def loader(timer): # XXX: Remember, game.XXX -> sys.modules["game.XXX"] because game is set later on. And somehow this causes weird behavior :/ IS_IN_TEST = "trial_temp" in os.getcwd() if IS_IN_TEST: os.chdir("..") # Also ugly hack. sys.stdout = StringIO() # Attempt to get the Merucurial rev if os.path.exists(".hg"): try: # This will work independantly of the OS (no need to have mercurial installed! # Not sure if it's 100% accurate, be aware that this is not the active rev, but the latest fetched one. # Downloaded packages doesn't have this file, thats why we keep in in a try, it will raise. MERCURIAL_REV = (os.path.getsize(".hg/store/00changelog.i") // 64) - 1 # Since mercurial start on rev 0, we need to -1 to get the rev number. #MERCURIAL_REV = subprocess.check_output(["hg", "parents", "--template={rev}"]) log.msg("Begin loading (PyOT r%s)" % MERCURIAL_REV) if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT r%s" % MERCURIAL_REV) windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT r%s\x07" % MERCURIAL_REV) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # hg not in space. log.msg("Begin loading...") if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT") windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT\x07") else: MERCURIAL_REV = "unknown" log.msg("Begin loading...") if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT") windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT\x07") # Begin loading items sys.modules["game.item"].loadItems() # Reset online status print "> > Reseting players online status...", sql.conn.runOperation("UPDATE players SET online = 0") print "%40s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") globalData = sql.conn.runQuery("SELECT `key`, `data`, `type` FROM `globals` WHERE `world_id` = %s" % config.worldId) groupData = sql.conn.runQuery("SELECT `group_id`, `group_name`, `group_flags` FROM `groups`") houseData = sql.conn.runQuery("SELECT `id`,`owner`,`guild`,`paid`,`name`,`town`,`size`,`rent`,`data` FROM `houses` WHERE `world_id` = %s" % config.worldId) # Globalize certain things print "> > Globalize data...", const = sys.modules["game.const"] __builtin__.const = const for i in dir(const): if not "__" in i: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(const, i)) for i in dir(sys.modules["game.errors"]): if not "__" in i: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(sys.modules["game.errors"], i)) for i in sys.modules["game.functions"].globalize: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(sys.modules["game.functions"], i)) print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") __builtin__.sql = sql.conn __builtin__.config = config __builtin__.userconfig = userconfig import game.pathfinder __builtin__.register = game.scriptsystem.register __builtin__.registerFirst = game.scriptsystem.registerFirst __builtin__.registerForAttr = game.scriptsystem.registerForAttr __builtin__.registerClass = game.scriptsystem.registerClass __builtin__.defer = defer __builtin__.reactor = reactor __builtin__.functions = game.functions __builtin__.sys = sys __builtin__.math = math __builtin__.returnValue = returnValue __builtin__.Deferred = Deferred __builtin__.deque = deque __builtin__.random = random __builtin__.time = time = re __builtin__.spell = game.spell # Simplefy spell making __builtin__.callLater = reactor.callLater __builtin__.Item = game.item.Item __builtin__.itemAttribute = game.item.attribute __builtin__.cid = game.item.cid __builtin__.idByName = game.item.idByName __builtin__.getTile = __builtin__.setTile = __builtin__.getTileConst = __builtin__.Boost = game.conditions.Boost __builtin__.MultiCondition = game.conditions.MultiCondition __builtin__.itemAttribute = game.item.attribute __builtin__.getHouseId = __builtin__.Position = game.position.Position __builtin__.StackPosition = game.position.StackPosition __builtin__.getHouseById = __builtin__.getGuildById = game.guild.getGuildById __builtin__.getGuildByName = game.guild.getGuildByName __builtin__.logger = sys.modules["game.logger"] # Resources __builtin__.genMonster = __builtin__.genNPC = game.npc.genNPC __builtin__.genQuest = game.resource.genQuest __builtin__.genOutfit = game.resource.genOutfit __builtin__.genMount = game.resource.genMount __builtin__.regVocation = game.vocation.regVocation # Spells __builtin__.typeToEffect = game.spell.typeToEffect # Grab them __builtin__.getNPC = game.npc.getNPC __builtin__.getMonster = # Used alot in monster and npcs __builtin__.chance = # We use this in the import system __builtin__.scriptInitPaths = game.scriptsystem.scriptInitPaths # Access __builtin__.access = game.scriptsystem.access # Conditions __builtin__.Condition = game.conditions.Condition __builtin__.Boost = game.conditions.Boost __builtin__.CountdownCondition = game.conditions.CountdownCondition __builtin__.PercentCondition = game.conditions.PercentCondition __builtin__.MultiCondition = game.conditions.MultiCondition __builtin__.RepeatCondition = game.conditions.RepeatCondition # Pathfinder __builtin__.pathfinder = game.pathfinder # Deathlist __builtin__.deathlist = game.deathlist # Bans __builtin__.ipIsBanned = game.ban.ipIsBanned __builtin__.playerIsBanned = game.ban.playerIsBanned __builtin__.accountIsBanned = game.ban.accountIsBanned __builtin__.addBan = game.ban.addBan # Market __builtin__.getMarket = __builtin__.newMarket = # Creature and Player class. Mainly for test and savings. __builtin__.Creature = game.creature.Creature __builtin__.Player = game.player.Player __builtin__.Monster = # JSON __builtin__.json = otjson # Web if config.enableWebProtocol: import core.service.webserver __builtin__.WebPage = core.service.webserver.Page from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET __builtin__.NOT_DONE_YET = NOT_DONE_YET class Globalizer(object): __slots__ = () monster = npc = game.npc creature = game.creature player = game.player map = item = game.item scriptsystem = game.scriptsystem spell = game.spell resource = game.resource vocation = game.vocation const = game.const house = guild = game.guild party = errors = game.errors chat = deathlist = game.deathlist ban = game.ban market = = Globalizer() print "> > Loading global data...", for x in (yield globalData): if x['type'] == 'json': game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = otjson.loads(x['data']) elif x['type'] == 'pickle': game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = pickle.loads(x['data']) else: game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = x['data'] print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading groups...", for x in (yield groupData): game.functions.groups[x['group_id']] = (x['group_name'], otjson.loads(x['group_flags'])) print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading guilds...", game.guild.load() print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading bans...", game.ban.refresh() print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading market...", print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading house data...", for x in (yield houseData):[int(x['id'])] =['id']), int(x['owner']),x['guild'],x['paid'],x['name'],x['town'],x['size'],x['rent'],x['data']) print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Load scripts print "> > Loading scripts...", game.scriptsystem.importer() game.scriptsystem.get("startup").runSync() print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Load map (if configurated to do so) if config.loadEntierMap: print "> > Loading the entier map...", begin = time.time() files = glob.glob('%s/%s/*.sec' % (config.dataDirectory, config.mapDirectory)) for fileSec in files: x, y, junk = fileSec.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.') x = int(x) y = int(y) iX = x // iY = y // sectorSum = (iX << 11) + iY,y, 0, sectorSum, False) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE, took: %f]" % (time.time() - begin), "blue") # Charge rent? def _charge(house): callLater(config.chargeRentEvery, game.functions.looper, lambda: game.scriptsystem.get("chargeRent").runSync(None, house=house)) for house in if not or not house.owner: continue if house.paid < (timer - config.chargeRentEvery): game.scriptsystem.get("chargeRent").runSync(None, house=house) _charge(house) else: callLater((timer - house.paid) % config.chargeRentEvery, _charge, house) # Loading languages if config.enableTranslations: print "> > Loading languages... ", if language.LANGUAGES: print "%s\n" % _txtColor(language.LANGUAGES.keys(), "yellow") else: print "%s\n" % _txtColor("No languages found, falling back to defaults!", "red") # Load protocols print "> > Loading game protocols...", for version in config.supportProtocols: