def setTable(imgFile, colorTable, bandNumber=1): """ Given either an open gdal dataset, or a filename, sets the color table as an array. The colorTable is given as an array of shape (4, numEntries) where numEntries is the size of the color table. The order of indices in the first axis is: * Red * Green * Blue * Opacity The Red/Green/Blue values are on the range 0-255, with 255 meaning full color, and the opacity is in the range 0-255, with 255 meaning fully opaque. This table is useually generated by getTable() or genTable(). """ if isinstance(imgFile, basestring): ds = gdal.Open(str(imgFile), gdal.GA_Update) elif isinstance(imgFile, gdal.Dataset): ds = imgFile gdalBand = ds.GetRasterBand(bandNumber) attrTbl = gdalBand.GetDefaultRAT() if attrTbl is None: # some formats eg ENVI return None # here so we need to be able to cope attrTbl = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() isFileRAT = False else: isFileRAT = True # but if it doesn't support dynamic writing # we still ahve to call SetDefaultRAT if not attrTbl.ChangesAreWrittenToFile(): isFileRAT = False ncols, numEntries = colorTable.shape attrTbl.SetRowCount(numEntries) # set the columns based on their usage, creating # if necessary colorUsages = {gdal.GFU_Red : 'Red', gdal.GFU_Green : 'Green', gdal.GFU_Blue : 'Blue', gdal.GFU_Alpha : 'Alpha'} for idx, usage in enumerate(colorUsages): colNum = attrTbl.GetColOfUsage(usage) if colNum == -1: name = colorUsages[usage] attrTbl.CreateColumn(name, gdal.GFT_Integer, usage) colNum = attrTbl.GetColumnCount() - 1 attrTbl.WriteArray(colorTable[idx], colNum) if not isFileRAT: attrTbl.SetDefaultRAT(attrTbl)
def test_hfa_unique_values_hist(): try: gdal.RasterAttributeTable() except: pytest.skip() ds = gdal.Open('data/i8u_c_i.img') md = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata() expected = '12603|1|0|0|45|1|0|0|0|0|656|177|0|0|5026|1062|0|0|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|75|1|0|0|207|158|0|0|8|34|0|0|0|0|538|57|0|10|214|20|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|31|0|0|9|625|67|0|0|118|738|117|3004|1499|491|187|1272|513|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|16|3|0|0|283|123|5|1931|835|357|332|944|451|80|40|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|12|5|0|0|535|1029|118|0|33|246|342|0|0|10|8|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|169|439|0|0|6|990|329|0|0|120|295|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|164|42|0|0|570|966|0|0|18|152|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|45|106|0|0|16|16517|' assert md[ 'STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES'] == expected, 'Unexpected HISTOBINVALUES.' assert md['STATISTICS_HISTOMIN'] == '0' and md['STATISTICS_HISTOMAX'] == '255', \ "unexpected histomin/histomax value." # lets also check the RAT to ensure it has the BinValues column added. rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat.GetColumnCount() == 6 and rat.GetTypeOfCol(0) == gdal.GFT_Real and rat.GetUsageOfCol(0) == gdal.GFU_MinMax, \ 'BinValues column wrong.' assert rat.GetValueAsInt(2, 0) == 4, 'BinValues value wrong.' rat = None ds = None
def test_mem_rat(): ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', 1, 1) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(gdal.RasterAttributeTable()) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is not None ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is None
def test_ehdr_rat(): tmpfile = '/vsimem/rat.bil' gdal.Translate(tmpfile, 'data/int16_rat.bil', format='EHdr') ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile) rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is not None assert rat.GetColumnCount() == 4 assert rat.GetRowCount() == 25 for (idx, val) in [(0, -500), (1, 127), (2, 40), (3, 65)]: assert rat.GetValueAsInt(0, idx) == val for (idx, val) in [(0, 2000), (1, 145), (2, 97), (3, 47)]: assert rat.GetValueAsInt(24, idx) == val assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() is not None ds = None ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile, gdal.GA_Update) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(None) ds = None ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile, gdal.GA_Update) assert not (ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() or ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable()) with gdaltest.error_handler(): ret = ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(gdal.RasterAttributeTable()) assert ret != 0 ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('EHDR').Delete(tmpfile)
def create_rat(in_raster, lookup, band_number=1): """ Create simple raster attribute table based on lookup {int: string} dict Output RAT columns: VALUE (integer), DESCRIPTION (string) eg: lookup = {1: "URBAN", 5: "WATER", 11: "AGRICULTURE", 16: "MINING"} """ # open the raster at band raster = gdal.Open(in_raster, gdal.GA_Update) band = raster.GetRasterBand(band_number) # Create and populate the RAT rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn("VALUE", gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Generic) rat.CreateColumn("DESCRIPTION", gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Generic) i = 0 for value, description in sorted(lookup.items()): rat.SetValueAsInt(i, 0, int(value)) rat.SetValueAsString(i, 1, str(description)) i += 1 raster.FlushCache() band.SetDefaultRAT(rat) raster = None rat = None band = None
def get_rat_from_vat(filename): md = ogr.Open(filename) mdl = md.GetLayer(0) # get column definitions: rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() # use skip to adjust column index layer_defn = mdl.GetLayerDefn() for field_idx in range(0, layer_defn.GetFieldCount()): field_defn = layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(field_idx) field_type = TYPE_MAP[field_defn.GetType()] if field_type is None: # skip unmappable field type continue rat.CreateColumn(field_defn.GetName(), field_type, USAGE_MAP[field_defn.GetName()]) for feature_idx in range(0, mdl.GetFeatureCount()): feature = mdl.GetFeature(feature_idx) skip = 0 for field_idx in range(0, feature.GetFieldCount()): field_type = TYPE_MAP[feature.GetFieldType(field_idx)] if field_type == gdal.GFT_Integer: rat.SetValueAsInt(feature_idx, field_idx - skip, feature.GetFieldAsInteger(field_idx)) elif field_type == gdal.GFT_Real: rat.SetValueAsDouble(feature_idx, field_idx - skip, feature.GetFieldAsDouble(field_idx)) elif field_type == gdal.GFT_String: rat.SetValueAsString(feature_idx, field_idx - skip, feature.GetFieldAsString(field_idx)) else: # skip all unmappable field types skip += 1 return rat
def test_rat_3(): ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('/vsimem/rat_3.tif', 1, 1) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(gdal.RasterAttributeTable()) ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Delete('/vsimem/rat_3.tif')
def vrtmisc_rat(): ds = gdal.Translate('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.tif', 'data/byte.tif', format='MEM') rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn("Ints", gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Generic) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(rat) vrt_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT').CreateCopy('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', ds) xml_vrt = vrt_ds.GetMetadata('xml:VRT')[0] if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() != '': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' vrt_ds = None if xml_vrt.find('<GDALRasterAttributeTable>') < 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(xml_vrt) return 'fail' vrt_ds = gdal.Translate('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', ds, format='VRT', srcWin=[0, 0, 1, 1]) xml_vrt = vrt_ds.GetMetadata('xml:VRT')[0] if gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() != '': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' vrt_ds = None if xml_vrt.find('<GDALRasterAttributeTable>') < 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(xml_vrt) return 'fail' ds = None vrt_ds = gdal.Open('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', gdal.GA_Update) rat = vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat is None or rat.GetColumnCount() != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) if vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' vrt_ds = None ds = None gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt') gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.tif') return "success"
