def add_bins(self, const_vars, const_values): """ Create a binary constraint matrix for NOT SIMULTANEOUS constraint :param list const_vars: the variables to be constrained :param list const_values: the values to be constrained :param dic const_values: list of values [key: index, value: variable value] """ # TODO what if two bi_const have the same constrainting variable # The first value in the tuple takes the rows, and the second takes the columns self.const_graph.add_edge(self.const_graph.get_vertex(const_vars[0]), self.const_graph.get_vertex(const_vars[1])) if tuple(const_vars) in self.biconst.keys(): print("duplicate binary constraint, killed") system.exit() else: const_matrix = self.biconst[tuple(const_vars)] = numpy.ones( shape=(len(self.values), len(self.values)), dtype=int) for i in range(len(self.values)): # modify the constraint matrix for j in range(len(self.values)): if (self.values[i], self.values[j]) == ( const_values[0], const_values[1] ): # or (self.values[i], self.values[j]) == (const_values[1], const_values[0]): const_matrix[i, j] = 0 self.consolidate_matrix()
def add_biconst(self, const_vars, equal): # constraint type """ Create a binary constraint matrix :param list const_vars: the variables to be constrained :param int equal: constraint type: 1 = binary equals, 0 = binary not equals """ # TODO what if two bi_const have the same constrainting variable # The first value in the tuple takes the rows, and the second takes the columns self.const_graph.add_edge(self.const_graph.get_vertex(const_vars[0]), self.const_graph.get_vertex(const_vars[1])) if tuple(const_vars) in self.biconst.keys(): print("duplicate binary constraint, killed") system.exit() else: if equal: const_matrix = self.biconst[tuple(const_vars)] = numpy.zeros( shape=(len(self.values), len(self.values)), dtype=int) else: const_matrix = self.biconst[tuple(const_vars)] = numpy.ones( shape=(len(self.values), len(self.values)), dtype=int) for i in range(len(self.values)): # modify the constraint matrix for j in range(len(self.values)): if self.values[i] == self.values[ j]: # if the values are the same value, they should be constrained const_matrix[i, j] = equal # 0 for not equal, 1 for equal self.consolidate_matrix()
def set_rtcost_for_value(self, value, cost): """ The function also checks if the value is in the value list of this csp. If not, it will terminate the run Note that this function does not validate if all value has been assigned a value, to do so, call validate_rtcost :param value: :param cost: """ if value not in self.values: print("Invalid value in value cost: " + value + "; Killed") system.exit() self.rtcost[value] = cost
def ORFfinder(location, GFFindex): exists_in_orf = [] for index, orf in GFFindex.iterrows(): in_orf = location in range(orf.start, orf.end) exists_in_orf.append(in_orf) if any(exists_in_orf) == True: in_orf = True elif any(exists_in_orf) == False: in_orf = False else: in_orf = False system.exit(""" Something went wrong during the processing of this GFF. Please check or re-generate the GFF file and try again. """) return in_orf
def triggCameraUSB(webcam, ang): check, frame = frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = [] p0 = 200 roi = [0,720,p0,p0+720] img = frame[roi[0]:roi[1], roi[2]:roi[3], :] h, w = img.shape[:2] cnt = (h/2,w/2) img = rotateImage(img, ang, cnt) if img is None: print('Error opening image!') exit = True system.exit() return check, img
def data_retrieval(table='saude', term='dengue', limit=10): basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s %(message)s', level=INFO) sql_opt = serialize_sql_opt(table, term, limit) USER = environ.get('DB_USER', 'YOUR_USER_NAME') PASSWORD = environ.get('DB_PASSWORD', 'YOUR_PASSWORD') if not USER or not PASSWORD: error('no USER or PASSWORD for connection found') sys.exit(1) HOST = environ.get('DB_HOST', 'HOST_NAME') DATABASE = environ.get('DB_NAME', 'DATABASE_NAME') if not HOST or not DATABASE: error('no HOST or DATABASE for connection found') sys.exit(1) info('Connecting to database...') conn = psycopg2.connect(database=DATABASE, user=USER, password=PASSWORD, host=HOST) cur = conn.cursor() sql = ("SELECT json " # complete json "FROM {table} " # view or table "WHERE lower(text) " # tweet text "like '%{term}%' " # term in the tweet like dengue "limit {limit};") # limit number of tweets sql = sql.format(table=sql_opt['table'], term=sql_opt['term'], limit=sql_opt['limit'] ) info('Executing SQL command...') cur.execute(sql) info('Fetching and writing data...') file_opt = { 'filename': sql_opt['term'] + '_tweets_json', } fetch_and_save_data_to_file(cur, file_opt, sql_opt) cur.close() conn.close()
