def main(apiurl, opts, argv): repo = argv[0] arch = argv[1] build_descr = argv[2] xp = [] build_root = None cache_dir = None build_uid='' vm_type = config['build-type'] build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr) build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:] if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi']: raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc or .kiwi.' \ % build_type) if not os.path.isfile(build_descr): raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr) buildargs = [] if not opts.userootforbuild: buildargs.append('--norootforbuild') if opts.clean: buildargs.append('--clean') if opts.noinit: buildargs.append('--noinit') if opts.nochecks: buildargs.append('--no-checks') if not opts.no_changelog: buildargs.append('--changelog') if opts.root: build_root = opts.root if buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % elif config['build-jobs'] > 1: buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs']) if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0': if opts.icecream: num = opts.icecream else: num = config['icecream'] if int(num) > 0: buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num) xp.append('icecream') xp.append('gcc-c++') if opts.ccache: buildargs.append('--ccache') xp.append('ccache') if opts.linksources: buildargs.append('--linksources') if opts.baselibs: buildargs.append('--baselibs') if opts.debuginfo: buildargs.append('--debug') if opts._with: for o in opts._with: buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o) if opts.without: for o in opts.without: buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o) if opts.define: for o in opts.define: buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o) if config['build-uid']: build_uid = config['build-uid'] if opts.build_uid: build_uid = opts.build_uid if build_uid: buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$') if build_uid == 'caller': buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())) elif buildidre.match(build_uid): buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid) else: print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"' return 1 if opts.vm_type: vm_type = opts.vm_type if opts.alternative_project: prj = opts.alternative_project pac = '_repository' else: prj = store_read_project(os.curdir) if opts.local_package: pac = '_repository' else: pac = store_read_package(os.curdir) if buildargs.append("--shell") # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file for var in ['OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR', 'OSC_SU_WRAPPER', 'OSC_BUILD_ROOT']: val = os.getenv(var) if val: if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:] var = var.lower().replace('_', '-') if config.has_key(var): print 'Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % (var, config[var], val) config[var] = val pacname = pac if pacname == '_repository': if not opts.local_package: try: pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir) except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy: opts.local_package = True if opts.local_package: pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0] apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(apiurl)[1] if not build_root: build_root = config['build-root'] % {'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost} cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost} extra_pkgs = [] if not opts.extra_pkgs: extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs'] elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']: extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs if xp: extra_pkgs += xp prefer_pkgs = {} build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read() # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines if opts.without: s = '' for i in opts.without: s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 0\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts._with: s = '' for i in opts._with: s += "%%define _without_%s 0\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.define: s = '' for i in opts.define: s += "%%define %s\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.prefer_pkgs: print 'Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs) prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type) cpio.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data) build_descr_data = cpio.get() # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest specialcmdopts = [] if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest : if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest: raise oscerr.WrongOptions('When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.') myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc))) if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc) # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest) if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest) specialcmdopts = ['--rsync-src='+myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest='+myrsyncdest] if opts.overlay: myoverlay = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay))) if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay) specialcmdopts += ['--overlay='+myoverlay] bi_file = None bc_file = None bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch) bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch) if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(, os.W_OK): bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bc_filename) elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK): bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename) bi_filename = bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename) bc_filename = else: bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename) try: if opts.noinit: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename elif opts.offline: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file') else: print 'Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename bi_text = ''.join(get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch, specfile=build_descr_data, addlist=extra_pkgs)) if not bi_file: bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w') # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file bi_file.write(bi_text) bi_file.flush() print 'Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo) if not bc_file: bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w') bc_file.write(bc) bc_file.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 404: # check what caused the 404 if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl): pkg_meta_e = None try: # take care, not to run into double trouble. pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl) except: pass if pkg_meta_e: print >>sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error' else: print >>sys.stderr, 'The package \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac else: print >>sys.stderr, 'The project \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj sys.exit(1) else: raise
