Пример #1
def parse_conf_dir(conf_dir):
    if not isdir(conf_dir):
        return list(), '%s is not a directory' % conf_dir

    jail_local = list(
        filter(lambda local: is_accessible(local, R_OK),
               glob(conf_dir + '/*.local')))
    jail_conf = list(
        filter(lambda conf: is_accessible(conf, R_OK),
               glob(conf_dir + '/*.conf')))

    if not (jail_local or jail_conf):
        return list(), '%s is empty or not readable' % conf_dir

    # According "man jail.conf" files could be *.local AND *.conf
    # *.conf files parsed first. Changes in *.local overrides configuration in *.conf
    if jail_conf:
            conf for conf in jail_conf
            if conf[:-5] not in [local[:-6] for local in jail_local]
    jails_list = list()
    for conf in jail_local:
        with open(conf, 'rt') as f:
            raw_data = f.read()

        data = ' '.join(raw_data.split())
    jails_list = list(set(jails_list))

    return jails_list, 'can\'t locate any jails in %s. Default jail is [\'ssh\']' % conf_dir
Пример #2
    def check(self):

        # Check "log_path" is accessible.
        # If NOT STOP plugin
        if not is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % (self.log_path))
            return False

        # Check "conf_path" is accessible.
        # If "conf_path" is accesible try to parse it to find enabled jails
        if is_accessible(self.conf_path, R_OK):
            with open(self.conf_path, 'rt') as jails_conf:
                jails_list = regex.findall(' '.join(jails_conf.read().split()))
            self.jails_list = [
                jail[:-1] for jail, status in jails_list if status == 'true'
            self.jails_list = []
            self.error('Cannot access jail.local file %s.' % (self.conf_path))

        # If for some reason parse failed we still can START with default jails_list.
        self.jails_list = [jail for jail in self.jails_list if jail not in self.exclude]\
                                              if self.jails_list else self.default_jails
        self.info('Plugin succefully started. Jails: %s' % (self.jails_list))
        return True
Пример #3
    def check(self):

        # Check "log_path" is accessible.
        # If NOT STOP plugin
        if not is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % self.log_path)
            return False
        jails_list = list()

        if self.conf_dir:
            dir_jails, error = parse_conf_dir(self.conf_dir)
            if not dir_jails:

        if self.conf_path:
            path_jails, error = parse_conf_path(self.conf_path)
            if not path_jails:

        # If for some reason parse failed we still can START with default jails_list.
        self.jails_list = list(set(jails_list) - set(self.exclude)) or ['ssh']

        self.data = dict([(jail, 0) for jail in self.jails_list])
            dict([(jail + '_in_jail', 0) for jail in self.jails_list]))
        self.bans = dict([(jail, list()) for jail in self.jails_list])

        self.info('Plugin successfully started. Jails: %s' % self.jails_list)
        return True
Пример #4
    def check(self):

        # Check "log_path" is accessible.
        # If NOT STOP plugin
        if not is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % self.log_path)
            return False
        jails_list = list()

        if self.conf_dir:
            dir_jails, error = parse_conf_dir(self.conf_dir)
            if not dir_jails:

        if self.conf_path:
            path_jails, error = parse_conf_path(self.conf_path)
            if not path_jails:

        # If for some reason parse failed we still can START with default jails_list.
        self.jails_list = list(set(jails_list) - set(self.exclude)) or ['ssh']
        self.data = dict([(jail, 0) for jail in self.jails_list])
        self.info('Plugin successfully started. Jails: %s' % self.jails_list)
        return True
def parse_configuration_files_(jails_conf_path, jails_conf_dir, print_error):
    :param jails_conf_path: <str>
    :param jails_conf_dir: <str>
    :param print_error: <function>
    :return: <tuple>

    Uses "find_jails_in_files" function to find all jails in the "jails_conf_dir" directory
    and in the "jails_conf_path"

