Пример #1
def equivalence_query_normal(max_time_value,
    """Normal teacher
    if prev_ctx is not None:
        for ctx in prev_ctx:
            teacher_res = teacher.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
            hypothesis_res = hypothesis.is_accepted_delay(ctx.tws)
            if teacher_res != hypothesis_res and hypothesis_res != -2:
                return False, ctx

    flag_pos, w_pos = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, hypothesis, teacher)
    if flag_pos == False:
        dtw_pos = findDelayTimedwords(w_pos, 's', teacher.sigma)
        ctx_pos = Element(dtw_pos, [])
        return False, ctx_pos
        flag_neg, w_neg = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, teacher, hypothesis)
        if flag_neg == False:
            dtw_neg = findDelayTimedwords(w_neg, 's', teacher.sigma)
            ctx_neg = Element(dtw_neg, [])
            return False, ctx_neg
            return True, None
Пример #2
    def test_is_consistent(self):
        A = buildOTA('example2.json', 's')
        AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')  # Assist
        max_time_value = AA.max_time_value()
        sigma = AA.sigma

        s1 = Element([], [0], [])
        s2 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        s3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
             ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [1], [])

        r1 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r2 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r4 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 1, False)], [0], [])
        r5 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('a', 0, False)
        ], [0], [])
        r6 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)
        ], [-1], [])
        r7 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [-1], [])

        new_S = [s1, s2, s3]
        new_R = [r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7]
        for s in new_S:
        for r in new_R:
        new_E = []
        T5 = OTATable(new_S, new_R, new_E, parent=-1, reason="test")
        # T5.show()
        print("-----------is consistent----------------")
        flag, new_a, new_e_index, i, j, reset_i, reset_j = T5.is_consistent()
        self.assertEqual(flag, False)
        self.assertEqual(new_a, [ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)])
        self.assertEqual(new_e_index, 0)
        self.assertEqual(i, 0)
        self.assertEqual(j, 6)
        self.assertEqual(reset_i, True)
Пример #3
    def test_make_consistent(self):
        A = buildOTA('example2.json', 's')
        AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')  # Assist
        max_time_value = AA.max_time_value()
        sigma = AA.sigma

        s1 = Element([], [0], [])
        s2 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        s3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
             ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [1], [])

        r1 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r2 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r3 = Element(
            [ResetTimedword('a', 0, True),
             ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        r4 = Element([ResetTimedword('a', 1, False)], [0], [])
        r5 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('a', 0, False)
        ], [0], [])
        r6 = Element([
            ResetTimedword('a', 1, False),
            ResetTimedword('b', 2, True),
            ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)
        ], [-1], [])
        r7 = Element([ResetTimedword('b', 2, True)], [-1], [])

        new_S = [s1, s2, s3]
        new_R = [r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7]
        new_E = []
        T5 = OTATable(new_S, new_R, new_E, parent=-1, reason="test")
        # T5.show()
        print("-----------make consistent----------------")
        flag, new_a, new_e_index, i, j, reset_i, reset_j = T5.is_consistent()
        self.assertEqual(flag, False)
        tables = make_consistent(new_a, new_e_index, i, j, reset_i, reset_j,
                                 T5, sigma, AA)
        for tb in tables:
            S_U_R = [s for s in tb.S] + [r for r in tb.R]
            self.assertEqual(S_U_R[i].suffixes_resets[-1], [None])
            self.assertEqual(S_U_R[j].suffixes_resets[-1], [None])
Пример #4
def equivalence_query(max_time_value, teacher, hypothesis):
    """Smart teacher
    flag_pos, w_pos = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, hypothesis, teacher)
    if flag_pos == False:
        #drtw_pos = findDelayRTWs(w_pos, 's', teacher)
        drtw_pos = dTWs_to_dRTWs(w_pos, 's', teacher)
        ctx_pos = Element(drtw_pos, [])
        return False, ctx_pos
        flag_neg, w_neg = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, teacher, hypothesis)
        if flag_neg == False:
            #drtw_neg = findDelayRTWs(w_neg, 's', teacher)
            drtw_neg = dTWs_to_dRTWs(w_neg, 's', teacher)
            ctx_neg = Element(drtw_neg, [])
            return False, ctx_neg
            return True, None
Пример #5
 def ltw_to_dtw(ltw):
     dtw = []
     for i in range(len(ltw)):
         if i == 0 or reset[i - 1]:
             dtw.append(Timedword(ltw[i].action, ltw[i].time))
                           round1(ltw[i].time - ltw[i - 1].time)))
     return Element(dtw, [])
Пример #6
    def test_is_closed(self):
        A = buildOTA('example6.json', 's')
        AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')  # Assist
        #max_time_value = AA.max_time_value()
        sigma = AA.sigma

