def process_single_scan_battery_keras(model_folder, source_scan_battery_dirname): # Make sure model_folder and source_scan_battery_dirname exist. if not os_path_isdir(model_folder): raise OSError('{}: model folder {} does not exist'.format( SCRIPT_FNAME, model_folder)) if not os_path_isdir(source_scan_battery_dirname): raise OSError( '{}: source scan battery folder {} does not exist'.format( SCRIPT_FNAME, source_scan_battery_dirname)) # model/scan_batteries folders. model_scan_batteries_dirname = os_path_join(model_folder, SCAN_BATTERIES_DIRNAME) model_scan_battery_dirname = os_path_join( model_scan_batteries_dirname, os_path_basename(source_scan_battery_dirname)) # Copy source scan_batteries folder into model scan_batteries folder # TODO: Could also just copy the entire scan_batteries folder (all 3 types) into model_folder # logging_info('{}: copying {} to {}'.format(SCRIPT_FNAME, source_scan_battery_dirname, model_scan_battery_dirname)) # copy_anything(source_scan_battery_dirname, model_scan_battery_dirname) # model_scan_battery_process_scripts_dirname = os_path_abspath(os_path_join(model_scan_battery_dirname, PROCESS_SCRIPTS_DIRNAME)) # Grab all targets with glob mode_scan_battery_target_prefix = os_path_join(model_scan_battery_dirname, TARGET_PREFIX + '*') target_dirnames = glob_glob(mode_scan_battery_target_prefix) if not target_dirnames: raise ValueError('{}: no targets found with prefix {}'.format( SCRIPT_FNAME, mode_scan_battery_target_prefix)) for target_dirname in target_dirnames: process_single_target(target_dirname) # for target_dirname in target_dirnames: # # print('{}: processing target directory {}'.format(SCRIPT_FNAME, target_dirname)) # process_single_target(target_dirname) # Remove scan battery-level folders for folder in SCAN_BATTERY_FOLDERS_TO_REMOVE: folder_path = os_path_join(model_scan_battery_dirname, folder) if os_path_isdir(folder_path): # print('{}: Trying to remove {}'.format(SCRIPT_FNAME, folder_path)) try: shutil.rmtree(folder_path) except: raise OSError( 'Error: unable to remove file {}'.format(folder_path)) # Remove scan battery-level files for file in SCAN_BATTERY_FILES_TO_REMOVE: file_path = os_path_join(model_scan_battery_dirname, file) if os_path_isfile(file_path): # print('{}: Trying to remove {}'.format(SCRIPT_FNAME, file_path)) try: os_remove(file_path) except: raise OSError( 'Error: unable to remove file {}'.format(file_path))
def __init__(self, session, path_left = None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.RTiFileManager.path_left.value) and config.plugins.RTiFileManager.savedirs.value: path_left = config.plugins.RTiFileManager.path_left.value else: path_left = '/' if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.RTiFileManager.path_right.value) and config.plugins.RTiFileManager.savedirs.value: path_right = config.plugins.RTiFileManager.path_right.value else: path_right = '/' self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) self['list_left'] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern = '^.*') self['list_right'] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern = '^.*') self['red'] = Label(_('Delete')) self['green'] = Label(_('Attributes')) self['yellow'] = Label(_('Copy')) self['blue'] = Label(_('Rename')) self['actions'] = ActionMap([ 'ChannelSelectBaseActions', 'WizardActions', 'DirectionActions', 'MenuActions', 'NumberActions', 'ColorActions'], { 'ok': self.ok, 'back': self.exit, 'nextMarker': self.listRight, 'prevMarker': self.listLeft, 'up': self.goUp, 'down': self.goDown, 'left': self.goLeft, 'right': self.goRight, 'red': self.goRed, 'green': self.goGreen, 'yellow': self.goYellow, 'blue': self.goBlue, '0': self.doRefresh, '1': self.doView, '2': self.doMKFile, '3': self.doMKDir }, -1) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft) self['infoA'] = Label() self['infoB'] = Label() self['infoC'] = Label() self['infoD'] = Label() self.setTitle('RTi FileManager v.1.0') self.strana = 1 self.msgno = 0 self.msgTimer = eTimer() self.msgTimer.callback.append(self.updateMsg) self.msgTimer.start(1000, True)
def __init__(self, session, path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value ) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_left = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value else: path_left = "/" if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value ) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_right = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value else: path_right = "/" self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern="^.*") self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern="^.*") self["key_red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["actions"] = ActionMap( [ "ChannelSelectBaseActions", "WizardActions", "DirectionActions", "MenuActions", "NumberActions", "ColorActions", "ChannelSelectEPGActions" ], { "ok": self.ok, "back": self.exit, "menu": self.goMenu, "nextMarker": self.listRight, "prevMarker": self.listLeft, "nextBouquet": self.toggleList, "prevBouquet": self.toggleList, "up": self.goUp, "down": self.goDown, "left": self.goLeft, "right": self.goRight, "red": self.goRed, "green": self.goGreen, "yellow": self.goYellow, "blue": self.goBlue, "0": self.doRefresh, "info": self.displayItemInfo, "epg": self.displayItemInfo, }, -1) self.side = False self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft)