game.protocol.loadProtocol(version) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Do we issue saves? if config.doSaveAll and not IS_IN_TEST: print "> > Schedule global save...", reactor.callLater(config.saveEvery, game.functions.looper, game.functions.saveAll, config.saveEvery) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Do we save on shutdowns? if config.saveOnShutdown: game.scriptsystem.get("shutdown").register(lambda **k: game.functions.saveAll(True), False) # Reset online status on shutdown game.scriptsystem.get("shutdown").register(lambda **k: sql.conn.runOperation("UPDATE players SET online = 0"), False) # Light stuff if not IS_IN_TEST: print "> > Turn world time and light on...", lightchecks = config.tibiaDayLength / float(config.tibiaFullDayLight - config.tibiaNightLight) reactor.callLater(lightchecks, game.functions.looper, game.functions.checkLightLevel, lightchecks) print "%45s" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") reactor.callLater(60, game.functions.looper, pathfinder.RouteCache.clear, 60) # Now we're online :) print _txtColor("Message of the Day: %s" % config.motd, "red") log.msg("Loading complete in %fs, everything is ready to roll" % (time.time() - timer)) global IS_ONLINE IS_ONLINE = True print "\n\t\t%s\n" % _txtColor("[SERVER IS NOW OPEN!]", "green")
def loadItems(): " Load or refresh items. " global items global idByNameCache global cidToSid print "> > Loading items..." if config.itemCache: try: with _open("%s/cache/items.cache" % config.dataDirectory, "rb") as f: items, idByNameCache, cidToSid = marshal.loads( log.msg("%d Items loaded (from cache)" % len(items)) return except IOError: pass # Make three new values while we are loading loadItems = {} idNameCache = {} _cidToSid = {} """tree = ET.parse("%s/items.xml" % config.dataDirectory) flagTree = {'s':1, 'b':3, 't':8192, 'ts':8193, 'tb':8195, 'm':64, 'p':96} for item in tree.getroot(): _item = item.attrib # Stupid elementtree thinks everything are strings.... # Would have used lxml, but what the heck, I can't benchmark the difference. if "flags" in _item: flags = _item["flags"] try: _item["flags"] = flagTree[flags] except KeyError: _item["flags"] = int(flags) if "speed" in _item: _item["speed"] = int(_item["speed"]) if "type" in _item: _item["type"] = int(_item["type"]) if len(item): for attr in item: key = attr.tag val = attr.get("value") if key == "fluidSource": val = getattr(game.const, 'FLUID_%s' % val.upper()) elif key == "weaponType" and val not in ("ammunition", "wand"): _item["weaponSkillType"] = getattr(game.const, 'SKILL_%s' % val.upper()) elif key == 'shootType': val = getattr(game.const, 'ANIMATION_%s' % val.upper()) else: try: val = int(val) except: pass _item[key] = val attr.clear() id = _item["id"] if "-" in id: start, end = map(int, id.split('-')) for id in xrange(start, end+1): loadItems[id] = _item else: id = int(id) loadItems[id] = _item try: # XXX: Ranged items are usually ground stuff witch we never reference by name. idNameCache[_item["name"].upper()] = id except: pass del _item["id"] item.clear() """ # JSON format. jsonItems = json.loads(_open(config.itemFile, 'r').read()) flagTree = {'s':1, 'b':3, 't':8192, 'ts':8193, 'tb':8195, 'm':64, 'p':96} for item in jsonItems: flags = item.get('flags') if flags and not isinstance(flags, int): item['flags'] = flagTree[flags] if 'shootType' in item: item['shootType'] = getattr(game.const, 'ANIMATION_%s' % item['shootType'].upper()) if 'fluidSource' in item: item['fluidSource'] = getattr(game.const, 'FLUID_%s' % item['fluidSource'].upper()) if 'weaponType' in item: type = item['weaponType'] if type not in ("ammunition", "wand"): item["weaponSkillType"] = getattr(game.const, 'SKILL_%s' % type.upper()) id = item['id'] cid = item.get('cid') del item['id'] if not isinstance(id, int): start, end = map(int, id.split('-')) fixCid = isinstance(cid, basestring) if fixCid: bCid = int(cid.split('-')[0]) elif cid != None: _cidToSid[cid] = item for id in xrange(start, end+1): if fixCid: _newItem = item.copy() _newItem['cid'] = bCid loadItems[id] = _newItem _cidToSid[bCid] = id bCid += 1 else: loadItems[id] = item try: name = item["name"].upper() if not name in idNameCache: idNameCache[name] = start except: pass else: loadItems[id] = item if cid != id: _cidToSid[cid] = id try: name = item["name"].upper() if not name in idNameCache: idNameCache[name] = id except: pass print "\n> > Items (%s) loaded..." % len(loadItems), print "%45s\n" % "\t[DONE]" # Replace the existing items items = loadItems idByNameCache = idNameCache cidToSid = _cidToSid # Cache if config.itemCache: with _open("%s/cache/items.cache" % config.dataDirectory, "wb") as f: f.write(marshal.dumps((items, idByNameCache, cidToSid), 2))
