Пример #1
def scan_for_miscreant_files(directory, quarantine_directory, file_of_miscreants):
    reals_fks = []
    con = context.get_context(directory)
    listing = con.listdir()

    with open(file_of_miscreants, 'r') as infile:
        for line in infile.readlines():
            if line.split()[5] != '0':
                reals_fks.append(line.split()[3] + '_p' + line.split()[4])
            if line.split()[6] != '0':
                reals_fks.append('fk_' + line.split()[3] + '_s' + line.split()[4])

    for fileID in reals_fks:
        # remove any .measure3.reals.astrom if present
        reals_file = fileID + '.measure3.reals.astrom'
            if con.exists(reals_file):  # this isn't catching the error message, no obvious reason why
                # anything interesting about this file?
                print 'Removing:', reals_file, con.get_file_size(reals_file), \
                    'done: %s' % storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(reals_file), DONE_PROPERTY), \
                    'locked: %s' % storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(reals_file), LOCK_PROPERTY)
                # con.remove(reals_file)

        # obtain all files remaining in the directory listing that contain this chip, just not the removed reals.astrom
        fileID_files = [n for n in listing if
                        n.split('.')[0] == fileID and not n.__contains__('.measure3.reals.astrom')]
        print fileID
        print fileID_files
        # move all remaining matching files to quarantine
        for fn in fileID_files:
            print directory + fn, '>', quarantine_directory + fn
            con.rename(directory + fn, quarantine_directory + fn)
Пример #2
def fix_tags_on_cands_missing_reals(user_id, vos_dir, property):
    "At the moment this just checks for a single user's missing reals. Easy to generalise it to all users."
    con = context.get_context(vos_dir)
    user_progress = []
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('reals'))
    mpc_listing = con.get_listing('mpc')
    for filename in listing:
        if not filename.startswith('fk'):
            user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property)
            if (user is not None):
                # and (user == user_id):  # modify 'and' to generalise to all users with work in this directory
                #realsfile = filename.replace('cands', 'reals')
                #if not con.exists(realsfile):
                #    print filename, 'no reals file', realsfile

                # go through the listing of .mpc files and see if any match this reals.astrom
                is_present = False
                for mpcfile in [
                        f for f in mpc_listing if not f.startswith('fk')
                    if mpcfile.startswith(filename):
                        print(filename, user, 'exists!', mpcfile)
                        is_present = True

                if not is_present:
                    print(filename, user, 'no mpc file')
                    storage.set_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property,

    print('Fixed files:', len(user_progress))

Пример #3
def fix_tags_on_cands_missing_reals(user_id, vos_dir, property):
    "At the moment this just checks for a single user's missing reals. Easy to generalise it to all users."
    con = context.get_context(vos_dir)
    user_progress = []
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('reals'))
    mpc_listing = con.get_listing('mpc')
    for filename in listing:
        if not filename.startswith('fk'):
            user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property)
            if (user is not None):
                # and (user == user_id):  # modify 'and' to generalise to all users with work in this directory
                #realsfile = filename.replace('cands', 'reals')
                #if not con.exists(realsfile):
                #    print filename, 'no reals file', realsfile

                # go through the listing of .mpc files and see if any match this reals.astrom
                is_present = False
                for mpcfile in [f for f in mpc_listing if not f.startswith('fk')]:
                    if mpcfile.startswith(filename):
                        print filename, user, 'exists!', mpcfile
                        is_present = True

                if not is_present:
                    print filename, user, 'no mpc file'
                    storage.set_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property, None)

    print 'Fixed files:', len(user_progress)