def __init__(self, session, path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value ) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_left = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value else: path_left = "/" if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value ) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_right = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value else: path_right = "/" self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern="^.*") self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern="^.*") self["key_red"] = self["red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = self["green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = self["yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = self["blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["key_menu"] = StaticText(_("MENU")) self["key_help"] = StaticText(_("HELP")) self["actions"] = HelpableActionMap( self, [ "WizardActions", "DirectionActions", "MenuActions", "NumberActions", "ColorActions" ], { "ok": (self.ok, "Select item"), "back": (self.exit, "Exit"), "menu": (self.goMenu, "Open setup options"), "shiftDown": (self.listRight, "Select right list"), "shiftUp": (self.listLeft, "Select left list"), "up": (self.goUp, "Navigate up"), "down": (self.goDown, "Navigate down"), "left": (self.goLeft, "Page up"), "right": (self.goRight, "Page down"), "red": (self.goRed, "Delete"), "green": (self.goGreen, "Move"), "yellow": (self.goYellow, "Copy"), "blue": (self.goBlue, "Rename"), "0": (self.doRefresh, "Refresh"), }, prio=-1, description=_("filebrowser buttons")) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft)
def create_one_model_keras(models_dirname, model_type, model_version, model_index): ''' Args: models_dirname: str, the name of the directory containing all neural network models. It's a short dirname relative to the project root. model_type: str, denoting the type of the model. E.g. alexnet, mlp. model_version: int, Returns: dirpath: str. The dirpath of the created model directory. ''' # 1. Come up with a new model name timestamp ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S') model_dirname = '{}_v{}_{}_{}_created'.format(model_type, model_version, timestamp, model_index) model_dirpath = os_path_join(models_dirname, model_dirname) if os_path_isdir(model_dirpath): raise OSError( '{}: model folder {} should not exist, but it does'.format( __name__, model_dirpath)) # 2. Make that directory os_mkdir(model_dirpath) return model_dirpath
def Info(self, dirsource): filename = dirsource.getFilename() sourceDir = dirsource.getCurrentDirectory() #self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() mytest = dirsource.canDescent() if dirsource.canDescent(): if dirsource.getSelectionIndex()!=0: if (not sourceDir) and (not filename): return pname else: sourceDir = filename if os_path_isdir(sourceDir): mode = os.stat(sourceDir).st_mode else: return ("") mode = oct(mode) curSelDir = sourceDir dir_stats = os_stat(curSelDir) dir_infos = " " + _("Size") + str(self.Humanizer(dir_stats.st_size))+" " dir_infos = dir_infos + _("Date") + " " + time_strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S",time_localtime(dir_stats.st_mtime))+" " dir_infos = dir_infos + _("Mode") + " " + str(mode[-3:]) return (dir_infos) else: return ("") else: longname = sourceDir + filename if fileExists(longname): mode = os.stat(longname).st_mode else: return ("") mode = oct(mode) file_stats = os_stat(longname) file_infos = filename + " " + _("Size") + " " + str(self.Humanizer(file_stats.st_size))+" " file_infos = file_infos + _("Date") + " " + time_strftime("%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S",time_localtime(file_stats.st_mtime))+" " file_infos = file_infos + _("Mode") + " " + str(mode[-3:]) return (file_infos)
def load(self, url=None): tmpfile = ''.join((self.cachedir, quote_plus(url), '.jpg')) if os_path_isdir(self.cachedir) is False: print "cachedir not existing, creating it" os_mkdir(self.cachedir) if os_isfile(tmpfile): self.tmpfile = tmpfile self.onLoadFinished(None) elif url is not None: self.tmpfile = tmpfile head = { "Accept": "image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5", "Accept-Language": "de", "Accept-Encoding": "gzip,deflate", "Accept-Charset": "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", "Keep-Alive": "300", "Referer": "", "Cookie:": "khcookie=fzwq1BaIQeBvxLjHsDGOezbBcCBU1T_t0oZKpA; PREF=ID=a9eb9d6fbca69f5f:TM=1219251671:LM=1219251671:S=daYFLkncM3cSOKsF; NID=15=ADVC1mqIWQWyJ0Wz655SirSOMG6pXP2ocdXwdfBZX56SgYaDXNNySnaOav-6_lE8G37iWaD7aBFza-gsX-kujQeH_8WTelqP9PpaEg0A_vZ9G7r50tzRBAZ-8GUwnEfl", "Connection": "keep-alive" } agt = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2" downloadPage(url, self.tmpfile, headers=head, agent=agt).addCallback( self.onLoadFinished).addErrback(self.onLoadFailed) elif self.default: self.picload.startDecode(self.default)
def r2_dnn_stft(target_dirname, saving_to_disk=False): '{}: r2: Generating old_stft from chandat'.format(target_dirname)) assert os_path_isdir(target_dirname) chandat_obj = loadmat(os_path_join(target_dirname, CHANDAT_FNAME)) chandat = chandat_obj['chandat'] y, num_elements, num_beams = chandat.shape # y is depth # Take STFT of the channel data for specified A-line chandat_stft = stft(chandat, LEN_EACH_SECTION, FRAC_OVERLAP, PADDING) chandat_stft['origSigSize'] = [y, num_elements, num_beams] chandat_stft['stft'] = chandat_stft['stft'].permute( 3, 2, 1, 0, 4 ) # should be num_beams, num_elements, num_frames, num_frequencies, real_imag chandat_obj = { 'old_stft_real': chandat_stft['stft'][:, :, :, :, 0], 'old_stft_imag': chandat_stft['stft'][:, :, :, :, 1], } if saving_to_disk is True: savemat(os_path_join(target_dirname, OLD_STFT_SAVE_FNAME), chandat_obj)'{}: r2: Done'.format(target_dirname)) return chandat_obj
def goRed(self): for file in self.selectedFiles: if os_path_isdir(file): container = eConsoleAppContainer() container.execute("rm -rf '%s'" % file) else: remove(file) self.exit()
