Пример #1
 def __call__(self, x, *args):
     """Evaluate the function taking into account uncertainty in the argument        
     >>> import math 
     >>> x    = VE(1,0.1**2)
     >>> sin1 = EvalVE( math.sin , lambda s : math.cos(s) )
     >>> print 'sin1(x) = %s ' % sin1(x) 
     >>> sin2 = EvalVE( math.sin )
     >>> print 'sin2(x) = %s ' % sin2(x)
     ## evaluate the function
     val = self._value_(x, *args)
     ## no uncertainties?
     if isinstance(x, (float, int, long)):
         return VE(val, 0)
         # ignore small or invalid uncertanties
     elif 0 >= x.cov2() or iszero(x.cov2()):
         return VE(val, 0)
     # evaluate the derivative
     d = self._deriv(float(x), *args)
     ## calculate the variance
     cov2 = d * d * x.cov2()
     ## get a final result
     return VE(val, cov2)
Пример #2
    def __call__ ( self , *x ) :

        n = self.__N 
        assert len ( x ) == n , 'Invalid  argument size'

        xve = [ VE(i)        for i in  x   ] ## force everything to be VE 
        xv  = [    i.value() for i in  xve ] ## get only the values
        xv  = tuple ( xv ) 
        ## value of the function 
        value = self.__func ( *xv )
        ## calculate the covariance 
        cov2  = 0
        for i in range ( n ) :

            c2 = xve[i].cov2()
            if c2 <= 0 or iszero ( c2 ) : continue

            ## calculate the gradient 
            df = self.partial[i] ( *xv ) 
            if iszero ( df )            : continue 
            cov2 += c2 * df**2 

        return VE ( value , cov2 ) 
Пример #3
def gauss_cdf ( x , mu = 0.0 , sigma = 1.0 ) :
    """Standard gaussian CDF:
    >>> x,mu, sigma = ....
    >>> cdf = gauss_cdf ( x  , mu , sigma )
    y =  VE ( x ) 
    return _gauss_cdf_ ( y if 0 < y.cov2() else y.value () , mu , sigma )
Пример #4
    def __call__ ( self , args , cor = None ) :
        """Calcualte the value of the scalar function of N arguments
        with uncertainties and correlations 
        >>> fun2   = lambda x , y : ...
        >>> fun2e  = EvalNVEcor ( fun2 , 2 )
        >>> cor    = ... # 2x2 symmetric correlation matrix
        >>> x      = ...
        >>> y      = ...    
        >>> result = fun2e ( (x,y) , cor ) ##           
        n = self.N 
        assert len ( args ) == n , 'Invalid argument size'

        ## get value of the function 
        val = self.func ( *args )
        c2  = 0
        x   = n * [ 0 ]  ## argument 
        g   = n * [ 0 ]  ## gradient 
        for i in range ( n ) :

            xi    = VE ( args[i] )
            x [i] = x 
            ci    = xi.cov2()
            if ci < 0  or iszero ( ci ) : continue
            di    = self.partial[i] ( *args )
            if iszero ( di )            : continue
            ei    = xi.error() 

            g [i] = di  
            e [i] = ei
            ## diagonal correlation coefficients are assumed to be 1 and ignored! 
            c2   += ci * di * di
            for j in range ( i ) : 

                xj   = x  [ j ]
                cj   = xj.cov2 () 
                if cj < 0  or iszero ( cj ) : continue
                dj   = d  [ j ]
                if iszero ( dj )            : continue                
                ej   = e  [ j ]

                rij  =  self.__corr ( cor , i , j ) if cor else 0 
                assert -1 <= rij <= 1 or isequal ( abs ( rij ) , 1 ) ,\
                       'Invalid correlaation coefficient (%d,%d)=%s ' % ( i , j , rij )
                c2  += 2.0 * di * dj * rij * ei * ej 
        return VE ( val , c2 ) 
Пример #5
def test_ve():

    from ostap.math.ve import VE

    a = VE(100, 100)
    b = VE(400, 400)

    assert ((a + b).value() == 500)
    assert ((b - a).value() == 300)
    assert ((a + b).error() == (a - b).error())
Пример #6
def complex_histo_draw(file_name, val_1_col, err_1_col, val_2_col, err_2_col,
                       val_3_col, err_3_col, val_4_col, err_4_col):
    #from csv to numpy-array
    data = numpy.genfromtxt(file_name, delimiter=',')

    y_bins = [2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25]
    pt_bins = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20]
    length_x = numpy.size(data, 0)

