def test_upload_part(self):
        key = 'requestpayment-test-upload-part-object'
        filename = key + '.txt'
        content = b'1' * 1024 * 1024

        headers = dict()
        headers[OSS_REQUEST_PAYER] = "requester"

        content = random_bytes(1024 * 1024)

        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

        total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
        # Set part size
        part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=(100*1024))

        # Init multipart without payer setting, should be failed.
        self.assertRaises(oss2.exceptions.AccessDenied, self.payer_bucket.init_multipart_upload, key)

        # Init multipart with payer setting, should be successful.
        upload_id = self.payer_bucket.init_multipart_upload(key, headers=headers).upload_id
        parts = []

        # Upload part without payer setting, should be failed.
        with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            num_to_upload = part_size
            self.assertRaises(oss2.exceptions.AccessDenied, self.payer_bucket.upload_part, key, upload_id, part_number,
                                            SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))

        # Upload part with payer setting, should be successful.
        with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < total_size:
                num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                result = self.payer_bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                            SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload), headers=headers)
                parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

                offset += num_to_upload
                part_number += 1

        # Complete multipart upload without payer setting, should be failed.
        self.assertRaises(oss2.exceptions.AccessDenied, self.payer_bucket.complete_multipart_upload, key, upload_id, parts)

        # Complete multipart upload with payer setting, should be successful.
        result = self.payer_bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts, headers=headers)
        self.assertEqual(result.status, 200)

Пример #2
    def upload(self, upload_path, filepath):
        upload_path 文件上传后的完整路径包括本身
        filepath 本地文件路径
        key = upload_path
        filename = filepath

        total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
        # determine_part_size方法用来确定分片大小。
        part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)

        # 初始化分片。
        upload_id = self.bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
        parts = []

        # 逐个上传分片。
        with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < total_size:
                num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                # SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size)方法会生成一个新的文件对象,重新计算起始追加位置。
                result = self.bucket.upload_part(
                    key, upload_id, part_number,
                    SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
                parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

                offset += num_to_upload
                part_number += 1

        # 完成分片上传。
        self.bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
Пример #3
    def uploadFile(self):
        filelist = self.file_name()
        if filelist:
                for file in filelist:
                    fileDir = file.split(self.dirname)[1]
                    key = (self.dirname + fileDir).replace('\\', '/')
                    total_size = os.path.getsize(file)
                    # determine_part_size方法用来确定分片大小。
                    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)

                    # 初始化分片。
                    upload_id = self.bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
                    parts = []

                    # 逐个上传分片。
                    with open(file, 'rb') as fileobj:
                        part_number = 1
                        offset = 0
                        while offset < total_size:
                            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                            # SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size)方法会生成一个新的文件对象,重新计算起始追加位置。
                            result = self.bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                                             SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
                            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
                            offset += num_to_upload
                            part_number += 1

                    # 完成分片上传。
                    self.bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
      'upload file to yun ok')
            except Exception as e:
      'upload file to yun error')
Пример #4
def large_file_to_oss(id, file, type_name='courses'):
        file_name = ''
        if file:
            _, file_ext = os.path.splitext(
            md = hashlib.md5()
            md.update((str(time.time()) +'utf8'))
            file_name = type_name + '/' + str(id) + '/' + md.hexdigest() + file_ext
            oss_file_name = os.path.join(settings.ALIYUN_OSS_DIRECTORY_PREFIX, file_name)
            bucket = aliyun_oss()
            key = oss_file_name
            filename = file
            total_size = filename.size
            part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)
            # 初始化分片
            upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
            parts = []
            # 逐个上传分片
            part_number = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < total_size:
                num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                result = bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                            SizedFileAdapter(file, num_to_upload))
                parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
                offset += num_to_upload
                part_number += 1
            # 完成分片上传
            bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
            # # 验证一下
            # assert bucket.get_object(key).read() ==
        return file_name
    except Exception:
        logger.error("Exceptions: {}".format(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Пример #5
def OssSliceUpload():
    accessKeyId = sys.argv[1]
    accessSecret = sys.argv[2]
    EndPoint = sys.argv[3]
    Bucket = sys.argv[4]
    RemoteFile = sys.argv[5]
    LocalFile = sys.argv[6]

    auth = oss2.Auth(accessKeyId, accessSecret)
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, EndPoint, Bucket)

    key = RemoteFile
    filename = LocalFile
    total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)
    # 初始化分片
    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
    parts = []
    # 逐个上传分片
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        part_number = 1
        offset = 0
        while offset < total_size:
            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
            result = bucket.upload_part(
                key, upload_id, part_number,
                SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
            offset += num_to_upload
            part_number += 1
    # 完成分片上传
    bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
    # 验证一下
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        assert bucket.get_object(key).read() ==
    def upload(self):
        psize = oss2.determine_part_size(self.__totalSize,