def main(apiurl, opts, argv): repo = argv[0] arch = argv[1] build_descr = argv[2] xp = [] build_root = None cache_dir = None build_uid = "" vm_type = config["build-type"] build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr) build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:] if build_type not in ["spec", "dsc", "kiwi"]: raise oscerr.WrongArgs( "Unknown build type: '%s'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc or .kiwi." % build_type ) if not os.path.isfile(build_descr): raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Error: build description file named '%s' does not exist." % build_descr) buildargs = [] if not opts.userootforbuild: buildargs.append("--norootforbuild") if opts.clean: buildargs.append("--clean") if opts.noinit: buildargs.append("--noinit") if opts.nochecks: buildargs.append("--no-checks") if not opts.no_changelog: buildargs.append("--changelog") if opts.root: build_root = opts.root if buildargs.append("--jobs=%s" % elif config["build-jobs"] > 1: buildargs.append("--jobs=%s" % config["build-jobs"]) if opts.icecream or config["icecream"] != "0": if opts.icecream: num = opts.icecream else: num = config["icecream"] if int(num) > 0: buildargs.append("--icecream=%s" % num) xp.append("icecream") xp.append("gcc-c++") if opts.ccache: buildargs.append("--ccache") xp.append("ccache") if opts.linksources: buildargs.append("--linksources") if opts.baselibs: buildargs.append("--baselibs") if opts.debuginfo: buildargs.append("--debug") if opts._with: for o in opts._with: buildargs.append("--with=%s" % o) if opts.without: for o in opts.without: buildargs.append("--without=%s" % o) if opts.define: for o in opts.define: buildargs.append("--define=%s" % o) if config["build-uid"]: build_uid = config["build-uid"] if opts.build_uid: build_uid = opts.build_uid if build_uid: buildidre = re.compile("^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$") if build_uid == "caller": buildargs.append("--uid=%s:%s" % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())) elif buildidre.match(build_uid): buildargs.append("--uid=%s" % build_uid) else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"' return 1 if opts.vm_type: vm_type = opts.vm_type if opts.alternative_project: prj = opts.alternative_project pac = "_repository" else: prj = store_read_project(os.curdir) if opts.local_package: pac = "_repository" else: pac = store_read_package(os.curdir) if buildargs.append("--shell") # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file for var in ["OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR", "OSC_SU_WRAPPER", "OSC_BUILD_ROOT"]: val = os.getenv(var) if val: if var.startswith("OSC_"): var = var[4:] var = var.lower().replace("_", "-") if config.has_key(var): print "Overriding config value for %s='%s' with '%s'" % (var, config[var], val) config[var] = val pacname = pac if pacname == "_repository": if not opts.local_package: try: pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir) except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy: opts.local_package = True if opts.local_package: pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0] apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(apiurl)[1] if not build_root: build_root = config["build-root"] % { "repo": repo, "arch": arch, "project": prj, "package": pacname, "apihost": apihost, } cache_dir = config["packagecachedir"] % {"apihost": apihost} extra_pkgs = [] if not opts.extra_pkgs: extra_pkgs = config["extra-pkgs"] elif opts.extra_pkgs != [""]: extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs if xp: extra_pkgs += xp prefer_pkgs = {} build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read() # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines if opts.without: s = "" for i in opts.without: s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 0\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts._with: s = "" for i in opts._with: s += "%%define _without_%s 0\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.define: s = "" for i in opts.define: s += "%%define %s\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.prefer_pkgs: print "Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s" % ", ".join(opts.prefer_pkgs) prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type) cpio.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data) build_descr_data = cpio.get() # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest specialcmdopts = [] if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest: if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest: raise oscerr.WrongOptions("When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.") myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc))) if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!" % opts.rsyncsrc) # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest) if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with '/')!" % opts.rsyncdest) specialcmdopts = ["--rsync-src=" + myrsyncsrc, "--rsync-dest=" + myrsyncdest] if opts.overlay: myoverlay = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay))) if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--overlay %s is no valid directory!" % opts.overlay) specialcmdopts += ["--overlay=" + myoverlay] bi_file = None bc_file = None bi_filename = "_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml" % (repo, arch) bc_filename = "_buildconfig-%s-%s" % (repo, arch) if is_package_dir(".") and os.access(, os.W_OK): bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bc_filename) elif not os.access(".", os.W_OK): bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename) bi_filename = bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename) bc_filename = else: bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename) try: if opts.noinit: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file") print "Use local '%s' file as buildinfo" % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file") print "Use local '%s' file as buildconfig" % bc_filename elif opts.offline: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file") print "Use local '%s' file as buildinfo" % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions("--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file") else: print "Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s" % bi_filename bi_text = "".join( get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch, specfile=build_descr_data, addlist=extra_pkgs) ) if not bi_file: bi_file = open(bi_filename, "w") # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file bi_file.write(bi_text) bi_file.flush() print "Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s" % bc_filename bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo) if not bc_file: bc_file = open(bc_filename, "w") bc_file.write(bc) bc_file.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 404: # check what caused the 404 if meta_exists( metatype="prj", path_args=(quote_plus(prj),), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl ): pkg_meta_e = None try: # take care, not to run into double trouble. pkg_meta_e = meta_exists( metatype="pkg", path_args=(quote_plus(prj), quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl, ) except: pass if pkg_meta_e: print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error" else: print >> sys.stderr, "The package '%s' does not exists - please " "rerun with '--local-package'" % pac else: print >> sys.stderr, "The project '%s' does not exists - please " "rerun with '--alternative-project <alternative_project>'" % prj sys.exit(1) else: raise
def main(apiurl, opts, argv): repo = argv[0] arch = argv[1] build_descr = argv[2] xp = [] build_root = None cache_dir = None build_uid = '' vm_type = config['build-type'] vm_telnet = None build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr) build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:] if os.path.basename(build_descr) == 'PKGBUILD': build_type = 'arch' if os.path.basename(build_descr) == 'build.collax': build_type = 'collax' if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi', 'arch', 'collax', 'livebuild']: raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc, .kiwi or .livebuild.' \ % build_type) if not os.path.isfile(build_descr): raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr) buildargs = [] if not opts.userootforbuild: buildargs.append('--norootforbuild') if opts.clean: buildargs.append('--clean') if opts.noinit: buildargs.append('--noinit') if opts.nochecks: buildargs.append('--no-checks') if not opts.no_changelog: buildargs.append('--changelog') if opts.root: build_root = opts.root if buildargs.append('--target=%s' % if opts.threads: buildargs.append('--threads=%s' % opts.threads) if buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % elif config['build-jobs'] > 1: buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs']) if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0': if opts.icecream: num = opts.icecream else: num = config['icecream'] if int(num) > 0: buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num) xp.append('icecream') xp.append('gcc-c++') if opts.ccache: buildargs.append('--ccache') xp.append('ccache') if opts.linksources: buildargs.append('--linksources') if opts.baselibs: buildargs.append('--baselibs') if opts.debuginfo: buildargs.append('--debug') if