        T1_tables = init_table_normal(sigma, AA)
        self.assertEqual(len(T1_tables), 1)
        flag_closed, new_S, new_R, move = T1_tables[0].is_closed()
        self.assertEqual(flag_closed, False)
        self.assertEqual(new_S, [
            Element([], [0], []),
            Element([ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        self.assertEqual(new_R, [
            Element([ResetTimedword('b', 0, True)], [-1], []),
            Element([ResetTimedword('c', 0, True)], [-1], [])
        self.assertEqual(move, Element([ResetTimedword('a', 0, True)], [-1],
Пример #7
def sampleGeneration(inputs, upperGuard, stateNum, length=None):
    """Generate a sample."""
    sample = []
    if length is None:
        length = random.randint(1, stateNum)
    for i in range(length):
        input = inputs[random.randint(0, len(inputs) - 1)]
        time = random.randint(0, upperGuard * 2 + 1)
        if time % 2 == 0:
            time = time // 2
            time = time // 2 + 0.1
        temp = Timedword(input, time)
    return Element(sample, [])
Пример #8
def equivalence_query(max_time_value, teacher, hypothesis):
    flag_pos, w_pos = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, hypothesis, teacher)
    if flag_pos == False:
        #drtw_pos = findDelayRTWs(w_pos, 's', teacher)
        drtw_pos = dTWs_to_dRTWs(w_pos, 's', teacher)
        ctx_pos = Element(drtw_pos, [])
        return False, ctx_pos
        flag_neg, w_neg = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, teacher, hypothesis)
        if flag_neg == False:
            #drtw_neg = findDelayRTWs(w_neg, 's', teacher)
            drtw_neg = dTWs_to_dRTWs(w_neg, 's', teacher)
            ctx_neg = Element(drtw_neg, [])
            return False, ctx_neg
            return True, None

# def dRTWs_to_lRTWs(delay_resettimedwords):
#     """Given a delay reset-timedwords, return the local reset-timedwords.
#     """
#     reset = False
#     current_clock_valuation = 0
#     local_resettimedwords = []
#     for drtw in delay_resettimedwords:
#         if reset == False:
#             current_clock_valuation = current_clock_valuation + drtw.time
#         else:
#             current_clock_valuation = drtw.time
#         local_resettimedwords.append(ResetTimedword(drtw.action,current_clock_valuation,drtw.reset))
#         reset = drtw.reset
#     return local_resettimedwords

# def equivalence_main():
#     experiments_path = os.getcwd()+"/experiments/"
#     A, _ = buildOTA(experiments_path+'example3.json', 's')
#     AA = buildAssistantOTA(A, 's')
#     max_time_value = AA.max_time_value()

#     # H, _ = buildOTA('example2_1.json', 'q')
#     # HH = buildAssistantOTA(H, 'q')

#     H, _ = buildOTA(experiments_path+'example3_1.json', 'q')
#     HH = buildAssistantOTA(H, 'q')

#     AA.show()
#     print("------------------------------")
#     HH.show()
#     print("------------------------------")
# #     H.show()
# #     flag, ctx = equivalence_query(max_time_value,AA,HH)
# #     print(flag)
# #     print("------------------------------")
# #     #print(ctx.show())

#     # print("------------------------------")
#     flag_pos, w_pos = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, HH, AA)
#     print(flag_pos)
# #     flag_neg, w_neg = ota_inclusion(max_time_value, AA, HH)
# #     print(flag_neg)
#     print(w_pos.show())
#     print("--------------------------------------------")
#     path1 = findpath(w_pos,'s',AA.sigma)
#     for lw in path1:
#         print(lw.show(),lw.action)
#     print("----------------------------------------------")
#     dtw = findDelayTimedwords(w_pos,'s',AA.sigma)
#     print(dtw)
# #     # print("----------------------------------------------")
# #     # drtw = dTWs_to_dRTWs(w_pos,'s',AA)
# #     # print(drtw)
# #     # #flag, ctx = equivalence_query(max_time_value,AA,HH)
# #     # #print(flag)
# #     # print("------------------------------")
# #     # #print(ctx.show())

# if __name__=='__main__':
# 	equivalence_main()
Пример #9
def sampleGeneration_valid(teacher, upperGuard, length):
    """Generate a sample adapted to the given teacher."""
    # First produce a path (as a list of transitions) in the OTA
    path = []
    current_state = teacher.initstate_name
    for i in range(length):
        edges = []
        for tran in teacher.trans:
            if current_state == tran.source:
        edge = random.choice(edges)
        current_state = edge.target

    # Next, figure out (double of) the minimum and maximum logical time.
    min_time, max_time = [], []
    for tran in path:
        assert len(tran.constraints) == 1
        max_time.append(max_constraint_double(tran.constraints[0], upperGuard))

    # For each transition, maintain a mapping from logical time to the
    # number of choices.
    weight = dict()
    for i in reversed(range(length)):
        tran = path[i]
        mn, mx = min_time[i], max_time[i]
        weight[i] = dict()
        if i == length - 1 or tran.reset:
            for j in range(mn, mx + 1):
                weight[i][j] = 1
            for j in range(mn, mx + 1):
                weight[i][j] = 0
                for k, w in weight[i + 1].items():
                    if k >= j:
                        weight[i][j] += w

    # Now sample according to the weights
    double_times = []
    cur_time = 0
    for i in range(length):
        start_time = max(min_time[i], cur_time)
        distr = []
        for j in range(start_time, max_time[i] + 1):
        if sum(distr) == 0:
            return None  # sampling failed
        cur_time = sampleDistribution(distr) + start_time
        if path[i].reset:
            cur_time = 0

    # Finally, change doubled time to fractions.
    ltw = []
    for i in range(length):
        if double_times[i] % 2 == 0:
            time = double_times[i] // 2
            time = double_times[i] // 2 + 0.1
        ltw.append(Timedword(path[i].label, time))

    # Convert logical-timed word to delayed-timed word.
    dtw = []
    for i in range(length):
        if i == 0 or path[i - 1].reset:
            dtw.append(Timedword(path[i].label, ltw[i].time))
            dtw.append(Timedword(path[i].label, ltw[i].time - ltw[i - 1].time))

    return Element(dtw, [])