def ulang(): print( ">=====================================================================<" ) print( "> PROGRAM ADMIN <" ) print( "> HAPPY FRESH <" ) print( "> 🚩Pucang Sawit, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah🚩 <" ) print( "> +6281230526092 <" ) print( ">=====================================================================<" ) print("daftar menu : ") print("Enter 1. Tambah Daftar Daging") print("Enter 2. Tambah Daftar Buah") print("Enter 3. Tambah Daftar Sayur") print("Enter 4. Daftar Daging") print("Enter 5. Daftar Buah") print("Enter 6. Daftar Sayur") print("Enter 7. To exit") x = input("Input nomer yang ingin diinginkan(dalam angka) : ") if x == "1": namafile = 'daging.csv' kodemenu = int(input("Masukkan Kode Menu : ")) namamenu = input("Masukkan Nama Menu: ") hargamenu = int(input("Harga Menu: ")) csvheader = ['Kode', 'Menu', 'Harga'] with open(namafile, 'a', newline='\n') as filecsv: dictmenu = {'Kode': kodemenu, 'Menu': namamenu, 'Harga': hargamenu} writer = csv.DictWriter(filecsv, fieldnames=csvheader) if os.stat(namafile).st_size == 0: writer.writeheader() else: None writer.writerow(dictmenu) elif x == "2": namafile = 'buah.csv' kodemenu = int(input("Masukkan Kode Menu : ")) namamenu = input("Masukkan Nama Menu: ") hargamenu = int(input("Harga Menu: ")) csvheader = ['Kode', 'Menu', 'Harga'] with open(namafile, 'a', newline='\n') as filecsv: dictmenu = {'Kode': kodemenu, 'Menu': namamenu, 'Harga': hargamenu} writer = csv.DictWriter(filecsv, fieldnames=csvheader) if os.stat(namafile).st_size == 0: writer.writeheader() else: None writer.writerow(dictmenu) elif x == "3": namafile = 'sayur.csv' kodemenu = int(input("Masukkan Kode Menu : ")) namamenu = input("Masukkan Nama Menu: ") hargamenu = int(input("Harga Menu: ")) csvheader = ['Kode', 'Menu', 'Harga'] with open(namafile, 'a', newline='\n') as filecsv: dictmenu = {'Kode': kodemenu, 'Menu': namamenu, 'Harga': hargamenu} writer = csv.DictWriter(filecsv, fieldnames=csvheader) if os.stat(namafile).st_size == 0: writer.writeheader() else: None writer.writerow(dictmenu) elif x == "4": namafile = 'daging.csv' with open(namafile) as filecsv: readCSV = csv.reader(filecsv, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in readCSV: if line_count == 0: print(f"Nama Kolom: \n{row}") line_count += 1 else: line_count += 1 print(row) jmldata = int(line_count - 1) print("Jumlah Produk: ", jmldata) elif x == "5": namafile = 'buah.csv' with open(namafile) as filecsv: readCSV = csv.reader(filecsv, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in readCSV: if line_count == 0: print(f"Nama Kolom: \n{row}") line_count += 1 else: line_count += 1 print(row) jmldata = int(line_count - 1) print("Jumlah Produk: ", jmldata) elif x == "6": namafile = 'sayur.csv' with open(namafile) as filecsv: readCSV = csv.reader(filecsv, delimiter=',') line_count = 0 for row in readCSV: if line_count == 0: print(f"Nama Kolom: \n{row}") line_count += 1 else: line_count += 1 print(row) jmldata = int(line_count - 1) print("Jumlah Produk: ", jmldata) elif x == "7": print("Terima kasih, Semangat!") else: print("Please enter a valid choice from 1-7") loop = input( "Apakah Anda ingin memakai lagi Program Happy Fresh? (pilih y/t): ") if loop == "y": ulang() #gen isoh neng menu awal/menu admin elif loop == "t": print("------Terima kasih atas kunjungannya------") system.exit()