opts._with: for o in opts._with: buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o) if opts.without: for o in opts.without: buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o) if opts.define: for o in opts.define: buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o) if config['build-uid']: build_uid = config['build-uid'] if opts.build_uid: build_uid = opts.build_uid if build_uid: buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$') if build_uid == 'caller': buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())) elif buildidre.match(build_uid): buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid) else: print('Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"', file=sys.stderr) return 1 if opts.vm_type: vm_type = opts.vm_type if opts.vm_telnet: vm_telnet = opts.vm_telnet if opts.alternative_project: prj = opts.alternative_project pac = '_repository' else: prj = store_read_project(os.curdir) if opts.local_package: pac = '_repository' else: pac = store_read_package(os.curdir) if buildargs.append("--shell") orig_build_root = config['build-root'] # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file for var in ['OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR', 'OSC_SU_WRAPPER', 'OSC_BUILD_ROOT']: val = os.getenv(var) if val: if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:] var = var.lower().replace('_', '-') if var in config: print('Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % (var, config[var], val)) config[var] = val pacname = pac if pacname == '_repository': if not opts.local_package: try: pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir) except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy: opts.local_package = True if opts.local_package: pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0] apihost = urlsplit(apiurl)[1] if not build_root: build_root = config['build-root'] if build_root == orig_build_root: # ENV var was not set build_root = config['api_host_options'][apiurl].get('build-root', build_root) try: build_root = build_root % {'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost} except: pass cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost} extra_pkgs = [] if not opts.extra_pkgs: extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs'] elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']: extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs if xp: extra_pkgs += xp prefer_pkgs = {} build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read() # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines if opts.without: s = '' for i in opts.without: s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts._with: s = '' for i in opts._with: s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.define: s = '' for i in opts.define: s += "%%define %s\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data cpiodata = None servicefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_service") if not os.path.isfile(servicefile): servicefile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_service") if not os.path.isfile(servicefile): servicefile = None else: print('Using local _service file') buildenvfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_buildenv." + repo + "." + arch) if not os.path.isfile(buildenvfile): buildenvfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_buildenv") if not os.path.isfile(buildenvfile): buildenvfile = None else: print('Using local buildenv file: %s' % os.path.basename(buildenvfile)) if buildenvfile or servicefile: from .util import cpio if not cpiodata: cpiodata = cpio.CpioWrite() if opts.prefer_pkgs: print('Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs)) from .util import cpio if not cpiodata: cpiodata = cpio.CpioWrite() prefer_pkgs = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type, cpiodata) if cpiodata: cpiodata.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data) # buildenv must come last for compatibility reasons... if buildenvfile: cpiodata.add("buildenv", open(buildenvfile).read()) if servicefile: cpiodata.add("_service", open(servicefile).read()) build_descr_data = cpiodata.get() # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest specialcmdopts = [] if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest : if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest: raise oscerr.WrongOptions('When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.') myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc))) if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc) # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest) if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest) specialcmdopts = ['--rsync-src='+myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest='+myrsyncdest] if opts.overlay: myoverlay = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay))) if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay) specialcmdopts += ['--overlay='+myoverlay] bi_file = None bc_file = None bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch) bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch) if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(, os.W_OK): bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bc_filename) elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK): bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename) bi_filename = bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename) bc_filename = else: bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename) try: if opts.noinit: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename) if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename) elif opts.offline: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename) if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file') else: print('Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename) bi_text = ''.join(get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch, specfile=build_descr_data, addlist=extra_pkgs)) if not bi_file: bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w') # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file bi_file.write(bi_text) bi_file.flush() print('Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename) bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo) if not bc_file: bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w') bc_file.write(bc) bc_file.flush() except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: # check what caused the 404 if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl): pkg_meta_e = None try: # take care, not to run into double trouble. pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl) except: pass if pkg_meta_e: print('ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error', file=sys.stderr) else: print('The package \'%s\' does not exist - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac, file=sys.stderr) else: print('The project \'%s\' does not exist - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: raise bi = Buildinfo(bi_filename, apiurl, build_type, list(prefer_pkgs.keys())) if bi.debuginfo and not (opts.disable_debuginfo or '--debug' in buildargs): buildargs.append('--debug') if opts.release: bi.release = opts.release if bi.release: buildargs.append('--release=%s' % bi.release) # real arch of this machine # vs. # arch we are supposed to build for if bi.hostarch != None: if hostarch != bi.hostarch and not bi.hostarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []): print('Error: hostarch \'%s\' is required.' % (bi.hostarch), file=sys.stderr) return 1 elif hostarch != bi.buildarch: if not bi.buildarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []): # OBSOLETE: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3 if vm_type != "emulator" and not bi.buildarch in qemu_can_build: print('Error: hostarch \'%s\' cannot build \'%s\'.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch), file=sys.stderr) return 1 print('WARNING: It is guessed to build on hostarch \'%s\' for \'%s\' via QEMU.