        # 初始化分片
        self.__uploadId = self.__bucket.init_multipart_upload(

        # 逐个上传分片
        with open(AliyunVodUtils.toUnicode(self.__fileName), 'rb') as fileObj:
            partNumber = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < self.__totalSize:
                uploadSize = min(psize, self.__totalSize - offset)
                    "UploadPart, FilePath: %s, VideoId: %s, UploadId: %s, PartNumber: %s, PartSize: %s"
                    % (self.__fileName, self.__videoId, self.__uploadId,
                       partNumber, uploadSize))
                result = self.__bucket.upload_part(
                    self.__key, self.__uploadId, partNumber,
                    SizedFileAdapter(fileObj, uploadSize))
                self.__finishedParts.append(PartInfo(partNumber, result.etag))
                offset += uploadSize
                partNumber += 1

        # 完成分片上传

        return result
Пример #7
    def upload_multiple_object(self, bucket_name, obj_name, obj_file):
            bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, url, bucket_name)
            total_size = os.path.getsize(obj_file)
            # Use determine_part_size to determine the part size.
            part_size = determine_part_size(total_size,
                                            preferred_size=100 * 1024)
            # Initialize a multipart upload event.
            upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(obj_name).upload_id
            parts = []
            # Upload parts one by one.
            with open(obj_file, 'rb') as fileobj:
                part_number = 1
                offset = 0
                while offset < total_size:
                    num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                    # The SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size) method generates a new object, and re-calculates the initial append location.
                    result = bucket.upload_part(
                        obj_name, upload_id, part_number,
                        SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
                    parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
                    offset += num_to_upload
                    part_number += 1

            # Complete multipart upload.
            bucket.complete_multipart_upload(obj_name, upload_id, parts)
            # Verify the multipart upload.
            with open(obj_file, 'rb') as fileobj:
                assert bucket.get_object(obj_name).read() ==
            status = "success"
        except Exception as e:
            status = str(e)
        return status
Пример #8
    def oss_upload(osskey, filename, uploadpath, de_suffix=True):
            # 当 de_suffix 是Ture,使用正则把文件的后缀去掉
            if de_suffix is True:
                osskey = re.match(r'\w+', filename).group()

            # 阿里云主账号AccessKey拥有所有API的访问权限,风险很高。强烈建议您创建并使用RAM账号进行API访问或日常运维,请登录 创建RAM账号。
            auth = oss2.Auth(ACCESSKEYID, ACCESSKEYSECRET)
            # Endpoint以杭州为例,其它Region请按实际情况填写。
            bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, ENDPOINT, BUCKETNAME)

            key = uploadpath + osskey
            filename = filename

            total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)

            # determine_part_size方法用来确定分片大小。
            part_size = determine_part_size(total_size,
                                            preferred_size=10240 * 1000)

            # 初始化分片。
            upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
            parts = []
            # 逐个上传分片。
            with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
                part_number = 1
                offset = 0

                while offset < total_size:
                    num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
                    # SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size)方法会生成一个新的文件对象,重新计算起始追加位置。
                    result = bucket.upload_part(
                    parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

                    offset += num_to_upload
                    part_number += 1

                # 完成分片上传
                bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)

        except Exception as f:
    def test_upload_part(self):
        key = 'traffic-limit-test-resumble-upload-object'
        # Create tmp file 2MB
        file_name = self._prepare_temp_file_with_size(OBJECT_SIZE_1MB * 2)

        total_size = os.path.getsize(file_name)
        # Determine part size is 1MB
        part_size = determine_part_size(total_size,
                                        preferred_size=(1024 * 1024))

        # Init part
        upload_id = self.bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
        parts = []

        headers = dict()
        headers[OSS_TRAFFIC_LIMIT] = str(LIMIT_100KB)

        #  Upload part
        with open(file_name, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < total_size:
                num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)

                # Upload part with traffic limit setting
                start_time_sec = int(time.time())
                result = self.bucket.upload_part(key,
                                                     fileobj, num_to_upload),
                end_time_sec = int(time.time())