def r4_dnn_istft(target_dirname, chandat_obj=None, new_stft_object=None, is_saving_chandat_dnn=True): '{}: r4: Doing istft on denoised stft...'.format(target_dirname)) assert os_path_isdir(target_dirname) if chandat_obj is None: chandat_obj = loadmat(os_path_join(target_dirname, CHANDAT_FNAME)) chandat_data = chandat_obj['chandat'] num_rows, num_elements, num_beams = chandat_data.shape beam_position_x = chandat_obj['beam_position_x'] if 'depth' in chandat_obj: depth = chandat_obj['depth'] else: depth = chandat_obj['t'] / chandat_obj['fs'] * chandat_obj['c'] / 2 f0 = chandat_obj['f0'] del chandat_obj if new_stft_object is None: new_stft_object = loadmat(os_path_join(target_dirname, NEW_STFT_FNAME)) new_stft = torch_stack( (torch_from_numpy(new_stft_object['new_stft_real']), torch_from_numpy(new_stft_object['new_stft_imag'])), axis=-1) # new_stft = new_stft_real + 1j*new_stft_imag del new_stft_object chandat_stft = stft( torch_zeros(num_rows, num_elements, num_beams, dtype=torch_float64), LEN_EACH_SECTION, FRAC_OVERLAP, PADDING) chandat_stft['origSigSize'] = [num_rows, num_elements, num_beams] # create new and old stfts # chandat_stft_new = copy(chandat_stft) # chandat_stft_new['stft'] = new_stft chandat_stft['stft'] = new_stft chandat_new = istft(chandat_stft) # chandat_new = non_iter_ls_inv_stft(chandat_stft) # what = istft(chandat_stft, N, window=window, hop_length=2, center=False, onesided=False, normalized=False, pad_mode='constant', length=y) chandat_new[-3:-1, :, :] = 0 chandat_dnn_object = { 'chandat_dnn': chandat_new, 'beam_position_x': beam_position_x, 'depth': depth, 'f0': f0, } if is_saving_chandat_dnn is True: savemat(os_path_join(target_dirname, CHANDAT_DNN_SAVE_FNAME), chandat_dnn_object)'{}: r4: Done'.format(target_dirname)) return chandat_dnn_object
def __init__(self, session,path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_left = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_left.value else: path_left = "/" if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value) and config.plugins.filebrowser.savedirs.value: path_right = config.plugins.filebrowser.path_right.value else: path_right = "/" self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern = "^.*") self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern = "^.*") self["key_red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ChannelSelectBaseActions","WizardActions", "DirectionActions","MenuActions","NumberActions","ColorActions"], { "ok": self.ok, "back": self.exit, "menu": self.goMenu, "nextMarker": self.listRight, "prevMarker": self.listLeft, "nextBouquet": self.listRight, "prevBouquet": self.listLeft, "up": self.goUp, "down": self.goDown, "left": self.goLeft, "right": self.goRight, "red": self.goRed, "green": self.goGreen, "yellow": self.goYellow, "blue": self.goBlue, "0": self.doRefresh, }, -1) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft)
def goRed(self): filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() if not filename: return sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): txt = _("Delete directory") + "?\n\n%s" % (filename) else: txt =_("Delete file") + "?\n\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (filename,_("from dir"),sourceDir) self.session.openWithCallback(self.doDelete, MessageBox, txt, type=MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, default=False, simple=True)
def get_req_file(path): '''Return `requirements.txt` or `reqs.txt` file if exists''' req_file = False if os_path_isdir(path): files = os_listdir(path) filtered = [x for x in files if x in REQS_FILES] if filtered: req_file = os_path_join(path, next(x for x in filtered)) else: req_file = False return req_file
def doRename(self, newname = None): if newname: filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): txt = _("renaming directory ...") cmd = ["mv \""+filename+"\" \""+sourceDir+newname+"\""] else: txt = _("renaming file ...") cmd = ["mv \""+sourceDir+filename+"\" \""+sourceDir+newname+"\""] self.session.openWithCallback(self.doRenameCB, Console, title = txt, cmdlist = cmd, closeOnSuccess = True)
def goBlue(self): filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() if not filename: return sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): text = _("Rename directory") filename = os_path_basename(os_path_dirname(filename)) else: text = _("Rename file") self.session.openWithCallback(self.doRename, VirtualKeyBoard, title = text, text = filename)
def goGreen(self): filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() if not filename: return sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() targetDir = self.TARGETLIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): txt = _("Move directory") + "?\n\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (filename,_("to"),targetDir) else: txt = _("Move file") + "?\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s" % (filename,_("from dir"),sourceDir,_("to dir"),targetDir) self.session.openWithCallback(self.doMove, MessageBox, txt, type=MessageBox.TYPE_YESNO, default=True, simple=True)
def doDelete(self,result = False): if result: filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): txt = _("deleting directory ...") cmd = ["rm -r \""+filename+"\""] else: txt = _("deleting file ...") cmd = ["rm \""+sourceDir+filename+"\""] self.session.openWithCallback(self.doDeleteCB, Console, title = txt, cmdlist = cmd, closeOnSuccess = True)
def doMove(self, result = True): if result: filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() sourceDir = self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() targetDir = self.TARGETLIST.getCurrentDirectory() if os_path_isdir(filename): txt = _("moving directory, wait please ...") cmd = ["mv \""+filename+"\" \""+targetDir+"\""] else: txt = _("moving file ...") cmd = ["mv \""+sourceDir+filename+"\" \""+targetDir+"\""] self.session.openWithCallback(self.doMoveCB,Console, title = txt, cmdlist = cmd, closeOnSuccess = True)