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch), file=sys.stderr) rpmlist_prefers = [] if prefer_pkgs: print('Evaluating preferred packages') for name, path in prefer_pkgs.items(): if bi.has_dep(name): # We remove a preferred package from the buildinfo, so that the # fetcher doesn't take care about them. # Instead, we put it in a list which is appended to the rpmlist later. # At the same time, this will make sure that these packages are # not verified. bi.remove_dep(name) rpmlist_prefers.append((name, path)) print(' - %s (%s)' % (name, path)) print('Updating cache of required packages') urllist = [] if not opts.download_api_only: # transform 'url1, url2, url3' form into a list if 'urllist' in config: if isinstance(config['urllist'], str): re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+') urllist = [ i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['urllist'].strip()) ] else: urllist = config['urllist'] # OBS 1.5 and before has no downloadurl defined in buildinfo if bi.downloadurl: urllist.append(bi.downloadurl + '/%(extproject)s/%(extrepository)s/%(arch)s/%(filename)s') if opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download: urllist.append( '%(apiurl)s/build/%(project)s/%(repository)s/%(repoarch)s/%(repopackage)s/%(repofilename)s' ) fetcher = Fetcher(cache_dir, urllist = urllist, api_host_options = config['api_host_options'], offline = opts.noinit or opts.offline, http_debug = config['http_debug'], enable_cpio = not opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download, cookiejar=cookiejar) if not opts.trust_all_projects: # implicitly trust the project we are building for check_trusted_projects(apiurl, [ i for i in bi.projects.keys() if not i == prj ]) imagefile = '' imagesource = '' imagebins = [] if (not config['no_preinstallimage'] and not opts.nopreinstallimage and bi.preinstallimage and not opts.noinit and not opts.offline and (opts.clean or (not os.path.exists(build_root + "/installed-pkg") and not os.path.exists(build_root + "/.build/")))): (imagefile, imagesource, imagebins) = get_preinstall_image(apiurl, arch, cache_dir, bi.preinstallimage) if imagefile: # remove binaries from build deps which are included in preinstall image for i in bi.deps: if in imagebins: bi.remove_dep( # now update the package cache old_pkg_dir = None if opts.oldpackages: old_pkg_dir = opts.oldpackages if not old_pkg_dir.startswith('/') and not opts.offline: data = [ prj, pacname, repo, arch] if old_pkg_dir == '_link': p = osc.core.findpacs(os.curdir)[0] if not p.islink(): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('package is not a link') data[0] = p.linkinfo.project data[1] = p.linkinfo.package repos = osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, data[0]) # hack for links to e.g. Factory if not data[2] in repos and 'standard' in repos: data[2] = 'standard' elif old_pkg_dir != '' and old_pkg_dir != '_self': a = old_pkg_dir.split('/') for i in range(0, len(a)): data[i] = a[i] destdir = os.path.join(cache_dir, data[0], data[2], data[3]) old_pkg_dir = None try: print("Downloading previous build from %s ..." % '/'.join(data)) binaries = get_binarylist(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3], package=data[1], verbose=True) except Exception as e: print("Error: failed to get binaries: %s" % str(e)) binaries = [] if binaries: class mytmpdir: """ temporary directory that removes itself""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs) _rmtree = staticmethod(shutil.rmtree) def cleanup(self): self._rmtree( def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def __exit__(self): self.cleanup() def __str__(self): return old_pkg_dir = mytmpdir(prefix='.build.oldpackages', dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) for i in binaries: fname = os.path.join(destdir, os.symlink(fname, os.path.join(str(old_pkg_dir), if os.path.exists(fname): st = os.stat(fname) if st.st_mtime == i.mtime and st.st_size == i.size: continue get_binary_file(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3],, package = data[1], target_filename = fname, target_mtime = i.mtime, progress_meter = True) if old_pkg_dir != None: buildargs.append('--oldpackages=%s' % old_pkg_dir) # Make packages from buildinfo available as repos for kiwi if build_type == 'kiwi': if os.path.exists('repos'): shutil.rmtree('repos') os.mkdir('repos') for i in bi.deps: if not i.extproject: # remove bi.deps.remove(i) continue # project pdir = str(i.extproject).replace(':/', ':') # repo rdir = str(i.extrepository).replace(':/', ':') # arch adir = i.repoarch # project/repo prdir = "repos/"+pdir+"/"+rdir # project/repo/arch pradir = prdir+"/"+adir # source fullfilename sffn = i.fullfilename filename = sffn.split("/")[-1] # target fullfilename tffn = pradir+"/"+filename if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pradir)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(pradir)) if not os.path.exists(tffn): print("Using package: "+sffn) if opts.linksources:, tffn) else: os.symlink(sffn, tffn) if prefer_pkgs: for name, path in prefer_pkgs.items(): if name == filename: print("Using prefered package: " + path + "/" + filename) os.unlink(tffn) if opts.linksources: + "/" + filename, tffn) else: os.symlink(path + "/" + filename, tffn) # Is a obsrepositories tag used? try: tree = ET.parse(build_descr) except: print('could not parse the kiwi file:', file=sys.stderr) print(open(build_descr).read(), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) root = tree.getroot() # product for xml in root.findall('instsource'): if xml.find('instrepo').find('source').get('path') == 'obsrepositories:/': print("obsrepositories:/ for product builds is not yet supported in osc!") sys.exit(1) # appliance expand_obsrepos=None for xml in root.findall('repository'): if xml.find('source').get('path') == 'obsrepositories:/': expand_obsrepos=True if expand_obsrepos: buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--ignore-repos') for xml in root.findall('repository'): if xml.find('source').get('path') == 'obsrepositories:/': for path in bi.pathes: if not os.path.isdir("repos/"+path): continue buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repo') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append("repos/"+path) buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repotype') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('rpm-md') if xml.get('priority'): buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repoprio='+xml.get('priority')) else: m = re.match(r"obs://[^/]+/([^/]+)/(\S+)", xml.find('source').get('path')) if not m: # short path without obs instance name m = re.match(r"obs://([^/]+)/(.+)", xml.find('source').get('path'))":", ":/") buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repo') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append("repos/"+project+"/"+repo) buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repotype') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('rpm-md') if xml.get('priority'): buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repopriority='+xml.get('priority')) if vm_type == "xen" or vm_type == "kvm" or vm_type == "lxc": print('Skipping verification of package signatures due to secure VM build') elif bi.pacsuffix == 'rpm': if opts.no_verify: print('Skipping verification of package signatures') else: print('Verifying integrity of cached packages') verify_pacs(bi) elif bi.pacsuffix == 'deb': if opts.no_verify or opts.noinit: print('Skipping verification of package signatures') else: print('WARNING: deb packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !') else: print('WARNING: unknown packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !') for i in bi.deps: if i.hdrmd5: from .util import packagequery hdrmd5 = packagequery.PackageQuery.queryhdrmd5(i.fullfilename) if not hdrmd5: print("Error: cannot get hdrmd5 for %s" % i.fullfilename) sys.exit(1) if hdrmd5 != i.hdrmd5: print("Error: hdrmd5 mismatch for %s: %s != %s" % (i.fullfilename, hdrmd5, i.hdrmd5)) sys.exit(1) print('Writing build configuration') if build_type == 'kiwi': rpmlist = [ '%s %s\n' % (, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps if not i.noinstall ] else: rpmlist = [ '%s %s\n' % (, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps ] for i in imagebins: rpmlist.append('%s preinstallimage\n' % i) rpmlist += [ '%s %s\n' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in