                # Calculate expensed time
                expense_time_sec = end_time_sec - start_time_sec
                # Theoretical time is 1MB/100KB = 10s, set the minimum theoretical time to 10*0.7s
                theoretical_exepnse_min = 10 * 0.7
                # Compare to minimum theoretical time
                self.assertEqual((expense_time_sec > theoretical_exepnse_min),
                self.assertEqual((expense_time_sec > theoretical_exepnse_min),

                parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
                offset += num_to_upload
                part_number += 1

        result = self.bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
        self.assertEqual(result.status, 200)
    def multipartUpload(self):
        psize = oss2.determine_part_size(self.__totalSize,

        # 初始化分片
        self.__uploadId = self.__bucket.init_multipart_upload(

        startTime = time.time()
        expireSeconds = 2500  # 上传凭证有效期3000秒,提前刷新
        # 逐个上传分片
        with open(AliyunVodUtils.toUnicode(self.__filePath), 'rb') as fileObj:
            partNumber = 1
            offset = 0

            while offset < self.__totalSize:
                uploadSize = min(psize, self.__totalSize - offset)
      "UploadPart, FilePath: %s, VideoId: %s, UploadId: %s, PartNumber: %s, PartSize: %s" % (self.__fileName, self.__videoId, self.__uploadId, partNumber, uploadSize))
                result = self.__bucket.upload_part(
                    self.__object, self.__uploadId, partNumber,
                    SizedFileAdapter(fileObj, uploadSize))
                self.__finishedParts.append(PartInfo(partNumber, result.etag))
                offset += uploadSize
                partNumber += 1

                # 上传进度回调
                self.__progressCallback(offset, self.__totalSize)

                if self.__uploadInfo['MediaType'] == 'video':
                    # 上报上传进度
                    self.__reportUploadProgress('multipart', partNumber - 1,

                    # 检测上传凭证是否过期
                    nowTime = time.time()
                    if nowTime - startTime >= expireSeconds:
                        self.__bucket = self.__refreshAuthCallback(
                        startTime = nowTime

        # 完成分片上传

        return result
Пример #11
def upload(oss_task_zip, zip_task_file, endpoint, bucket_name):
    dlog.debug(f"debug: upload: oss_task_zip:{oss_task_zip}; zip_task_file:{zip_task_file}")
    bucket = _get_oss_bucket(endpoint, bucket_name)
    total_size = os.path.getsize(zip_task_file)
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=1000 * 1024)
    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(oss_task_zip).upload_id
    parts = []
    with open(zip_task_file, 'rb') as fileobj:
        part_number = 1
        offset = 0
        while offset < total_size:
            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
            result = bucket.upload_part(oss_task_zip, upload_id, part_number, SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
            offset += num_to_upload
            part_number += 1
    # result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(oss_task_zip, upload_id, parts)
    result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(oss_task_zip, upload_id, parts)
    # print('debug:upload_result:', result, dir())
    return result
Пример #12
 def push_by_piece(self, path, name):
     path = Path(path)
     total_size = path.stat().st_size
     part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=1024 * 1024)
     upload_id = self.bucket.init_multipart_upload(name).upload_id
     parts = []
     with open(path, 'rb') as fileobj:
         part_number = 1
         offset = 0
         while offset < total_size:
             num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
             # SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size)方法会生成一个新的文件对象,重新计算起始追加位置。
             result = self.bucket.upload_part(name, upload_id, part_number,
             parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
             offset += num_to_upload
             part_number += 1
     headers = {'Content-MD5': self.get_md5(path)}
     self.bucket.complete_multipart_upload(name, upload_id, parts, headers=headers)
Пример #13
def main(args):

    filename = args.upload_file
    key = os.path.split(filename)[1]
    for param in (access_key_id, access_key_secret, bucket_name, endpoint):
        assert '<' not in param, '请设置参数:' + param

# 创建Bucket对象,所有Object相关的接口都可以通过Bucket对象来进行
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(oss2.Auth(access_key_id, access_key_secret), endpoint, bucket_name)

    total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100000 * 1024)

    # 初始化分片
    print('OSS initializing:')
    encode_md5 = calculate_file_md5(filename)
    print('%s s md5 is %s' % (filename, encode_md5))
    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
    parts = []

    # 逐个上传分片
    print('Seperate the file batch and uploading:')
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        part_number = 1
        offset = 0
        while offset < total_size:
            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
            result = bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                        SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload), progress_callback=percentage)
            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
            offset += num_to_upload
            part_number += 1

