def openGeoJson(self, check_field, filename): driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("GeoJSON") dataSource = driver.Open(filename, 0) layer = dataSource.GetLayer() wfs_result = dict() for feat in layer: #create geometry object geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() if geom is not None: sr = osr.SpatialReference() sr.ImportFromEPSG(3857) geom_type = geom.GetGeometryType() #say to Dima geom.TransformTo(sr) if geom_type == ogr.wkbLineString: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToLineString(geom) elif geom_type == ogr.wkbPolygon: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToPolygon(geom) elif geom_type == ogr.wkbPoint: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPoint(geom) elif geom_type == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(geom) elif geom_type == ogr.wkbMultiPoint: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPoint(geom) elif geom_type == ogr.wkbMultiLineString: mercator_geom = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(geom) else: mercator_geom = geom else: continue #Read broker fields feat_defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() wfs_fields = dict() for i in range(feat_defn.GetFieldCount()): field_defn = feat_defn.GetFieldDefn(i) #if field_defn.GetName() == 'gml_id': # continue #Compare by one control field if field_defn.GetName() == check_field: check_field_val = feat.GetFieldAsString(i).decode( 'utf-8') #GetFieldAsInteger64(i) #Read fields if field_defn.GetType( ) == ogr.OFTInteger: #or field_defn.GetType() == ogr.OFTInteger64: wfs_fields[field_defn.GetName()] = feat.GetFieldAsInteger( i) #GetFieldAsInteger64(i) # print "%s = %d" % (field_defn.GetName(), feat.GetFieldAsInteger64(i)) elif field_defn.GetType() == ogr.OFTReal: wfs_fields[field_defn.GetName()] = feat.GetFieldAsDouble(i) # print "%s = %.3f" % (field_defn.GetName(), feat.GetFieldAsDouble(i)) elif field_defn.GetType() == ogr.OFTString: # print "%s = %s" % (field_defn.GetName(), feat.GetFieldAsString(i)) wfs_fields[field_defn.GetName()] = feat.GetFieldAsString( i).decode('utf-8') else: # print "%s = %s" % (field_defn.GetName(), feat.GetFieldAsString(i)) wfs_fields[field_defn.GetName()] = feat.GetFieldAsString( i).decode('utf-8') #Object with keys - as values of one control field wfs_result[check_field_val] = dict() wfs_result[check_field_val]['id'] = check_field_val wfs_result[check_field_val]['fields'] = wfs_fields wfs_result[check_field_val]['geom'] = mercator_geom.Clone() layer_result_sorted = dict() for key in sorted(wfs_result): layer_result_sorted[key] = wfs_result[key] return layer_result_sorted
def ogr_factory_6(): src_wkt_list = [ None, 'POINT EMPTY', 'LINESTRING EMPTY', 'POLYGON EMPTY', 'MULTIPOINT EMPTY', 'MULTILINESTRING EMPTY', 'MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY', 'POINT(0 0)', 'LINESTRING(0 0)', 'POLYGON((0 0))', 'POLYGON(EMPTY,(0 0),EMPTY,(1 1))', 'MULTIPOINT(EMPTY,(0 0),EMPTY,(1 1))', 'MULTILINESTRING(EMPTY,(0 0),EMPTY,(1 1))', 'MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0),EMPTY,(1 1)),EMPTY,((2 2)))', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTIPOINT EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTILINESTRING EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY)', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0))', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(0 0),LINESTRING(1 1))', 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POLYGON((0 0),EMPTY,(2 2)), POLYGON((1 1)))', 'CURVEPOLYGON EMPTY', 'CURVEPOLYGON ((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))', 'CURVEPOLYGON (CIRCULARSTRING(0 0,1 0,0 0))', 'COMPOUNDCURVE EMPTY', 'COMPOUNDCURVE ((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0))', 