def rat_1(): gdaltest.saved_rat = None try: rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() except: return 'skip' rat.CreateColumn('Value', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_MinMax) rat.CreateColumn('Count', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_PixelCount) rat.SetRowCount(3) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 0, 10) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 1, 100) rat.SetValueAsInt(1, 0, 11) rat.SetValueAsInt(1, 1, 200) rat.SetValueAsInt(2, 0, 12) rat.SetValueAsInt(2, 1, 90) rat2 = rat.Clone() if rat2.GetColumnCount() != 2: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong column count') return 'fail' if rat2.GetRowCount() != 3: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong row count') return 'fail' if rat2.GetNameOfCol(1) != 'Count': gdaltest.post_reason('wrong column name') return 'fail' if rat2.GetUsageOfCol(1) != gdal.GFU_PixelCount: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong column usage') return 'fail' if rat2.GetTypeOfCol(1) != gdal.GFT_Integer: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong column type') return 'fail' if rat2.GetRowOfValue(11.0) != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong row for value') return 'fail' if rat2.GetValueAsInt(1, 1) != 200: gdaltest.post_reason('wrong field value.') return 'fail' gdaltest.saved_rat = rat return 'success'
def ehdr_rat(): tmpfile = '/vsimem/rat.bil' gdal.Translate(tmpfile, 'data/int16_rat.bil', format='EHdr') ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile) rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if rat.GetColumnCount() != 4: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(rat.GetColumnCount()) return 'fail' if rat.GetRowCount() != 25: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(rat.GetRowCount()) return 'fail' for (idx, val) in [(0, -500), (1, 127), (2, 40), (3, 65)]: if rat.GetValueAsInt(0, idx) != val: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(idx, rat.GetValueAsInt(0, idx)) return 'fail' for (idx, val) in [(0, 2000), (1, 145), (2, 97), (3, 47)]: if rat.GetValueAsInt(24, idx) != val: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(idx, rat.GetValueAsInt(24, idx)) return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds = None ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile, gdal.GA_Update) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(None) ds = None ds = gdal.Open(tmpfile, gdal.GA_Update) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() or ds.GetRasterBand( 1).GetColorTable(): gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' with gdaltest.error_handler(): ret = ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(gdal.RasterAttributeTable()) if ret == 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('EHDR').Delete(tmpfile) return 'success'
def mem_rat(): ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', 1, 1) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(gdal.RasterAttributeTable()) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' return 'success'
def test_rat_4(): # Create test RAT ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('/vsimem/rat_4.tif', 1, 1) rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn('VALUE', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_MinMax) rat.CreateColumn('CLASS', gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Name) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 0, 111) rat.SetValueAsString(0, 1, 'Class1') ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds = None # Verify ds = gdal.OpenEx('/vsimem/rat_4.tif') gdal_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) rat = gdal_band.GetDefaultRAT() assert rat.GetValueAsInt(0, 0) == 111 ds = None # Replace existing RAT rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn('VALUE', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_MinMax) rat.CreateColumn('CLASS', gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Name) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 0, 222) rat.SetValueAsString(0, 1, 'Class1') ds = gdal.OpenEx('/vsimem/rat_4.tif', gdal.OF_RASTER | gdal.OF_UPDATE) gdal_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) gdal_band.SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds = None # Verify ds = gdal.OpenEx('/vsimem/rat_4.tif') gdal_band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) rat = gdal_band.GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is not None assert rat.GetValueAsInt(0, 0) == 222 ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Delete('/vsimem/rat_4.tif')
def df_to_gdal_rat(df): df = df.copy() if 'ClassNumber' not in df.columns: df['ClassNumber'] = df.index rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.SetRowCount(len(df)) for num, col in enumerate(df.columns): gftype = dtype_map(df[col].dtype) if col in f_names: usetype = f_use_d[col] else: usetype = gdal.GFU_Generic # have to call str(col) because CreateColumn can't take unicode rat.CreateColumn(str(col), gftype, usetype) rat.WriteArray(df[col].tolist(), num) return rat
def hfa_unique_values_hist(): try: gdal.RasterAttributeTable() except: return 'skip' ds = gdal.Open('data/i8u_c_i.img') md = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata() expected = '12603|1|0|0|45|1|0|0|0|0|656|177|0|0|5026|1062|0|0|2|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|75|1|0|0|207|158|0|0|8|34|0|0|0|0|538|57|0|10|214|20|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|31|0|0|9|625|67|0|0|118|738|117|3004|1499|491|187|1272|513|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|16|3|0|0|283|123|5|1931|835|357|332|944|451|80|40|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|12|5|0|0|535|1029|118|0|33|246|342|0|0|10|8|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|169|439|0|0|6|990|329|0|0|120|295|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|164|42|0|0|570|966|0|0|18|152|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|45|106|0|0|16|16517|' if md['STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES'] != expected: print(md['STATISTICS_HISTOBINVALUES']) gdaltest.post_reason('Unexpected HISTOBINVALUES.') return 'fail' if md['STATISTICS_HISTOMIN'] != '0' \ or md['STATISTICS_HISTOMAX'] != '255': print(md) gdaltest.post_reason("unexpected histomin/histomax value.") return 'fail' # lets also check the RAT to ensure it has the BinValues column added. rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat.GetColumnCount() != 6 \ or rat.GetTypeOfCol(0) != gdal.GFT_Real \ or rat.GetUsageOfCol(0) != gdal.GFU_MinMax: print(rat.GetColumnCount()) print(rat.GetTypeOfCol(0)) print(rat.GetUsageOfCol(0)) gdaltest.post_reason('BinValues column wrong.') return 'fail' if rat.GetValueAsInt(2, 0) != 4: print(rat.GetValueAsInt(2, 0)) gdaltest.post_reason('BinValues value wrong.') return 'fail' rat = None ds = None return 'success'
