def test_recursive_upload_with_subdir(OSF_project): # test that an extra level of subdirectory is created on the remote side # this is because args.source does not end in a / args = MockArgs(username='******', project='1234', source='foobar', recursive=True, destination='BAR/') def simple_getenv(key): if key == 'OSF_PASSWORD': return 'secret' fake_open = mock_open() fake_storage = # it is important we use foobar and not foobar/ to match with args.source # to mimick the behaviour of os.walk() dir_contents = [('foobar', None, ['bar.txt', 'abc.txt']), ('foobar/baz', None, ['bar.txt', 'abc.txt'])] with patch('', fake_open): with patch('os.walk', return_value=iter(dir_contents)): with patch('osfclient.cli.os.getenv', side_effect=simple_getenv): with patch('osfclient.cli.os.path.isdir', return_value=True): upload(args) assert call('foobar/bar.txt', 'rb') in fake_open.mock_calls assert call('foobar/abc.txt', 'rb') in fake_open.mock_calls assert call('foobar/baz/bar.txt', 'rb') in fake_open.mock_calls assert call('foobar/baz/abc.txt', 'rb') in fake_open.mock_calls # two directories with two files each -> four calls plus all the # context manager __enter__ and __exit__ calls assert len(fake_open.mock_calls) == 4 + 4 * 2 fake_storage.assert_has_calls([ call.create_file('BAR/foobar/./bar.txt', mock.ANY, update=False, force=False), call.create_file('BAR/foobar/./abc.txt', mock.ANY, update=False, force=False), call.create_file('BAR/foobar/baz/bar.txt', mock.ANY, update=False, force=False), call.create_file('BAR/foobar/baz/abc.txt', mock.ANY, update=False, force=False) ]) # two directories with two files each -> four calls assert len(fake_storage.mock_calls) == 4
def test_anonymous_doesnt_work(): args = MockArgs(project='1234') def simple_getenv(key): return None with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as e: with patch('osfclient.cli.os.getenv', side_effect=simple_getenv) as mock_getenv: upload(args) expected = 'upload a file you need to provide a username and password' assert expected in e.value.args[0]
def test_recursive_requires_directory(OSF_project): # test that we check if source is a directory when using recursive mode args = MockArgs(username='******', project='1234', source='foo/bar.txt', recursive=True, destination='bar/bar/foo.txt') def simple_getenv(key): if key == 'OSF_PASSWORD': return 'secret' with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as e: with patch('osfclient.cli.os.getenv', side_effect=simple_getenv): with patch('osfclient.cli.os.path.isdir', return_value=False): upload(args) assert 'recursive' in str(e.value) assert 'Expected source (foo/bar.txt)' in str(e.value)
def save2osf(arguments): cli.upload(arguments) print('Upload Successful')