'COMPOUNDCURVE (CIRCULARSTRING(0 0,1 0,0 0))', 'CIRCULARSTRING EMPTY', 'CIRCULARSTRING (0 0,1 0,0 0)', 'MULTISURFACE EMPTY', 'MULTISURFACE (((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0)))', 'MULTISURFACE (CURVEPOLYGON((0 0,0 1,1 1,1 0,0 0)))', 'MULTICURVE EMPTY', 'MULTICURVE ((0 0,0 1))', 'MULTICURVE (COMPOUNDCURVE((0 0,0 1)))', 'MULTICURVE (CIRCULARSTRING (0 0,1 0,0 0))', ] for src_wkt in src_wkt_list: if src_wkt is None: src_geom = None else: src_geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt( src_wkt ) ogr.ForceToPolygon( src_geom ) ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon( src_geom ) ogr.ForceToMultiPoint( src_geom ) ogr.ForceToMultiLineString( src_geom ) ogr.ForceToLineString( src_geom ) for target_type in range(ogr.wkbMultiSurface): gdal.PushErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler') ogr.ForceTo( src_geom, 1 +target_type ) gdal.PopErrorHandler() #print(src_geom.ExportToWkt(), dst_geom1.ExportToWkt(), dst_geom2.ExportToWkt(), dst_geom3.ExportToWkt(), dst_geom4.ExportToWkt()) return 'success'
def ee_beamer_et(ini_path=None, overwrite_flag=False): """Earth Engine Beamer ET Image Download Args: ini_path (str): overwrite_flag (bool): if True, overwrite existing files Returns: None """'\nEarth Engine Beamer ETg Image Download') # Read config file ini = inputs.parse_section(ini, section='INPUTS') inputs.parse_section(ini, section='SPATIAL') inputs.parse_section(ini, section='IMAGES') inputs.parse_section(ini, section='BEAMER') ini['IMAGES']['download_bands'] = [ 'etg_mean', 'etg_lci', 'etg_uci', 'etg_lpi', 'etg_upi' ] stat_list = ['median', 'mean'] nodata_value = -9999 zips_folder = 'zips' images_folder = 'images' annuals_folder = 'annuals' # Regular expression is only used to extract year from SCENE_ID landsat_re = re.compile('L[ETC]0[4578]_\d{3}XXX_(?P<YEAR>\d{4})\d{2}\d{2}') # if end_doy and end_doy > 273: # logging.error( # '\nERROR: End DOY has to be in the same water year as start DOY') # sys.exit() # Get ee features from shapefile zone_geom_list = gdc.shapefile_2_geom_list_func( ini['INPUTS']['zone_shp_path'], zone_field=ini['INPUTS']['zone_field'], reverse_flag=False) # zone_count = len(zone_geom_list) # output_fmt = '_{0:0%sd}.csv' % str(int(math.log10(zone_count)) + 1) # Check if the zone_names are unique # Eventually support merging common zone_names if len(set([z[1] for z in zone_geom_list])) != len(zone_geom_list): logging.error( '\nERROR: There appear to be duplicate zone ID/name values.' '\n Currently, the values in "{}" must be unique.' '\n Exiting.'.format(ini['INPUTS']['zone_field'])) return False # Filter features by FID if ini['INPUTS']['fid_keep_list']: zone_geom_list = [ zone_obj for zone_obj in zone_geom_list if zone_obj[0] in ini['INPUTS']['fid_keep_list'] ] if ini['INPUTS']['fid_skip_list']: zone_geom_list = [ zone_obj for zone_obj in zone_geom_list if zone_obj[0] not in ini['INPUTS']['fid_skip_list'] ] # Merge geometries if ini['INPUTS']['merge_geom_flag']: merge_geom = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) for zone in zone_geom_list: zone_multipolygon = ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon( ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(json.dumps(zone[2]))) for zone_polygon in zone_multipolygon: merge_geom.AddGeometry(zone_polygon) # merge_json = json.loads(merge_mp.ExportToJson()) zone_geom_list = [[ 0, ini['INPUTS']['zone_filename'], json.loads(merge_geom.ExportToJson()) ]] ini['INPUTS']['zone_field'] = '' # Set all zone specific parameters into a dictionary zone = {} # Need zone_shp_path projection to build EE geometries