def test_vrtmisc_rat(): ds = gdal.Translate('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.tif', 'data/byte.tif', format='MEM') rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn("Ints", gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Generic) ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(rat) vrt_ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT').CreateCopy('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', ds) xml_vrt = vrt_ds.GetMetadata('xml:VRT')[0] assert gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() == '' vrt_ds = None assert '<GDALRasterAttributeTable tableType="thematic">' in xml_vrt vrt_ds = gdal.Translate('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', ds, format='VRT', srcWin=[0, 0, 1, 1]) xml_vrt = vrt_ds.GetMetadata('xml:VRT')[0] assert gdal.GetLastErrorMsg() == '' vrt_ds = None assert '<GDALRasterAttributeTable tableType="thematic">' in xml_vrt ds = None vrt_ds = gdal.Open('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt', gdal.GA_Update) rat = vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is not None and rat.GetColumnCount() == 1 vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) assert vrt_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() is None vrt_ds = None ds = None gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.vrt') gdal.Unlink('/vsimem/vrtmisc_rat.tif')
def main(rin, data): rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.GetRowCount() rat.GetColumnCount() # safe_makedirs(os.path.dirname(rout)) data_ext = os.path.splitext(data)[1] if data_ext == '.dbf': dbf_process(rat, data) elif data_ext == '.csv': csv_process(rat, data) else: raise Exception('Datafile must be DBF or CSV') driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") ds_in = gdal.Open(rin) # ds_out = driver.CreateCopy(rout, ds_in, options=["TILED=YES", "COMPRESS=LZW"]) ds_in.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds_in = None # ds_out = None print('done')
def test_rat_1(): gdaltest.saved_rat = None try: rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() except: pytest.skip() rat.CreateColumn('Value', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_MinMax) rat.CreateColumn('Count', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_PixelCount) rat.SetRowCount(3) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 0, 10) rat.SetValueAsInt(0, 1, 100) rat.SetValueAsInt(1, 0, 11) rat.SetValueAsInt(1, 1, 200) rat.SetValueAsInt(2, 0, 12) rat.SetValueAsInt(2, 1, 90) rat2 = rat.Clone() assert rat2.GetColumnCount() == 2, 'wrong column count' assert rat2.GetRowCount() == 3, 'wrong row count' assert rat2.GetNameOfCol(1) == 'Count', 'wrong column name' assert rat2.GetUsageOfCol(1) == gdal.GFU_PixelCount, 'wrong column usage' assert rat2.GetTypeOfCol(1) == gdal.GFT_Integer, 'wrong column type' assert rat2.GetRowOfValue(11.0) == 1, 'wrong row for value' assert rat2.GetValueAsInt(1, 1) == 200, 'wrong field value.' gdaltest.saved_rat = rat
def createRAT(): ds = gdal.Open(r'D:\cag_poultry\test\data\result\test_review5.tif') rb = ds.GetRasterBand(1) #print (rb) u = numpy.unique(rb.ReadAsArray()) #print (len(u)) #print (u.size) r = numpy.random.uniform(0,1000, size=u.size) rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn("Value", gdal.GFT_Real, gdal.GFU_Generic) rat.CreateColumn("RANDOM", gdal.GFT_Real, gdal.GFU_Generic) for i in range(u.size): #print (float(r[i])) #print (float(u[i])) rat.SetValueAsDouble(i,0,float(u[i])) rat.SetValueAsDouble(i,1,float(r[i])) rb.SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds = None
from osgeo import gdal # Don't forget to change the folder. os.chdir(r'D:\osgeopy-data\Switzerland') # Open the output from listing 9.3 and get the band. ds = gdal.Open('dem_class2.tif') band = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Change the NoData value to -1 so that the histogram will be computed # using 0 values. band.SetNoDataValue(-1) # Create the raster attribute table and add 3 columns for the pixel value, # number of pixels with that value, and elevation label. rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn('Value', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Name) rat.CreateColumn('Count', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_PixelCount) rat.CreateColumn('Elevation', gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Generic) # Add 6 rows to the table, for values 0-5. rat.SetRowCount(6) # Write the values 0-5 (using range) to the first column (pixel value). rat.WriteArray(range(6), 0) # Get the histogram and write the results to the second column (count). rat.WriteArray(band.GetHistogram(-0.5, 5.5, 6, False, False), 1) # Add the labels for each pixel value to the third column. rat.SetValueAsString(1, 2, '0 - 800')
def _gdal_api_proxy_sub(): src_ds = gdal.Open('data/byte.tif') src_cs = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() src_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform() src_prj = src_ds.GetProjectionRef() src_data = src_ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) src_md = src_ds.GetMetadata() src_ds = None drv = gdal.IdentifyDriver('data/byte.tif') assert drv.GetDescription() == 'API_PROXY' ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('tmp/byte.tif', 1, 1, 3) ds = None src_ds = gdal.Open('data/byte.tif') ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').CreateCopy('tmp/byte.tif', src_ds, options=['TILED=YES']) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() assert src_cs == got_cs ds = None ds = gdal.Open('tmp/byte.tif', gdal.GA_Update) ds.SetGeoTransform([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) got_gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() assert src_gt != got_gt ds.SetGeoTransform(src_gt) got_gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() assert src_gt == got_gt assert ds.GetGCPCount() == 0 assert ds.GetGCPProjection() == '', ds.GetGCPProjection() assert not ds.GetGCPs() gcps = [gdal.GCP(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] sr = osr.SpatialReference() sr.ImportFromEPSG(4326) wkt = sr.ExportToWkt() assert ds.SetGCPs(gcps, wkt) == 0 got_gcps = ds.GetGCPs() assert len(got_gcps) == 1 assert (got_gcps[0].GCPLine == gcps[0].GCPLine and \ got_gcps[0].GCPPixel == gcps[0].GCPPixel and \ got_gcps[0].GCPX == gcps[0].GCPX and \ got_gcps[0].GCPY == gcps[0].GCPY) assert ds.GetGCPProjection() == wkt ds.SetGCPs([], "") assert not ds.GetGCPs() ds.SetProjection('') got_prj = ds.GetProjectionRef() assert src_prj != got_prj ds.SetProjection(src_prj) got_prj = ds.GetProjectionRef() assert src_prj == got_prj ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(0) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() assert got_cs == 0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, src_data) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() assert src_cs == got_cs ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(0) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() assert got_cs == 0 ds.WriteRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, src_data) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() assert src_cs == got_cs # Not bound to SWIG # ds.AdviseRead(0,0,20,20,20,20) got_data = ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) assert src_data == got_data got_data = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) assert src_data == got_data got_data_weird_spacing = ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, buf_pixel_space=1, buf_line_space=32) assert len(got_data_weird_spacing) == 32 * (20 - 1) + 20 assert got_data[20:20 + 20] == got_data_weird_spacing[32:32 + 20] got_data_weird_spacing = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, buf_pixel_space=1, buf_line_space=32) assert len(got_data_weird_spacing) == 32 * (20 - 1) + 20 assert got_data[20:20 + 20] == got_data_weird_spacing[32:32 + 20] got_block = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadBlock(0, 0) assert len(got_block) == 256 * 256 assert got_data[20:20 + 20] == got_block[256:256 + 20] ds.FlushCache() ds.GetRasterBand(1).FlushCache() got_data = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) assert src_data == got_data assert len(ds.GetFileList()) == 1 assert ds.AddBand(gdal.GDT_Byte) != 0 got_md = ds.GetMetadata() assert src_md == got_md assert ds.GetMetadataItem('AREA_OR_POINT') == 'Area' assert