def loadItems(): " Load or refresh items. " global items global idByNameCache global cidToSid print "> > Loading items..." if config.itemCache: try: with _open("%s/cache/items.cache" % config.dataDirectory, "rb") as f: items, idByNameCache, cidToSid = marshal.loads( log.msg("%d Items loaded (from cache)" % len(items)) return except IOError: pass # Make three new values while we are loading loadItems = {} idNameCache = {} _cidToSid = {} """tree = ET.parse("%s/items.xml" % config.dataDirectory) flagTree = {'s':1, 'b':3, 't':8192, 'ts':8193, 'tb':8195, 'm':64, 'p':96} for item in tree.getroot(): _item = item.attrib # Stupid elementtree thinks everything are strings.... # Would have used lxml, but what the heck, I can't benchmark the difference. if "flags" in _item: flags = _item["flags"] try: _item["flags"] = flagTree[flags] except KeyError: _item["flags"] = int(flags) if "speed" in _item: _item["speed"] = int(_item["speed"]) if "type" in _item: _item["type"] = int(_item["type"]) if len(item): for attr in item: key = attr.tag val = attr.get("value") if key == "fluidSource": val = getattr(game.const, 'FLUID_%s' % val.upper()) elif key == "weaponType" and val not in ("ammunition", "wand"): _item["weaponSkillType"] = getattr(game.const, 'SKILL_%s' % val.upper()) elif key == 'shootType': val = getattr(game.const, 'ANIMATION_%s' % val.upper()) else: try: val = int(val) except: pass _item[key] = val attr.clear() id = _item["id"] if "-" in id: start, end = map(int, id.split('-')) for id in xrange(start, end+1): loadItems[id] = _item else: id = int(id) loadItems[id] = _item try: # XXX: Ranged items are usually ground stuff witch we never reference by name. idNameCache[_item["name"].upper()] = id except: pass del _item["id"] item.clear() """ # JSON format. jsonItems = json.loads(_open(config.itemFile, 'r').read()) flagTree = { 's': 1, 'b': 3, 't': 8192, 'ts': 8193, 'tb': 8195, 'm': 64, 'p': 96 } for item in jsonItems: flags = item.get('flags') if flags and not isinstance(flags, int): item['flags'] = flagTree[flags] if 'shootType' in item: item['shootType'] = getattr( game.const, 'ANIMATION_%s' % item['shootType'].upper()) if 'fluidSource' in item: item['fluidSource'] = getattr( game.const, 'FLUID_%s' % item['fluidSource'].upper()) if 'weaponType' in item: type = item['weaponType'] if type not in ("ammunition", "wand"): item["weaponSkillType"] = getattr(game.const, 'SKILL_%s' % type.upper()) id = item['id'] cid = item.get('cid') del item['id'] if not isinstance(id, int): start, end = map(int, id.split('-')) fixCid = isinstance(cid, basestring) if fixCid: bCid = int(cid.split('-')[0]) elif cid != None: _cidToSid[cid] = item for id in xrange(start, end + 1): if fixCid: _newItem = item.copy() _newItem['cid'] = bCid loadItems[id] = _newItem _cidToSid[bCid] = id bCid += 1 else: loadItems[id] = item try: name = item["name"].upper() if not name in idNameCache: idNameCache[name] = start except: pass else: loadItems[id] = item if cid != id: _cidToSid[cid] = id try: name = item["name"].upper() if not name in idNameCache: idNameCache[name] = id except: pass print "\n> > Items (%s) loaded..." % len(loadItems), print "%45s\n" % "\t[DONE]" # Replace the existing items items = loadItems idByNameCache = idNameCache cidToSid = _cidToSid # Cache if config.itemCache: with _open("%s/cache/items.cache" % config.dataDirectory, "wb") as f: f.write(marshal.dumps((items, idByNameCache, cidToSid), 2))