    All files must endswith ".local" or ".conf"
    Return order is important.
    According man jail.conf it should be
    * jail.conf
    * jail.d/*.conf (in alphabetical order)
    * jail.local
    * jail.d/*.local (in alphabetical order)
    path_conf, path_local, dir_conf, dir_local = list(), list(), list(), list()

    # Parse files in the directory
    if not (isinstance(jails_conf_dir, str) and isdir(jails_conf_dir)):
        print_error('%s is not a directory' % jails_conf_dir)
        dir_conf = list(
            filter(lambda conf: is_accessible(conf, R_OK),
                   glob(jails_conf_dir + '/*.conf')))
        dir_local = list(
            filter(lambda local: is_accessible(local, R_OK),
                   glob(jails_conf_dir + '/*.local')))
        if not (dir_conf or dir_local):
            print_error('%s is empty or not readable' % jails_conf_dir)
            dir_conf, dir_local = (find_jails_in_files(dir_conf, print_error),
                                   find_jails_in_files(dir_local, print_error))

    # Parse .conf and .local files
    if isinstance(jails_conf_path, str) and jails_conf_path.endswith(
        ('.local', '.conf')):
        path_conf, path_local = (find_jails_in_files(
            [jails_conf_path.split('.')[0] + '.conf'], print_error),
                                     jails_conf_path.split('.')[0] + '.local'
                                 ], print_error))

    return path_conf, dir_conf, path_local, dir_local
Пример #6
def parse_conf_path(conf_path):
    if not is_accessible(conf_path, R_OK):
        return list(), '%s is not readable' % conf_path

    with open(conf_path, 'rt') as jails_conf:
        raw_data = jails_conf.read()

    data = raw_data.split()
    jails_list = REGEX_JAILS.findall(' '.join(data))
    return jails_list, 'can\'t locate any jails in %s. Default jail is  [\'ssh\']' % conf_path
Пример #7
def parse_conf_path(conf_path):
    if not is_accessible(conf_path, R_OK):
        return list(), '%s is not readable' % conf_path

    with open(conf_path, 'rt') as jails_conf:
        raw_data = jails_conf.read()

    data = raw_data.split()
    jails_list = REGEX.findall(' '.join(data))
    return jails_list, 'can\'t locate any jails in %s. Default jail is  [\'ssh\']' % conf_path
    def check(self):
        :return: bool
        Check if the "log_path" is not empty and readable

        if not (is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK) and getsize(self.log_path) != 0):
            self.error('%s is not readable or empty' % self.log_path)
            return False
        return True
Пример #9
def parse_configuration_files_(jails_conf_path, jails_conf_dir, print_error):
    :param jails_conf_path: <str>
    :param jails_conf_dir: <str>
    :param print_error: <function>
    :return: <tuple>

    Uses "find_jails_in_files" function to find all jails in the "jails_conf_dir" directory
    and in the "jails_conf_path"

    All files must endswith ".local" or ".conf"
    Return order is important.
    According man jail.conf it should be
    * jail.conf
    * jail.d/*.conf (in alphabetical order)
    * jail.local
    * jail.d/*.local (in alphabetical order)
    path_conf, path_local, dir_conf, dir_local = list(), list(), list(), list()

    # Parse files in the directory
    if not (isinstance(jails_conf_dir, str) and isdir(jails_conf_dir)):
        print_error('%s is not a directory' % jails_conf_dir)
        dir_conf = list(filter(lambda conf: is_accessible(conf, R_OK), glob(jails_conf_dir + '/*.conf')))
        dir_local = list(filter(lambda local: is_accessible(local, R_OK), glob(jails_conf_dir + '/*.local')))
        if not (dir_conf or dir_local):
            print_error('%s is empty or not readable' % jails_conf_dir)
            dir_conf, dir_local = (find_jails_in_files(dir_conf, print_error),
                                   find_jails_in_files(dir_local, print_error))