    #histogram for all bins
    hist_os = h2_axes(y_bins, pt_bins)

    #histograms with ratios & yeilds
    hist_y1 = h1_axis(pt_bins)
    hist_y2 = h1_axis(pt_bins)
    hist_y3 = h1_axis(pt_bins)
    hist_y4 = h1_axis(pt_bins)
    hist_array = [hist_y1, hist_y2, hist_y3, hist_y4]

    #filling loop
    pt_bin = 1
    y_bin = 1
    for j in range(length_x - 1):
        if pt_bin == len(pt_bins):
            y_bin += 1
            pt_bin = 1
        bin_VE_1 = VE(data[j + 1, val_1_col], data[j + 1, err_1_col]**2)
        bin_VE_2 = VE(data[j + 1, val_2_col], data[j + 1, err_2_col]**2)
        bin_VE_3 = VE(data[j + 1, val_3_col], data[j + 1, err_3_col]**2)
        bin_VE_4 = VE(data[j + 1, val_4_col], data[j + 1, err_4_col]**2)

        #fill histogram with bins values
        bin_val = bin_VE_2 * bin_VE_4 / (bin_VE_1 * bin_VE_3)

        #1. uncomment if one need to non-round-values
        hist_os.SetBinContent(y_bin, pt_bin, bin_val.value())
        hist_os.SetBinError(y_bin, pt_bin, bin_val.error())

        #2. uncomment if one need to round-values
        #hist_os.SetBinContent(y_bin, pt_bin, round(bin_val.value()))
        #hist_os.SetBinError(y_bin, pt_bin, round(bin_val.error()))

        #stuff for changing bin's colors which determine by Z axis range in 2d hist

        #fill histogram with R-values
        hist_array[y_bin - 1].SetBinContent(pt_bin, 100 * (bin_val.value()))
        hist_array[y_bin - 1].SetBinError(pt_bin, 100 * (bin_val.error()))

        pt_bin += 1

    return hist_os, hist_array[0], hist_array[1], hist_array[2], hist_array[3]
Пример #7
def fma(x, y, z, cxy=0, cxz=0, cyz=0):
    """ Evaluate fma(x,y,z)=x*y+z with uncertainties
    >>> x = ...
    >>> y = ...
    >>> z = ...
    >>> print fma ( x , y , z ) 
    _x = VE(x)
    _y = VE(y)
    _z = VE(z)
    return _fma_(_x, _y, _z, cxy, cxz, cyz)
Пример #8
def pretty_ve ( value , width = 8 , precision = 6 , parentheses = True ) :
    """Nice printout of the ValueWithError object  ( string + exponent)
    - return nice stirng and the separate exponent 
    >>> s , n = pretty_ve ( number ) 
    from ostap.math.ve          import VE
    value =  VE ( value )
    fmt , fmtv , fmte , n = fmt_pretty_ve ( value , width , precision , parentheses )
    v =           value.value ()   
    e = max ( 0 , value.error () ) 
    return fmt % ( v / 10**n , e / 10**n ) , n 
Пример #9
    def __call__(self, func, x, h, args=(), kwargs={}):
        """The main method: evaluate the numerical derivative 
        - func   the function with signature `func(x,*args,**kwargs)`
        - x      point where derivative is evaluated
        - h      step size 
        - args   addtional positional arguments
        - kwargs addtional keyword arguments

        if not self.with_error:
            return self.derivatives(False,

        ## estimate the uncertainty, if needed
        d1, dJ = self.derivatives(True, fun, x, h, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

        ## get the function value at the given point
        f0 = fun(x, *args, **kwargs)

        i = self.__I
        j = self.__J

        c_j = self.table2[1]
        d_j = self.table2[2]

        e = j * c_j / (d_j * (j - 1))
        a = j * epsilon + abs(f0) + abs(x * d1)
        e2 = e * e * (a**(2 - 2. / j)) * (abs(dJ)**(2.0 / j))

        return VE(d1, 4 * e2)
Пример #10
    def derivative(self, fun, x, h=0, args=(), kwargs={}):
        """Get the value of the 1st derivative using the adaptive rule with the optimal step

