Пример #1
    def test_import_file_uses_configured_layername(self):
        """ Checks that if a custom layer name is provided it replaces the UploadLayer name and is used
            as the table name for data stored in PostGIS.
        # --- Prereq's to importing layers
        # my_states.gpkg is a straightforward 1-layer vector package.
        test_filename = 'my_states.gpkg'
        test_filepath = os.path.join(_TEST_FILES_DIR, test_filename)

        # Make temporary file (the upload/configure process removes the file & we want to keep our test file)
        tmppath = os.path.join('/tmp', test_filename)
        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath)

        # upload & configure_upload expect closed file objects
        #    This is heritage from originally being closely tied to a view passing request.Files
        of = open(tmppath, 'rb')
        files = [of]
        upload = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload, files)

        # should be a single UploadFile resulting from configure_upload()
        upload_file = upload.uploadfile_set.first()
        # should be a single UploadLayer related to upload_file
        upload_layer = upload_file.uploadlayer_set.first()

        # --- Actually do imports (just import_file(), not handlers)
        custom_layername = 'my_custom_layer'
        configuration_options = {
            'upload_layer_id': upload_layer.id,
            'index': 0,
            'layer_name': custom_layername
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file.file.name, upload_file=upload_file)

        # --- Check that PostGIS has a table matching the name of the layer set during configure_upload()
        expected_tablename = custom_layername
        default_tablename = upload_layer.layer_name
        with connections['datastore'].cursor() as cursor:
            sql = """
                SELECT tablename
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
                WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';
            tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
            self.assertIn(expected_tablename, tables)
            self.assertNotIn(default_tablename, tables)
    def test_import_file_uses_configured_layername(self):
        """ Checks that if a custom layer name is provided it replaces the UploadLayer name and is used
            as the table name for data stored in PostGIS.
        # --- Prereq's to importing layers
        # my_states.gpkg is a straightforward 1-layer vector package.
        test_filename = 'my_states.gpkg'
        test_filepath = os.path.join(_TEST_FILES_DIR, test_filename)

        # Make temporary file (the upload/configure process removes the file & we want to keep our test file)
        tmppath = os.path.join('/tmp', test_filename)
        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath)

        # upload & configure_upload expect closed file objects
        #    This is heritage from originally being closely tied to a view passing request.Files
        of = open(tmppath, 'rb')
        files = [of]
        upload = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload, files)

        # should be a single UploadFile resulting from configure_upload()
        upload_file = upload.uploadfile_set.first()
        # should be a single UploadLayer related to upload_file
        upload_layer = upload_file.uploadlayer_set.first()

        # --- Actually do imports (just import_file(), not handlers)
        custom_layername = 'my_custom_layer'
        configuration_options = {'upload_layer_id': upload_layer.id, 'index': 0, 'layer_name': custom_layername}
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file.file.name, upload_file=upload_file)

        # --- Check that PostGIS has a table matching the name of the layer set during configure_upload()
        expected_tablename = custom_layername
        default_tablename = upload_layer.layer_name
        with connections['datastore'].cursor() as cursor:
            sql = """
                SELECT tablename
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
                WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';
            tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
            self.assertIn(expected_tablename, tables)
            self.assertNotIn(default_tablename, tables)
Пример #3
    def test_import_file_skips_duplicate_configured_layername(self):
        """ Checks that if a custom layer name is provided, but is already used the unique layer name
            created by configure_upload() & stored in UploadLayer is used as the table name for data stored
            in PostGIS.
        # --- Prereq's to importing layers
        # my_states.gpkg is a straightforward 1-layer vector package.
        test_filename = 'my_states.gpkg'
        test_filepath = os.path.join(_TEST_FILES_DIR, test_filename)