ds.GetMetadataItem('foo') is None ds.SetMetadataItem('foo', 'bar') assert ds.GetMetadataItem('foo') == 'bar' ds.SetMetadata({'foo': 'baz'}, 'OTHER') assert ds.GetMetadataItem('foo', 'OTHER') == 'baz' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata({'foo': 'baw'}, 'OTHER') assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo', 'OTHER') == 'baw' assert ds.GetMetadataItem('INTERLEAVE', 'IMAGE_STRUCTURE') == 'BAND' assert not ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata() assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') is None ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadataItem('foo', 'baz') assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') == 'baz' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata({'foo': 'baw'}) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') == 'baw' assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorInterpretation() == gdal.GCI_GrayIndex ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_Undefined) ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() assert ct is None ct = gdal.ColorTable() ct.SetColorEntry(0, (1, 2, 3)) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(ct) == 0 ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() assert ct is not None assert ct.GetColorEntry(0) == (1, 2, 3, 255) ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() assert ct is not None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(None) == 0 ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() assert ct is None rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) == 0 ref_rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(ref_rat) == 0 rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) == 0 rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() assert rat is None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMinimum() is None got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(0, 0) assert got_stats[3] < 0.0 got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) assert got_stats[0] == 74.0 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMinimum() == 74.0 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaximum() == 255.0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetStatistics(1, 2, 3, 4) got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) assert got_stats == [1, 2, 3, 4] ds.GetRasterBand(1).ComputeStatistics(0) got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) assert got_stats[0] == 74.0 minmax = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ComputeRasterMinMax() assert minmax == (74.0, 255.0) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOffset() == 0.0 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetScale() == 1.0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetOffset(10.0) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOffset() == 10.0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetScale(2.0) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetScale() == 2.0 ds.BuildOverviews('NEAR', [2]) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverviewCount() == 1 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(-1) is None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(0) is not None assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(0) is not None got_hist = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetHistogram() assert len(got_hist) == 256 (minval, maxval, nitems, got_hist2) = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultHistogram() assert minval == -0.5 assert maxval == 255.5 assert nitems == 256 assert got_hist == got_hist2 ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultHistogram(1, 2, [3]) (minval, maxval, nitems, got_hist3) = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultHistogram() assert minval == 1 assert maxval == 2 assert nitems == 1 assert got_hist3[0] == 3 got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() assert got_nodatavalue is None ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(123) got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() assert got_nodatavalue == 123 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskFlags() == 8 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() is not None ret = ds.GetRasterBand(1).DeleteNoDataValue() assert ret == 0 got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() assert got_nodatavalue is None ds.CreateMaskBand(0) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskFlags() == 2 assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() is not None ds.GetRasterBand(1).CreateMaskBand(0) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).HasArbitraryOverviews() == 0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetUnitType('foo') assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetUnitType() == 'foo' assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetCategoryNames() is None ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetCategoryNames(['foo']) assert ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetCategoryNames() == ['foo'] ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDescription('bar') ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Delete('tmp/byte.tif')
def findBurnScars(self, bp_image, seed_prob_thresh=97.5, seed_size_thresh=5, flood_fill_prob_thresh=75, log_handler=None): """Identify the seeds for burn scars from the input burn probabilities. Description: routine to find burn scars using the flood-fill approach. Seed pixels are found by using the seed threshold. Any pixels with a probability higher than the seed threshold are identified as seed pixels. Any area with more than the seed size threshold is used as a seed area for growing the burn extent using the flood fill process. Areas with fewer than the seed size are ignored and not flagged as burn areas. History: Created in 2013 by Jodi Riegle and Todd Hawbaker, USGS Rocky Mountain Geographic Science Center Updated on Nov. 26, 2013 by Gail Schmidt, USGS/EROS LSRD Project Modified to use int32 arrays vs. int64 arrays for the burn classification images Updated on Feb. 13, 2015 by Gail Schmidt, USGS/EROS LSRD Project Modified the skimage.measure.regionprops call to not use the deprecated 'properties' parameter. Also changed the properties values to match the correct names of the dynamic list of props which is now created. Args: bp_image - input image of burn probabilities seed_prob_thresh - threshold to be used to identify burn pixels in the burn probability image as seed pixels for the burn area; default is 97.5% seed_size_thresh - threshold to be used to identify burn areas in the probability image. If the count of burn probability seed pixels is greater than this threshold for a certain area then the burn area is left and flood-filled. If the count is less than the seed threshold, then this is a false positive and the area is not used in the burn classification. Default is 5 pixels. flood_fill_prob_thresh - threshold to be used to add burn pixels from the burn probability image to the burn classification via flood filling; default is 75% log_handler - file handler for the log file; if this is None then informational/error messages will be written to stdout Returns: nFill - number of pixels that were flood filled Notes: 1. The default lower threshold for flood filling is 75% burn probability. """ # set up array to hold filled region labels, initialize to 0s which # means unburned bp_regions = numpy.zeros_like(bp_image, dtype=numpy.int32) # find regions to start the flood fill from; these regions are seed # pixels that are greater than the seed probability threshold bp_seeds = bp_image >= seed_prob_thresh # group the seed pixels into regions of connected components; these # regions will be the start of the flood-fill algorithm bp_seed_regions = numpy.zeros_like(bp_seeds, dtype=numpy.int32) n_seed_labels = scipy.ndimage.label(bp_seeds, output=bp_seed_regions) msg = 'Found %d seeds to use for flood fill' % n_seed_labels logIt(msg, log_handler) # get list of region pixel coordinates, use the first pixel from each # as the seed for the region bp_region_coords = skimage.measure.regionprops( \ label_image=bp_seed_regions) # loop through regions and flood fill to expand them where they are of # an appropriate size for i in range(0, len(bp_region_coords)): temp_label = bp_region_coords[i]['label'] temp_area = bp_region_coords[i]['area'] temp_coords = bp_region_coords[i]['coords'][0] # if the number of pixels in this region exceeds the seed size # threshold then process the region by flood-filling to grow the # burn area if temp_area >= seed_size_thresh: col = temp_coords[1] row = temp_coords[0] nFilled = self.floodFill(input_image=bp_image, row=row, \ col=col, output_image=bp_regions, output_label=temp_label, \ local_threshold=flood_fill_prob_thresh, nodata=-9999) if False: print '#############################################' \ '###############' print 'Seed region label:', temp_label print 'Number of pixels in region:', temp_area print 'First coordinate:', temp_coords print 'Filled pixels:', nFilled # find region properties for the flood filled burn areas bc2 = bp_regions > 0 bp_regions2 = numpy.zeros_like(bc2, dtype=numpy.int32) n_labels = scipy.ndimage.label(bc2, output=bp_regions2) prop_names = ['area','filled_area','max_intensity','mean_intensity', \ 'min_intensity'] bp_region2_props = skimage.measure.regionprops( \ label_image=bp_regions2, intensity_image=bp_image) # define the RAT (raster attribute table) #print 'Creating raster attribute table...' label_rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() label_rat.CreateColumn("Value", gdalconst.GFT_Integer, \ gdalconst.GFU_MinMax) for prop in prop_names: label_rat.CreateColumn(prop, gdalconst.GFT_Real, \ gdalconst.GFU_MinMax) # resize the RAT label_rat.SetRowCount(n_labels) # set values in the RAT #print 'Populating raster attribute table...' for i in range(0, n_labels): # label id label_rat.SetValueAsInt(i, 0, bp_region2_props[i]['label']) for j in range(0, len(prop_names)): temp_prop = prop_names[j] label_rat.SetValueAsDouble(i, j+1, \ float(bp_region2_props[i][temp_prop])) return ([bp_regions2, label_rat])
def make_pastures_mask(self, raster_fn, ranch, dst_fn, nodata=-9999): """ :param raster_fn: utm raster :param ranches: :param dst_fn: :param nodata: :return: """ assert _exists(_split(dst_fn)[0]) assert dst_fn.endswith('.tif') ds = ds_proj4 = loc_path = self.loc_path _d = self._d sf_fn = _join(loc_path, _d['sf_fn']) sf_feature_properties_key = _d['sf_feature_properties_key'] sf_fn = os.path.abspath(sf_fn) sf =, 'r') reverse_key = self.reverse_key pastures = {} pastures_mask = np.zeros(ds.shape, dtype=np.uint16) for feature in sf: properties = feature['properties'] key = properties[sf_feature_properties_key].replace(' ', '_') if not reverse_key: _pasture, _ranch = key.split(self.key_delimiter) else: _ranch, _pasture = key.split(self.key_delimiter) if _ranch.lower() != ranch.lower(): continue if _pasture not in pastures: pastures[_pasture] = len(pastures) + 1 # true where valid _features = transform_geom(sf.crs_wkt, ds_proj4, feature['geometry']) _mask, _, _ = raster_geometry_mask(ds, [_features]) k = pastures[_pasture] # update pastures_mask pastures_mask[np.where(_mask == False)] = k utm_dst_fn = '' try: head, tail = _split(dst_fn) utm_dst_fn = _join(head, tail.replace('.tif', '.utm.tif')) dst_vrt_fn = _join(head, tail.replace('.tif', '.wgs.vrt')) dst_wgs_fn = _join(head, tail.replace('.tif', '.wgs.tif')) with rasterio.Env(): profile = ds.profile dtype = rasterio.uint16 profile.update(count=1, dtype=rasterio.uint16, nodata=nodata, compress='lzw') with, 'w', **profile) as dst: dst.write(pastures_mask.astype(dtype), 1) assert _exists(utm_dst_fn) except: raise try: if _exists(dst_vrt_fn): os.remove(dst_vrt_fn) cmd = [ 'gdalwarp', '-t_srs', 'EPSG:4326', '-of', 'vrt', utm_dst_fn, dst_vrt_fn ] p = Popen(cmd) p.wait() assert _exists(dst_vrt_fn) except: if _exists(dst_vrt_fn): os.remove(dst_vrt_fn) raise try: if _exists(dst_fn): os.remove(dst_fn) cmd = [ 'gdal_translate', '-co', 'COMPRESS=LZW', '-of', 'GTiff', dst_vrt_fn, dst_wgs_fn ] p = Popen(cmd) p.wait() assert _exists(dst_wgs_fn) except: if _exists(dst_wgs_fn): os.remove(dst_wgs_fn) raise if _exists(dst_vrt_fn): os.remove(dst_vrt_fn) for OUTPUT_RASTER in (dst_wgs_fn, utm_dst_fn): # # ds = gdal.Open(OUTPUT_RASTER) rb = ds.GetRasterBand(1) # Create and populate the RAT rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.CreateColumn('VALUE', gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFU_Generic) rat.CreateColumn('PASTURE', gdal.GFT_String, gdal.GFU_Generic) for i, (pasture, key) in enumerate(pastures.items()): rat.SetValueAsInt(i, 0, key) rat.SetValueAsString(i, 1, pasture) # Associate with the band rb.SetDefaultRAT(rat) # Close the dataset and persist the RAT ds = None
def writeColumnToBand(gdalBand, colName, sequence, colType=None, colUsage=gdal.GFU_Generic): """ Given a GDAL band, Writes the data specified in sequence (can be list, tuple or array etc) to the named column in the attribute table assocated with the gdalBand. colType must be one of gdal.GFT_Integer,gdal.GFT_Real,gdal.GFT_String. can specify one of the gdal.GFU_* constants for colUsage - default is 'generic' GDAL dataset must have been created, or opened with GA_Update """ if colType is None: colType = inferColumnType(sequence) if colType is None: msg = "Can't infer type of column for sequence of %s" % type( sequence[0]) raise rioserrors.AttributeTableTypeError(msg) # check it is acually a valid type elif colType not in (gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFT_Real, gdal.GFT_String): msg = "coltype must be a valid gdal column type" raise rioserrors.AttributeTableTypeError(msg) attrTbl = gdalBand.GetDefaultRAT() if attrTbl is None: # some formats eg ENVI return None # here so we need to be able to cope attrTbl = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() isFileRAT = False else: isFileRAT = True # but if it doesn't support dynamic writing # we still ahve to call SetDefaultRAT if not attrTbl.ChangesAreWrittenToFile(): isFileRAT = False # We need to ensure colname doesn't already exist colExists = False for n in range(attrTbl.GetColumnCount()): if attrTbl.GetNameOfCol(n) == colName: colExists = True colNum = n break if not colExists: # preserve usage attrTbl.CreateColumn(colName, colType, colUsage) colNum = attrTbl.GetColumnCount() - 1 rowsToAdd = len(sequence) # Imagine has trouble if not 256 items for byte if gdalBand.DataType == gdal.GDT_Byte: rowsToAdd = 256 # another hack to hide float (0-1) and int (0-255) # color table handling. # we assume that the column has already been created # of the right type appropriate for the format (maybe by calcstats) usage = attrTbl.GetUsageOfCol(colNum) if (isColorColFromUsage(usage) and attrTbl.GetTypeOfCol(colNum) == gdal.GFT_Real and colType == gdal.GFT_Integer): sequence = numpy.array(sequence, dtype=numpy.float) sequence = sequence / 255.0 attrTbl.SetRowCount(rowsToAdd) attrTbl.WriteArray(sequence, colNum) if not isFileRAT: # assume existing bands re-written # Use GDAL's exceptions to trap the error message which arises when # writing to a format which does not support it usingExceptions = gdal.GetUseExceptions() gdal.UseExceptions() try: gdalBand.SetDefaultRAT(attrTbl) except Exception: pass if not usingExceptions: gdal.DontUseExceptions()
