def run_gdaldem(filepath: str, processing: str, options: str | None = None) -> """Run GDAL's DEMProcessing and return the read numpy array.""" # Rasterio strongly recommends against importing gdal along rio, so this is done here instead. from osgeo import gdal # Converting string into gdal processing options here to avoid import gdal outside this function: # Riley or Wilson for Terrain Ruggedness, and Zevenberg or Horn for slope, aspect and hillshade gdal_option_conversion = { "Riley": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(alg="Riley"), "Wilson": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(alg="Wilson"), "Zevenberg": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(alg="ZevenbergenThorne"), "Horn": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(alg="Horn"), "hillshade_Zevenberg": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(azimuth=315, altitude=45, alg="ZevenbergenThorne"), "hillshade_Horn": gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(azimuth=315, altitude=45, alg="Horn") } if options is None: gdal_option = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(options=None) else: gdal_option = gdal_option_conversion[options] temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() temp_path = os.path.join(, "output.tif") gdal.DEMProcessing( destName=temp_path, srcDS=filepath, processing=processing, options=gdal_option, ) data = gu.Raster(temp_path).data temp_dir.cleanup() return data
def process(out_filepath, src_filepath, process_type, color_file=None): """ Transform src raster file and output to new raster file Args: output_file: File path for output file src_filepath: File path for source raster file process_type: Type of process to apply """ options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(zeroForFlat=True, colorFilename=color_file) dataset = gdal.DEMProcessing(out_filepath, src_filepath, process_type, options=options)"Dataset Processed: {}".format(out_filepath)) dataset = None
def calc_aspect(elev, proc_dims=None, w=None, **kwargs): """ Calculates aspect from elevation Args: elev (2d array): The elevation data. proc_dims (Optional[tuple]): Dimensions to resize to. w (Optional[int]): The smoothing window size when ``proc_dims`` is given. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments passed to ``gdal.DEMProcessingOptions``. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray`` """ if not OPENCV_INSTALLED: logger.exception('OpenCV must be installed.') if proc_dims: inrows, incols = elev.shape elev = cv2.resize(elev.astype('float32'), proc_dims, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) ds = gdal_array.OpenArray(elev.astype('float64')) aspect_options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(**kwargs) out_ds = gdal.DEMProcessing('', ds, 'aspect', options=aspect_options) dst_array = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() ds = None out_ds = None if proc_dims: dst_array = cv2.resize(dst_array.astype('float32'), (incols, inrows), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if not w: w = 15 return np.float64(cv2.bilateralFilter(np.float32(dst_array), w, 10, 10)) else: return np.float64(dst_array)
def run_gdaldem(filepath: str, processing: str) -> """Run GDAL's DEMProcessing and return the read numpy array.""" # rasterio strongly recommends against importing gdal along rio, so this is done here instead. from osgeo import gdal temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() temp_path = os.path.join(, "output.tif") gdal.DEMProcessing( destName=temp_path, srcDS=filepath, processing=processing, options=gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(azimuth=315, altitude=45), ) data = gu.Raster(temp_path).data temp_dir.cleanup() return data
def _compute_slope(self, out_raster, slope_format): with GdalOpen(self.raster_file) as src_ds: options = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(slopeFormat=slope_format) gdal.DEMProcessing(out_raster, src_ds, 'slope', options=options)