        # Upload two copies so we can have a duplicate name with the second.
        # Make temporary file (the upload/configure process removes the file & we want to keep our test file)
        filename, ext = test_filename.split('.')
        tmppath1 = os.path.join('/tmp', '{}-1.{}'.format(filename, ext))
        tmppath2 = os.path.join('/tmp', '{}-2.{}'.format(filename, ext))

        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath1)
        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath2)

        # upload & configure_upload expect closed file objects
        #    This is heritage from originally being closely tied to a view passing request.Files
        of1 = open(tmppath1, 'rb')
        files = [of1]
        upload1 = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload1, files)

        of2 = open(tmppath2, 'rb')
        files = [of2]
        upload2 = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload2, files)

        upload_file1 = upload1.uploadfile_set.first()
        upload_layer1 = upload_file1.uploadlayer_set.first()

        upload_file2 = upload2.uploadfile_set.first()
        upload_layer2 = upload_file2.uploadlayer_set.first()

        # --- Import file1's layer using default name
        configuration_options = {'upload_layer_id': upload_layer1.id, 'index': 0}
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file1.file.name, upload_file=upload_file1)

        # --- Try importing file2's layer using the same name as file1's layer.
        configuration_options = {
            'upload_layer_id': upload_layer2.id, 'index': 0, 'layer_name': upload_layer1.layer_name}
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file2.file.name, upload_file=upload_file2)

        # --- Check that PostGIS has a table matching the default layer name for upload_layer2
        expected_tablename = upload_layer2.layer_name
        with connections['datastore'].cursor() as cursor:
            sql = """
                SELECT tablename
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
                WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';
            tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
            self.assertIn(expected_tablename, tables)
    def test_import_file_skips_duplicate_configured_layername(self):
        """ Checks that if a custom layer name is provided, but is already used the unique layer name
            created by configure_upload() & stored in UploadLayer is used as the table name for data stored
            in PostGIS.
        # --- Prereq's to importing layers
        # my_states.gpkg is a straightforward 1-layer vector package.
        test_filename = 'my_states.gpkg'
        test_filepath = os.path.join(_TEST_FILES_DIR, test_filename)

        # Upload two copies so we can have a duplicate name with the second.
        # Make temporary file (the upload/configure process removes the file & we want to keep our test file)
        filename, ext = test_filename.split('.')
        tmppath1 = os.path.join('/tmp', '{}-1.{}'.format(filename, ext))
        tmppath2 = os.path.join('/tmp', '{}-2.{}'.format(filename, ext))

        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath1)
        shutil.copyfile(test_filepath, tmppath2)

        # upload & configure_upload expect closed file objects
        #    This is heritage from originally being closely tied to a view passing request.Files
        of1 = open(tmppath1, 'rb')
        files = [of1]
        upload1 = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload1, files)

        of2 = open(tmppath2, 'rb')
        files = [of2]
        upload2 = self.upload(files, self.admin_user)
        self.configure_upload(upload2, files)

        upload_file1 = upload1.uploadfile_set.first()
        upload_layer1 = upload_file1.uploadlayer_set.first()

        upload_file2 = upload2.uploadfile_set.first()
        upload_layer2 = upload_file2.uploadlayer_set.first()

        # --- Import file1's layer using default name
        configuration_options = {'upload_layer_id': upload_layer1.id, 'index': 0}
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file1.file.name, upload_file=upload_file1)

        # --- Try importing file2's layer using the same name as file1's layer.
        configuration_options = {
            'upload_layer_id': upload_layer2.id, 'index': 0, 'layer_name': upload_layer1.layer_name}
        oi = OGRImport(upload_file2.file.name, upload_file=upload_file2)

        # --- Check that PostGIS has a table matching the default layer name for upload_layer2
        expected_tablename = upload_layer2.layer_name
        with connections['datastore'].cursor() as cursor:
            sql = """
                SELECT tablename
                FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables
                WHERE schemaname != 'pg_catalog' AND schemaname != 'information_schema';
            tables = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()]
            self.assertIn(expected_tablename, tables)