def createQuiz(self, lessonsCheckBoxes): """ Create a quiz based on the checked check boxes. """ self.quiz = Quiz(name="test", length=self.length) for lesson in lessonsCheckBoxes: if (lesson[0].IsChecked()): print "Lesson to add: %s - %s" % (lesson[1], lesson[2]) self.quiz.add_lesson(name=lesson[1], path=lesson[2]) self.quiz.generate() self.quiz.pretty_print()
class GuiGlue: # see for "singleton" pattern __shared_dict = {} __default_config = { 'lessons_path': '/usr/share/ortho/lessons', 'log_path': '/var/log/ortho', 'technical_log_filename': 'ortho_tech.log', 'technical_log_level': 'ERROR', 'teacher_log_filename': 'ortho_teacher.log', 'teacher_log_level': 'INFO', 'dummy for test': 'toto' } def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self.__shared_dict self.techLogger = logging.getLogger('techLog') if not hasattr(self, 'quiz'): self.quiz = None if not hasattr(self, 'exam'): self.exam = None if not hasattr(self, 'length'): self.length = 10 if not hasattr(self, 'mode'): self.mode = 1 #Training mode by default if not hasattr(self, 'config'): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(self.__default_config) self.loadConfigFile() def loadConfigFile(self): """ Load a configuration file. The locations are: - /etc/ortho - $HOME - $HOME/.config/ortho - folder pointed by environment variable $ORTHO_CONF - current directory The folder are read in that order, from the most general to the most specific. The filename must be: ortho.conf """ for loc in '/etc/ortho', os.path.expanduser("~"), os.path.expanduser( "~/.config/ortho"), os.environ.get("ORTHO_CONF", os.curdir), os.curdir: try: self.techLogger.debug('Trying to read config file: %s...' % os.path.join(loc, 'ortho.conf')) with open(os.path.join(loc, "ortho.conf")) as source: self.config.readfp(source) self.techLogger.debug("Done.") except IOError: self.techLogger.debug("Failed: the file does not exist!") pass # Normalize paths and dump the configuration to the techLogger self.techLogger.debug(self.config.sections()) sections = self.config.sections() sections.sort() for s in sections: for (key, val) in self.config.items(s): if key.endswith('path'): val = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(val)) self.config.set(s, key, val) if key.endswith('log_level'): val = val.upper() self.config.set(s, key, val) def dumpConfiguration(self): sections = self.config.sections() sections.sort() config_str = "Loaded configuration:\n" for s in sections: config_str += s + '\n' keys = self.config.options(s) keys.sort() for key in keys: config_str += ' - %-25s : %s\n' % (key, self.config.get( s, key)) return config_str def initConfig(self): """ Based on the current configuration, set up necessary stuffs, like logging, folders... """ self._initLog() self.techLogger.debug(self.dumpConfiguration()) def _initLog(self): # create logging directory if it does not exist yet. for log_path in (self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_path')): if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path) elif not os.path.isdir(log_path): raise Exception("log dir is not a directory!") # create technical_log self.techLogger = logging.getLogger('techLog') self.techLogger.setLevel( self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_level')) fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_filename')), mode='a', maxBytes=1024 * 1024, backupCount=5, encoding='utf-8') fh.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_level')) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(funcName)s() - %(levelname)s: %(message)s' ) fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.techLogger.addHandler(fh) # create teacher_log self.teacherLogger = logging.getLogger('teacher') self.teacherLogger.setLevel( self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_level')) teacher_log_filename = os.path.join( self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_filename')) fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(teacher_log_filename, mode='a', maxBytes=1024 * 1024, backupCount=5, encoding='utf-8') fh.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_level')) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.teacherLogger.addHandler(fh)"Teacher Logs opened. Filename is: %s" % teacher_log_filename) def searchLessons(self): """ Assumption: all folders in basePath are a lesson. @param basePath: base folder where to search for lessons @type basePath: unicode - absolute path name @return: an array of tuples (lesson's name, lesson's absolute path) @rtype: array of tuples """ lessonsPath = self.config.get('default', 'lessons_path') lessons = [(f, os.path.join(lessonsPath, f)) for f in os.listdir(lessonsPath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lessonsPath, f))] return lessons def createQuiz(self, lessonsCheckBoxes): """ Create a quiz based on the checked check boxes. """ self.quiz = Quiz(name="test", length=self.length) for lesson in lessonsCheckBoxes: if (lesson[0].IsChecked()): print "Lesson to add: %s - %s" % (lesson[1], lesson[2]) self.quiz.add_lesson(name=lesson[1], path=lesson[2]) self.quiz.generate() self.quiz.pretty_print() def startExam(self): self.exam = Exam("Eléa", self.quiz) def endExam(self): self.exam.correct() return u"Ton score est de %d sur %d" % (self.exam.score, self.quiz.length) def getNextWord(self, answer=None): if answer is not None: self.exam.answers.append(answer) if self.mode == 0: return else: return self.quiz.get_random_word() def getExamStatus(self): """ Return a string giving the status of the exam: how many answer given. """ return u"%d mots répondus sur %d au total" % (len( self.exam.answers), self.quiz.length) def getExamDetails(self): """ Return a multiline string with the mistakes """ if self.exam.score != self.quiz.length: res = u"Tu t'es trompé sur les mots suivants:" for index in self.exam.mistakes: answer = self.exam.answers[index] word = self.quiz.words[index].word res += "\n" + u"%25s --> %s" % (word, answer) else: res = "Magnifique %s!" % self.exam.student return res