    # Parse .conf and .local files
    if isinstance(jails_conf_path, str) and jails_conf_path.endswith(('.local', '.conf')):
        path_conf, path_local = (find_jails_in_files([jails_conf_path.split('.')[0] + '.conf'], print_error),
                                 find_jails_in_files([jails_conf_path.split('.')[0] + '.local'], print_error))

    return path_conf, dir_conf, path_local, dir_local
Пример #10
    def check(self):
        :return: bool

        Check if the "log_path" is not empty and readable

        if not (is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK) and getsize(self.log_path) != 0):
            self.error('%s is not readable or empty' % self.log_path)
            return False
        self.jails_list, self.to_netdata, self.banned_ips = self.jails_auto_detection_()
        self.definitions = create_definitions_(self.jails_list)
        self.info('Jails: %s' % self.jails_list)
        return True
Пример #11
    def check(self):
        # Check "log_path" is accessible.
        # If NOT STOP plugin
        if not is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % (self.log_path))
            return False

        # Check "conf_path" is accessible.
        # If "conf_path" is accesible try to parse it to find enabled jails
        if is_accessible(self.conf_path, R_OK):
            with open(self.conf_path, 'rt') as jails_conf:
                jails_list = regex.findall(' '.join(jails_conf.read().split()))
            self.jails_list = [jail[:-1] for jail, status in jails_list if status == 'true']
            self.jails_list = []
            self.error('Cannot access jail.local file %s.' % (self.conf_path))
        # If for some reason parse failed we still can START with default jails_list.
        self.jails_list = [jail for jail in self.jails_list if jail not in self.exclude]\
                                              if self.jails_list else self.default_jails
        self.info('Plugin succefully started. Jails: %s' % (self.jails_list))
        return True
Пример #12
def parse_conf_dir(conf_dir):
    if not isdir(conf_dir):
        return list(), '%s is not a directory' % conf_dir

    jail_local = list(filter(lambda local: is_accessible(local, R_OK), glob(conf_dir + '/*.local')))
    jail_conf = list(filter(lambda conf: is_accessible(conf, R_OK), glob(conf_dir + '/*.conf')))

    if not (jail_local or jail_conf):
        return list(), '%s is empty or not readable' % conf_dir

    # According "man jail.conf" files could be *.local AND *.conf
    # *.conf files parsed first. Changes in *.local overrides configuration in *.conf
    if jail_conf:
        jail_local.extend([conf for conf in jail_conf if conf[:-5] not in [local[:-6] for local in jail_local]])
    jails_list = list()
    for conf in jail_local:
        with open(conf, 'rt') as f:
            raw_data = f.read()

        data = ' '.join(raw_data.split())
    jails_list = list(set(jails_list))

    return jails_list, 'can\'t locate any jails in %s. Default jail is [\'ssh\']' % conf_dir
    def check(self):
        :return: bool

        Check if the "log_path" is not empty and readable

        if not (is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK)
                and getsize(self.log_path) != 0):
            self.error('%s is not readable or empty' % self.log_path)
            return False
        self.jails_list, self.to_netdata, self.banned_ips = self.jails_auto_detection_(
        self.definitions = create_definitions_(self.jails_list)
        self.info('Jails: %s' % self.jails_list)
        return True
Пример #14
    def check(self):
        # We cant start without 'rndc' command
        if not self.rndc:
                'Can\'t locate \'rndc\' binary or binary is not executable by netdata'
            return False

        # We cant start if stats file is not exist or not readable by netdata user
        if not is_accessible(self.named_stats_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % self.named_stats_path)
            return False

        size_before = getsize(self.named_stats_path)
        run_rndc = Popen([self.rndc, 'stats'], shell=False)
        size_after = getsize(self.named_stats_path)

        # We cant start if netdata user has no permissions to run 'rndc stats'
        if not run_rndc.returncode:
            # 'rndc' was found, stats file is exist and readable and we can run 'rndc stats'. Lets go!