def create_dmp(aoi_model, model, output): output.add_live_msg('Initializing DPM creation') # create start date from 60 days before event_start = dt.strptime(model.event_start, "%Y-%m-%d") event_end = dt.strptime(model.event_end, "%Y-%m-%d") # set a period around start and end date for data search search_start = dt.strftime(event_start + timedelta(days=-60), '%Y-%m-%d') search_end = dt.strftime(event_end + timedelta(days=30), '%Y-%m-%d') # define project dir if event_start == event_end: project_dir = pm.result_dir / f"{}_{model.event_start}" else: project_dir = pm.result_dir / f"{}_{model.event_start}_{model.event_end}" aoi = aoi_model.gdf.dissolve().geometry.to_wkt().values[0] output.add_live_msg(" Setting up OST project") s1_slc = Sentinel1Batch( project_dir=project_dir, aoi=aoi, start=search_start, end=search_end, product_type="SLC", ard_type="OST-RTC", ) # set tmp_dir s1_slc.temp_dir = pm.tmp_dir s1_slc.config_dict["temp_dir"] = pm.tmp_dir ## we get available ram #with open('/proc/meminfo') as f: # meminfo = # matched ='^MemTotal:\s+(\d+)', meminfo) # #if matched: # mem_total_kB = int(matched.groups()[0]) # ## if we have more than 100GB ram we download there, ## that should speed up processing #if mem_total_kB/1024/1024 > 100: # print('Using ramdisk') # s1_slc.download_dir = '/ram/download' # Path(s1_slc.download_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # s1_slc.config_dict['download_dir'] = s1_slc.download_dir # get username and password from ost.helpers.settings import HERBERT_USER if model.username and model.password: s1_slc.scihub_uname = model.username s1_slc.scihub_pword = model.password else: s1_slc.scihub_uname = HERBERT_USER["uname"] s1_slc.scihub_pword = HERBERT_USER["pword"] s1_slc.asf_uname = HERBERT_USER["uname"] s1_slc.asf_pword = HERBERT_USER["asf_pword"] output.add_live_msg(" Searching for data")"") for i, track in enumerate(s1_slc.inventory.relativeorbit.unique()): # filter by track df = s1_slc.inventory[s1_slc.inventory.relativeorbit == track].copy() # make sure all products are on ASF for i, row in df.iterrows(): status = check_product_on_asf(row.identifier, s1_slc.asf_uname, s1_slc.asf_pword) if status != 200: df = df[df.identifier != row.identifier] # get all acquisitions dates for that track datelist = sorted([ dt.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d') for date in df.acquisitiondate.unique() ]) to_process_list = [] for date in datelist: # cehck if we have an image after end date if datelist[-1] < event_end: output.add_live_msg( f' No image available after the end date for track {track}' ) break # ignore dates before start of event if date < event_start: continue # get index of date in datelist idx = datelist.index(date) if idx < 2: output.add_live_msg( f' Not enough pre-event images available for track {track}' ) break # add dates to process list, if not already there # we take care of the two images needed before the start date [ to_process_list.append(date) for date in datelist[idx - 2:idx + 1] if date not in to_process_list ] # once we added the last image after the the end of the event we can stop if date >= event_end: break if len(to_process_list) < 3: output.add_live_msg( f' Not enough images available for track {track}') break # turn the dates back to strings so we can use to filter the data inventory final_dates = [dt.strftime(date, '%Y%m%d') for date in to_process_list] final_df = df[df.acquisitiondate.isin(final_dates)] output.add_live_msg( " Downloading relevant Sentinel-1 SLC scenes ... (this may take a while)" ) final_df, mirror=2, concurrent=10, uname=s1_slc.asf_uname, pword=s1_slc.asf_pword, ) output.add_live_msg(" Create burst inventory") s1_slc.create_burst_inventory(final_df) # setting ARD parameters output.add_live_msg(" Setting