Пример #4
    def get_file_size(self, filename):
        length_property = storage.get_property(
            self.get_full_path(filename), "length", ossos_base=False)

        if length_property is None:
            # Fall-back if the length property is not set for some reason
            return self._get_file_size_by_downloading(filename)

        return int(length_property)
Пример #5
    def get_file_size(self, filename):
        length_property = storage.get_property(
            self.get_full_path(filename), "length", ossos_base=False)

        if length_property is None:
            # Fall-back if the length property is not set for some reason
            return self._get_file_size_by_downloading(filename)

        return int(length_property)
Пример #6
    def get_processed_indices(self, filename):
        if not self.track_partial_results:
            return []

        uri = self._get_uri(filename)
        if not storage.has_property(uri, PROCESSED_INDICES_PROPERTY):
            return []

        raw_property = storage.get_property(uri, PROCESSED_INDICES_PROPERTY)
        return map(int, raw_property.split(VO_INDEX_SEP))
Пример #7
    def get_processed_indices(self, filename):
        if not self.track_partial_results:
            return []

        uri = self._get_uri(filename)
        if not storage.has_property(uri, PROCESSED_INDICES_PROPERTY):
            return []

        raw_property = storage.get_property(uri, PROCESSED_INDICES_PROPERTY)
        return map(int, raw_property.split(VO_INDEX_SEP))
Пример #8
    def lock(self, filename):
        uri = self._get_uri(filename)

        lock_holder = storage.get_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if lock_holder is None:
            storage.set_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY, self.userid)
        elif lock_holder == self.userid:
            # We already had the lock
            raise FileLockedException(filename, lock_holder)
Пример #9
    def lock(self, filename):
        uri = self._get_uri(filename)

        lock_holder = storage.get_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if lock_holder is None:
            storage.set_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY, self.userid)
        elif lock_holder == self.userid:
            # We already had the lock
            raise FileLockedException(filename, lock_holder)
Пример #10
def ensure_cands_have_matching_reals(directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('cands'))

    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            reals_file = filename.replace('cands', 'reals')
            if not con.exists(reals_file):
                print '.cands.astrom has no matching reals.astrom!', filename, 'done by', user

Пример #11
def ensure_cands_have_matching_reals(directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('cands'))

    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            reals_file = filename.replace('cands', 'reals')
            if not con.exists(reals_file):
                print '.cands.astrom has no matching reals.astrom!', filename, 'done by', user

Пример #12
    def _do_unlock(self, filename):
        uri = self._get_uri(filename)

        lock_holder = storage.get_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if lock_holder is None:
            # The file isn't actually locked.  Probably already cleaned up.
        elif lock_holder == self.userid:
            # It was us who locked it
            storage.set_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY, None)
            # Can't remove someone else's lock!
            raise FileLockedException(filename, lock_holder)
Пример #13
    def _do_unlock(self, filename):
        uri = self._get_uri(filename)

        lock_holder = storage.get_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if lock_holder is None:
            # The file isn't actually locked.  Probably already cleaned up.
        elif lock_holder == self.userid:
            # It was us who locked it
            storage.set_property(uri, LOCK_PROPERTY, None)
            # Can't remove someone else's lock!
            raise FileLockedException(filename, lock_holder)
Пример #14
def what_locks_remain(directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('cands'))
    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)

    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1
            print filename, 'lock_holder=', user
            storage.set_property(con.get_full_path(filename), LOCK_PROPERTY, None)

    for user, num_locked in user_progress.iteritems():
        print "  %s: %d" % (user, num_locked)

Пример #15
def what_locks_remain(directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('cands'))
    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)

    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), LOCK_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1
            print(filename, 'lock_holder=', user)
            storage.set_property(con.get_full_path(filename), LOCK_PROPERTY,

    for user, num_locked in user_progress.items():
        print("  %s: %d" % (user, num_locked))

Пример #16
def print_progress_stats(task, directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)

