtxt("data/hscd6.csv", unpack=True) xint.addNz("hsc", zcents, dndz[1:]) xint.generateCls(snrange) Clss = xint.getCl("hsc", "hsc") Clks = xint.getCl("cmb", "hsc") ngal = 12.0