processing parameters") s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"]["resolution"] = 30 # in metres s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"]["create_ls_mask"] = False s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"]["backscatter"] = False s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"]["coherence"] = True s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"][ "coherence_bands"] = "VV" # 'VV, VH' # production of polarimetric layers s1_slc.ard_parameters["single_ARD"][ "H-A-Alpha"] = False # does not give a lot of additional information # resampling of image (not so important) s1_slc.ard_parameters['single_ARD']['dem'][ 'dem_name'] = "SRTM 1Sec HGT" s1_slc.ard_parameters['single_ARD']['dem'][ 'image_resampling'] = 'BILINEAR_INTERPOLATION' # 'BILINEAR_INTERPOLATION' # multi-temporal speckle filtering is quite effective s1_slc.ard_parameters['time-series_ARD']['mt_speckle_filter'][ 'filter'] = 'Boxcar' s1_slc.ard_parameters['time-series_ARD']['remove_mt_speckle'] = True s1_slc.ard_parameters['time-scan_ARD']['metrics'] = ['min', 'max'] s1_slc.ard_parameters['time-scan_ARD']['remove_outliers'] = False s1_slc.ard_parameters['mosaic']['cut_to_aoi'] = True # set number of parallel processing workers = int(4) if os.cpu_count() / 4 > 4 else int(os.cpu_count() / 4) output.add_live_msg(f" Processing {workers} bursts in parallel.") s1_slc.config_dict["max_workers"] = workers s1_slc.config_dict["executor_type"] = "concurrent_processes" # set tmp_dir s1_slc.config_dict['temp_dir'] = '/ram' # pre-download SRTM srtm.download_srtm(s1_slc.aoi) # process output.add_live_msg(" Processing scenes... (this may take a while)") s1_slc.bursts_to_ards( timeseries=True, timescan=True, mosaic=False, overwrite=False # TO BE CHAGNED ) output.add_live_msg(" Calculate coherent change for each burst") bursts = list(s1_slc.processing_dir.glob(f'[A,D]*{track}*')) for burst in bursts: # get track track_name =[:4] # in and out files coh_min = burst.joinpath('Timescan/01.coh.VV.min.tif') coh_max = burst.joinpath('Timescan/02.coh.VV.max.tif') dstnt_file = burst.joinpath(f"Timescan/ccd_{}.tif") with as pre_coh: pre_arr = # get metadata for destination file meta = pre_coh.meta meta.update(dtype='uint8', nodata=0) with as post_coh: post_arr = # calulate difference coh_diff = np.subtract(pre_arr, post_arr) coh_diff[coh_diff < 0.27] = 0 coh_diff = coh_diff * 100 with, 'w', **meta) as dstnt: dstnt.write(coh_diff.astype('uint8')) # ----------------------------------------- # and merge the result src_files_to_mosaic = [] for file in s1_slc.processing_dir.glob( f"*[A,D]*{track}_*/Timescan/ccd*tif"): src = src_files_to_mosaic.append(src) mosaic, out_trans = merge(src_files_to_mosaic) out_meta = src.profile.copy() # Update the metadata out_meta.update(driver='GTiff', height=mosaic.shape[1], width=mosaic.shape[2], transform=out_trans,, tiled=True, blockxsize=128, blockysize=128, compress='lzw') tmp_dir = Path(s1_slc.config_dict['temp_dir']) tmp_mrg = tmp_dir.joinpath(f"ccd_{track_name}.tif") with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) # close datasets [src.close for src in src_files_to_mosaic] # crop to aoi (some ost routine) shapes_ = [row.geometry for _, row in aoi_model.gdf.iterrows()] with as src: out_image, out_transform = rio.mask.mask(src, shapes_, crop=True) out_meta = src.profile out_meta.update({ "driver": "GTiff", "height": out_image.shape[1], "width": out_image.shape[2], "transform": out_transform, }) # create final output directory dpm_out_dir = project_dir / f"Damage_Proxy_Maps" dpm_out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out_ds_tif = dpm_out_dir / f"ccd_{track_name}.tif" with, "w", **out_meta) as dest: dest.write(out_image) # delete tmpmerge tmp_mrg.unlink() # ----------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------- # kmz and dmp output # write a color file