timeout = args.timeout seed = 0 if (type(args.seed) == int) and args.seed > -1: seed = args.seed num = 1 if (type(args.num) == int) and (num > 0): num = args.num properlyFormatted = True for char in args.chars: if char != '0': test = CHARS.find(char) if (test == -1): properlyFormatted = False if properlyFormatted: if (len(args.chars) == 16): template = setupAddress(args.chars) if seed > 32**len(template[0]): print CHARS_FLAG_ERROR_MSG else: scan(seed, num, timeout, template) else: print '[0] ' + CHARS_FLAG_ERROR_MSG else: print '[1] ' + CHARS_FLAG_ERROR_MSG else: print '[2] ' + CHARS_FLAG_ERROR_MSG except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Interrupted by user' system.exit(0)
def customer(): while True: ulang = "y" totalharga = 0 listnamabelanjaan = [] listhargabelanjaan = [] print(">===========================================<") print("> <") print("> SELAMAT DATANG DI TOKO HAPPY FRESH! <") print("> 🚩Pucang Sawit, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah🚩 <") print("> +6281230526092 <") print("> <") print("> Dapatkan kemudahan berbelanja <") print("> hanya di TOKO HAPPY FRESH <") print("> • 100% FRESH • <") print("> • 100% HIGIENIS • <") print("> • 100% TERJANGKAU • <") print("> <") print("> ❗Pengirimiman Khusus Area Solo❗ <") print("> MENERIMA COD DAN TRANSFER <") print("> <") print("> ❗❗❗ HAPPY SHOPPING ❗❗❗ <") print("> GRAB YOURS FAST <") print("> <") print("> ========================================= <") print() while ulang == 'y': print("Produk-produk yang kami tawarkan : ") print("1.Daging Sapi\n2.Buah\n3.Sayur ") jp = input("Input nomer jenis belanjaan Anda(dalam angka) : ") if jp == "1": listDaging = [] listDaging.append("1. Tenderloin (1 kg) \t= 170000") listDaging.append("2. Sirloin (1 kg) \t= 150000") listDaging.append("3. Rib eye (1 kg) \t= 140000") listDaging.append("4. Brisket (1 kg) \t= 120000") listDaging.extend([ "5. Oxtail (1 kg) \t= 130000" ]) # Menambahkan beberapa data ke bagian akhir for isi in listDaging: print(isi) option = int(input("Jenis daging apa yang ingin Anda beli?: ")) if option == 1: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah daging (per kg): ")) total = qnty * 170000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Tenderloin") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 2: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah daging (per kg): ")) total = qnty * 150000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Sirloin") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 3: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah daging (per kg): ")) total = qnty * 140000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Rib eye") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 4: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah daging (per kg): ")) total = qnty * 120000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Brisket") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 5: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah daging (per kg): ")) total = qnty * 130000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Oxtail") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) else: print("Opsi tidak ditemukan") break elif jp == "2": listBuah = [] listBuah.append("1. Mangga (1kg) \t = 30000") listBuah.append("2. Jeruk (1kg) \t\t = 20000") listBuah.append("3. Apel (1kg) \t\t = 50000") listBuah.append("4. Pir (1kg) \t\t = 25000") listBuah.extend([ "5. Buah naga (1kg) \t = 30000" ]) # Menambahkan beberapa data ke bagian akhir for isi in listBuah: print(isi) option = int(input("Jenis buah apa yang ingin Anda beli?: ")) if option == 1: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah buah (dalam kg): ")) total = qnty * 30000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Mangga") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 2: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah buah (dalam kg): ")) total = qnty * 20000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Jeruk") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 3: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah buah (dalam kg): ")) total = qnty * 50000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Apel") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 4: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah buah (dalam kg): ")) total = qnty * 