def extractor_save(base_path, folder, outputs): nb_written = 0 name_to_path = {} wrote_endpoints = False for name, contents in outputs: if '.proto' in name: if folder: path = base_path / 'protos' / folder / name else: path = base_path / name makedirs(path.parent, exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(contents) if name not in name_to_path: nb_written += 1 name_to_path[name] = str(path) elif name.endswith('.sample'): endpoint = contents name = name.replace('.sample', '.proto') endpoint['proto_path'] = name_to_path[name] endpoint['proto_msg'] = name.replace('.proto', '') wrote_endpoints = True if folder: insert_endpoint(base_path / 'endpoints', {'request': endpoint}) else: insert_endpoint(base_path, {'request': endpoint}) return nb_written, wrote_endpoints
def findRestaurantsByName(restaurants, name): tempRestaurants = list() name = name.replace(' ', '').lower() for restaurant in restaurants: if(editDistance(restaurant['name'].replace(' ', '').lower(), name) < 4): tempRestaurants.append(restaurant) return tempRestaurants
def pay_url(payment, name, out_order_id, total_price): name = name.replace('=', '_') #防止k,v冲突 try: if payment == '支付宝当面付': # return jsonify({'qr_code':'455555555454deffffffff'}) r = AlipayF2F().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment == '虎皮椒微信': r = Hupi().Pay(trade_order_id=out_order_id, total_fee=total_price, title=name) elif payment == '虎皮椒支付宝': r = Hupi(payment='alipay').Pay(trade_order_id=out_order_id, total_fee=total_price, title=name) elif payment in ['码支付微信', '码支付支付宝', '码支付QQ']: if payment == '码支付微信': payname = 'wechat' elif payment == '码支付支付宝': payname = 'alipay' else: payname = 'qqpay' r = CodePay(payment=payname).create_order(payment, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['PAYJS支付宝', 'PAYJS微信']: r = Payjs().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['V免签支付宝', 'V免签微信']: # 参数错误情况下,会失效 if payment == 'V免签微信': r = VMQ().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) else: r = VMQ(payment='alipay').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['微信官方接口']: r = Wechat().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['QQ钱包']: r = QQpay().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['易支付']: r = Epay().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['Mugglepay']: r = Mugglepay().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['YunGouOS']: # 统一接口 r = YunGou(payment='unity').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['YunGouOS_WXPAY']: # 微信接口 r = YunGou().create_order_wxpay(name, out_order_id, total_price) else: return None return r except Exception as e: log(e) return False
def pay_url(payment, name, out_order_id, total_price): name = name.replace('=', '_') # 防止k,v冲突 try: if payment == '支付宝当面付': # return jsonify({'qr_code':'455555555454deffffffff'}) r = AlipayF2F().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment == '虎皮椒微信': r = Hupi().Pay(trade_order_id=out_order_id, total_fee=total_price, title=name) elif payment == '虎皮椒支付宝': r = Hupi(payment='alipay').Pay(trade_order_id=out_order_id, total_fee=total_price, title=name) elif payment == '迅虎微信': r = Xunhu(payment='wechat').Pay(trade_order_id=out_order_id, total_fee=total_price, title=name) elif payment in ['码支付微信', '码支付支付宝', '码支付QQ']: if payment == '码支付微信': payname = 'wechat' elif payment == '码支付支付宝': payname = 'alipay' else: payname = 'qqpay' r = CodePay(payment=payname).create_order(payment, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['PAYJS支付宝', 'PAYJS微信']: if payment == 'PAYJS支付': payname = 'alipay' else: payname = 'wechat' r = Payjs(payment=payname).create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['V免签支付宝', 'V免签微信']: # 参数错误情况下,会失效 if payment == 'V免签微信': r = VMQ().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) else: r = VMQ(payment='alipay').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['微信官方接口']: r = Wechat().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['QQ钱包']: r = QQpay().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['易支付支付宝', '易支付QQ', '易支付微信']: if payment == '易支付支付宝': payname = 'alipay' elif payment == '易支付微信': payname = 'wechat' else: payname = 'qqpay' r = Epay(payment=payname).create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['Mugglepay']: r = Mugglepay().create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['YunGouOS']: # 统一接口 r = YunGou(payment='unity').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['YunGouOS_WXPAY']: # 微信接口 r = YunGou().create_order_wxpay(name, out_order_id, total_price) elif payment in ['Stripe支付宝', 'Stripe微信']: # 微信接口 if payment == 'Stripe微信': r = Stripe(payment='wechat').create_order( name, out_order_id, total_price) else: r = Stripe(payment='alipay').create_order( name, out_order_id, total_price) # 导入cource_id和clinent_key[]合并 if r: with db.auto_commit_db(): TempOrder.query.filter_by( out_order_id=out_order_id).update( {'contact_txt': r['signs']}) r.pop('signs') elif payment in ['云免签微信', '云免签支付宝']: if payment == '云免签微信': r = Ymq(payment='wechat').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) else: r = Ymq(payment='alipay').create_order(name, out_order_id, total_price) else: return None return r except Exception as e: log(e) return False
