def toggle_zeus(): global scripts if scripts['zeus_started']: scripts['zeus_started'] = False NewThread( target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_zeus.exe')).start() ui.ahkzeusButton.setText('On') else: NewThread(target=lambda: cmd_run('hnh_zeus.vbs')).start() scripts['zeus_started'] = True ui.ahkzeusButton.setText('Off')
def run_app_def(): prog = txt.get() prog = prog.replace('"', '') prog = prog.replace("'", "") if prog == '': messagebox.showerror('Error!', 'Launchstring is empty!') else: if file_exists(prog, mode=check_param) == False: messagebox.showerror('Error!', 'File is not exists!') else: if is_builded == True: cmd_run('start ' + argv[0] + ' -win7style -prog ' + prog) else: cmd_run('start python ' + argv[0] + ' -win7style -prog ' + prog)
def toggle_trigger(): global scripts if scripts['trigger_started']: scripts['trigger_started'] = False scripts['trigger_running'] = False NewThread( target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_trigger.exe')).start() ui.ahktriggerButton.setText('On') else: scripts['trigger_started'] = True ui.ahktriggerButton.setText('Off')
def toggle_shake(): global scripts if scripts['shake_started']: scripts['shake_started'] = False scripts['shake_running'] = False NewThread( target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_shake.exe')).start() ui.ahkshakeButton.setText('On') else: scripts['shake_started'] = True ui.ahkshakeButton.setText('Off')
def toggle_no_recoil(): global scripts if scripts['recoil_started']: scripts['recoil_started'] = False scripts['recoil_running'] = False NewThread(target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_no_recoil.exe') ).start() ui.ahknorecoilButton.setText('On') else: scripts['recoil_started'] = True ui.ahknorecoilButton.setText('Off')
def toggle_fast_zoom(): global scripts if scripts['zoom_started']: scripts['zoom_started'] = False scripts['zoom_running'] = False NewThread(target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_fastzoom.exe') ).start() ui.ahkfastzoomButton.setText('On') else: scripts['zoom_started'] = True ui.ahkfastzoomButton.setText('Off')
def toggle_bunny_hop(): global scripts if scripts['bunny_hop_started']: scripts['bunny_hop_started'] = False scripts['bunny_hop_running'] = False NewThread( target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_bhop.exe')).start() ui.ahkbhopButton.setText('On') else: scripts['bunny_hop_started'] = True ui.ahkbhopButton.setText('Off')
def toggle_cross_hair(): global scripts if scripts['cross_hair_running']: scripts['cross_hair_running'] = False NewThread(target=lambda: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_crosshair.exe') ).start() ui.crosshairButton.setText('On') else: scripts['cross_hair_running'] = True NewThread(target=lambda: run_program('crosshair\\hnh_crosshair.exe') ).start() ui.crosshairButton.setText('Off')
def check_window(): while running: if GetText(GetCurrentWindow()) == 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive': if scripts[ 'bunny_hop_started'] and not scripts['bunny_hop_running']: run_program('hnh_bhop.vbs') scripts['bunny_hop_running'] = True if scripts['zoom_started'] and not scripts['zoom_running']: run_program('hnh_fastzoom.vbs') scripts['zoom_running'] = True if scripts['recoil_started'] and not scripts['recoil_running']: run_program('hnh_no_recoil.vbs') scripts['recoil_running'] = True if scripts['shake_started'] and not scripts['shake_running']: run_program('hnh_shake.vbs') scripts['shake_running'] = True if scripts['trigger_started'] and not scripts['trigger_running']: run_program('hnh_trigger.vbs') scripts['trigger_running'] = True time_sleep(0.1) else: if scripts['bunny_hop_started'] and scripts['bunny_hop_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_bhop.exe') scripts['bunny_hop_running'] = False if scripts['zoom_started'] and scripts['zoom_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_fastzoom.exe') scripts['zoom_running'] = False if scripts['recoil_started'] and scripts['recoil_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_no_recoil.exe') scripts['recoil_running'] = False if scripts['shake_started'] and scripts['shake_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_shake.exe') scripts['shake_running'] = False if scripts['bunny_hop_started'] and scripts['trigger_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_trigger.exe') scripts['trigger_running'] = False time_sleep(1)