    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix(task))
    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1

    total_processed = sum(user_progress.values())

    print "%s: %s: %d of %d processed." % (
        directory, task, total_processed, len(listing))
    print "---"

    for user, num_processed in user_progress.iteritems():
        print "  %s: %d" % (user, num_processed)
Пример #17
def update_vos_with_local_files(user_id, vos_dir, dir_to_scan):
    uploaded_count = 0
    donefiles = glob(dir_to_scan + '*.reals.astrom')
    for fname in donefiles:
        fn = fname.rsplit('/')[len(fname.rsplit('/')) - 1]
        vo_reals = vos_dir + fn
        mv_file = vos_dir + fn.replace('reals', 'cands')
        # check if file's .cands.astrom equivalent in VOSpace has a #done tag
        wasdone = storage.get_property(mv_file, 'done')
        if not wasdone:
            if not storage.exists(vo_reals):  # shouldn't possibly be there but let's just make sure
                storage.copy(fname, vo_reals)
                storage.set_property(mv_file, 'done', user_id)  # set the .cands.astrom #done tag to the user ID.
                uploaded_count += 1
            print fn, wasdone

    print 'Added unique files:', uploaded_count

Пример #18
def print_progress_stats(task, directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)

    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix(task))
    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1

    total_processed = sum(user_progress.values())
    total_todo = len(listing)

    print datetime.datetime.now()
    print "%s: %s: %d of %d processed (%2.1f%%)." % (
        directory, task, total_processed, total_todo, (float(total_processed) / float(total_todo)) * 100.)
    print "---"

    for user, num_processed in user_progress.iteritems():
        print "  %s: %d" % (user, num_processed)
Пример #19
def print_progress_stats(task, directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)

    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix(task))
    for filename in listing:
#        if filename.__contains__('p'):  # HACK FOR CHECKING P FILES ONLY
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1

    total_processed = sum(user_progress.values())
    total_todo = len([l for l in listing])# if l.__contains__('p')])

    print datetime.datetime.now()
    print "%s: %s: %d of %d processed (%2.1f%%)." % (
        directory, task, total_processed, total_todo, (float(total_processed) / float(total_todo)) * 100.)
    print "---"

    for user, num_processed in user_progress.iteritems():
        print "  %s: %d" % (user, num_processed)
Пример #20
def print_progress_stats(task, directory):
    con = context.get_context(directory)

    user_progress = collections.defaultdict(int)
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix(task))
    for filename in listing:
        #        if filename.__contains__('p'):  # HACK FOR CHECKING P FILES ONLY
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), DONE_PROPERTY)
        if user is not None:
            user_progress[user] += 1

    total_processed = sum(user_progress.values())
    total_todo = len([l for l in listing])  # if l.__contains__('p')])

    print("%s: %s: %d of %d processed (%2.1f%%)." %
          (directory, task, total_processed, total_todo,
           (float(total_processed) / float(total_todo)) * 100.))

    for user, num_processed in user_progress.items():
        print("  %s: %d" % (user, num_processed))
Пример #21
 def get_property(self, filename, property):
     return storage.get_property(self.get_uri(filename), property)
Пример #22
 def owns_lock(self, filename):
     lock_holder = storage.get_property(self._get_uri(filename),
     return lock_holder == self.userid
Пример #23
            print fn, wasdone

    print 'Added unique files:', uploaded_count


def fix_tags_on_cands_missing_reals(user_id, vos_dir, property):
    "At the moment this just checks for a single user's missing reals. Easy to generalise it to all users: modify the
    con = context.get_context(vos_dir)
    user_progress = []
    listing = con.get_listing(tasks.get_suffix('cands'))
    for filename in listing:
        user = storage.get_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property)
        if (user is not None) and (
            user == user_id):  # modify here to generalise to all users with work in this directory
            realsfile = filename.replace('cands', 'reals')
            if not storage.exists(con.get_full_path(realsfile)):
                print filename, 'no reals file', realsfile
                storage.set_property(con.get_full_path(filename), property, None)

    print 'Fixed files:', len(user_progress)


if __name__=='__main__':
    user_id = ''  # set as appropriate
Пример #24
 def owns_lock(self, filename):
     lock_holder = storage.get_property(self._get_uri(filename),
     return lock_holder == self.userid
Пример #25
 def get_property(self, filename, property):
     return storage.get_property(self.get_uri(filename), property)