        ## get the optimal step and value f(x)
        hopt, f0 = self.optimal_step(fun, x, h, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

        ## adjust it if needed
        hopt = self.adjust_step(x, hopt)

        if not self.with_error:
            return self.derivatives(False,

        ## estimate the uncertainty, if needed
        d1, dJ = self.derivatives(True, fun, x, hopt, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

        i = self.__I
        j = self.__J

        c_j = self.table2[1]
        d_j = self.table2[2]

        e = j * c_j / (d_j * (j - 1))
        a = j * epsilon + abs(f0) + abs(x * d1)
        e2 = e * e * (a**(2 - 2. / j)) * (abs(dJ)**(2.0 / j))

        return VE(d1, 4 * e2)
Пример #11
 def __call__ (  self , x , y , z , error = False ) :
     """Get the efficiency
     >>> dataset = ... 
     >>> eff     = ... 
     >>> eff.fitTo ( dataset ) 
     >>> x = 0.15
     >>> y = 90 
     >>> z = 15
     >>> value = eff(x,y,z) 
     from ostap.fitting.roofit import SETVAR
     from ostap.math.ve        import VE 
     xx = float ( x ) 
     yy = float ( y ) 
     zz = float ( z ) 
     if xx in self.xvar and yy in self.yvar and zz in self.zvar :
         with SETVAR ( self.xvar ) :
             with SETVAR ( self.yvar ) :
                 with SETVAR ( self.zvar ) :
                     self.xvar.setVal ( xx )
                     self.yvar.setVal ( yy )
                     self.zvar.setVal ( zz )
                     if error and self.fit_result :
                         e = self.eff_fun.getPropagatedError ( self.fit_result )
                         if 0<= e : return  VE ( v ,  e * e )
                     return v 
     logger.error ('Invalid efficiency, return -1 ') 
     return -1 
Пример #12
    def __call__(self, func, *args):

        ## additional arguments
        args = args if args else self.args

        ## define integration rules
        if hasattr(func, 'integral'):
            _integral_ = lambda f, low, high: f.integral(low, high, *args)
            from ostap.math.integral import integral
            _integral_ = lambda f, low, high: integral(f, low, high, *args)

        ## xmin/max
        xmin, xmax = self.xmin, self.xmax

        ## calculate x0 as "mean"-value
        x0 = self.x0
        if x0 is None:
            if hasattr(func, 'mean'): x0 = func.mean()
                m = Mean(xmin, xmax, False)
                x0 = m(func, *args)

        ## check validity of x0
        if not xmin <= x0 <= xmax:
            raise AttributeError("Invalid x0 value %s<=%s<=%s" %
                                 (xmin, x0, xmax))

        ## get the normalization
        norm = _integral_(func, xmin, xmax)
        if 0 >= norm:
            raise AttributeError("Normalization integral is not positive %s" %

        ## Equation:  ifun(x) \equiv \int_{x0-x}^{x0+x}f(t)dt - N*prob = 0
        yval = self.prob * norm

        def ifun(x):
            if 0 >= x: return -yval
            return _integral_(func, max(xmin, x0 - x), min(xmax,
                                                           x0 + x)) - yval

        from ostap.math.rootfinder import findroot
        s = findroot(ifun, 0, max(xmax - x0, x0 - xmin))

        from ostap.math.ve import VE
        return VE(x0, s * s)
Пример #13
    def gradient ( self , *x ) :
        n = self.__N
        assert len ( x ) == n , 'Invalid argument size'

        xx = [ VE(i).value()        for i in x           ]
        gr = [ self.partial[i](*xx) for i in range ( n ) ]
        return tuple ( gr ) 
Пример #14
    def __call__(self, x, y, cxy=0):
        """Evaluate the function 
        >>> func2 = lambda x,y : x*x + y*y
        >>> eval2 = Eval2VE ( func2 )
        >>> x = VE(1,0.1**2)
        >>> y = VE(2,0.1**2)
        >>> print eval2(x,y)    ## treat x,y as uncorrelated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y, 0) ## ditto 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,+1) ## treat x,y as 100% correlated 
        >>> print eval2(x,y,-1) ## treat x,y as 100% anti-correlated
        assert isinstance ( cxy , num_types ) and \
               ( abs ( cxy ) <= 1 or isequal ( abs ( cxy ) , 1 ) ) , \
               'Invalid correlation coefficient %s' % cxy

        x = VE(x)
        y = VE(y)

        xv = x.value()
        yv = y.value()

        val = self.func(xv, yv)

        xc2 = x.cov2()
        yc2 = y.cov2()

        x_plain = xc2 <= 0 or iszero(xc2)
        y_plain = yc2 <= 0 or iszero(yc2)

        if x_plain and y_plain: return VE(val, 0)