to tmp ctfile = tmp_dir.joinpath("colourtable.txt") f = open(ctfile, "w") ct = [ "0 0 0 0 0\n" "27 253 246 50 255\n" "35 253 169 50 255\n" "43 253 100 50 255\n" "51 253 50 50 255\n" "59 255 10 10 255\n" "255 253 0 0 255" ] f.writelines(ct) f.close() out_dpm_tif = dpm_out_dir / f"dpm_{track_name}.tif" demopts = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(colorFilename=str(ctfile), addAlpha=True) gdal.DEMProcessing(str(out_dpm_tif), str(out_ds_tif), "color-relief", options=demopts) opts = gdal.TranslateOptions(format="KMLSUPEROVERLAY", creationOptions=["format=png"]) gdal.Translate(str(out_dpm_tif.with_suffix(".kmz")), str(out_dpm_tif), options=opts) ### adding legend like this to KMZ # added = [ # "\t\t<ScreenOverlay>\n", # "\t\t\t<name>\n", # "Legend: Damage Proxy Map\n", # "\t\t\t</name>\n", # "\t\t\t<Icon>\n", # "\t\t\t\t<href></href>\n", # "\t\t\t</Icon>\n", # '\t\t\t<overlayXY x="0.98" y="0.14" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>\n', # '\t\t\t<screenXY x="0.98" y="0.14" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>\n', # '\t\t\t<rotationXY x="0.5" y="0.5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>\n', # '\t\t\t<size x="0.1" y="0.18" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>\n', # "\t\t</ScreenOverlay>\n", # "\t</Document>\n", # "</kml>\n" # ] # tmpzip = tmp_dir.joinpath('zipped') # tmpzip.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # # with ZipFile(out_dmp_tif.with_suffix('.kmz')) as zip_ref: # zip_ref.extractall(tmpzip) # with open(tmpzip.joinpath('doc.kml')) as f: # # lines = f.readlines() # lines = lines[:-2] # lines.extend(added) # # with open(tmpzip.joinpath('doc.kml'), 'w') as f: # for ele in lines: # f.write(ele) # # with ZipFile(out_dmp_tif.with_suffix('.kmz'), 'w') as zip_ref: # # Iterate over all the files in directory # for folderName, subfolders, filenames in os.walk(tmpzip): # for filename in filenames: # #create complete filepath of file in directory # filePath = os.path.join(folderName, filename) # # Add file to zip # zip_ref.write(filePath, os.path.join('/0/0/', os.path.basename(filePath))) # # ----------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------- # polygonize (to points) with as src: image = mask = image != 0 geoms = [{ "properties": { "raster_val": v }, "geometry": s } for i, (s, v) in enumerate( shapes(image, mask=mask, transform=src.transform))] # geoms = list(results) gpd_polygonized_raster = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(geoms) gpd_polygonized_raster["geometry"] = gpd_polygonized_raster[ "geometry"].centroid gpd_polygonized_raster.to_file(out_dpm_tif.with_suffix(".geojson"), driver="GeoJSON") # remove storage intense files try: [ file.unlink() for file in Path(s1_slc.download_dir).glob("**/*zip") ] [ file.unlink() for file in Path(s1_slc.download_dir).glob("**/*downloaded") ] [ file.unlink() for file in Path(s1_slc.processing_dir).glob("**/*img") ] [ file.unlink() for file in Path(s1_slc.processing_dir).glob("**/*tif") ] [ file.unlink() for file in Path(s1_slc.processing_dir).glob("**/*processed") ] except: pass # ----------------------------------------- try: shutil.rmtree(s1_slc.download_dir) shutil.rmtree(s1_slc.processing_dir) except: pass return
def calculate_ancillary_products(flight_dict, nodata=-9999.0): msk_fn = Path(flight_dict['background_mask_file']) dem_fn = Path(flight_dict['merged_dem_file']) sca_fn = Path(flight_dict['merged_sca_file']) # Get flightline basename basename = '_'.join(os.path.basename(msk_fn).split('_')[:2]) # Read the background mask msk_ds = gdal.Open(str(msk_fn)) msk = msk_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray().astype(bool) # While the dataset is open, grab the geotransform array gt = msk_ds.GetGeoTransform() msk_ds = None # Calculate DEM aspect aspect_option = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(trigonometric=False, computeEdges=True) aspect_ds = gdal.DEMProcessing(f'/vsimem/_tmp_{basename}_Aspect.tif', str(dem_fn), 'aspect', options=aspect_option) # Calculate DEM slope slope_option = gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(computeEdges=True) slope_ds = gdal.DEMProcessing(f'/vsimem/_tmp_{basename}_Slope.tif', str(dem_fn), 'slope', options=slope_option) # Convert slope & aspect to radians dem_aspect = np.radians(aspect_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()) dem_slope = np.radians(slope_ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()) # Close temporary files aspect_ds = None slope_ds = None # Load SCA image header sca_hdr = read_envi_header(sca_fn.with_suffix('.hdr')) # Read SCA image sca_shape = (sca_hdr['bands'], sca_hdr['lines'], sca_hdr['samples']) sca_image = np.memmap(sca_fn, dtype='float32', mode='r', shape=sca_shape) # Get sensor viewing angles from SCA image view_zenith = np.radians(sca_image[0]) view_azimuth = np.radians(sca_image[1]) # Calculate solar angles solar_zenith = np.radians(float(sca_hdr['sun zenith'])) solar_azimuth = np.radians(float(sca_hdr['sun azimuth'])) relative_azimuth = dem_aspect - solar_azimuth # Generate flat SZA image sza_image = np.full_like(view_zenith, nodata) sza_image[~msk] = solar_zenith # Generate flat SAA image saa_image = np.full_like(view_azimuth, nodata) saa_image[~msk] = solar_azimuth # Cosine of I cos_i = ( np.cos(solar_zenith) * np.cos(dem_slope) + np.sin(solar_zenith) * np.sin(dem_slope) * np.cos(relative_azimuth)) # Phase # Wanner et al. JGRA 1995, eq. 51 # Schlapfer et al. IEEE-TGARS 2015, eq. 2 cos_phase = np.cos(solar_zenith) * np.cos(view_zenith) + np.sin( solar_zenith) * np.sin(view_zenith) * np.cos(relative_azimuth) phase = np.arccos(cos_phase) # Set no data values dem_aspect[msk] = nodata dem_slope[msk] = nodata view_zenith[msk] = nodata view_azimuth[msk] = nodata relative_azimuth[msk] = nodata cos_i[msk] = nodata # Get SRS srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(sca_hdr['coordinate system string']) anc_dir = Path(flight_dict['merge_dir']) / 'ancillary' anc_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # Write DEM slope slope_hdr = make_ancillary_header(dem_slope.shape, srs, gt, descr='DEM slope, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_DSMSlope', dem_slope, slope_hdr) # Write DSM aspect aspect_hdr = make_ancillary_header(dem_aspect.shape, srs, gt, descr='DEM aspect, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_DSMAspect', dem_aspect, aspect_hdr) # Write sensor zenith angles vza_hdr = make_ancillary_header( view_zenith.shape, srs, gt, descr='Sensor viewing zenith angle, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_VZA', view_zenith, vza_hdr) # Write sensor azimuth angles vaa_hdr = make_ancillary_header( view_azimuth.shape, srs, gt, descr='Sensor viewing azimuth angle, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_VAA', view_azimuth, vaa_hdr) # Write solar zenith angle sza_hdr = make_ancillary_header(sza_image.shape, srs, gt, descr='Solar zenith angle, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_SZA', sza_image, sza_hdr) # Write solar azimuth angle saa_hdr = make_ancillary_header(saa_image.shape, srs, gt, descr='Solar azimuth angle, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_SAA', saa_image, saa_hdr) # Write relative azimuth raa_hdr = make_ancillary_header( relative_azimuth.shape, srs, gt, descr='Relative viewing azimuth angle, in [rad]', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_RAA', relative_azimuth, raa_hdr) # Write cosine I cosi_hdr = make_ancillary_header(cos_i.shape, srs, gt, descr='Cosine of I', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_CosI', cos_i, cosi_hdr) # Write phase phase_hdr = make_ancillary_header(phase.shape, srs, gt, descr='Phase', nodata=-9999.0) write_to_envi(anc_dir / f'{basename}_Phase', phase, phase_hdr)