zone['osr'] = gdc.feature_path_osr(ini['INPUTS']['zone_shp_path']) zone['proj'] = gdc.osr_wkt(zone['osr']) # zone['proj'] = ee.Projection(zone['proj']).wkt().getInfo() # zone['proj'] = zone['proj'].replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') # logging.debug(' Zone Projection: {}'.format(zone['proj'])) # Check that shapefile has matching spatial reference if not gdc.matching_spatref(zone['osr'], ini['SPATIAL']['osr']): logging.warning(' Zone OSR:\n{}\n'.format(zone['osr'])) logging.warning(' Output OSR:\n{}\n'.format( ini['SPATIAL']['osr'].ExportToWkt())) logging.warning(' Zone Proj4: {}'.format( zone['osr'].ExportToProj4())) logging.warning(' Output Proj4: {}'.format( ini['SPATIAL']['osr'].ExportToProj4())) logging.warning( '\nWARNING: \n' 'The output and zone spatial references do not appear to match\n' 'This will likely cause problems!') input('Press ENTER to continue') else: logging.debug(' Zone Projection:\n{}\n'.format( zone['osr'].ExportToWkt())) logging.debug(' Output Projection:\n{}\n'.format( ini['SPATIAL']['osr'].ExportToWkt())) logging.debug(' Output Cellsize: {}'.format( ini['SPATIAL']['cellsize'])) # Initialize Earth Engine API key'\nInitializing Earth Engine') ee.Initialize() utils.ee_request(ee.Number(1).getInfo()) # Get list of path/row strings to centroid coordinates if ini['INPUTS']['tile_keep_list']: ini['INPUTS']['tile_geom'] = [ wrs2.tile_centroids[tile] for tile in ini['INPUTS']['tile_keep_list'] if tile in wrs2.tile_centroids.keys() ] ini['INPUTS']['tile_geom'] = ee.Geometry.MultiPoint( ini['INPUTS']['tile_geom'], 'EPSG:4326') else: ini['INPUTS']['tile_geom'] = None # Read in ETo and PPT data from file if (ini['BEAMER']['eto_source'] == 'file' or ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'file'): data_array = np.genfromtxt(ini['BEAMER']['data_path'], delimiter=',', names=True, dtype=None) data_fields = data_array.dtype.names logging.debug(' CSV fields: {}'.format(', '.join(data_fields))) # DEADBEEF - Compare fields names assuming all upper case data_fields = [f.upper() for f in data_fields] eto_dict = defaultdict(dict) ppt_dict = defaultdict(dict) for row in data_array: z = str(row[data_fields.index(ini['BEAMER']['data_zone_field'])]) y = int(row[data_fields.index(ini['BEAMER']['data_year_field'])]) if ini['BEAMER']['eto_source'] == 'file': # DEADBEEF - Compare fields names assuming all upper case eto_dict[z][y] = row[data_fields.index( ini['BEAMER']['data_eto_field'].upper())] if ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'file': # DEADBEEF - Compare fields names assuming all upper case ppt_dict[z][y] = row[data_fields.index( ini['BEAMER']['data_ppt_field'].upper())] # Get filtered/merged/prepped Landsat collection landsat_args = { k: v for section in ['INPUTS'] for k, v in ini[section].items() if k in [ 'landsat4_flag', 'landsat5_flag', 'landsat7_flag', 'landsat8_flag', 'fmask_flag', 'acca_flag', 'start_year', 'end_year', 'start_month', 'end_month', 'start_doy', 'end_doy', 'scene_id_keep_list', 'scene_id_skip_list', 'path_keep_list', 'row_keep_list', 'tile_geom', 'adjust_method', 'mosaic_method', 'refl_sur_method' ] } landsat = ee_common.Landsat(landsat_args) # Download images for each feature separately for zone_fid, zone_name, zone_json in zone_geom_list: zone['fid'] = zone_fid zone['name'] = zone_name.replace(' ', '_') zone['json'] = zone_json'ZONE: {} (FID: {})'.format(zone['name'], zone['fid'])) # Build EE geometry object for zonal stats zone['geom'] = ee.Geometry(geo_json=zone['json'], opt_proj=zone['proj'], opt_geodesic=False) # logging.debug(' Centroid: {}'.format( # zone['geom'].centroid(100).getInfo()['coordinates'])) # Use feature geometry to build extent, transform, and shape zone['extent'] = gdc.Extent( ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(json.dumps(zone['json'])).GetEnvelope()) # zone['extent'] = gdc.Extent(zone['geom'].GetEnvelope()) zone['extent'] = zone['extent'].ogrenv_swap() zone['extent'] = zone['extent'].adjust_to_snap( 'EXPAND', ini['SPATIAL']['snap_x'], ini['SPATIAL']['snap_y'], ini['SPATIAL']['cellsize']) zone['geo'] = zone['extent'].geo(ini['SPATIAL']['cellsize']) zone['transform'] = gdc.geo_2_ee_transform(zone['geo']) # zone['transform'] = '[' + ','.join(map(str, zone['transform'])) + ']' zone['shape'] = zone['extent'].shape(ini['SPATIAL']['cellsize']) logging.debug(' Zone Shape: {}'.format(zone['shape'])) logging.debug(' Zone Transform: {}'.format(zone['transform'])) logging.debug(' Zone Extent: {}'.format(zone['extent'])) # logging.debug(' Zone Geom: {}'.format(zone['geom'].getInfo())) # Assume all pixels in all 14+2 images could be reduced zone['max_pixels'] = zone['shape'][0] * zone['shape'][1] logging.debug(' Max Pixels: {}'.format(zone['max_pixels'])) # Set output spatial reference # Eventually allow user to manually set these # output_crs = zone['proj'] logging.debug(' Image Projection: {}'.format(ini['SPATIAL']['crs'])) # output_transform = zone['transform'][:] output_transform = '[' + ','.join(map(str, zone['transform'])) + ']' output_shape = '{1}x{0}'.format(*zone['shape']) logging.debug(' Image Transform: {}'.format(output_transform)) logging.debug(' Image Shape: {}'.format(output_shape)) zone_output_ws = os.path.join(ini['IMAGES']['output_ws'], zone_name) zone_zips_ws = os.path.join(zone_output_ws, zips_folder) zone_images_ws = os.path.join(zone_output_ws, images_folder) zone_annuals_ws = os.path.join(zone_output_ws, annuals_folder) if not os.path.isdir(zone_zips_ws): os.makedirs(zone_zips_ws) if not os.path.isdir(zone_images_ws): os.makedirs(zone_images_ws) if not os.path.isdir(zone_annuals_ws): os.makedirs(zone_annuals_ws) # Initialize the Landsat object # Limit Landsat products for getting SCENE IDs landsat.products = [] landsat.zone_geom = zone['geom'] landsat_coll = landsat.get_collection() # if ee.Image(landsat_coll.first()).getInfo() is None: #' No images, skipping') # continue # Get the full list of scene IDs logging.debug(' Getting SCENE_ID list') scene_id_list = sorted( utils.ee_getinfo(landsat_coll.aggregate_histogram('SCENE_ID'))) logging.debug(' {} scenes'.format(len(scene_id_list))) # Switch Landsat products for computing ETg landsat.products = ['evi_sur'] # Process each image in the collection by date for image_id in scene_id_list:'{}'.format(image_id)) zip_path = os.path.join(zone_zips_ws, '{}.zip'.format(image_id)) logging.debug(' Zip: {}'.format(zip_path)) if os.path.isfile(zip_path) and overwrite_flag: logging.debug(' Output already exists, removing zip') os.remove(zip_path) elif os.path.isfile(zip_path) and not overwrite_flag: # Check that existing ZIP files can be opened try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as z: pass logging.debug(' Output already exists, skipping') continue except Exception as e: logging.warning(' Zip file error, removing') os.remove(zip_path) # Getting the date directly from the SCENE_ID image_start_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( image_id[12:], '%Y%m%d') image_end_dt = image_start_dt + datetime.timedelta(days=1) logging.debug(' {} {}'.format(, year = image_start_dt.year # Filter the GRIDMET collection wy_start_date = '{}-10-01'.format(year - 1) wy_end_date = '{}-10-01'.format(year) logging.debug(' WY: {} {}'.format(wy_start_date, wy_end_date)) gridmet_coll = ee.ImageCollection('IDAHO_EPSCOR/GRIDMET') \ .filterDate(wy_start_date, wy_end_date) # # PRISM collection was uploaded as an asset # if ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'prism': # def prism_time_start(input_image): # """Set time_start property on PRISM water year PPT collection""" # # Assume