        ## here we need to calculate the uncertainties
        dx = self.partial[0](xv, yv) if not x_plain else 0
        dy = self.partial[1](xv, yv) if not y_plain else 0

        cov2 = dx * dx * xc2 + dy * dy * yc2

        if cxy and xc2 and yc2:
            cov2 += 2 * cxy * dx * dy * math.sqrt(xc2 * yc2)

        return VE(val, cov2)
Пример #15
def complex_histo_draw(file_name, val_1_col, err_1_col, val_2_col, err_2_col, corr_1_val): 
 #from csv to numpy-array
 data = numpy.genfromtxt(file_name, delimiter = ',')
 #for statistic
 y_bins_1  = [2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25]
 pt_bins_1 = [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20 ]
 #for systematic
 y_bins_2  = [2.25, 2.75, 3.25, 3.75, 4.25]
 pt_bins_2 = [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20 ]
 length_x = numpy.size(data, 0)

 #histograms with ratios & yeilds
 hist_array_1 = [h1_axis(pt_bins_1), h1_axis(pt_bins_1), h1_axis(pt_bins_1), h1_axis(pt_bins_1)]
 hist_array_2 = [h1_axis(pt_bins_2), h1_axis(pt_bins_2), h1_axis(pt_bins_2), h1_axis(pt_bins_2)]

 #filling loop
 pt_bin = 1
 y_bin  = 1
 for j in range(length_x - 1):
  if pt_bin == len(pt_bins_1):
   y_bin += 1
   pt_bin = 1 
  bin_VE_1 = VE(data[j + 1, val_1_col]*data[j+1, corr_1_val], (data[j + 1, val_1_col]*data[j + 1, err_1_col])**2) #R + syst
  bin_VE_2 = VE(data[j + 1, val_2_col]*data[j+1, corr_1_val], (data[j + 1, val_2_col]*data[j + 1, err_2_col])**2) #R + stat

  #fill histogram with bins values
  bin_val_1 = bin_VE_1
  bin_val_2 = bin_VE_2

  #fill histogram with R-values
  hist_array_1[y_bin - 1].SetBinContent(pt_bin, bin_val_1.value())
  hist_array_1[y_bin - 1].SetBinError(pt_bin, bin_val_1.error())

  hist_array_2[y_bin - 1].SetBinContent(pt_bin, bin_val_2.value())
  hist_array_2[y_bin - 1].SetBinError(pt_bin, bin_val_2.error())

  pt_bin += 1
 return hist_array_1[0], hist_array_2[0]
Пример #16
def gauss_cdf(x, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0):
    """Standard gaussian CDF
    >>> x,mu, sigma = ....
    >>> cdf = gauss_cdf ( x  , mu , sigma )
    m = float(mu)
    s = abs(float(sigma))
    y = (VE(x) - m) / s
    return _gauss_cdf_(y) if 0 < y.cov2() else _gauss_cdf_(y.value())
Пример #17
 def integral(fun, x0, x, err=False, **kwargs):
     """Calculate the integral for the 1D-function using scipy
     >>> func = lambda x : x * x 
     >>> v = integral(func,0,1)
     func = lambda x: float(fun(x))
     import warnings
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         result = integrate.quad(func, x0, x, **kwargs)
         return VE(result[0], result[1] * result[1]) if err else result[0]
Пример #18
def _fit_getitem_(self, par):
    """Getitem for fit-result-object            
    >>> r = h1.Fit(....) ##
    >>> print r[0]  ## print 0th parameter 
    ## convert parameter into integer
    ipar = _fit_parnum_(self, par)
    if not 0 <= ipar: raise IndexError("TFitResult:illegal index %s" % par)
    _p = self.Parameter(ipar)
    _e = self.Error(ipar)
    return VE(_p, _e * _e)
Пример #19
def pochhammer(x, n):
    """ calculate Pochhammer's  symbol
    \f[ (x)^n = x ( x + 1) ( x + 1 ) ... ( x + n - 1 ) = \Pi^{k-1}_{k=0} (x + k) \f] 
    @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falling_and_rising_factorials
    assert is_integer ( n ) and  0<= n < 2**16, \
           "pochhammer: invalid n=%s" % n

    fun = getattr(x, '__pochhammer__', None)
    if fun: return fun()