def stitch(args): global min_match type_ = args.type source = args.source min_match = args.minmatch or 500 min_match = int(min_match) if type_ == "video": if os_path_isdir(source): print("Source is not a video.") exit(-1) loadFramesFromVideo(source, args.reverse) _stitch_video(args.direction) elif type_ == "frames": if not os_path_isdir(source): print("Source is not a folder.") exit(-1) loadFramesFromFrames(source) _stitch_frames(args.direction) else: print(f"Unknown type {type_}") exit(-1)
def displayItemInfo(self): filename = self.SOURCELIST.getFilename() if not filename: return if os_path_isdir(filename): curFile = os_stat(filename) if filename != '/': filename = filename.rstrip('/') fileinfo = ("%s " % self.dirSize(filename) if config.plugins.filebrowser.dir_size.value else "") + self.fileTime(curFile.st_mtime) else: curFile = os_stat(self.SOURCELIST.getCurrentDirectory() + filename) fileinfo = "%s (%s) %s" % (self.humanizer(curFile.st_size),'{:,.0f}'.format(curFile.st_size), self.fileTime(curFile.st_mtime)), (filename, fileinfo))
def is_module(path): '''return False if the path doesn't contain an odoo module, and the full path to the module manifest otherwise''' if not os_path_isdir(path): return False files = os_listdir(path) filtered = [x for x in files if x in (MANIFEST_FILES + [''])] if len(filtered) == 2 and '' in filtered: return os_path_join(path, next(x for x in filtered if x != '')) else: return False
def load(self, url = None): tmpfile = ''.join((self.cachedir, quote_plus(url), '')) if os_path_isdir(self.cachedir) is False: print "cachedir not existing, creating it" os_mkdir(self.cachedir) if os_isfile(tmpfile): self.tmpfile = tmpfile self.onLoadFinished(None) elif url is not None: self.tmpfile = tmpfile head = { } agt = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2" downloadPage(url,self.tmpfile,headers=head,agent=agt).addCallback(self.onLoadFinished).addErrback(self.onLoadFailed) elif self.default: self.picload.startDecode(self.default)
def load(self, url=None): tmpfile = ''.join((self.cachedir, quote_plus(url), '')) if os_path_isdir(self.cachedir) is False: print "cachedir not existing, creating it" os_mkdir(self.cachedir) if os_isfile(tmpfile): self.tmpfile = tmpfile self.onLoadFinished(None) elif url is not None: self.tmpfile = tmpfile head = {} agt = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2" downloadPage(url, self.tmpfile, headers=head, agent=agt).addCallback(self.onLoadFinished).addErrback(self.onLoadFailed) elif self.default: self.picload.startDecode(self.default)
def get_addons_paths(root_path): addons_paths = [] try: filenames = os_listdir(root_path) except OSError as os_err: if os_err.errno == errno.ENOENT: filenames = [] for filename in filenames: path = os_path_join(root_path, filename) if os_path_isdir(path): if is_module(path): addons_paths.append(path) else: addons_paths += get_addons_paths(path) else: pass return addons_paths
def update_document_in_path(self): filename = 'CVN-%s-%s.pdf' % ( self.user_profile.documento, self.uploaded_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss')) relative_pdf_path = get_old_cvn_path(self, filename) full_pdf_path = os_path_join(st.MEDIA_ROOT, relative_pdf_path) if self.cvn_file.path != full_pdf_path: root_path = '/'.join(full_pdf_path.split('/')[:-1]) if not os_path_isdir(root_path): makedirs(root_path) # This just moves the file from the old path to the new one, file_move_safe(self.cvn_file.path, full_pdf_path, allow_overwrite=True) # so is therefore necessary to update the name with the new # relative path before saving the model = relative_pdf_path
def init_directory(bad_urls_dir, tei_logger): """Initialise bad_urls_dir: 1. Resolve path (absolute or relative to the working directory) 2. Check if not exists and create it (warn if exists) 3. Check if bad_urls_dir is a directory (fail gracefully if it is other than directory) 4. Check if bad_urls_dir empty (warn if not) """ if not os_path_isabs(bad_urls_dir): bad_urls_dir = os_path_join(os_path_abspath(getcwd()), bad_urls_dir) if os_path_exists(bad_urls_dir): tei_logger.log('WARNING', f'{bad_urls_dir} exists!') else: makedirs(bad_urls_dir, exist_ok=True) if not os_path_isdir(bad_urls_dir): tei_logger.log('CRITICAL', f'{bad_urls_dir} is not a directory!') exit(1) if len(listdir(bad_urls_dir)) > 0: tei_logger.log('WARNING', f'{bad_urls_dir} is not empty!') return bad_urls_dir
def update_document_in_path(self): # Latest CVN relative_pdf_path = get_cvn_path(self, u'fake.pdf') full_pdf_path = os_path_join(st.MEDIA_ROOT, relative_pdf_path) xml_path = get_cvn_path(self, u'fake.xml') full_xml_path = os_path_join(st.MEDIA_ROOT, xml_path) root_path = '/'.join(full_pdf_path.split('/')[:-1]) if not os_path_isdir(root_path): makedirs(root_path) if self.cvn_file.path != full_pdf_path: file_move_safe(self.cvn_file.path, full_pdf_path, allow_overwrite=True) = relative_pdf_path if self.xml_file.path != full_xml_path: file_move_safe(self.xml_file.path, full_xml_path, allow_overwrite=True) = xml_path
def load(self, url = None): if url is None: self.instance.setPixmap(None) return url = isinstance(url,unicode) and url.encode('utf-8') or url if os_isfile(url): self.tmpfile = url self.onLoadFinished(None) return tmpfile = ''.join((self.cachedir, quote_plus(url), '.jpg')) if os_path_isdir(self.cachedir) is False: print "cachedir not existing, creating it" os_mkdir(self.cachedir) if os_isfile(tmpfile): self.tmpfile = tmpfile self.onLoadFinished(None) elif url is not None: self.tmpfile = tmpfile agt = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2" downloadPage(url,self.tmpfile, agent=agt).addCallback(self.onLoadFinished).addErrback(self.onLoadFailed) elif self.default: self.picload.startDecode(self.default)