def kill_all(): if scripts['bunny_hop_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_bhop.exe') if scripts['cross_hair_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_crosshair.exe') if scripts['zoom_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_fastzoom.exe') if scripts['recoil_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_no_recoil.exe') if scripts['shake_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_shake.exe') if scripts['trigger_running']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_trigger.exe') if scripts['zeus_started']: cmd_run('taskkill /f /im hnh_zeus.exe')
from os import get_terminal_size as get_size from colorama import init as colorama_init from colorama import Fore as fore from colorama import Back as back from colorama import Style as style from time import sleep as time_sleep scroll = 100000 game_window = 'Counter-Strike: Global Offensive' bunny_hop_key = SPACE wait_game_interval = 3000 windows_dll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleW('Pixelsuft Python Bhop Script (') cmd_run('color 0a') def print_logo(): colorama_init(autoreset=True) term_size = get_size() text_to_print = ''' 00000 0 0 000000 000000 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 000000 0 0 000000 000000 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 000000 0 0 0 0'''[1:].split('\n') print('\033[2J', end='') print('\n' * int(term_size[1] / 2 - len(text_to_print) / 2), end='') for i in text_to_print: print(
health_check = search_health_check(route53, args.resource) if 'Present' not in dns_record: create_dns_record('CREATE', route53, args.resource, args.domain_name, args.record_type, args.ip_address, health_check['Id'], args.zone_id, args.ttl) dns_record = search_dns_record(route53, args.zone_id, args.ip_address, args.domain_name) elif dns_record['HealthCheckId'] != health_check['Id']: create_dns_record('UPSERT', route53, args.resource, args.domain_name, args.record_type, args.ip_address, health_check['Id'], args.zone_id, args.ttl) dns_record = search_dns_record(route53, args.zone_id, args.ip_address, args.domain_name) if args.zabbix: if 'Present' in dns_record and \ 'Present' in health_check and \ dns_record['HealthCheckId'] == health_check['Id']: cmd_run( 'echo $(hostname -s) aws_check 0 | /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_send') cmd_run( 'echo $(hostname -s) aws_check_ip 0 | /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_send') else: cmd_run( 'echo $(hostname -s) aws_check 1 | /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_send') cmd_run( 'echo $(hostname -s) aws_check_ip 1 | /usr/local/sbin/zabbix_send') exit(0)
from os import system as cmd_run File_folder = "C:/Users/XXX/Downloads/platform-tools_r28.0.3-windows/platform-tools/" goto_enviroment="C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K "+'"'+"cd /d "+str(File_folder)+'"' print(goto_enviroment) cmd_run(goto_enviroment) print('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') cmd_run('".\adb -d shell sh /data/data/me.piebridge.brevent/"')
from os import system as cmd_run cmd_run('title Happy Wheels Picture Level Data Generator') cmd_run('color 0a') cmd_run('cls') from sys import argv log_prefix = 'Log' try: def log(text): print( str('[') + str(log_prefix) + str(']') + str(' ') + str(text) + str(';')) print('Press Ctrl+C to Quit\n\n\n') log(f'Starting "{argv[0]}"') log('Importing Pillow...') try: from PIL import Image as PIL_Image, ImageColor except: if input('Pillow is not installed. Install it? [y/n]: ') == 'y': log('Installing Pillow') cmd_run('python -m pip install Pillow') exit() else: log('Download Canceled, Exiting...') exit()
env['__COMPAT_LAYER'] = 'WinXPSp3' with_7_style = False if '-prog' in argv: is_prog_arg = 0 prog_to_run = '' for i in range(len(argv)): if is_prog_arg == 1: is_prog_arg = 2 prog_to_run = argv[i] elif is_prog_arg == 2: prog_to_run += ' ' + argv[i] elif argv[i] == '-prog': is_prog_arg = 1 prog_to_run = prog_to_run.replace('"', '') prog_to_run = prog_to_run.replace("'", "") cmd_run('"' + prog_to_run + '"') exit() else: for i in argv: if i == '-win7style': with_7_style = True if with_7_style == False: if is_builded == True: cmd_run(argv[0] + ' -win7style') else: cmd_run('python ' + argv[0] + ' -win7style') exit() #code from ttkthemes import themed_tk as tk from tkinter import ttk