    _x = x if isinstance(x, num_types) else VE(x)

    return _pochhammer(_x, n)
Пример #20
def derivative(fun, x, h=0, I=2, err=False):
    """Calculate the first derivative for the function
    #  @code
    #  >>> fun =  lambda x : x*x
    #  >>> print derivative ( fun , x = 1 ) 
    - see R. De Levie, ``An improved numerical approximation for the first derivative''
    - see https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12039-009-0111-y
    - see http://www.ias.ac.in/chemsci/Pdf-Sep2009/935.pdf

    func = lambda x: float(fun(x))

    ## get the function value at the given point
    f0 = func(x)

    ## adjust the rule
    I = min(max(I, 1), 8)
    J = 2 * I + 1

    _dfun_ = _funcs_[I]
    delta = _delta_(x)

    ## if the intial step is too small, choose another one
    if abs(h) < _numbers_[I][3] or abs(h) < delta:
        if iszero(x): h = _numbers_[0][I]
        else: h = abs(x) * _numbers_[I][3]

    h = max(h, 2 * delta)

    ## 1) find the estimate for first and "J"th the derivative with the given step
    d1, dJ = _dfun_(func, x, h, True)

    ## find the optimal step
    if iszero(dJ) or (iszero(f0) and iszero(x * d1)):
        if iszero(x): hopt = _numbers_[0][I]
        else: hopt = abs(x) * _numbers_[I][3]
        hopt = _numbers_[I][2] * ((abs(f0) + abs(x * d1)) / abs(dJ))**(1.0 / J)

    ## finally get the derivative
    if not err: return _dfun_(func, x, hopt, False)

    ## estimate the uncertainty, if needed
    d1, dJ = _dfun_(func, x, hopt, True)

    e = _numbers_[I][1] / _numbers_[I][2] * J / (J - 1)
    e2 = e * e * (J * _eps_ + abs(f0) +
                  abs(x * d1))**(2 - 2. / J) * abs(dJ)**(2. / J)
    return VE(d1, 4 * e2)
Пример #21
def test_basic_2D   () :
    logger.info ( 'Test for very basic operations with 2D-histograms')

    h2 = h2_axes ( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] , [1,2,3,4,5] )

    h2 += lambda x,y: VE(1,1)+VE(x*x+2*y*y,x*x+2*y*y)

    ## access the content
    logger.info ( "h[%1d, %1d]=%s"  % ( 2    , 3 , h2[2,3]  ) )
    logger.info ( "h[%1d][%1d]=%s"  % ( 2    , 3 , h2[2][3] ) )
    logger.info ( "h[%1d](%.2f)=%s" % ( 2    , 3.01 , h2[2](3.01   ) ) )
    logger.info ( "h(%.2f,%.2f)=%s" % ( 2.01 , 3.01 , h2(2.01,3.01 ) ) )    

    ## get the 1st X-slice 
    hx = h2.sliceX ( 1 )

    ## get the slice in 1,4,5 X-bins 
    hx = h2.sliceX ( [1,4,5] )
    ## get the 2nd Y-slice 
    hy = h2.sliceY ( 2 )
    ## get the slice in 1,3,5 Y-bins 
    hy = h2.sliceY ( [1,3,4] )