def main(main_path, ext_path, result_path): def unique(seq): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))] print('MAIN_ADDONS_PATH:', main_path) print('EXT_ADDONS_PATH:', ext_path) print('RESULT_EXT_ADDONS_PATH:', result_path) if not os_path_isdir(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) main_addons = parse_with_depends(get_addons_paths(main_path)) main_deps = [data['depends'] for name, data in main_addons.iteritems()] main_deps = unique([item for sublist in main_deps for item in sublist]) main_deps.sort() ext_addons = parse_with_depends(get_addons_paths(ext_path)) need_link = ext_addons for addon_name, row in need_link.iteritems(): src = row['path'] dst = os_path_join(result_path, addon_name) if not os.path.islink(dst): os.symlink(src, dst) print('{} -> {}'.format(src, dst))
def load(self, url = None): tmpfile = ''.join((self.cachedir, quote_plus(url), '.jpg')) if os_path_isdir(self.cachedir) is False: print "cachedir not existing, creating it" os_mkdir(self.cachedir) if os_isfile(tmpfile): self.tmpfile = tmpfile self.onLoadFinished(None) elif url is not None: self.tmpfile = tmpfile head = { "Accept":"image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5", "Accept-Language":"de", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip,deflate", "Accept-Charset":"ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7", "Keep-Alive":"300", "Referer":"", "Cookie:": "khcookie=fzwq1BaIQeBvxLjHsDGOezbBcCBU1T_t0oZKpA; PREF=ID=a9eb9d6fbca69f5f:TM=1219251671:LM=1219251671:S=daYFLkncM3cSOKsF; NID=15=ADVC1mqIWQWyJ0Wz655SirSOMG6pXP2ocdXwdfBZX56SgYaDXNNySnaOav-6_lE8G37iWaD7aBFza-gsX-kujQeH_8WTelqP9PpaEg0A_vZ9G7r50tzRBAZ-8GUwnEfl", "Connection":"keep-alive" } agt = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/2008091620 Firefox/3.0.2" downloadPage(url,self.tmpfile,headers=head,agent=agt).addCallback(self.onLoadFinished).addErrback(self.onLoadFailed) elif self.default: self.picload.startDecode(self.default)
def _build(sources, outfolder, gentoc, toc, external_css): for pagename, source in sources.items(): # If there is no valid source if source is None: continue # Clear soup and add en empty, new body SOUP.body.decompose() new(SOUP.html, 'body') # Set title SOUP.html.head.title.string = pagename # Get essentail values filename, depends = toc[pagename] # Constants SECTIONS = 7 # Build basic structure column1 = new(SOUP.body, 'div', id='column1') column2 = new(SOUP.body, 'div', id='column2') generic = new(column1, 'div', id='generic') sidebar = new(column1, 'div', id='sidebar') content = new(column2, 'div', id='content') # OPTIONAL: custom header section try: _html_format(generic, source['HEAD'], outfolder) new(generic, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: custom menu in sidebar try: _html_format(sidebar, source['MENU'], outfolder) new(sidebar, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: custom abstract and introduction try: _html_format(content, source['INFO'], outfolder) new(content, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: index if gentoc: sidebar_type = new(sidebar, 'div') new(sidebar_type, 'p', class_='label', string='Modules:') new(sidebar, 'br') _indx_format(sidebar, pagename, toc) new(sidebar, 'br') # TODO: Implement a Schema validator for better user-feedback # TODO: add FOOT key # TODO: add EXEC to cdoc to add "interactive" python snippets to code # EXEC: | # with open('VERSION') as file: # # Insert to USER:About # DOC[USER][0].insert(0, {'name': 'Version', 'info':}) # OPTIONAL: text and code try: blocks = source['TEXT'] for block in blocks: # Get the first element of the list as the section name try: section = string_capwords(block[0]) except IndexError: continue sidebar_text = new(sidebar, 'div') new(sidebar_text, 'p', class_='label', string='{}:'.format(section)) new(sidebar_text, 'br') content_text = new(content, 'div') new(content_text, 'h2', class_='title', string=section) for user in block[1:]: _text_format(sidebar_text, content_text, user) new(sidebar, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: user defined try: userdefs = source['USER'] for userdef in userdefs: # Get the first element of the list as the section name try: section = string_capwords(userdef[0]) except IndexError: continue sidebar_user = new(sidebar, 'div') new(sidebar_user, 'p', class_='label', string='{}:'.format(section)) new(sidebar_user, 'br') content_user = new(content, 'div') new(content_user, 'h2', class_='title', string=section) for user in userdef[1:]: _user_format(sidebar_user, content_user, user) new(sidebar, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: type definitions try: types = source['TYPE'] sidebar_type = new(sidebar, 'div') new(sidebar_type, 'p', class_='label', string='Types:') new(sidebar_type, 'br') content_type = new(content, 'div') new(content_type, 'h2', class_='title', string='Types') for type in types: _type_format(sidebar_type, content_type, type) new(sidebar, 'br') except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # OPTIONAL: function definitions try: funcs = source['FUNC'] sidebar_func = new(sidebar, 'div') new(sidebar_func, 'p', class_='label', string='Functions:') new(sidebar_func, 'br') content_func = new(content, 'div') new(content_func, 'h2', class_='title', string='Functions') for func in funcs: _func_format(sidebar_func, content_func, func) except KeyError: SECTIONS -= 1 # Create HTML file if SECTIONS: output = os_path_join(outfolder, filename) with open(output, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(SOUP.decode(formatter='html')) print('CDOC: {!r} processed'.format(output)) continue print('CDOC: !!! WARNING !!! in {!r} no data provided'.format(pagename)) # Create folder if not exists to css stylepath = os_path_join(outfolder, 'css') try: os_makedirs(stylepath) except OSError as e: if not (e.errno == errno_EEXIST and os_path_isdir(stylepath)): raise # Create CSS path stylesheet = os_path_join(stylepath, 'cdoc.css') # If using the user created custom CSS if external_css: copyfile(external_css, stylesheet) # If using the default CSS else: with open(stylesheet, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(STYLE) print('CDOC: {!r} processed'.format(stylesheet))