def run(self): """Run method that performs all the real work""" # show the dialog # add all raster layers in current session to UI as potential inputs layers = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values() for layer in layers: if layer.type() == QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer: self.dlg.rasterBox.addItem(, layer) # Run the dialog event loop result = self.dlg.exec_() # TODO: add logic to auto-detect band and sensor using input_raster # See if OK was pressed if result: # get variable names from input input_raster = str(self.dlg.rasterBox.currentText()) band = str(self.dlg.bandBox.currentText()) sensor = str(self.dlg.sensorBox.currentText()) rm_low = self.dlg.rmLowBox.isChecked() # use gdal to get unique values ds = gdal.Open(input_raster) rb = ds.GetRasterBand(1) values = sorted(list(np.unique(np.array(rb.ReadAsArray())))) #ds = None # define lookup table bit_flags = lookup_dict.bit_flags #qa_values = lookup_dict.qa_values # convert input_sensor to sensor values used in qa_values if sensor == "Landsat 4-5, 7": sens = "L47" elif sensor == "Landsat 8": sens = "L8" else: sys.exit("Incorrect sensor provided. Input: {0}; Potential " "options: Landsat 4-5, 7; Landsat 8".format(sensor)) # get all possible bit values for sensor and band combination bit_values = sorted(bit_flags[band][sens].values()) qa_labels = [] for row in values: bit_bool = [] for bv in bit_values: if len(bv) == 1: # single bit bit_bool.append(row & 1 << bv[0] > 0) elif len(bv) > 1: # 2+ bits bits = [] for b in bv: bits.append(row & 1 << b > 0) if all(item == True for item in bits): bit_bool.append(True) else: bit_bool.append(False) else: sys.exit("No valid bits found for target band.") ''' NEW logic for getting labels using bit wise dictionary ''' # create description of each value based upon all possible bits true_bits = [i for (i, bb) in zip(bit_values, bit_bool) if bb] # if double bits exist, eliminate single bit descriptions, # otherwise, the descriptions will duplicate themselves. bb_double = [len(i) > 1 for i in true_bits] if any(bb_double): # get only the double bits dbit_nest = [ i for (i, db) in zip(true_bits, bb_double) if db ] # collapse the bits into a single list dbits = [item for sublist in dbit_nest for item in sublist] # remove matching single bits out of true_bits list tbo = [] for t in true_bits: tb_out = [] for d in dbits: if t[0] != d or len(t) > 1: tb_out.append(True) else: tb_out.append(False) if all(tb_out): tbo.append(t) # replace true_bits with filtered list true_bits = tbo def get_label(bits): """ Generate label for value in attribute table. :param bits: <list> List of True or False for bit position :return: <str> Attribute label """ if len(bits) == 0: if band == 'radsat_qa': return 'No Saturation' elif band == 'sr_cloud_qa' or band == 'sr_aerosol': return 'None' elif band == 'BQA': return 'Not Determined' # build description from all bits represented in value desc = [] for tb in bits: k = next( key for key, value in bit_flags[band][sens].items() if value == tb) # if 'low' labels are disabled, do not add them here if rm_low and band != 'BQA' and 'low' in k.lower(): continue # if last check, and not radiometric sat, set to 'clear' elif rm_low and band == 'BQA' and 'low' in k.lower() \ and tb == bits[-1] and \ 'radiometric' not in k.lower() and \ not desc: k = 'Clear' # if BQA and bit is low radiometric sat, keep it elif rm_low and band == 'BQA' and 'low' in k.lower(): if 'radiometric' not in k.lower(): continue # if radsat_qa, handle differently to display cleaner if band == 'radsat_qa': if not desc: desc = "Band {0} Data Saturation".format(tb[0]) else: desc = "{0},{1} Data Saturation".format( desc[:desc.find('Data') - 1], tb[0]) # string creation for all other bands else: if not desc: desc = "{0}".format(k) else: desc += ", {0}".format(k) # final check to make sure something was set if not desc: desc = 'ERROR: bit set incorrectly' return desc # add desc to row description qa_labels.append(get_label(true_bits)) ''' OLD logic for getting lookup values # use unique raster values (and sensor+band pair) to get defs if band == 'radsat_qa': qa_labels = {i:qa_values[band][i] for i in qa_values[band] if i in list(values)} elif band == 'pixel_qa' and sens == 'L8': # terrain occl. check qa_labels = {} for i in qa_values[band]: if i >= 1024: qa_labels[i] = 'Terrain occlusion' else: qa_labels[i] = qa_values[band][sens][i] else: qa_labels = {i:qa_values[band][sens][i] for i in qa_values[band][sens] if i in list(values)} ''' ''' Use gdal.RasterAttributeTable to embed qa values in raster ''' # create table rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() # get column count (for indexing columns) rat_cc = rat.GetColumnCount() # add 'value' and 'descr' columns to table rat.CreateColumn("Value", gdalconst.GFT_Integer, gdalconst.GFU_MinMax) rat.CreateColumn("Descr", gdalconst.GFT_String, gdalconst.GFU_MinMax) # populate table with contents of 'qa_labels' uid = 0 for val, lab in zip(values, qa_labels): # 'value' column rat.SetValueAsInt(uid, rat_cc, int(val)) # 'descr' column rat.SetValueAsString(uid, rat_cc + 1, lab) uid += 1 # set raster attribute table to raster rb.SetDefaultRAT(rat) ''' METHOD 1: use RasterAttributeTable to display values. QGIS' UI does not currently support reading Attribute Tables embedded in raster datasets. Instead, we'll assign labels and random colors to the raster's color palette in the QGIS UI. Feature request: # open raster with QGIS API q_raster = QgsRasterLayer(input_raster, os.path.basename(input_raster)) # make sure the raster is valid if not q_raster.isValid(): sys.exit("Layer {0} not valid!".format(input_raster)) # save changes and close raster ds = None # add raster to QGIS interface QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(q_raster) ''' ''' METHOD 2: re-assign colors in QGIS ''' # open raster q_raster = QgsRasterLayer(input_raster, os.path.basename(input_raster)) if not q_raster.isValid(): sys.exit("Layer {0} not valid!".format(input_raster)) # define color shader shader = QgsRasterShader() # define ramp for color shader c_ramp_shader = QgsColorRampShader() c_ramp_shader.setColorRampType(QgsColorRampShader.EXACT) # assign a random color to each value, and apply label c_ramp_vals = [] for val, lab in zip(values, qa_labels): c_ramp_vals.append( QgsColorRampShader.ColorRampItem( float(val), QColor('#%06x' % randint(0, 2**24)), lab)) # apply new color/label combo to color ramps c_ramp_shader.setColorRampItemList(c_ramp_vals) shader.setRasterShaderFunction(c_ramp_shader) # apply color ramps to raster ps_ramp = QgsSingleBandPseudoColorRenderer(q_raster.dataProvider(), 1, shader) q_raster.setRenderer(ps_ramp) # add raster to QGIS interface QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(q_raster)
def gdal_api_proxy_sub(): src_ds = gdal.Open('data/byte.tif') src_cs = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() src_gt = src_ds.GetGeoTransform() src_prj = src_ds.GetProjectionRef() src_data = src_ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) src_md = src_ds.GetMetadata() src_ds = None drv = gdal.IdentifyDriver('data/byte.tif') if drv.GetDescription() != 'API_PROXY': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create('tmp/byte.tif', 1, 1, 3) ds = None src_ds = gdal.Open('data/byte.tif') ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').CreateCopy('tmp/byte.tif', src_ds, options=['TILED=YES']) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() if src_cs != got_cs: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds = None ds = gdal.Open('tmp/byte.tif', gdal.GA_Update) ds.SetGeoTransform([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) got_gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() if src_gt == got_gt: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.SetGeoTransform(src_gt) got_gt = ds.GetGeoTransform() if src_gt != got_gt: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetGCPCount() != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetGCPProjection() != '': print(ds.GetGCPProjection()) gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if len(ds.GetGCPs()) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' gcps = [gdal.GCP(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)] ds.SetGCPs(gcps, "foo") got_gcps = ds.GetGCPs() if len(got_gcps) != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if got_gcps[0].GCPLine != gcps[0].GCPLine or \ got_gcps[0].GCPPixel != gcps[0].GCPPixel or \ got_gcps[0].GCPX != gcps[0].GCPX or \ got_gcps[0].GCPY != gcps[0].GCPY: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetGCPProjection() != 'foo': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(ds.GetGCPProjection()) return 'fail' ds.SetGCPs([], "") if len(ds.GetGCPs()) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.SetProjection('') got_prj = ds.GetProjectionRef() if src_prj == got_prj: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.SetProjection(src_prj) got_prj = ds.GetProjectionRef() if src_prj != got_prj: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(src_prj) print(got_prj) return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(0) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() if 0 != got_cs: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, src_data) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() if src_cs != got_cs: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(0) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() if 0 != got_cs: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.WriteRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, src_data) got_cs = ds.GetRasterBand(1).Checksum() if src_cs != got_cs: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' # Not bound to SWIG # ds.AdviseRead(0,0,20,20,20,20) got_data = ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) if src_data != got_data: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_data = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) if src_data != got_data: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_data_weird_spacing = ds.ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, buf_pixel_space=1, buf_line_space=32) if len(got_data_weird_spacing) != 32 * (20 - 1) + 20: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(len(got_data_weird_spacing)) return 'fail' if got_data[20:20 + 20] != got_data_weird_spacing[32:32 + 20]: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_data_weird_spacing = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20, buf_pixel_space=1, buf_line_space=32) if len(got_data_weird_spacing) != 32 * (20 - 1) + 20: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(len(got_data_weird_spacing)) return 'fail' if got_data[20:20 + 20] != got_data_weird_spacing[32:32 + 20]: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_block = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadBlock(0, 0) if len(got_block) != 256 * 256: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if got_data[20:20 + 20] != got_block[256:256 + 20]: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.FlushCache() ds.GetRasterBand(1).FlushCache() got_data = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadRaster(0, 0, 20, 20) if src_data != got_data: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if len(ds.GetFileList()) != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.AddBand(gdal.GDT_Byte) == 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_md = ds.GetMetadata() if src_md != got_md: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(src_md) print(got_md) return 'fail' if ds.GetMetadataItem('AREA_OR_POINT') != 'Area': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetMetadataItem('foo') is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.SetMetadataItem('foo', 'bar') if ds.GetMetadataItem('foo') != 'bar': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.SetMetadata({'foo': 'baz'}, 'OTHER') if ds.GetMetadataItem('foo', 'OTHER') != 'baz': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata({'foo': 'baw'}, 'OTHER') if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo', 'OTHER') != 'baw': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetMetadataItem('INTERLEAVE', 'IMAGE_STRUCTURE') != 'BAND': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if len(ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadata()) return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadataItem('foo', 'baz') if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') != 'baz': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetMetadata({'foo': 'baw'}) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMetadataItem('foo') != 'baw': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorInterpretation() != gdal.GCI_GrayIndex: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorInterpretation(gdal.GCI_Undefined) ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() if ct is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ct = gdal.ColorTable() ct.SetColorEntry(0, (1, 2, 3)) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(ct) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() if ct is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ct.GetColorEntry(0) != (1, 2, 3, 255): gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() if ct is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetColorTable(None) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ct = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetColorTable() if ct is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ref_rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() if ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(ref_rat) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultRAT(None) != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' rat = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultRAT() if rat is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMinimum() is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(0, 0) if got_stats[3] >= 0.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) if got_stats[0] != 74.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMinimum() != 74.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaximum() != 255.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetStatistics(1, 2, 3, 4) got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) if got_stats != [1, 2, 3, 4]: print(got_stats) gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).ComputeStatistics(0) got_stats = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1, 1) if got_stats[0] != 74.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' minmax = ds.GetRasterBand(1).ComputeRasterMinMax() if minmax != (74.0, 255.0): gdaltest.post_reason('fail') print(minmax) return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOffset() != 0.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetScale() != 1.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetOffset(10.0) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOffset() != 10.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetScale(2.0) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetScale() != 2.0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.BuildOverviews('NEAR', [2]) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverviewCount() != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(-1) is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(0) is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetOverview(0) is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_hist = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetHistogram() if len(got_hist) != 256: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' (minval, maxval, nitems, got_hist2) = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultHistogram() if minval != -0.5: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if maxval != 255.5: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if nitems != 256: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if got_hist != got_hist2: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDefaultHistogram(1, 2, [3]) (minval, maxval, nitems, got_hist3) = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetDefaultHistogram() if minval != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if maxval != 2: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if nitems != 1: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if got_hist3[0] != 3: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() if got_nodatavalue is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(123) got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() if got_nodatavalue != 123: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskFlags() != 8: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ret = ds.GetRasterBand(1).DeleteNoDataValue() if ret != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' got_nodatavalue = ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() if got_nodatavalue is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.CreateMaskBand(0) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskFlags() != 2: print(ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskFlags()) gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetMaskBand() is None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).CreateMaskBand(0) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).HasArbitraryOverviews() != 0: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetUnitType('foo') if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetUnitType() != 'foo': gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetCategoryNames() is not None: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetCategoryNames(['foo']) if ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetCategoryNames() != ['foo']: gdaltest.post_reason('fail') return 'fail' ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetDescription('bar') ds = None gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Delete('tmp/byte.tif') return 'success'
def writeColumnToBand(gdalBand, colName, sequence, colType=None, colUsage=gdal.GFU_Generic): """ Given a GDAL band, Writes the data specified in sequence (can be list, tuple or array etc) to the named column in the attribute table assocated with the gdalBand. colType must be one of gdal.GFT_Integer,gdal.GFT_Real,gdal.GFT_String. can specify one of the gdal.GFU_* constants for colUsage - default is 'generic' GDAL dataset must have been created, or opened with GA_Update """ if colType is None: colType = inferColumnType(sequence) if colType is None: msg = "Can't infer type of column for sequence of %s" % type( sequence[0]) raise rioserrors.AttributeTableTypeError(msg) # check it is acually a valid type elif colType not in (gdal.GFT_Integer, gdal.GFT_Real, gdal.GFT_String): msg = "coltype must be a valid gdal column type" raise rioserrors.AttributeTableTypeError(msg) # things get a bit weird here as we need different # behaviour depending on whether we have an RFC40 # RAT or not. if hasattr(gdal.RasterAttributeTable, "WriteArray"): # new behaviour attrTbl = gdalBand.GetDefaultRAT() if attrTbl is None: # some formats eg ENVI return None # here so we need to be able to cope attrTbl = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() isFileRAT = False else: isFileRAT = True # but if it doesn't support dynamic writing # we still ahve to call SetDefaultRAT if not attrTbl.ChangesAreWrittenToFile(): isFileRAT = False else: # old behaviour attrTbl = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() isFileRAT = False # thanks to RFC40 we need to ensure colname doesn't already exist colExists = False for n in range(attrTbl.GetColumnCount()): if attrTbl.GetNameOfCol(n) == colName: colExists = True colNum = n break if not colExists: # preserve usage attrTbl.CreateColumn(colName, colType, colUsage) colNum = attrTbl.GetColumnCount() - 1 rowsToAdd = len(sequence) # Imagine has trouble if not 256 items for byte if gdalBand.DataType == gdal.GDT_Byte: rowsToAdd = 256 # another hack to hide float (0-1) and int (0-255) # color table handling. # we assume that the column has already been created # of the right type appropriate for the format (maybe by calcstats) # Note: this only works post RFC40 when we have an actual reference # to the RAT rather than a new one so we can ask GetTypeOfCol usage = attrTbl.GetUsageOfCol(colNum) if (isColorColFromUsage(usage) and attrTbl.GetTypeOfCol(colNum) == gdal.GFT_Real and colType == gdal.GFT_Integer): sequence = numpy.array(sequence, dtype=numpy.float) sequence = sequence / 255.0 if hasattr(attrTbl, "WriteArray"): # if GDAL > 1.10 has these functions # thanks to RFC40 attrTbl.SetRowCount(rowsToAdd) attrTbl.WriteArray(sequence, colNum) elif HAVE_TURBORAT: # use turborat to write values to RAT if available if not isinstance(sequence, numpy.ndarray): # turborat.writeColumn needs an array sequence = numpy.array(sequence) # If the dtype of the array is some unicode type, then convert to simple string type, # as turborat does not cope with the unicode variant. if 'U' in str(sequence.dtype): sequence = sequence.astype(numpy.character) turborat.writeColumn(attrTbl, colNum, sequence, rowsToAdd) else: defaultValues = { gdal.GFT_Integer: 0, gdal.GFT_Real: 0.0, gdal.GFT_String: '' } # go thru and set each value into the RAT for rowNum in range(rowsToAdd): if rowNum >= len(sequence): # they haven't given us enough values - fill in with default val = defaultValues[colType] else: val = sequence[rowNum] if colType == gdal.GFT_Integer: # appears that swig cannot convert numpy.int64 # to the int type required by SetValueAsInt # so we need to cast. # This is a problem as readColumn returns numpy.int64 # for integer columns. # Seems fine converting numpy.float64 to # float however for SetValueAsDouble. attrTbl.SetValueAsInt(rowNum, colNum, int(val)) elif colType == gdal.GFT_Real: attrTbl.SetValueAsDouble(rowNum, colNum, float(val)) else: attrTbl.SetValueAsString(rowNum, colNum, val) if not isFileRAT: # assume existing bands re-written # Use GDAL's exceptions to trap the error message which arises when # writing to a format which does not support it usingExceptions = gdal.GetUseExceptions() gdal.UseExceptions() try: gdalBand.SetDefaultRAT(attrTbl) except Exception: pass if not usingExceptions: gdal.DontUseExceptions()
def save_as_xml(self, raster_source, band) -> bool: """Saves .aux.xml RAT using GDAL :param raster_source: path of of the raster data file :type raster_source: str :param band: band number :type band: int :return: TRUE on success :rtype: bool """ ds = gdal.OpenEx(raster_source, gdal.OF_RASTER | gdal.OF_UPDATE) if ds: = band gdal_band = ds.GetRasterBand(band) if gdal_band: rat = gdal.RasterAttributeTable() rat.SetTableType(self.thematic_type) for field in list(self.fields.values()): rat.CreateColumn(, field.type, field.usage) type_map = {gdal.GFT_Integer: 'Int', gdal.GFT_Real: 'Double', gdal.GFT_String: 'String'} column_index = 0 for field_name, field in self.fields.items(): values =[field_name] func = getattr(rat, 'SetValueAs%s' % type_map[field.type]) for row_index in range(len(values)): rat_log('Writing RAT value as %s, (%s, %s) %s' % (type_map[field.type], row_index, column_index, values[row_index])) value = html.escape(values[row_index]) if field.type == gdal.GFT_String else values[row_index] func(row_index, column_index, value) column_index += 1 assert rat.GetColumnCount() == len(self.fields) assert rat.GetRowCount() == len(self.values[0]) # Ugly hack because GDAL does not know about the newly created RAT for layer in [l for l in QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values() if l.source() == raster_source]: RAT._dirty_xml_rats["%s|%s" % (, self.path)] = self if not in RAT._dirty_xml_layer_ids: RAT._dirty_xml_layer_ids.append( layer.destroyed.connect(self._restore_xml_rats) gdal_band.SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds.FlushCache() # I don't know why but seems like you need to call this twice or # the RAT is not really saved into the XML gdal_band.SetDefaultRAT(rat) ds.FlushCache() rat_log('RAT saved as XML for layer %s' % raster_source) return True return False