    ## projection in X 
    hx = h2.projX() 

    ## projection in Y
    hy = h2.projY() 

    logger.info ( '  minmax  %20s' % str( h2. minmax() ) )
    logger.info ( 'x-minmax  %20s' % str( h2.xminmax() ) )
    logger.info ( 'y-minmax  %20s' % str( h2.yminmax() ) )
    logger.info ( 'z-minmax  %20s' % str( h2.zminmax() ) )
Пример #22
def _fit_repr_(self):
    """Representaion of TFitResult object
    >>> fit_result = hiisto.Fit( func , 'S' , ... )
    >>> print fit_result
    _r = ''
    _r += "\n Status      = %s " % self.Status()
    _r += "\n Chi2/nDoF   = %s/%s " % (self.Chi2(), self.Ndf())
    _r += "\n Probability = %s " % self.Prob()
    _p = self.Parameters()
    _e = self.Errors()
    for i in range(0, len(_p)):
        v = _p[i]
        e = _e[i]
        a = VE(v, e * e)
        _r += " \n %s " % a
    return _r
Пример #23
def derivative(fun, x, h=0, I=2, err=False):
    """Calculate the first derivative for the function
    #  @code
    #  >>> fun =  lambda x : x*x
    #  >>> print derivative ( fun , x = 1 ) 

    func = lambda x: float(fun(x))

    ## get the function value at the given point
    f0 = func(x)

    ## adjust the rule
    I = min(max(I, 1), 8)
    J = 2 * I + 1

    _dfun_ = _funcs_[I]
    delta = _delta_(x)

    ## if the intial step is too small, choose another one
    if abs(h) < _numbers_[I][3] or abs(h) < delta:
        if iszero(x): h = _numbers_[0][I]
        else: h = abs(x) * _numbers_[I][3]

    h = max(h, 2 * delta)

    ## 1) find the estimate for first and "J"th the derivative with the given step
    d1, dJ = _dfun_(func, x, h, True)

    ## find the optimal step
    if iszero(dJ) or (iszero(f0) and iszero(x * d1)):
        if iszero(x): hopt = _numbers_[0][I]
        else: hopt = abs(x) * _numbers_[I][3]
        hopt = _numbers_[I][2] * ((abs(f0) + abs(x * d1)) / abs(dJ))**(1.0 / J)

    ## finally get the derivative
    if not err: return _dfun_(func, x, hopt, False)

    ## estimate the uncertainty, if needed
    d1, dJ = _dfun_(func, x, hopt, True)

    e = _numbers_[I][1] / _numbers_[I][2] * J / (J - 1)
    e2 = e * e * (J * _eps_ + abs(f0) +
                  abs(x * d1))**(2 - 2. / J) * abs(dJ)**(2. / J)
    return VE(d1, 4 * e2)
Пример #24
    def __call__ ( self , args , cov2 = None ) :
        """Calcualte the value of the scalar function of N (scalar) arguments 
        with the given NxN covariance matrix
        >>> fun2   = lambda x , y : ...
        >>> fun2e  = EvalNVEcov ( fun2 , 2 )
        >>> cov2   = ... # 2x2 symmetric covariance matrix
        >>> result = fun2e ( (1,5) , cov2 ) ##   
        n = self.N 
        assert len ( args ) == n , 'Invalid argument size'

        ## get value of the function 
        val = float ( self.func ( *args ) ) 
        ## no covariance matrix is specified ?
        if not cov2 : return val
        c2 = 0
        g  = n * [ 0 ] ## gradient 
        for i in range ( n ) :

            di    = self.partial[i] ( *args )
            if iszero ( di ) : continue
            g [i] = di  

            cii   = self.__cov2 ( cov2 , i , i )
            c2   += di * di * cii
            for j in range ( i ) : 

                dj   = g [ j ]
                if iszero ( dj ) : continue
                cij  =     self.__cov2 ( cov2 , i , j ) 
                c2  += 2 * di * dj * cij 

        return VE ( val , c2 ) 
Пример #25
def _ve_pdg_(ve):
    """Make a rounding according to PDG prescription
    @see http://pdg.lbl.gov/2010/reviews/rpp2010-rev-rpp-intro.pdf
    @see section 5.3 of doi:10.1088/0954-3899/33/1/001
    The basic rule states that if the three highest order digits of the error
    lie between 100 and 354, we round to two significant digits. If they lie between
    355 and 949, we round to one significant digit. Finally,
    if they lie between 950 and 999, we round up to 1000 and keep two significant digits.
    In all cases, the central value is given with a precision that matches that of the error.