def GET(self): URIs_especiales = { '_raices': 'self.indexar_json()', '_configuracion': 'self.indexar_configuracion()' } # 0 Si el valor es menor que 0 acciones_parametros_especiales = { '_limite': ' datos_almacenados[ 0: 0 if int(valor_parametro_especial) < 0 else int(valor_parametro_especial) ] ', '_desde': ' datos_almacenados[ 0 if int(valor_parametro_especial) - 1 < 0 else int(valor_parametro_especial) - 1 : ]', '_total': ' {"total objetos":len(datos_almacenados)}' } trozos_URI, parametros, parametros_especiales = self.trocear_URI( parametros=True) if len(trozos_URI) == 0: if self.CONFIGURACION['SERVIDOR_ESTATICO']: try: with open( self.CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_DIRECTORIO'] + '/' + self.CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_ARCHIVO'], 'r') as PAGINA_ESTATICA: self.devolver_estado( 200,, nombre_archivo=self. CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_ARCHIVO']) except Exception as e: self.indexar_json() else: self.indexar_json() elif trozos_URI[0] in URIs_especiales.keys(): if not self.CONFIGURACION['URI_ESPECIALES']: self.devolver_estado(403) return eval(URIs_especiales[trozos_URI[0]]) elif trozos_URI[0] == self.CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_DIRECTORIO']: directorio = self.CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_DIRECTORIO'] for x in range(1, len(trozos_URI)): directorio += "/" + trozos_URI[x] if os_path_isdir(directorio): if self.CONFIGURACION['INDEXAR_DIRECTORIOS']: codigo_estado, contenido, nombre_archivo = almacenamiento.leer_directorio( directorio, trozos_URI, self.CONFIGURACION['PAGINA_ESTATICA_ARCHIVO'], self.CONFIGURACION[ 'BUSCAR_PAGINA_ESTATICA_AL_INDEXAR_DIRECTORIO']) else: codigo_estado, contenido, nombre_archivo = 403, False, False self.devolver_estado(codigo_estado, contenido, nombre_archivo) elif os_path_isfile(directorio): codigo_estado, contenido, nombre_archivo = almacenamiento.leer_archivo( directorio, trozos_URI) self.devolver_estado(codigo_estado, contenido, nombre_archivo) else: self.devolver_estado(404) else: try: datos_almacenados = almacenamiento.leer_json( self.CONFIGURACION, trozos_URI) # Si existen parametros, por cada parametro y por cada dato recuperado se comprueba, solo funciona con objetos if len(parametros) > 0: if not isinstance(datos_almacenados, list): self.devolver_estado(400) return True for parametro in parametros: indice = 0 while indice < len(datos_almacenados): if not isinstance(datos_almacenados[indice], dict): self.devolver_estado(400) return True if not str(datos_almacenados[indice][ parametro.split("=")[0]]) == str( parametro.split("=")[1]): datos_almacenados.remove( datos_almacenados[indice]) else: indice += 1 # Si existen parametros especiales y estan permitidos, se recorren y ejecutan if len(parametros_especiales) > 0: if not self.CONFIGURACION['PARAMETROS_ESPECIALES']: self.devolver_estado( 403, 'PARAMETROS_ESPECIALES_DESACTIVADOS') return True if not isinstance(datos_almacenados, list): self.devolver_estado(400) return True for parametro in parametros_especiales: parametro_especial = parametro.split("=")[0] try: valor_parametro_especial = parametro.split("=")[1] except: valor_parametro_especial = None # Para casos como ?_total if parametro_especial in acciones_parametros_especiales.keys( ): datos_almacenados = eval( acciones_parametros_especiales[ parametro_especial]) self.devolver_estado(200, datos_almacenados, es_json=True) except Exception as e: self.captura_error(str(e), cod_error=404, msg_error=str(e))
def __init__(self, session, path_left = None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_left: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value else: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_right: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value else: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(path_left) and path_left[-1] != '/': path_left += '/' if os_path_isdir(path_right) and path_right[-1] != '/': path_right += '/' self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) if config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value == 'myfilter': filter = '^.*\\.%s' % config.plugins.filecommander.my_extension.value else: filter = config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value self['list_left_head'] = Label(path_left) self['list_right_head'] = Label(path_right) self['list_left'] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern=filter) self['list_right'] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern=filter) self['key_red'] = Label(_('delete')) self['key_green'] = Label(_('move')) self['key_yellow'] = Label(_('copy')) self['key_blue'] = Label(_('rename')) self['actions'] = ActionMap(['ChannelSelectBaseActions', 'WizardActions', 'DirectionActions', 'MenuActions', 'NumberActions', 'ColorActions', 'TimerEditActions', 'InfobarActions', 'InfobarTeletextActions', 'InfobarSubtitleSelectionActions'], {'ok': self.ok, 'back': self.exit, 'menu': self.goMenu, 'nextMarker': self.listRight, 'prevMarker': self.listLeft, 'nextBouquet': self.listRight, 'prevBouquet': self.listLeft, '1': self.gomakeDir, '2': self.gomakeSym, '3': self.gomakeSymlink, '4': self.call_change_mode, '5': self.goDefaultfolder, 'startTeletext': self.file_viewer, 'info': self.openTasklist, 'up': self.goUp, 'down': self.goDown, 'left': self.goLeft, 'right': self.goRight, 'red': self.goRed, 'green': self.goGreen, 'yellow': self.goYellow, 'blue': self.goBlue, '0': self.doRefresh, 'showMovies': self.listSelect, 'subtitleSelection': self.downloadSubtitles, 'startTeletext': self.downloadSubtitles}, -1) if config.plugins.filecommander.path_left_selected: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft) else: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listRight) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onLayout)
