def group_by_field(self, root_node, field_name): graph = self.graph issues = graph.get_nodes_issues() # resolve current node's issues nodes = graph.nodes # save current nodes edges = graph.edges # save current edges graph.nodes = [] # reset nodes graph.edges = [] # reset edges graph.add_node(root_node) if field_name == 'Issue Links': for edge in edges: link_type = edge[1] to_key = edge[2] to_issue = Misc.get_value(issues, to_key, {}) to_key = Misc.get_value(to_issue, 'Key') graph.add_node(link_type) graph.add_node(to_key) graph.add_edge(root_node, '', link_type) graph.add_edge(link_type, '', to_key) else: for node in nodes: issue = issues.get(node) if issue: value = issue.get(field_name) graph.add_node(value) graph.add_node(node) graph.add_edge(root_node, field_name, value) graph.add_edge(value, '', node) return self
def run(event, context): try: load_dependencies('requests,syncer,pyppeteer,websocket-client') from osbot_jupyter.osbot.Jupyter_Commands import Jupyter_Commands params = Misc.get_value(event, 'params', []) if not params: params = [''] data = event.get('data') channel = Misc.get_value(data, 'channel') team_id = Misc.get_value(data, 'team_id') params.append({"data": data}) return Slack_Commands_Helper(Jupyter_Commands).invoke( team_id, channel, params) except Exception as error: message = "[lambda_osbot] Error: {0}".format(error) #log_to_elk(message, level='error') return message
def handle_action(self, event): action = Misc.get_value(Misc.array_pop(event.get('actions'), 0), 'value') try: target = getattr(self, action) except: return self.message_not_supported_action(action) try: return target(event) except Exception as error: return self.message_execution_error(error)
def handle_block_action(self,event): # todo: refactor in to separate method handler (specially when adding the lambda capability) channel = Misc.get_value(Misc.get_value(event,'channel'),'id') team_id = Misc.get_value(Misc.get_value(event,'team'),'id') actions = event.get('actions') handlers = { 'Jira_View_Issue': Jira_View_Issue} def send_message(message): if channel: slack_message(message,[], channel, team_id) else: return message try: for action in actions: split_action = action.get('action_id').split('::') action_type = Misc.array_get(split_action, 0) action_class = Misc.array_get(split_action, 1) action_method = Misc.array_get(split_action, 2) if action_type == 'class_method': if action_class and action_method: target = handlers.get(action_class) if target: try: method = getattr(target, action_method) #slack_message(':point_right: Invoking method `{0}.{1}`'.format(action_class,action_method), [], channel, team_id) try: target_obj = target(channel=channel,team_id=team_id, event=event) return method(target_obj, action) except Exception as error: return send_message(':red_circle: Error in `handle_block_action` invocation of method `{0}.{1}`: `{2}`'.format(action_class,action_method, error)) except: return send_message(':red_circle: Error in `handle_block_action` could not resolve method: `{0}.{1}`'.format(action_class,action_method)) else: return send_message(':red_circle: Error in `handle_block_action` could not resolve class action: `{0}`'.format(action_class)) else: return send_message(':red_circle: Error in `handle_block_action` could not resolve action: `{0}`'.format(action)) #elif action_type == 'lambda': else: return send_message(':red_circle: Error in `handle_block_action` un-supported action type: `{0}`'.format(split_action)) return None except Exception as error: return send_message(":red_circle: error in handle_block_action: `{0}` . Actions value was `{1}`".format(error,actions))
def handle_action(self, event): self.send_message('aaaa') action = Misc.array_pop(event.get('actions'), 0) action_value = Misc.get_value(action, 'value') try: target = getattr(self, action_value) except: channel = event.get('channel').get('id') team_id = event.get('team').get('id') # temp code (refactor when adding full support for blocks) text = ':point_right: message not recognised: {0}'.format(action) API_Slack_Blocks().set_text(text).send_message(channel, team_id) return self.message_not_supported_action( action) # event.get('original_message')) try: return target(event) except Exception as error: return self.message_execution_error(error)
def start(team_id=None, channel=None, params=None): try: server_size = 'large' event = Misc.array_pop(params) user = Misc.get_value(event,'data', {}).get('user') repo_name = Misc.array_pop(params,0) if repo_name is None: repo_name = 'gwbot-jupyter-notebooks' # todo: move to global param value #return ":red_circle: you need to provide an git repo with notebooks, for example try `gs-notebook-gscs`" if '-' not in repo_name and len(repo_name) < 10: repo_name = 'gs-notebook-{0}'.format(repo_name) # todo: move to config value (since this is implementation specific) payload = { 'repo_name': repo_name, "channel" : channel , 'user' : user , 'server_size': server_size} #slack_message(f':point_right: about to start a jupyter notebook with params: {payload} ', [], channel) Lambda('osbot_jupyter.lambdas.start_server').invoke_async(payload) except Exception as error: return f':red_circle: error in Jupyter start command: {error}'
def __init__(self, data, channel=None, team_id=None): = data self.submission = Misc.get_value(data, 'submission') = channel self.team_id = team_id
def value_secret(self): return Misc.get_value(self.get_secret(),'Value')
def project_info(self): projects = Misc.get_value( self.codebuild.batch_get_projects(names=[self.project_name]), 'projects', []) return Misc.array_pop(projects, 0)
def stream_arn(self): streams = self.dynamo.dynamo_streams().list_streams(TableName=self.table_name).get('Streams') first_one = Misc.array_pop(streams,0) return Misc.get_value(first_one,'StreamArn')
def role_arn(self): return Misc.get_value(self.role_info(), 'Arn')