    >>> ve  = VE( ...
    >>> vr  = ve.pdg()
    >>> print ' Rounded value with error is  %s ' % vr
    v, e = pdg_round(ve.value(), ve.error())
    return VE(v, e * e)
Пример #26
 def __call__ (  self , x , error = False ) :
     """Get the efficiency
     >>> dataset = ... 
     >>> eff = Efficiency1D( ... )
     >>> eff.fitTo ( dataset ) 
     >>> x = 0.15
     >>> value = eff(x) 
     from ostap.fitting.roofit import SETVAR
     from ostap.math.ve        import VE 
     xx = float ( x ) 
     if xx in self.xvar : 
         with  SETVAR ( self.xvar ) :
             self.xvar.setVal ( xx )                
             v = self.eff_fun.getVal ()
             if error and self.fit_result :
                 e = self.eff_fun.getPropagatedError ( self.fit_result )
                 if 0<= e : return  VE ( v ,  e * e )
             return v 
     logger.error ('Invalid efficiency, return -1 ') 
     return -1 
Пример #27
def h2(file_name, xvar, x_bins, yvar, y_bins, zvar):
    "Create 2d histo"
    h2 = h2_axes(x_bins, y_bins)
    print("\nCreating 2D-histo:")
    print("FILE   : " + file_name)
    print("HEADER : " + header(file_name))
    print(" x_var : " + xvar)
    print(" y_var : " + yvar)
    print(" z_var : " + zvar)
    xidx, yidx, zidx = find_vars(file_name, xvar, yvar, zvar)
    with open(file_name, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            if line[0:2] == " |":
                wl = line[1:-1].split("|")
                for w in wl:
                    x_min = float(wl[xidx].split(",")[0])
                    y_min = float(wl[yidx].split(",")[0])
                    z_val = float(wl[zidx].split("+-")[0])
                    z_err = float(wl[zidx].split("+-")[1])
                    h2[get_2d_bin(x_min, x_bins, y_min,
                                  y_bins)] = VE(z_val, z_err**2)
    return h2
Пример #28
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =============================================================================
# Copyright Ostap developers
# =============================================================================
## @file examples/math/math_ex001_functions.py
#  Example of basic operations with VE objects and functions
# =============================================================================
"""Example of basic operations with VE objects and functions
# =============================================================================
from   __future__ import print_function
import math 
from   ostap.math.ve         import VE
from   ostap.math.math_ve    import *  ## get functions 

a =  VE ( 2 , 0.2**2 )
b =  VE ( 3 , 0.3**2 )

print ( 'a,b  : %s   %s' % (  a ,  b ) )
print ( 'a+b  : %s '     % (  a +  b ) )
print ( 'a-b  : %s '     % (  a -  b ) ) 
print ( 'a*b  : %s '     % (  a *  b ) )
print ( 'a/b  : %s '     % (  a /  b ) )
print ( 'a**b : %s '     % (  a ** b ) )

print ( 'a+2  : %s '     % (  a +  2 ) )
print ( 'a-2  : %s '     % (  a -  2 ) )
print ( 'a*2  : %s '     % (  a *  2 ) )
print ( 'a/2  : %s '     % (  a /  2 ) )
print ( 'a**2 : %s '     % (  a ** 2 ) )
Пример #29
def hypot(x, y, c=0):
    """ evaluate hypot(x,y)=sqrt{x*x+y*y} witn uncertainties 
    _x = VE(x)
    _y = VE(y)
    return _hypot_(_x, _y, c)
Пример #30
def gauss_cdf(x, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0):
    """Standard gaussian CDF
    >>> x,mu, sigma = ....
    >>> cdf = gauss_cdf ( x  , mu , sigma )
    m = float(mu)
    s = abs(float(sigma))
    y = (VE(x) - m) / s
    return _gauss_cdf_(y) if 0 < y.cov2() else _gauss_cdf_(y.value())

# =============================================================================
## FIX
#  @see https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-6627'
_a = VE(1, 1)
_b = VE(_a)
if isequal(_a.error(), _b.error()): pass
    jira = 'https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ROOT-6627'
    vers = ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion()
    logger.warning('The problem %s is not solved yet ( ROOT %s) ' %
                   (jira, vers))
    logger.warning('Temporarily disable cast of VE to float')
    del VE.__float__

# =============================================================================
if '__main__' == __name__:

    from ostap.utils.docme import docme
    docme(__name__, logger=logger)