def _scan(self, chroot, target, scan_args):
        Scan a container or image

        name, conf = self._get_target_name_and_config(target)
        return oscap_chroot(chroot, self.oscap_binary, scan_args, name,
                            conf.get("Env", []) or [])
    def _scan_cve(self, chroot, target, dist, scan_args):
        Scan a chroot for cves
        cve_input = getInputCVE.dist_cve_name.format(dist)

        args = ("oval", "eval")
        for a in scan_args:
            args += (a, )
        args += (os.path.join(self.cve_input_dir, cve_input), )

        name, conf = self._get_target_name_and_config(target)

        return oscap_chroot(chroot, self.oscap_binary, args, name,
                            conf.get("Env", []) or [])
    def scan(self, scan_args):
        Wrapper function forwarding oscap args for an offline scan
        scan_result = oscap_chroot(
            self.oscap_binary, scan_args,
            self.image_name or self.container_name,
            self.config["Config"].get("Env", []) or []  # because Env can exists but be None

        print(scan_result.stderr, file=sys.stderr)


        return scan_result.returncode
    def scan_cve(self, scan_args):
        Wrapper function for scanning cve of a mounted container

        tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        # Figure out which RHEL dist is in the chroot
        dist = get_dist(self.mountpoint, self.oscap_binary,
                        self.config["Config"].get("Env", []) or [])

        if dist is None:
            sys.stderr.write("{0} is not based on RHEL\n".format(
                self.image_name or self.container_name))
            return None

        # Fetch the CVE input data for the dist
        fetch = getInputCVE(tmp_dir)
        cve_file = fetch._fetch_single(dist)

        print("CVEs downloaded in " + cve_file)

        args = ("oval", "eval")
        for a in scan_args:
            args += (a, )
        args += (cve_file, )

        scan_result = oscap_chroot(
            self.image_name or self.container_name,
            self.config["Config"].get("Env", [])
            or []  # because Env can exists but be None

        print(scan_result.stderr, file=sys.stderr)

        # cleanup

        print("Cleaning temporary files ...")

        return scan_result.returncode