rpmlist_prefers ] if imagefile: rpmlist.append('preinstallimage: %s\n' % imagefile) if imagesource: rpmlist.append('preinstallimagesource: %s\n' % imagesource) rpmlist.append('preinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.preinstall_list) + '\n') rpmlist.append('vminstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.vminstall_list) + '\n') rpmlist.append('runscripts: ' + ' '.join(bi.runscripts_list) + '\n') if build_type != 'kiwi' and bi.noinstall_list: rpmlist.append('noinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.noinstall_list) + '\n') if build_type != 'kiwi' and bi.installonly_list: rpmlist.append('installonly: ' + ' '.join(bi.installonly_list) + '\n') rpmlist_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rpmlist.') rpmlist_filename = rpmlist_file.writelines(rpmlist) rpmlist_file.flush() subst = { 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project' : prj, 'package' : pacname } vm_options = [] # XXX check if build-device present my_build_device = '' if config['build-device']: my_build_device = config['build-device'] % subst else: # obs worker uses /root here but that collides with the # /root directory if the build root was used without vm # before my_build_device = build_root + '/img' need_root = True if vm_type: if config['build-swap']: my_build_swap = config['build-swap'] % subst else: my_build_swap = build_root + '/swap' vm_options = [ '--vm-type=%s' % vm_type ] if vm_telnet: vm_options += [ '--vm-telnet=' + vm_telnet ] if config['build-memory']: vm_options += [ '--memory=' + config['build-memory'] ] if vm_type != 'lxc': vm_options += [ '--vm-disk=' + my_build_device ] vm_options += [ '--vm-swap=' + my_build_swap ] vm_options += [ '--logfile=%s/.build.log' % build_root ] if vm_type == 'kvm': if os.access(build_root, os.W_OK) and os.access('/dev/kvm', os.W_OK): # so let's hope there's also an fstab entry need_root = False if config['build-kernel']: vm_options += [ '--vm-kernel=' + config['build-kernel'] ] if config['build-initrd']: vm_options += [ '--vm-initrd=' + config['build-initrd'] ] build_root += '/.mount' if config['build-memory']: vm_options += [ '--memory=' + config['build-memory'] ] if config['build-vmdisk-rootsize']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-rootsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-rootsize'] ] if config['build-vmdisk-swapsize']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-swapsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-swapsize'] ] if config['build-vmdisk-filesystem']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-filesystem=' + config['build-vmdisk-filesystem'] ] if config['build-vm-user']: vm_options += [ '--vm-user='******'build-vm-user'] ] if opts.preload: print("Preload done for selected repo/arch.") sys.exit(0) print('Running build') cmd = [ config['build-cmd'], '--root='+build_root, '--rpmlist='+rpmlist_filename, '--dist='+bc_filename, '--arch='+bi.buildarch ] cmd += specialcmdopts + vm_options + buildargs cmd += [ build_descr ] if need_root: sucmd = config['su-wrapper'].split() if sucmd[0] == 'su': if sucmd[-1] == '-c': sucmd.pop() cmd = sucmd + ['-s', cmd[0], 'root', '--' ] + cmd[1:] else: cmd = sucmd + cmd # change personality, if needed if hostarch != bi.buildarch and bi.buildarch in change_personality: cmd = [ change_personality[bi.buildarch] ] + cmd try: rc = run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:]) if rc: print() print('The buildroot was:', build_root) sys.exit(rc) except KeyboardInterrupt as i: print("keyboard interrupt, killing build ...") cmd.append('--kill') run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:]) raise i pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, '.build.packages') if os.path.islink(pacdir): pacdir = os.readlink(pacdir) pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, pacdir) if os.path.exists(pacdir): (s_built, b_built) = get_built_files(pacdir, bi.buildtype) print() if s_built: print(s_built) print() print(b_built) if opts.keep_pkgs: for i in b_built.splitlines() + s_built.splitlines(): shutil.copy2(i, os.path.join(opts.keep_pkgs, os.path.basename(i))) if bi_file: bi_file.close() if bc_file: bc_file.close() rpmlist_file.close()
def main(apiurl, opts, argv): repo = argv[0] arch = argv[1] build_descr = argv[2] xp = [] build_root = None cache_dir = None build_uid = '' vm_type = config['build-type'] build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr) build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:] if os.path.basename(build_descr) == 'PKGBUILD': build_type = 'arch' if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi', 'arch', 'livebuild']: raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc, .kiwi or .livebuild.' \ % build_type) if not os.path.isfile(build_descr): raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr) buildargs = [] if not opts.userootforbuild: buildargs.append('--norootforbuild') if opts.clean: buildargs.append('--clean') if opts.noinit: buildargs.append('--noinit') if opts.nochecks: buildargs.append('--no-checks') if not opts.no_changelog: buildargs.append('--changelog') if opts.root: build_root = opts.root if buildargs.append('--target=%s' % if opts.threads: buildargs.append('--threads=%s' % opts.threads) if buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % elif config['build-jobs'] > 1: buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs']) if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0': if opts.icecream: num = opts.icecream else: num = config['icecream'] if int(num) > 0: buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num) xp.append('icecream') xp.append('gcc-c++') if opts.ccache: buildargs.append('--ccache') xp.append('ccache') if opts.linksources: buildargs.append('--linksources') if opts.baselibs: buildargs.append('--baselibs') if opts.debuginfo: buildargs.append('--debug') if opts._with: for o in opts._with: buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o) if opts.without: for o in opts.without: buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o) if opts.define: for o in opts.define: buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o) if config['build-uid']: build_uid = config['build-uid'] if opts.build_uid: build_uid = opts.build_uid if build_uid: buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$') if build_uid == 'caller': buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())) elif buildidre.match(build_uid): buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid) else: print( 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"', file=sys.stderr) return 1 if opts.vm_type: vm_type = opts.vm_type if opts.alternative_project: prj = opts.alternative_project pac = '_repository' else: prj = store_read_project(os.curdir) if opts.local_package: pac = '_repository' else: pac = store_read_package(os.curdir) if buildargs.append("--shell") orig_build_root = config['build-root'] # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file for var in ['OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR', 'OSC_SU_WRAPPER', 'OSC_BUILD_ROOT']: val = os.getenv(var) if val: if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:] var = var.lower().replace('_', '-') if var in config: print('Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % (var, config[var], val)) config[var] = val pacname = pac if pacname == '_repository': if not opts.local_package: try: pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir) except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy: opts.local_package = True if opts.local_package: pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0] apihost = urlsplit(apiurl)[1] if not build_root: build_root = config['build-root'] if build_root == orig_build_root: # ENV var was not set build_root = config['api_host_options'][apiurl].get( 'build-root', build_root) try: build_root = build_root % { 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost } except: pass cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost} extra_pkgs = [] if not opts.extra_pkgs: extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs'] elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']: extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs if xp: extra_pkgs += xp prefer_pkgs = {} build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read() # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines if opts.without: s = '' for i in opts.without: s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts._with: s = '' for i in opts._with: s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.define: s = '' for i in opts.define: s += "%%define %s\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data cpiodata = None buildenvfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_buildenv." + repo + "." + arch) if not os.path.isfile(buildenvfile): buildenvfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(build_descr), "_buildenv") if not os.path.isfile(buildenvfile): buildenvfile = None if buildenvfile: print('Using buildenv file: %s' % os.path.basename(buildenvfile)) from .util import cpio if not cpiodata: cpiodata = cpio.CpioWrite() if opts.prefer_pkgs: print('Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join(opts.prefer_pkgs)) from .util import cpio if not cpiodata: cpiodata = cpio.CpioWrite() prefer_pkgs = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type, cpiodata) if cpiodata: cpiodata.