def __init__(self, session, path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_left: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value else: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_right: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value else: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(path_left) and path_left[-1] != "/": path_left += "/" if os_path_isdir(path_right) and path_right[-1] != "/": path_right += "/" self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) # set filter if config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value == "myfilter": filter = "^.*\.%s" % config.plugins.filecommander.my_extension.value else: filter = config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value # set current folder self["list_left_head"] = Label(path_left) self["list_right_head"] = Label(path_right) self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern=filter) self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern=filter) self["key_red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["VKeyIcon"] = Pixmap() self["VKeyIcon"].hide() self["actions"] = ActionMap(["ChannelSelectBaseActions", "WizardActions", "DirectionActions", "MenuActions", "NumberActions", "ColorActions", "TimerEditActions", "InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions", "InfobarSubtitleSelectionActions"], { "ok": self.ok, "back": self.exit, "menu": self.goMenu, "nextMarker": self.listRight, "prevMarker": self.listLeft, "nextBouquet": self.listRight, "prevBouquet": self.listLeft, "1": self.gomakeDir, "2": self.gomakeSym, "3": self.gomakeSymlink, "4": self.call_change_mode, "5": self.goDefaultfolder, # "8": self.test, "startTeletext": self.file_viewer, "info": self.openTasklist, "up": self.goUp, "down": self.goDown, "left": self.goLeft, "right": self.goRight, "red": self.goRed, "green": self.goGreen, "yellow": self.goYellow, "blue": self.goBlue, "0": self.doRefresh, "showMovies": self.listSelect, "subtitleSelection": self.downloadSubtitles, }, -1) if config.plugins.filecommander.path_left_selected: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft) else: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listRight) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onLayout)
def leer_directorio(directorio, trozos_URI, archivo_pagina_estatica, buscar_archivo_pag_estatica): archivos_en_dire = os_listdir(directorio) if buscar_archivo_pag_estatica and archivo_pagina_estatica in archivos_en_dire: codigo, contenido, nom_archivo = leer_archivo( directorio + "/" + archivo_pagina_estatica, trozos_URI) return codigo, contenido, nom_archivo directorio_padre = "/" for dire_en_rama in range(len(trozos_URI) - 1): directorio_padre += trozos_URI[dire_en_rama] + "/" html = '<!DOCTYPE html>\ <html lang="en">\ <head>\ <meta charset="UTF-8">\ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">\ <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">\ <title>' + directorio + '</title>\ <style>\ table{\ width:100%;\ margin: 0 15px;\ }\ .directorio {\ border-left: 3px solid blue;\ padding-left: 5px;\ }\ .archivo {\ border-left: 3px solid green;\ padding-left: 5px;\ }\ .archivo_peso, .directorio_cantidad {\ text-align: right;\ }\ </style>\ </head>\ <body>\ <h1>' + directorio + '</h1>\ <table>\ <tr>\ <td class="directorio">\ <a href="' + directorio_padre + '">' + directorio_padre + '</a>\ </td>\ </tr>' for cosa in archivos_en_dire: if os_path_isdir(directorio + "/" + cosa): cantidad_objetos = str(len(os_listdir(directorio + "/" + cosa))) html += '<tr>\ <td class="directorio">\ <a href="/' + directorio + "/" + cosa + '">' + cosa + '/</a>\ </td>\ <td class="directorio_cantidad">' + cantidad_objetos + '</td>\ <td>Objetos</td>\ </tr>' else: peso, escala_peso = calcular_tamaño(directorio + "/" + cosa) html += '<tr>\ <td class="archivo">\ <a href="/' + directorio + "/" + cosa + '">' + cosa + '</a>\ </td>\ <td class="archivo_peso">' + peso + '</td>\ <td>' + escala_peso + '</td>\ </tr>' html += ' </table>\ </body>\ </html>' return 200, html, "/" + directorio
def exist(path): if os_path_exists(path) and os_path_isdir(path) and os_access(path, os_W_OK): return True; #endif return False;
def __init__(self, session, path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value ) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_left: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_left.value else: path_left = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value ) and config.plugins.filecommander.savedir_right: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_right.value else: path_right = config.plugins.filecommander.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(path_left) and path_left[-1] != "/": path_left += "/" if os_path_isdir(path_right) and path_right[-1] != "/": path_right += "/" self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) # set filter if config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value == "myfilter": filter = "^.*\.