25000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Pir") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 5: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah buah (dalam kg): ")) total = qnty * 30000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Buah naga") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) else: print("Opsi tidak ditemukan") elif jp == "3": listSayur = [] listSayur.append("1. Brokoli (1kg) \t\t = 40000") listSayur.append("2. Wortel (1kg) \t\t = 20000") listSayur.append("3. Kentang (1kg) \t\t = 25000") listSayur.append("4. Cabai (1kg) \t\t\t = 25000") listSayur.extend([ "5. Kembang kol \t\t\t = 35000" ]) # Menambahkan beberapa data ke bagian akhir for isi in listSayur: print(isi) option = int(input("Jenis sayur apa yang ingin Anda beli?: ")) if option == 1: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah sayur (dalam kg)\t: ")) total = qnty * 40000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Brokoli") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 2: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah sayur (dalam kg)\t: ")) total = qnty * 20000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Wortel") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 3: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah sayur (dalam kg)\t: ")) total = qnty * 25000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Kentang") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 4: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah sayur (dalam kg)\t: ")) total = qnty * 25000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Cabai") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) elif option == 5: qnty = float(input("Masukkan jumlah sayur (dalam kg)\t: ")) total = qnty * 35000 listnamabelanjaan.append("Kembang kol") listhargabelanjaan.append(qnty) else: print("Opsi tidak ditemukan") break else: system('cls') print("-Tidak terdeteksi-") totalharga += total ulang = input( "Apakah Anda ingin menambah keranjang belanjaan? (pilih y/t): " ) if ulang == "y": system('cls') True elif ulang == "t": print( ">===============================================================<" ) print( "> <" ) print( "> RINCIAN PEMBELIAN <" ) print( "> HAPPY FRESH <" ) print( ">---------------------------------------------------------------<" ) print( "> • 100% FRESH • 100% HIGIENIS 100% TERJANGKAU • <" ) print( "> 🚩Pucang Sawit, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah🚩 <" ) print( "> WA/NO.TELP +6281230526092 <" ) print( "> <" ) print( ">===============================================================<" ) x = 0 for x in range(len(listhargabelanjaan)): print("|", x + 1, "\t", str(listnamabelanjaan[x]), "\t\t\t", str(listhargabelanjaan[x]), "KG|") print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) nama = input("Nama: ") No_handphone = input("No Handphone: ") Alamat_lengkap = input("Alamat Lengkap: ") alamat = [ 'Banjarsari', 'Serengan', 'Laweyan', 'Pasar Kliwon', 'Jebres' ] print("Daftar Kecamatan: ") for i in range(5): print(i + 1, alamat[i]) option = input( "Nama kecamatan : " ) #Masukan nama kecamatan menggunakan kaidah KBBI if option == "Banjarsari": system('cls') ongkir = 4000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break elif option == "Serengan": system('cls') ongkir = 3000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break elif option == "Laweyan": system('cls') ongkir = 5000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break elif option == "Pasar Kliwon": system('cls') ongkir = 3000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break elif option == "Jebres": system('cls') ongkir = 3000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break else: system('cls') ongkir = 10000 totalpembayaran = ongkir + totalharga print("Nama \t\t: ", nama) print("No Handphone \t: ", No_handphone) print("Alamat Lengkap \t: ", Alamat_lengkap) print("Total belanjaan Anda :", totalharga) print("Ongkir :", ongkir) print(" -------------+") print("Total Pembayaran :", totalpembayaran) break print(">===========================================<") print("> <") print("> PILIH METODE PEMBAYARAN <") print("> <") print(">===========================================<") print("Metode pembayaran \t\t: COD/Transfer") MP = input("Input metode pembayaran \t:") #Masukan metode pembayaran if MP == "Transfer": print( "Mohon transfer ke rek. BRI 3011 0102 5427 532 a.n Fitria Dwi Assifa" ) elif MP == "COD": print("Admin akan mengirim pesan konfirmasi melalui Whatsapp/SMS ") else: print("system error") namafile = nama count = 0 with open(namafile, "w+") as f: f.write( ">===============================================================<" + "\n") f.write( "> <" + "\n") f.write( "> RINCIAN PEMBELIAN <" + "\n") f.write( "> HAPPY FRESH <" + "\n") f.write( ">---------------------------------------------------------------<" + "\n") f.write(" Bought By: " + nama + "\n") f.write(" No Hp: " + No_handphone + " Alamat:" + Alamat_lengkap + "\n\n") f.write("No \t\t Produk \t\t Quantity \n") for x in range(len(listhargabelanjaan)): with open(namafile, "a") as f: count = count + 1 f.write( str(count) + ". \t\t" + str(listnamabelanjaan[x]) + "\t\t\t " + str(listhargabelanjaan[x]) + "\n\n") with open(namafile, "a") as f: f.write("Total belanjaan Anda :" + str(totalharga) + "\n") f.write("Ongkir :" + str(ongkir) + "\n") f.write(" -------------+" + "\n") f.write("Total Pembayaran :" + str(totalpembayaran) + "\n") ulang = input( "Apakah Anda ingin menggunakan program ini lagi? (pilih y/t): ") if ulang == "y": system('cls') True elif ulang == "t": system.exit()
# signature config printLineSeparator("signature config start") signatureFile = "momeng.keystore" signatureConfig = "" if path.exists(path.join(vcbrowserDir, signatureFile)): printVar("signature", "signature file exist in vcbrowser.") else: if "signatureDir" in os.environ: signatureDir = os.environ["signatureDir"] else: signatureDir = path.dirname(path.dirname(sourceDir)) if not path.exists(signatureDir): printVar("signatureDir", "signatureDir not exist") system.exit(1) printVar("signatureDir", signatureDir) copyfile(signatureDir, vcbrowserDir, signatureFile) if path.exists(path.join(vcbrowserDir, signatureConfig)): printVar("signature", "signatureConfig file exist.") else: copyfile(signatureDir, vcbrowserDir, signatureConfig) printLineSeparator("signature config end") # build apk printLineSeparator("build apk start") os.system('gradle clean assembleDebug assembleRelease') printLineSeparator("build apk end") printLineSeparator("after build start") # copy file from source to destination
system('cls') #clears the terminal window4 plc = pyads.Connection(AMS_NET_ID, PLC_PORT) #Creates the PLC connection object# while True: try: #Start connection to the PLC break except ValueError: print("Error opening PLC connection") break #<Here would probably want to execute scripts in a test folder> testAxis = mf.testClass(plc, AXIS_ID) testAxis.axisOn() if testAxis.waitForOn() == False: plc.close() print("Axis failed to enable. Press enter key to exit") input() system.exit() #pointMoves(testAxis,20) testAxis.moveToHighLimit(10) time.sleep(1) testAxis.moveToLowLimit(10) time.sleep(1) testAxis.moveToLowLimit(-20) plc.close()
print "Total de contribuídores: ", len(dicUsers.keys()) #Verificar usuários com o email cadastrado dicUsersValid={} for user in dicUsers.keys(): if dicUsers[user]["email"]!=None: dicUsersValid.update({user:dicUsers[user]}) print "Total de usuários com email: ", len(dicUsersValid.keys()) #Verificar usuários do Brasil try: arq = file('states.json') states=json.load(arq) arq.close() except IOError: print "Saindo..." system.exit(0) dicUsersValidFinal={} for user in dicUsersValid.keys(): if dicUsersValid[user]["location"]!=None and isBrazil(dicUsersValid[user]["location"]): dicUsersValidFinal.update({user:dicUsersValid[user]}) print "Total de usuários localizados no Brasil: ", len(dicUsersValidFinal.keys()) #Salva em .csv listSorted=[] for user in dicUsersValidFinal.keys(): listSorted.append((user,dicUsersValidFinal[user]["totalContribuitions"])) listSorted=sorted(listSorted, key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) dicUsers= dicUsersValidFinal expReposCsv(listSorted)
def byebye(self): self.fala('Até mais.') system.exit(0)