class GuiGlue: # see for "singleton" pattern __shared_dict = {} __default_config = { 'lessons_path' : '/usr/share/ortho/lessons', 'log_path' : '/var/log/ortho', 'technical_log_filename': 'ortho_tech.log', 'technical_log_level' : 'ERROR', 'teacher_log_filename' : 'ortho_teacher.log', 'teacher_log_level' : 'INFO', 'dummy for test' : 'toto' } def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = self.__shared_dict self.techLogger = logging.getLogger('techLog') if not hasattr(self, 'quiz'): self.quiz = None if not hasattr(self, 'exam'): self.exam = None if not hasattr(self, 'length'): self.length = 10 if not hasattr(self, 'mode'): self.mode = 1 #Training mode by default if not hasattr(self, 'config'): self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(self.__default_config) self.loadConfigFile() def loadConfigFile(self): """ Load a configuration file. The locations are: - /etc/ortho - $HOME - $HOME/.config/ortho - folder pointed by environment variable $ORTHO_CONF - current directory The folder are read in that order, from the most general to the most specific. The filename must be: ortho.conf """ for loc in '/etc/ortho', os.path.expanduser("~"), os.path.expanduser("~/.config/ortho"), os.environ.get("ORTHO_CONF",os.curdir), os.curdir: try: self.techLogger.debug('Trying to read config file: %s...' % os.path.join(loc, 'ortho.conf')) with open(os.path.join(loc,"ortho.conf")) as source: self.config.readfp( source ) self.techLogger.debug("Done.") except IOError: self.techLogger.debug("Failed: the file does not exist!") pass # Normalize paths and dump the configuration to the techLogger self.techLogger.debug(self.config.sections()) sections = self.config.sections() sections.sort() for s in sections: for (key, val) in self.config.items(s): if key.endswith('path'): val = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(val)) self.config.set(s,key,val) if key.endswith('log_level'): val = val.upper() self.config.set(s,key,val) def dumpConfiguration(self): sections = self.config.sections() sections.sort() config_str = "Loaded configuration:\n" for s in sections: config_str += s + '\n' keys = self.config.options(s) keys.sort() for key in keys: config_str += ' - %-25s : %s\n' % (key, self.config.get(s, key)) return config_str def initConfig(self): """ Based on the current configuration, set up necessary stuffs, like logging, folders... """ self._initLog() self.techLogger.debug(self.dumpConfiguration()) def _initLog(self): # create logging directory if it does not exist yet. for log_path in (self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_path')): if not os.path.exists(log_path): os.makedirs(log_path) elif not os.path.isdir(log_path): raise Exception("log dir is not a directory!") # create technical_log self.techLogger = logging.getLogger('techLog') self.techLogger.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_level')) fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(os.path.join( self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_filename')), mode='a', maxBytes=1024*1024, backupCount=5, encoding='utf-8') fh.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'technical_log_level')) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(filename)s - %(funcName)s() - %(levelname)s: %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.techLogger.addHandler(fh) # create teacher_log self.teacherLogger = logging.getLogger('teacher') self.teacherLogger.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_level')) teacher_log_filename = os.path.join( self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_path'), self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_filename')) fh = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(teacher_log_filename, mode='a', maxBytes=1024*1024, backupCount=5, encoding='utf-8') fh.setLevel(self.config.get('default', 'teacher_log_level')) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) self.teacherLogger.addHandler(fh)"Teacher Logs opened. Filename is: %s" % teacher_log_filename) def searchLessons(self): """ Assumption: all folders in basePath are a lesson. @param basePath: base folder where to search for lessons @type basePath: unicode - absolute path name @return: an array of tuples (lesson's name, lesson's absolute path) @rtype: array of tuples """ lessonsPath = self.config.get('default', 'lessons_path') lessons = [(f, os.path.join(lessonsPath, f)) for f in os.listdir(lessonsPath) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(lessonsPath, f))] return lessons def createQuiz(self, lessonsCheckBoxes): """ Create a quiz based on the checked check boxes. """ self.quiz = Quiz(name="test", length=self.length) for lesson in lessonsCheckBoxes: if (lesson[0].IsChecked()): print "Lesson to add: %s - %s" % (lesson[1], lesson[2]) self.quiz.add_lesson(name=lesson[1], path=lesson[2]) self.quiz.generate() self.quiz.pretty_print() def startExam(self): self.exam = Exam("Eléa", self.quiz) def endExam(self): self.exam.correct() return u"Ton score est de %d sur %d" % (self.exam.score, self.quiz.length) def getNextWord(self, answer=None): if answer is not None: self.exam.answers.append(answer) if self.mode == 0: return else: return self.quiz.get_random_word() def getExamStatus(self): """ Return a string giving the status of the exam: how many answer given. """ return u"%d mots répondus sur %d au total" % (len(self.exam.answers), self.quiz.length) def getExamDetails(self): """ Return a multiline string with the mistakes """ if self.exam.score != self.quiz.length: res = u"Tu t'es trompé sur les mots suivants:" for index in self.exam.mistakes: answer = self.exam.answers[index] word = self.quiz.words[index].word res += "\n" + u"%25s --> %s" % (word, answer) else: res = "Magnifique %s!" % self.exam.student return res