    # 完成分片上传
    print('Complete the uploading task:')
    result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)

    print('upload results: %i' % result)
    print ('upload complete with the file %s' % key)
Пример #14
def upload(filename, key):
    total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)

    END_POINT = ''
    AUTH = Auth('LTAIStvC4wpBWRVG', 'BNXtvOz82JjzlSLjPBdQJyEUpXi4PD')
    BUCKET_NAME = "yunbeifeng"
    bucket = Bucket(AUTH, END_POINT, bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME)

    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key).upload_id
    parts = []
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        part_number = 1
        offset = 0
        while offset < total_size:
            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
            result = bucket.upload_part(
                key, upload_id, part_number,
                SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
            offset += num_to_upload
            part_number += 1

    bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
result = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key, headers=headers)
sse_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION)
data_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_DATA_ENCRYPTION)
kms_key_id = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID)
print('sse_algorithm:', sse_algo)
print('data_algorithm:', data_algo)
print('kms_key_id:', kms_key_id)

upload_id = result.upload_id
parts = []

# 逐个上传分片。
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
    part_number = 1
    offset = 0
    while offset < total_size:
        num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
        # SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size)方法会生成一个新的文件对象,重新计算起始追加位置。
        result = bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                    SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
        parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

        offset += num_to_upload
        part_number += 1

# 完成分片上传。
bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)

# 验证分片上传。
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
    assert bucket.get_object(key).read() ==
    def test_multipart_upload(self):
        auth = oss2.Auth(OSS_ID, OSS_SECRET)
        bucket_name = OSS_BUCKET + "-test-multipart-upload-data-encryption"
        bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, self.endpoint, bucket_name)

        key = 'data-encryption-test-upload-part-object'
        filename = self._prepare_temp_file_with_size(1024 * 1024)

        headers = dict()

        total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
        # Set part size
        part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=(100*1024))

        # Init multipart with encryption headers.
        result = bucket.init_multipart_upload(key, headers=headers)
        ret_sse_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION)
        ret_data_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_DATA_ENCRYPTION)
        ret_kms_key_id = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID)
        self.assertEqual(SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS, ret_sse_algo)
        self.assertEqual(KMS_DATA_ENCRYPTION_SM4, ret_data_algo)

        kms_key_id = ret_kms_key_id
        upload_id = result.upload_id
        parts = []

        # Upload part with the encyrption headers will be failed.
        headers = dict()
        with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            num_to_upload = part_size
            self.assertRaises(oss2.exceptions.InvalidArgument, bucket.upload_part, key, upload_id, part_number,
                                            SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload), headers=headers)

        # Upload part with none encryption headers.
        with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
            part_number = 1
            offset = 0
            while offset < total_size:
                num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)

                result = bucket.upload_part(key, upload_id, part_number,
                                            SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))

                parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

                offset += num_to_upload
                part_number += 1

                ret_sse_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION)
                ret_data_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_DATA_ENCRYPTION)
                ret_kms_key_id = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID)
                self.assertEqual(SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS, ret_sse_algo)
                self.assertEqual(KMS_DATA_ENCRYPTION_SM4, ret_data_algo)
                self.assertEqual(kms_key_id, ret_kms_key_id)

        # Complete multipart upload with encryption headers.
        self.assertRaises(oss2.exceptions.InvalidArgument, bucket.complete_multipart_upload, key, upload_id, parts, headers=headers)

        # Complete multipart upload with none encryption headers.
        result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(key, upload_id, parts)
        self.assertEqual(result.status, 200)
        ret_sse_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION)
        ret_data_algo = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_DATA_ENCRYPTION)
        ret_kms_key_id = result.headers.get(OSS_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ID)
        self.assertEqual(SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION_KMS, ret_sse_algo)
        self.assertEqual(KMS_DATA_ENCRYPTION_SM4, ret_data_algo)
        self.assertEqual(kms_key_id, ret_kms_key_id)

Пример #17
# 开始分片
total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)

# 初始化分片
upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(remote_filename).upload_id
parts = []

# 逐个上传分片
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
    part_number = 1
    offset = 0
    while offset < total_size:
        num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
        result = bucket.upload_part(remote_filename, upload_id, part_number,SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
        parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))

        offset += num_to_upload
        part_number += 1

# 完成分片上传
result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(remote_filename, upload_id, parts)

# CRC64验证
def calculate_file_crc64(file_name, block_size=1024 * 1024, init_crc=0):
    :param file_name: 文件名
    :param block_size: 计算CRC64的数据块大小,默认1024KB
    :return 文件内容的CRC64值