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data) # buildenv must come last for compatibility reasons... if buildenvfile: cpiodata.add("buildenv", open(buildenvfile).read()) build_descr_data = cpiodata.get() # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest specialcmdopts = [] if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest: if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest: raise oscerr.WrongOptions( 'When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.' ) myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc))) if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc) # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest) if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest) specialcmdopts = [ '--rsync-src=' + myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest=' + myrsyncdest ] if opts.overlay: myoverlay = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay))) if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay) specialcmdopts += ['--overlay=' + myoverlay] bi_file = None bc_file = None bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch) bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch) if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(, os.W_OK): bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bc_filename) elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK): bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename) bi_filename = bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename) bc_filename = else: bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename) try: if opts.noinit: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename) if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename) elif opts.offline: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print('Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename) if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file') else: print('Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename) bi_text = ''.join( get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch, specfile=build_descr_data, addlist=extra_pkgs)) if not bi_file: bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w') # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file bi_file.write(bi_text) bi_file.flush() print('Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename) bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo) if not bc_file: bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w') bc_file.write(bc) bc_file.flush() except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: # check what caused the 404 if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl): pkg_meta_e = None try: # take care, not to run into double trouble. pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl) except: pass if pkg_meta_e: print( 'ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error', file=sys.stderr) else: print('The package \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac, file=sys.stderr) else: print('The project \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: raise bi = Buildinfo(bi_filename, apiurl, build_type, list(prefer_pkgs.keys())) if bi.debuginfo and not (opts.disable_debuginfo or '--debug' in buildargs): buildargs.append('--debug') if opts.release: bi.release = opts.release if bi.release: buildargs.append('--release=%s' % bi.release) # real arch of this machine # vs. # arch we are supposed to build for if bi.hostarch != None: if hostarch != bi.hostarch and not bi.hostarch in can_also_build.get( hostarch, []): print('Error: hostarch \'%s\' is required.' % (bi.hostarch), file=sys.stderr) return 1 elif hostarch != bi.buildarch: if not bi.buildarch in can_also_build.get(hostarch, []): # OBSOLETE: qemu_can_build should not be needed anymore since OBS 2.3 if vm_type != "emulator" and not bi.buildarch in qemu_can_build: print('Error: hostarch \'%s\' cannot build \'%s\'.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch), file=sys.stderr) return 1 print( 'WARNING: It is guessed to build on hostarch \'%s\' for \'%s\' via QEMU.' % (hostarch, bi.buildarch), file=sys.stderr) rpmlist_prefers = [] if prefer_pkgs: print('Evaluating preferred packages') for name, path in prefer_pkgs.items(): if bi.has_dep(name): # We remove a preferred package from the buildinfo, so that the # fetcher doesn't take care about them. # Instead, we put it in a list which is appended to the rpmlist later. # At the same time, this will make sure that these packages are # not verified. bi.remove_dep(name) rpmlist_prefers.append((name, path)) print(' - %s (%s)' % (name, path)) print('Updating cache of required packages') urllist = [] if not opts.download_api_only: # transform 'url1, url2, url3' form into a list if 'urllist' in config: if isinstance(config['urllist'], str): re_clist = re.compile('[, ]+') urllist = [ i.strip() for i in re_clist.split(config['urllist'].strip()) ] else: urllist = config['urllist'] # OBS 1.5 and before has no downloadurl defined in buildinfo if bi.downloadurl: urllist.append( bi.downloadurl + '/%(extproject)s/%(extrepository)s/%(arch)s/%(filename)s') if opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download: urllist.append( '%(apiurl)s/build/%(project)s/%(repository)s/%(repoarch)s/%(repopackage)s/%(repofilename)s' ) fetcher = Fetcher(cache_dir, urllist=urllist, api_host_options=config['api_host_options'], offline=opts.noinit or opts.offline, http_debug=config['http_debug'], enable_cpio=not opts.disable_cpio_bulk_download, cookiejar=cookiejar) # implicitly trust the project we are building for check_trusted_projects(apiurl, [i for i in bi.projects.keys() if not i == prj]) # now update the package cache old_pkg_dir = None if opts.oldpackages: old_pkg_dir = opts.oldpackages if not old_pkg_dir.startswith('/') and not opts.offline: data = [prj, pacname, repo, arch] if old_pkg_dir == '_link': p = osc.core.findpacs(os.curdir)[0] if not p.islink(): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('package is not a link') data[0] = p.linkinfo.project data[1] = p.linkinfo.package repos = osc.core.get_repositories_of_project(apiurl, data[0]) # hack for links to e.g. Factory if not data[2] in repos and 'standard' in repos: data[2] = 'standard' elif old_pkg_dir != '' and old_pkg_dir != '_self': a = old_pkg_dir.split('/') for i in range(0, len(a)): data[i] = a[i] destdir = os.path.join(cache_dir, data[0], data[2], data[3]) old_pkg_dir = None try: print("Downloading previous build from %s ..." % '/'.join(data)) binaries = get_binarylist(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3], package=data[1], verbose=True) except Exception as e: print("Error: failed to get binaries: %s" % str(e)) binaries = [] if binaries: class mytmpdir: """ temporary directory that removes itself""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs) _rmtree = staticmethod(shutil.rmtree) def cleanup(self): self._rmtree( def __del__(self): self.cleanup() def __exit__(self): self.cleanup() def __str__(self): return old_pkg_dir = mytmpdir(prefix='.build.oldpackages', dir=os.path.abspath(os.curdir)) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) for i in binaries: fname = os.path.join(destdir, os.symlink(fname, os.path.join(str(old_pkg_dir), if os.path.exists(fname): st = os.stat(fname) if st.st_mtime == i.mtime and st.st_size == i.size: continue get_binary_file(apiurl, data[0], data[2], data[3],, package=data[1], target_filename=fname, target_mtime=i.mtime, progress_meter=True) if old_pkg_dir != None: buildargs.append('--oldpackages=%s' % old_pkg_dir) # Make packages from buildinfo available as repos for kiwi if build_type == 'kiwi': if os.path.exists('repos'): shutil.rmtree('repos') os.mkdir('repos') for i in bi.deps: if not i.extproject: # remove bi.deps.remove(i) continue # project pdir = str(i.extproject).replace(':/', ':') # repo rdir = str(i.extrepository).replace(':/', ':') # arch adir = i.repoarch # project/repo prdir = "repos/" + pdir + "/" + rdir # project/repo/arch pradir = prdir + "/" + adir # source fullfilename sffn = i.fullfilename filename = sffn.split("/")[-1] # target fullfilename tffn = pradir + "/" + filename if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(pradir)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(pradir)) if not os.path.exists(tffn): print("Using package: " + sffn) if opts.linksources:, tffn) else: os.symlink(sffn, tffn) if prefer_pkgs: for name, path in prefer_pkgs.items(): if name == filename: print("Using prefered package: " + path + "/" + filename) os.unlink(tffn) if opts.linksources: + "/" + filename, tffn) else: os.symlink(path + "/" + filename, tffn) # Is a obsrepositories tag used? try: tree = ET.parse(build_descr) except: print('could not parse the kiwi file:', file=sys.stderr) print(open(build_descr).read(), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) root = tree.getroot() # product for xml in root.findall('instsource'): if xml.find('instrepo').find('source').get( 'path') == 'obsrepositories:/': print( "obsrepositories:/ for product builds is not yet supported in osc!" ) sys.exit(1) # appliance expand_obsrepos = None for xml in root.findall('repository'): if xml.find('source').get('path') == 'obsrepositories:/': expand_obsrepos = True if expand_obsrepos: buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--ignore-repos') for xml in root.findall('repository'): if xml.find('source').get('path') == 'obsrepositories:/': for path in bi.pathes: if not os.path.isdir("repos/" + path): continue buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repo') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append("repos/" + path) buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repotype') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('rpm-md') if xml.get('priority'): buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repoprio=' + xml.get('priority')) else: m = re.match(r"obs://[^/]+/([^/]+)/(\S+)", xml.find('source').get('path')) if not m: # short path without obs instance name m = re.match(r"obs://([^/]+)/(.+)", xml.find('source').get('path')) project =":", ":/") repo = buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repo') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append("repos/" + project + "/" + repo) buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repotype') buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('rpm-md') if xml.get('priority'): buildargs.append('--kiwi-parameter') buildargs.append('--add-repopriority=' + xml.get('priority')) if vm_type == "xen" or vm_type == "kvm" or vm_type == "lxc": print( 'Skipping verification of package signatures due to secure VM build' ) elif bi.pacsuffix == 'rpm': if opts.no_verify: print('Skipping verification of package signatures') else: print('Verifying integrity of cached packages') verify_pacs(bi) elif bi.pacsuffix == 'deb': if opts.no_verify or opts.noinit: print('Skipping verification of package signatures') else: print( 'WARNING: deb packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !' ) else: print( 'WARNING: unknown packages get not verified, they can compromise your system !' ) for i in bi.deps: if i.hdrmd5: from .util import packagequery hdrmd5 = packagequery.PackageQuery.queryhdrmd5(i.fullfilename) if not hdrmd5: print("Error: cannot get hdrmd5 for %s" % i.fullfilename) sys.exit(1) if hdrmd5 != i.hdrmd5: print("Error: hdrmd5 mismatch for %s: %s != %s" % (i.fullfilename, hdrmd5, i.hdrmd5)) sys.exit(1) print('Writing build configuration') if build_type == 'kiwi': rpmlist = [ '%s %s\n' % (, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps if not i.noinstall ] else: rpmlist = ['%s %s\n' % (, i.fullfilename) for i in bi.deps] rpmlist += ['%s %s\n' % (i[0], i[1]) for i in rpmlist_prefers] rpmlist.append('preinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.preinstall_list) + '\n') rpmlist.append('vminstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.vminstall_list) + '\n') rpmlist.append('runscripts: ' + ' '.join(bi.runscripts_list) + '\n') if build_type != 'kiwi' and bi.noinstall_list: rpmlist.append('noinstall: ' + ' '.join(bi.noinstall_list) + '\n') if build_type != 'kiwi' and bi.installonly_list: rpmlist.append('installonly: ' + ' '.join(bi.installonly_list) + '\n') rpmlist_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='rpmlist.') rpmlist_filename = rpmlist_file.writelines(rpmlist) rpmlist_file.flush() subst = {'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project': prj, 'package': pacname} vm_options = [] # XXX check if build-device present my_build_device = '' if config['build-device']: my_build_device = config['build-device'] % subst else: # obs worker uses /root here but that collides with the # /root directory if the build root was used without vm # before my_build_device = build_root + '/img' need_root = True if vm_type: if config['build-swap']: my_build_swap = config['build-swap'] % subst else: my_build_swap = build_root + '/swap' vm_options = ['--vm-type=%s' % vm_type] if vm_type != 'lxc' and vm_type != 'emulator': vm_options += ['--vm-disk=' + my_build_device] vm_options += ['--vm-swap=' + my_build_swap] vm_options += ['--logfile=%s/.build.log' % build_root] if vm_type == 'kvm': if os.access(build_root, os.W_OK) and os.access( '/dev/kvm', os.W_OK): # so let's hope there's also an fstab entry need_root = False if config['build-kernel']: vm_options += ['--vm-kernel=' + config['build-kernel']] if config['build-initrd']: vm_options += ['--vm-initrd=' + config['build-initrd']] build_root += '/.mount' if config['build-memory']: vm_options += ['--memory=' + config['build-memory']] if config['build-vmdisk-rootsize']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-rootsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-rootsize'] ] if config['build-vmdisk-swapsize']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-swapsize=' + config['build-vmdisk-swapsize'] ] if config['build-vmdisk-filesystem']: vm_options += [ '--vmdisk-filesystem=' + config['build-vmdisk-filesystem'] ] if opts.preload: print("Preload done for selected repo/arch.") sys.exit(0) print('Running build') cmd = [ config['build-cmd'], '--root=' + build_root, '--rpmlist=' + rpmlist_filename, '--dist=' + bc_filename, '--arch=' + bi.buildarch ] cmd += specialcmdopts + vm_options + buildargs cmd += [build_descr] if need_root: sucmd = config['su-wrapper'].split() if sucmd[0] == 'su': if sucmd[-1] == '-c': sucmd.pop() cmd = sucmd + ['-s', cmd[0], 'root', '--'] + cmd[1:] else: cmd = sucmd + cmd # change personality, if needed if hostarch != bi.buildarch and bi.buildarch in change_personality: cmd = [change_personality[bi.buildarch]] + cmd try: rc = run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:]) if rc: print() print('The buildroot was:', build_root) sys.exit(rc) except KeyboardInterrupt as i: print("keyboard interrupt, killing build ...") cmd.append('--kill') run_external(cmd[0], *cmd[1:]) raise i pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, '.build.packages') if os.path.islink(pacdir): pacdir = os.readlink(pacdir) pacdir = os.path.join(build_root, pacdir) if os.path.exists(pacdir): (s_built, b_built) = get_built_files(pacdir, bi.buildtype) print() if s_built: print(s_built) print() print(b_built) if opts.keep_pkgs: for i in b_built.splitlines() + s_built.splitlines(): shutil.copy2(i, os.path.join(opts.keep_pkgs, os.path.basename(i))) if bi_file: bi_file.close() if bc_file: bc_file.close() rpmlist_file.close()