def get_package_directories(self): from os.path import sep name = self.get_project_name() return [item.replace('.', sep) for item in get_package_namespace(name)] + [name.replace('.', sep)]
def get_package_directories(self): from os.path import sep name = self.get_project_name() return [ item.replace('.', sep) for item in get_package_namespace(name) ] + [name.replace('.', sep)]
path = "data2.xlsx" # workbook object is created wb_obj = openpyxl.load_workbook(path) sheet_obj = max_col = sheet_obj.max_column max_row = sheet_obj.max_row # Will print a particular row value for i in range(2, max_row + 1): print("-----------------------") cell_obj = sheet_obj.cell(row=i, column=2) name = cell_obj.value name.replace("\'", "\\'") print("Name = {name}".format(name=name)) cell_obj = sheet_obj.cell(row=i, column=3) print("Image = {name}".format(name=cell_obj.value)) img = cell_obj.value cell_obj = sheet_obj.cell(row=i, column=4) res = str(cell_obj.value) if '-' in res: res = removecharater(res) if res[0] == '$': res = res[1:len(res)] print("Price = {name}".format(name=res)) price = res cell_obj = sheet_obj.cell(row=i, column=5) print("Rating = {name}".format(name=cell_obj.value)) rating = cell_obj.value
# Create a list of the number of times a muscle group was targetted muscle_group_count = [ muscle_group.count(muscle) for muscle in unique_muscle_group ] # Create a list of the number of times an exercise was performed exercise_name_count = [ exercise_name.count(exercise) for exercise in unique_exercise_name ] # Remove the year from dates in unique_dates list unique_dates = [date.lstrip('2020-') for date in unique_dates] # Remove extraneous notation from exercise names unique_exercise_name = [ name.replace('(Pulley)', '') for name in unique_exercise_name ] # Create a list of lists containing the volumes lifted on dates volumes_for_workout = [] volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[0:18]) # 18 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[18:45]) # 27 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[45:65]) # 20 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[65:92]) # 27 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[92:120]) # 28 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[120:140]) # 20 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[140:166]) # 26 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[166:193]) # 27 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[193:212]) # 19 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[212:239]) # 27 volumes_for_workout.append(volumes[239:267]) # 28
def Run(self): import json reqs = Requests() reqs.GetToken() error = False addedItems = 0 replacedItems = 0 isReplaced = False try: import requests, datetime print(" \033[32mStarting\033[0m spells parser") print("--------------------------") self.lastItemID = self.rangeStart params = dict(namespace="static-eu", access_token=reqs.token) self.processStarted = True while self.lastItemID < self.rangeEnd - 1 and not error: try: #REQUEST AND PARSE ITEMS for itemID in range(self.lastItemID, self.rangeEnd): self.lastItemID = itemID url = self.baseUrl % (itemID) reqs.MakeRequest(url, params) req_status_code = reqs.GetRequestStatusCode() data = reqs.GetData() if data != "Downstream Error": data = json.loads(data) if req_status_code == 200: if 'name' not in data: print(data) self.PrintError("E", "No 'name' field in data") print("--------------------------") error = True break for localeIndex in range(len( self.localesList)): locale = self.localesList[localeIndex] nameDict = data["name"] if locale not in nameDict: self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.NOT_FOUND else: name = nameDict[locale] name = name.replace('"', '\\"') name = name.replace('\r\n', '') name = name.replace('\n', '') luaString = ' {%i,"%s"},\n' % (itemID, name) result = self.FindInFile( localeIndex, itemID) exists = result[1] if not exists: self.files[ localeIndex].InsertInLine( result[0] + 1, luaString) self.files[localeIndex].lines += 1 addedItems += 1 self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.ADDED else: current_name = self.GetNameFromLine( localeIndex, result[0]) new_name = '"%s"' % (name) if current_name != new_name: isReplaced = True self.ReplaceNameFromLine( localeIndex, result[0], luaString) replacedItems += 1 self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.REPLACED else: isReplaced = False self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.UNTOUCHED self.PrintItem(itemID) else: if req_status_code == 404: if 'detail' not in data: self.PrintError( "E", "404 Error: No reason found") error = True break else: for localeIndex in range( len(self.localesList)): result = self.FindInFile( localeIndex, itemID) exists = result[1] if exists: self.files[ localeIndex].DeleteLine( result[0] + 1) self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.REMOVED else: self.eachLangcheck[ localeIndex] = self.NOT_FOUND self.PrintItem(itemID) elif req_status_code == 504: self.PrintError( "E", "504 Error: Gateway timeout") error = True break else: self.PrintError( "E", "%i Error: Unknown error code" % (req_status_code)) #504 error = True break else: print(" %s - \033[33m#%i\033[0m - %s" % (time, itemID, "Downstream Error")) if itemID % 50 == 0: print(" New indexes saved:") self.SaveIndexes() self.lastSavedID = itemID except KeyboardInterrupt: error = True raise except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: error = True raise except IOError: error = True raise except ValueError: error = True raise except: print("--------------------------") self.PrintError("E", "Unknown Error") error = True raise if not error: self.lastItemID += 1 if self.lastItemID >= self.rangeEnd - 1: self.Continue = False print("--------------------------") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("--------------------------") if self.processStarted: self.PrintError("W", "Process interrupted by the user") else: self.PrintError( "W", "Process interrupted by the user before starting") self.Continue = False except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: print("--------------------------") self.PrintError( "E", "There was a problem with the Internet connection.") except IOError: print("--------------------------") self.PrintError("E", "There was a problem with the file access.") except ValueError: print("--------------------------") self.PrintError("E", "No JSON object could be decoded // ValueError") except: print("--------------------------") self.PrintError("E", "Unknown Error") raise finally: print(" New indexes saved:") self.SaveIndexes() print("--------------------------") print(" Stats:") print("\tSpells parsed: \033[36m%i\033[0m" % (self.lastItemID - self.rangeStart)) print("\tNew spells added: \033[36m%i\033[0m" % (addedItems)) print("\tReplaced spells: \033[36m%i\033[0m" % (replacedItems)) print("--------------------------") print(" \033[32mProcess Finished\033[0m") print("--------------------------") self.utils.PlaySound(2000, 250, 1)
def Run(self): import requests, json, datetime self.error = False try: print " \033[32mStarting\033[0m item parser" print "--------------------------" self.lastItemID = self.rangeStart params = dict( locale=self.currLocale, apikey=self.apiKey ) self.file.GetNumberOfLines() self.RemoveExtraLua() self.file.GetNumberOfLines() self.processStarted = True while self.lastItemID < self.rangeEnd-1 and not self.error: try: #REQUEST AND PARSE ITEMS for itemID in xrange(self.lastItemID, self.rangeEnd): self.lastItemID = itemID url = self.baseUrl % (itemID) resp = requests.get(url=url, params=params) data = json.loads(resp.text) now = time = now.strftime('%H:%M:%S') if resp.status_code == 200: if 'name' not in data: print data self.PrintError("E", "No 'name' field in data") print "--------------------------" self.error = True break name = data["name"] name = name.replace('"', '\\"') luaString = ' {%i,"%s"},\n' % (itemID, name) luaString = luaString.encode('utf-8') exists = False result = self.FindInFile(itemID, 1, self.file.lines) if not result[1]: self.file.InsertInLine(result[0], luaString) self.file.lines += 1 exists = True if len(name) > self.strLen+3: name = name[:self.strLen] + "..." if exists: print (" %s - \033[31m#%i\033[0m - [%s]" % (time, itemID, name)).encode('utf-8') else: print (" %s - \033[32m#%i\033[0m - [%s]" % (time, itemID, name)).encode('utf-8') else: if resp.status_code == 404: if 'reason' not in data: self.PrintError("E", "404 Error: No reason found") self.error = True break else: print " %s - \033[33m#%i\033[0m - /!\ %s" % (time, itemID, data["reason"].encode('utf-8')) else: self.PrintError("E", "%i Error: Unknown error code" % (resp.status_code)) self.error = True break except KeyboardInterrupt: self.error = True raise except: self.PrintError("E", "Unknown Error") self.error = True raise if not self.error: self.lastItemID += 1 print " \033[32mFinished\033[0m parsing \033[36m%s\033[0m" % (self.currLocale) print "--------------------------" self.utils.PlaySound(2000, 250, 1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "--------------------------" if self.processStarted: self.PrintError("W", "Process interrupted by the user") else: self.PrintError("W", "Process interrupted by the user before starting") except: self.PrintError("E", "Unknown Error") raise finally: self.RestoreExtraLua() print " New indexes saved:" self.SaveIndexes() print "--------------------------" self.rangeStart = self.lastItemID