year is the 4th item separated by "_" # water_year = ee.String(input_image.get('system:index')).split('_').get(3) # date_start = ee.Date(ee.String(water_year).cat('-10-01')) # return[0], ['ppt']).set({ # 'system:time_start': date_start.millis() # }) # prism_coll = ee.ImageCollection('users/cgmorton/prism_800m_ppt_wy') # prism_coll = \ # .filterDate(wy_start_date, wy_end_date) # Get water year PPT from file # Convert all input data to mm to match GRIDMET data if ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'file': wy_ppt_input = ppt_dict[zone_name][year] if ini['BEAMER']['data_ppt_units'] == 'mm': pass elif ini['BEAMER']['data_ppt_units'] == 'inches': wy_ppt_input *= 25.4 elif ini['BEAMER']['data_ppt_units'] == 'feet': wy_ppt_input *= (25.4 * 12) elif ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'gridmet': # GET GRIDMET value at centroid of geometry wy_ppt_input = float( utils.ee_getinfo( ee.ImageCollection(['pr'], ['ppt']).sum()).getRegion( zone['geom'].centroid(1), 500))[1][4]) # Calculate GRIDMET zonal mean of geometry # wy_ppt_input = float(ee.ImageCollection( #['pr'], ['ppt'])).reduceRegion( # reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), # geometry=zone['geom'], # crs=ini['SPATIAL']['crs'], # crsTransform=zone['transform'], # bestEffort=False, # tileScale=1).getInfo()['ppt'] # elif ini['BEAMER']['ppt_source'] == 'prism': # # Calculate PRISM zonal mean of geometry # wy_ppt_input = float(ee.ImageCollection( # # reducer=ee.Reducer.mean(), # geometry=zone['geom'], # crs=ini['SPATIAL']['crs'], # crsTransform=zone['transform'], # bestEffort=False, # tileScale=1).getInfo()['ppt']) # Get water year ETo read from file # Convert all input data to mm for Beamer Method if ini['BEAMER']['eto_source'] == 'file': wy_eto_input = eto_dict[zone_name][year] if ini['BEAMER']['data_eto_units'] == 'mm': pass elif ini['BEAMER']['data_eto_units'] == 'inches': wy_eto_input *= 25.4 elif ini['BEAMER']['data_eto_units'] == 'feet': wy_eto_input *= (25.4 * 12) # This assumes GRIMET data is in millimeters elif ini['BEAMER']['eto_source'] == 'gridmet': wy_eto_input = float( utils.ee_getinfo( ee.ImageCollection( ['eto']).sum()).getRegion(zone['geom'].centroid(1), 500))[1][4]) # wy_eto_input = float(utils.ee_getinfo(ee.ImageCollection( #['eto'])).reduceRegion( # reducer=ee.Reducer.sum(), # geometry=zone['geom'], # crs=zone_proj, # crsTransform=zone_transform, # bestEffort=False, # tileScale=1).getInfo())) logging.debug(' Input ETO: {} mm PPT: {} mm'.format( wy_eto_input, wy_ppt_input)) # Scale ETo & PPT wy_eto_input *= ini['BEAMER']['eto_factor'] wy_ppt_input *= ini['BEAMER']['ppt_factor'] # Convert output units from mm wy_ppt_output = wy_ppt_input wy_eto_output = wy_eto_input if ini['IMAGES']['ppt_units'] == 'mm': pass elif ini['IMAGES']['ppt_units'] == 'in': wy_ppt_output /= 25.4 elif ini['IMAGES']['ppt_units'] == 'ft': wy_ppt_output /= (25.4 * 12) if ini['IMAGES']['eto_units'] == 'mm': pass elif ini['IMAGES']['eto_units'] == 'in': wy_eto_output /= 25.4 elif ini['IMAGES']['eto_units'] == 'ft': wy_eto_output /= (25.4 * 12) logging.debug(' Output ETO: {} {} PPT: {} {}'.format( wy_eto_output, ini['IMAGES']['eto_units'], wy_ppt_output, ini['IMAGES']['ppt_units'])) # Add water year ETo and PPT values to each image def eto_ppt_func(img): """""" return ee.Image(img).setMulti({ 'wy_eto': wy_eto_output, 'wy_ppt': wy_ppt_output }) # Compute EVI_SUR, add ETo and PPT, then Compute ETg # Set the masked values to a nodata value # so that the TIF can have a nodata value other than 0 set landsat_image = eto_ppt_func( landsat.get_image(landsat, image_start_dt.year, image_start_dt.strftime('%j'), path=image_id[5:8], row=None)) etg_image = ee.Image(ee_common.beamer_func(landsat_image)) \ .clip(zone['geom']) \ .unmask(nodata_value, False) # Get the download URL logging.debug(' Requesting URL') zip_url = utils.ee_request( etg_image.getDownloadURL({ 'name': image_id, 'crs': ini['SPATIAL']['crs'], 'crs_transform': output_transform, 'dimensions': output_shape })) del etg_image # Remove the scene from scen list if it's not going to work if not zip_url: scene_id_list.remove(image_id) continue # Try downloading a few times' Downloading') for i in range(1, 10): try: response = urlrequest.urlopen(zip_url) with open(zip_path, 'wb') as output_f: shutil.copyfileobj(response, output_f) break except Exception as e:' Resending query') logging.debug(' {}'.format(e)) sleep(i**2) os.remove(zip_path) # Remove the scene from scen list if it's not going to work if not os.path.isfile(zip_path): scene_id_list.remove(image_id)'\nExtracting images') for image_id in scene_id_list:'{}'.format(image_id)) zip_path = os.path.join(zone_zips_ws, '{}.zip'.format(image_id)) logging.debug(' Zip: {}'.format(zip_path)) if not os.path.isfile(zip_path): logging.debug(' zip file does not exist, skipping') # Skip if all output images are present image_band_list = [ os.path.join(zone_images_ws, '{}.{}.tif'.format(image_id, band)) for band in ini['IMAGES']['download_bands'] ] if (not overwrite_flag and all(os.path.isfile(x) for x in image_band_list)): logging.debug(' all images present, skipping') continue # Otherwise, remove existing images for image_path in image_band_list: for file_path in glob.glob(image_path.replace('.tif', '.*')): os.remove(file_path) # Try extracting the files try: logging.debug(' Extracting') with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as z: z.extractall(zone_images_ws) except Exception as e: logging.warning(' Error: could not extract'.format(i)) logging.debug(' {}'.format(e)) try: os.remove(zip_path) except Exception as e: pass # Set nodata value for item in os.listdir(zone_images_ws): if item.startswith(image_id) and item.endswith('.tif'): gdc.raster_path_set_nodata( os.path.join(zone_images_ws, item), nodata_value) raster_statistics(os.path.join(zone_images_ws, item))'\nComputing annual means') for band in ini['IMAGES']['download_bands']:' {}'.format(band)) for year in range(ini['INPUTS']['start_year'], ini['INPUTS']['end_year'] + 1):' {}'.format(year)) mean_path = os.path.join( # zone_annuals_ws, 'etg_{}_{}.{}.tif'.format( zone_annuals_ws, '{}_{}.{}.tif'.format(zone_name.lower().replace(' ', '_'), year, band)) logging.debug(' {}'.format(mean_path)) # if os.path.isfile(mean_path) and not overwrite_flag: # logging.debug(' file already exists, skipping') # continue image_band_list = [ os.path.join(zone_images_ws, item) for item in os.listdir(zone_images_ws) if (item.endswith('.{}.tif'.format(band)) and ( int(landsat_re.match(item).group('YEAR')) == year)) ] # for image_path in image_band_list: # raster_path_set_nodata(image_path, nodata_value) if not image_band_list: continue # Use GDAL to compute the composite cell_statistics(image_band_list, mean_path, 'mean') raster_statistics(mean_path)'\nComputing composite rasters from annual means') for stat in stat_list:' Stat: {}'.format(stat)) for band in ini['IMAGES']['download_bands']:' {}'.format(band)) image_band_list = [ os.path.join(zone_annuals_ws, item) for item in os.listdir(zone_annuals_ws) if item.endswith('.{}.tif'.format(band)) ] # for image_path in image_band_list: # raster_path_set_nodata(image_path, nodata_value) output_path = os.path.join( zone_output_ws, '{}_{}.{}.tif'.format(zone_name.lower().replace(' ', '_'), stat.lower(), band.lower())) logging.debug(' {}'.format(output_path)) # Use GDAL to compute the composite raster cell_statistics(image_band_list, output_path, 'mean') raster_statistics(output_path)