            # BIND APPEND dump on every run 'rndc stats'
            # that is why stats file size can be VERY large if update_interval too small
            dump_size_24hr = round(
                86400 / self.update_every *
                (int(size_after) - int(size_before)) / 1048576, 3)

            # If update_every too small we should WARN user
            if self.update_every < 30:
                    'Update_every %s is NOT recommended for use. Increase the value to > 30'
                    % self.update_every)

                'With current update_interval it will be + %s MB every 24hr. '
                'Don\'t forget to create logrotate conf file for %s' %
                (dump_size_24hr, self.named_stats_path))

            self.info('Plugin was started successfully.')

            return True
            self.error('Not enough permissions to run "%s stats"' % self.rndc)
            return False
Пример #15
def find_jails_in_files(list_of_files, print_error):
    :param list_of_files: <list>
    :param print_error: <function>
    :return: <list>

    Open a file and parse it to find all (enabled and disabled) jails
    The output is a list of tuples:
    [('ssh', 'true'), ('apache', 'false'), ...]
    jails_list = list()
    for conf in list_of_files:
        if is_accessible(conf, R_OK):
            with open(conf, 'rt') as conf:
                raw_data = conf.read()
            data = ' '.join(raw_data.split())
            print_error('%s is not readable or not exist' % conf)
    return jails_list
def find_jails_in_files(list_of_files, print_error):
    :param list_of_files: <list>
    :param print_error: <function>
    :return: <list>

    Open a file and parse it to find all (enabled and disabled) jails
    The output is a list of tuples:
    [('ssh', 'true'), ('apache', 'false'), ...]
    jails_list = list()
    for conf in list_of_files:
        if is_accessible(conf, R_OK):
            with open(conf, 'rt') as conf:
                raw_data = conf.read()
            data = ' '.join(raw_data.split())
            print_error('%s is not readable or not exist' % conf)
    return jails_list
Пример #17
    def check(self):

        # Check "log_path" is accessible.
        # If NOT STOP plugin
        if not is_accessible(self.log_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % self.log_path)
            return False

        if self.conf_dir:
            jails_list, error = parse_conf_dir(self.conf_dir)
            jails_list, error = parse_conf_path(self.conf_path)

        if not jails_list:

        # If for some reason parse failed we still can START with default jails_list.
        self.jails_list = list(set(jails_list) - set(self.exclude)) or ['ssh']
        self.data = dict([(jail, 0) for jail in self.jails_list])
        self.info('Plugin successfully started. Jails: %s' % self.jails_list)
        return True
Пример #18
    def check(self):
        # We cant start without 'rndc' command
        if not self.rndc:
            self.error('Can\'t locate \'rndc\' binary or binary is not executable by netdata')
            return False

        # We cant start if stats file is not exist or not readable by netdata user
        if not is_accessible(self.named_stats_path, R_OK):
            self.error('Cannot access file %s' % self.named_stats_path)
            return False

        size_before = getsize(self.named_stats_path)
        run_rndc = Popen([self.rndc, 'stats'], shell=False)
        size_after = getsize(self.named_stats_path)

        # We cant start if netdata user has no permissions to run 'rndc stats'
        if not run_rndc.returncode:
            # 'rndc' was found, stats file is exist and readable and we can run 'rndc stats'. Lets go!

            # BIND APPEND dump on every run 'rndc stats'
            # that is why stats file size can be VERY large if update_interval too small
            dump_size_24hr = round(86400 / self.update_every * (int(size_after) - int(size_before)) / 1048576, 3)

            # If update_every too small we should WARN user
            if self.update_every < 30:
                self.info('Update_every %s is NOT recommended for use. Increase the value to > 30' % self.update_every)

            self.info('With current update_interval it will be + %s MB every 24hr. '
                      'Don\'t forget to create logrotate conf file for %s' % (dump_size_24hr, self.named_stats_path))

            self.info('Plugin was started successfully.')

            return True
            self.error('Not enough permissions to run "%s stats"' % self.rndc)
            return False