%s" % config.plugins.filecommander.my_extension.value else: filter = config.plugins.filecommander.extension.value # set current folder self["list_left_head"] = Label(path_left) self["list_right_head"] = Label(path_right) self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern=filter) self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern=filter) self["key_red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["VKeyIcon"] = Pixmap() self["VKeyIcon"].hide() self["actions"] = ActionMap( [ "ChannelSelectBaseActions", "WizardActions", "DirectionActions", "MenuActions", "NumberActions", "ColorActions", "TimerEditActions", "InfobarActions", "InfobarTeletextActions", "InfobarSubtitleSelectionActions" ], { "ok": self.ok, "back": self.exit, "menu": self.goMenu, "nextMarker": self.listRight, "prevMarker": self.listLeft, "nextBouquet": self.listRight, "prevBouquet": self.listLeft, "1": self.gomakeDir, "2": self.gomakeSym, "3": self.gomakeSymlink, "4": self.call_change_mode, "5": self.goDefaultfolder, # "8": self.test, "startTeletext": self.file_viewer, "info": self.openTasklist, "up": self.goUp, "down": self.goDown, "left": self.goLeft, "right": self.goRight, "red": self.goRed, "green": self.goGreen, "yellow": self.goYellow, "blue": self.goBlue, "0": self.doRefresh, "showMovies": self.listSelect, "subtitleSelection": self.downloadSubtitles, }, -1) if config.plugins.filecommander.path_left_selected: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft) else: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listRight) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onLayout)
def __init__(self, session,path_left=None): if path_left is None: if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_left.value) and config.plugins.filebrowservti.savedir_left: path_left = config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_left.value else: path_left = config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_default.value if os_path_isdir(config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_right.value) and config.plugins.filebrowservti.savedir_right: path_right = config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_right.value else: path_right = config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_default.value self.session = session Screen.__init__(self, session) # set filter if config.plugins.filebrowservti.extension.value == "myfilter": filter = "^.*\.%s" % config.plugins.filebrowservti.my_extension.value else: filter = config.plugins.filebrowservti.extension.value # set actual folder HelpableScreen.__init__(self) self["list_left_head"] = Label(path_left) self["list_left_head_name"] = Label() self["list_left_head_state"] = Label() self["list_right_head"] = Label(path_right) self["list_right_head_name"] = Label() self["list_right_head_state"] = Label() self["list_left"] = FileList(path_left, matchingPattern = filter) self["list_right"] = FileList(path_right, matchingPattern = filter) self["help"] = Label(_("Help:\nKey [0] Refresh screen.\nKey [1] New folder.\nKey [2] New symlink wit name.\nKey [3] New symlink with foldername.\nKey [4] User rights 644/755.\nKey [5] Change to default folder. \nKey [8] Toggle sort direction up, down. \nKey [9] Toggle Quick-Help. \nKey [R] Select multiple files. \nKey [OK] Play movie and music, show pictures, view/edit files, install/extract files, run scripts. \nKey [EPG] Shows tasklist. Check copy/move progress in extensions menu. \nKey [TXT] View/Edit selected file. \nKey [Help] Shows Help.")) self["helpBack"] = Label() self["helpShadow"] = Label() self['help'].hide() self['helpBack'].hide() self['helpShadow'].hide() helpOn = 0 self.helpOn = helpOn self["key_red"] = Label(_("Delete")) self["key_green"] = Label(_("Move")) self["key_yellow"] = Label(_("Copy")) self["key_blue"] = Label(_("Rename")) self["ChannelSelectBaseActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self,"ChannelSelectBaseActions", { "prevBouquet": (self.listLeft, _("Select left window")), "nextBouquet": (self.listRight, _("Select right window")), "prevMarker": self.listLeft, "nextMarker": self.listRight, }, -1) self["WizardActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "WizardActions", { "ok": (self.ok, _("Play movie & music, show pictures, view/edit files, install/extract files, run scripts")), "back": (self.exit,_("Exit")), "up": (self.goUp, _("Selection up")), "down": (self.goDown, _("Selection down")), "left": (self.goLeft, _("Page up")), "right": (self.goRight, _("Page down")), }, -1) self["MenuActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "MenuActions", { "menu": (self.goMenu, _("Settings")), }, -1) self["NumberActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "NumberActions", { "0": (self.doRefresh, _("Refresh screen")), "1": (self.gomakeDir, _("New folder")), "2": (self.gomakeSym, _("New symlink with name")), "3": (self.gomakeSymlink, _("New symlink with foldername")), "4": (self.call_change_mode, _("User rights 644/755")), "5": (self.goDefaultfolder, _("Change to default folder")), "8": (self.sortMode, _("Toggle sort direction up, down")), "9": (self.QuickHelp, _("Toogle Quick-Help")), }, -1) self["ColorActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "ColorActions", { "red": (self.goRed, _("Delete")), "green": (self.goGreen, _("Move")), "yellow": (self.goYellow, _("Copy")), "blue": (self.goBlue, _("Rename")), }, -1) self["TimerEditActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "TimerEditActions", { "eventview": (self.openTasklist, _("Show tasklist. Check copy/move progress in extensions menu")), }, -1) self["InfobarTeletextActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarTeletextActions", { "startTeletext": (self.file_viewer, _("View/Edit files")), }, -1) self["InfobarActions"] = HelpableActionMap(self, "InfobarActions", { "showMovies": (self.listSelect, _("Multiselection list")), }, -1) if config.plugins.filebrowservti.path_left_selected: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listLeft) else: self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.listRight) self.onLayoutFinish.append(self.onLayout)