def main(apiurl, opts, argv): repo = argv[0] arch = argv[1] build_descr = argv[2] xp = [] build_root = None cache_dir = None build_uid = '' vm_type = config['build-type'] build_descr = os.path.abspath(build_descr) build_type = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[1][1:] if build_type not in ['spec', 'dsc', 'kiwi']: raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Unknown build type: \'%s\'. Build description should end in .spec, .dsc or .kiwi.' \ % build_type) if not os.path.isfile(build_descr): raise oscerr.WrongArgs( 'Error: build description file named \'%s\' does not exist.' % build_descr) buildargs = [] if not opts.userootforbuild: buildargs.append('--norootforbuild') if opts.clean: buildargs.append('--clean') if opts.noinit: buildargs.append('--noinit') if opts.nochecks: buildargs.append('--no-checks') if not opts.no_changelog: buildargs.append('--changelog') if opts.root: build_root = opts.root if buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % elif config['build-jobs'] > 1: buildargs.append('--jobs=%s' % config['build-jobs']) if opts.icecream or config['icecream'] != '0': if opts.icecream: num = opts.icecream else: num = config['icecream'] if int(num) > 0: buildargs.append('--icecream=%s' % num) xp.append('icecream') xp.append('gcc-c++') if opts.ccache: buildargs.append('--ccache') xp.append('ccache') if opts.linksources: buildargs.append('--linksources') if opts.baselibs: buildargs.append('--baselibs') if opts.debuginfo: buildargs.append('--debug') if opts._with: for o in opts._with: buildargs.append('--with=%s' % o) if opts.without: for o in opts.without: buildargs.append('--without=%s' % o) if opts.define: for o in opts.define: buildargs.append('--define=%s' % o) if config['build-uid']: build_uid = config['build-uid'] if opts.build_uid: build_uid = opts.build_uid if build_uid: buildidre = re.compile('^[0-9]{1,5}:[0-9]{1,5}$') if build_uid == 'caller': buildargs.append('--uid=%s:%s' % (os.getuid(), os.getgid())) elif buildidre.match(build_uid): buildargs.append('--uid=%s' % build_uid) else: print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: build-uid arg must be 2 colon separated numerics: "uid:gid" or "caller"' return 1 if opts.vm_type: vm_type = opts.vm_type if opts.alternative_project: prj = opts.alternative_project pac = '_repository' else: prj = store_read_project(os.curdir) if opts.local_package: pac = '_repository' else: pac = store_read_package(os.curdir) if buildargs.append("--shell") # make it possible to override configuration of the rc file for var in ['OSC_PACKAGECACHEDIR', 'OSC_SU_WRAPPER', 'OSC_BUILD_ROOT']: val = os.getenv(var) if val: if var.startswith('OSC_'): var = var[4:] var = var.lower().replace('_', '-') if config.has_key(var): print 'Overriding config value for %s=\'%s\' with \'%s\'' % ( var, config[var], val) config[var] = val pacname = pac if pacname == '_repository': if not opts.local_package: try: pacname = store_read_package(os.curdir) except oscerr.NoWorkingCopy: opts.local_package = True if opts.local_package: pacname = os.path.splitext(build_descr)[0] apihost = urlparse.urlsplit(apiurl)[1] if not build_root: build_root = config['build-root'] % { 'repo': repo, 'arch': arch, 'project': prj, 'package': pacname, 'apihost': apihost } cache_dir = config['packagecachedir'] % {'apihost': apihost} extra_pkgs = [] if not opts.extra_pkgs: extra_pkgs = config['extra-pkgs'] elif opts.extra_pkgs != ['']: extra_pkgs = opts.extra_pkgs if xp: extra_pkgs += xp prefer_pkgs = {} build_descr_data = open(build_descr).read() # XXX: dirty hack but there's no api to provide custom defines if opts.without: s = '' for i in opts.without: s += "%%define _without_%s 1\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 0\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts._with: s = '' for i in opts._with: s += "%%define _without_%s 0\n" % i s += "%%define _with_%s 1\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.define: s = '' for i in opts.define: s += "%%define %s\n" % i build_descr_data = s + build_descr_data if opts.prefer_pkgs: print 'Scanning the following dirs for local packages: %s' % ', '.join( opts.prefer_pkgs) prefer_pkgs, cpio = get_prefer_pkgs(opts.prefer_pkgs, arch, build_type) cpio.add(os.path.basename(build_descr), build_descr_data) build_descr_data = cpio.get() # special handling for overlay and rsync-src/dest specialcmdopts = [] if opts.rsyncsrc or opts.rsyncdest: if not opts.rsyncsrc or not opts.rsyncdest: raise oscerr.WrongOptions( 'When using --rsync-{src,dest} both parameters have to be specified.' ) myrsyncsrc = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncsrc))) if not os.path.isdir(myrsyncsrc): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--rsync-src %s is no valid directory!' % opts.rsyncsrc) # can't check destination - its in the target chroot ;) - but we can check for sanity myrsyncdest = os.path.expandvars(opts.rsyncdest) if not os.path.isabs(myrsyncdest): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--rsync-dest %s is no absolute path (starting with \'/\')!' % opts.rsyncdest) specialcmdopts = [ '--rsync-src=' + myrsyncsrc, '--rsync-dest=' + myrsyncdest ] if opts.overlay: myoverlay = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(opts.overlay))) if not os.path.isdir(myoverlay): raise oscerr.WrongOptions('--overlay %s is no valid directory!' % opts.overlay) specialcmdopts += ['--overlay=' + myoverlay] bi_file = None bc_file = None bi_filename = '_buildinfo-%s-%s.xml' % (repo, arch) bc_filename = '_buildconfig-%s-%s' % (repo, arch) if is_package_dir('.') and os.access(, os.W_OK): bi_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),, bc_filename) elif not os.access('.', os.W_OK): bi_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bi_filename) bi_filename = bc_file = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=bc_filename) bc_filename = else: bi_filename = os.path.abspath(bi_filename) bc_filename = os.path.abspath(bc_filename) try: if opts.noinit: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--noinit is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--noinit is not possible, no local buildconfig file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildconfig' % bc_filename elif opts.offline: if not os.path.isfile(bi_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--offline is not possible, no local buildinfo file') print 'Use local \'%s\' file as buildinfo' % bi_filename if not os.path.isfile(bc_filename): raise oscerr.WrongOptions( '--offline is not possible, no local buildconfig file') else: print 'Getting buildinfo from server and store to %s' % bi_filename bi_text = ''.join( get_buildinfo(apiurl, prj, pac, repo, arch, specfile=build_descr_data, addlist=extra_pkgs)) if not bi_file: bi_file = open(bi_filename, 'w') # maybe we should check for errors before saving the file bi_file.write(bi_text) bi_file.flush() print 'Getting buildconfig from server and store to %s' % bc_filename bc = get_buildconfig(apiurl, prj, repo) if not bc_file: bc_file = open(bc_filename, 'w') bc_file.write(bc) bc_file.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code == 404: # check what caused the 404 if meta_exists(metatype='prj', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), ), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl): pkg_meta_e = None try: # take care, not to run into double trouble. pkg_meta_e = meta_exists(metatype='pkg', path_args=(quote_plus(prj), quote_plus(pac)), template_args=None, create_new=False, apiurl=apiurl) except: pass if pkg_meta_e: print >> sys.stderr, 'ERROR: Either wrong repo/arch as parameter or a parse error of .spec/.dsc/.kiwi file due to syntax error' else: print >>sys.stderr, 'The package \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--local-package\'' % pac else: print >>sys.stderr, 'The project \'%s\' does not exists - please ' \ 'rerun with \'--alternative-project <alternative_project>\'' % prj sys.exit(1) else: raise