def loader(timer): # XXX: Remember, game.XXX -> sys.modules["game.XXX"] because game is set later on. And somehow this causes weird behavior :/ IS_IN_TEST = "trial_temp" in os.getcwd() if IS_IN_TEST: os.chdir("..") # Also ugly hack. sys.stdout = StringIO() # Attempt to get the Merucurial rev if os.path.exists(".hg"): try: # This will work independantly of the OS (no need to have mercurial installed! # Not sure if it's 100% accurate, be aware that this is not the active rev, but the latest fetched one. # Downloaded packages doesn't have this file, thats why we keep in in a try, it will raise. MERCURIAL_REV = ( os.path.getsize(".hg/store/00changelog.i") // 64 ) - 1 # Since mercurial start on rev 0, we need to -1 to get the rev number. #MERCURIAL_REV = subprocess.check_output(["hg", "parents", "--template={rev}"]) log.msg("Begin loading (PyOT r%s)" % MERCURIAL_REV) if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT r%s" % MERCURIAL_REV) windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT r%s\x07" % MERCURIAL_REV) except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # hg not in space. log.msg("Begin loading...") if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT") windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT\x07") else: MERCURIAL_REV = "unknown" log.msg("Begin loading...") if platform.system() == "Windows": os.system("title PyOT") windowsLoading() else: sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;PyOT\x07") # Begin loading items sys.modules["game.item"].loadItems() # Reset online status print "> > Reseting players online status...", sql.conn.runOperation("UPDATE players SET online = 0") print "%40s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") globalData = sql.conn.runQuery( "SELECT `key`, `data`, `type` FROM `globals` WHERE `world_id` = %s" % config.worldId) groupData = sql.conn.runQuery( "SELECT `group_id`, `group_name`, `group_flags` FROM `groups`") houseData = sql.conn.runQuery( "SELECT `id`,`owner`,`guild`,`paid`,`name`,`town`,`size`,`rent`,`data` FROM `houses` WHERE `world_id` = %s" % config.worldId) # Globalize certain things print "> > Globalize data...", const = sys.modules["game.const"] __builtin__.const = const for i in dir(const): if not "__" in i: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(const, i)) for i in dir(sys.modules["game.errors"]): if not "__" in i: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(sys.modules["game.errors"], i)) for i in sys.modules["game.functions"].globalize: setattr(__builtin__, i, getattr(sys.modules["game.functions"], i)) print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") __builtin__.sql = sql.conn __builtin__.config = config __builtin__.userconfig = userconfig import game.pathfinder __builtin__.register = game.scriptsystem.register __builtin__.registerFirst = game.scriptsystem.registerFirst __builtin__.registerForAttr = game.scriptsystem.registerForAttr __builtin__.registerClass = game.scriptsystem.registerClass __builtin__.defer = defer __builtin__.reactor = reactor __builtin__.functions = game.functions __builtin__.sys = sys __builtin__.math = math __builtin__.returnValue = returnValue __builtin__.Deferred = Deferred __builtin__.deque = deque __builtin__.random = random __builtin__.time = time = re __builtin__.spell = game.spell # Simplefy spell making __builtin__.callLater = reactor.callLater __builtin__.Item = game.item.Item __builtin__.itemAttribute = game.item.attribute __builtin__.cid = game.item.cid __builtin__.idByName = game.item.idByName __builtin__.getTile = __builtin__.setTile = __builtin__.getTileConst = __builtin__.Boost = game.conditions.Boost __builtin__.MultiCondition = game.conditions.MultiCondition __builtin__.itemAttribute = game.item.attribute __builtin__.getHouseId = __builtin__.Position = game.position.Position __builtin__.StackPosition = game.position.StackPosition __builtin__.getHouseById = __builtin__.getGuildById = game.guild.getGuildById __builtin__.getGuildByName = game.guild.getGuildByName __builtin__.logger = sys.modules["game.logger"] # Resources __builtin__.genMonster = __builtin__.genNPC = game.npc.genNPC __builtin__.genQuest = game.resource.genQuest __builtin__.genOutfit = game.resource.genOutfit __builtin__.genMount = game.resource.genMount __builtin__.regVocation = game.vocation.regVocation # Spells __builtin__.typeToEffect = game.spell.typeToEffect # Grab them __builtin__.getNPC = game.npc.getNPC __builtin__.getMonster = # Used alot in monster and npcs __builtin__.chance = # We use this in the import system __builtin__.scriptInitPaths = game.scriptsystem.scriptInitPaths # Access __builtin__.access = game.scriptsystem.access # Conditions __builtin__.Condition = game.conditions.Condition __builtin__.Boost = game.conditions.Boost __builtin__.CountdownCondition = game.conditions.CountdownCondition __builtin__.PercentCondition = game.conditions.PercentCondition __builtin__.MultiCondition = game.conditions.MultiCondition __builtin__.RepeatCondition = game.conditions.RepeatCondition # Pathfinder __builtin__.pathfinder = game.pathfinder # Deathlist __builtin__.deathlist = game.deathlist # Bans __builtin__.ipIsBanned = game.ban.ipIsBanned __builtin__.playerIsBanned = game.ban.playerIsBanned __builtin__.accountIsBanned = game.ban.accountIsBanned __builtin__.addBan = game.ban.addBan # Market __builtin__.getMarket = __builtin__.newMarket = # Creature and Player class. Mainly for test and savings. __builtin__.Creature = game.creature.Creature __builtin__.Player = game.player.Player __builtin__.Monster = # JSON __builtin__.json = otjson # Web if config.enableWebProtocol: import core.service.webserver __builtin__.WebPage = core.service.webserver.Page from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET __builtin__.NOT_DONE_YET = NOT_DONE_YET class Globalizer(object): __slots__ = () monster = npc = game.npc creature = game.creature player = game.player map = item = game.item scriptsystem = game.scriptsystem spell = game.spell resource = game.resource vocation = game.vocation const = game.const house = guild = game.guild party = errors = game.errors chat = deathlist = game.deathlist ban = game.ban market = = Globalizer() print "> > Loading global data...", for x in (yield globalData): if x['type'] == 'json': game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = otjson.loads(x['data']) elif x['type'] == 'pickle': game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = pickle.loads(x['data']) else: game.functions.globalStorage[x['key']] = x['data'] print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading groups...", for x in (yield groupData): game.functions.groups[x['group_id']] = (x['group_name'], otjson.loads(x['group_flags'])) print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading guilds...", game.guild.load() print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading bans...", game.ban.refresh() print "%60s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading market...", print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") print "> > Loading house data...", for x in (yield houseData):[int(x['id'])] = int(x['id']), int(x['owner']), x['guild'], x['paid'], x['name'], x['town'], x['size'], x['rent'], x['data']) print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Load scripts print "> > Loading scripts...", game.scriptsystem.importer() game.scriptsystem.get("startup").runSync() print "%55s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Load map (if configurated to do so) if config.loadEntierMap: print "> > Loading the entier map...", begin = time.time() files = glob.glob('%s/%s/*.sec' % (config.dataDirectory, config.mapDirectory)) for fileSec in files: x, y, junk = fileSec.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.') x = int(x) y = int(y) iX = x // iY = y // sectorSum = (iX << 11) + iY, y, 0, sectorSum, False) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor( "\t[DONE, took: %f]" % (time.time() - begin), "blue") # Charge rent? def _charge(house): callLater( config.chargeRentEvery, game.functions.looper, lambda: game.scriptsystem.get("chargeRent").runSync(None, house=house)) for house in if not or not house.owner: continue if house.paid < (timer - config.chargeRentEvery): game.scriptsystem.get("chargeRent").runSync(None, house=house) _charge(house) else: callLater((timer - house.paid) % config.chargeRentEvery, _charge, house) # Loading languages if config.enableTranslations: print "> > Loading languages... ", if language.LANGUAGES: print "%s\n" % _txtColor(language.LANGUAGES.keys(), "yellow") else: print "%s\n" % _txtColor( "No languages found, falling back to defaults!", "red") # Load protocols print "> > Loading game protocols...", for version in config.supportProtocols: game.protocol.loadProtocol(version) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Do we issue saves? if config.doSaveAll and not IS_IN_TEST: print "> > Schedule global save...", reactor.callLater(config.saveEvery, game.functions.looper, game.functions.saveAll, config.saveEvery) print "%50s\n" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") # Do we save on shutdowns? if config.saveOnShutdown: game.scriptsystem.get("shutdown").register( lambda **k: game.functions.saveAll(True), False) # Reset online status on shutdown game.scriptsystem.get("shutdown").register( lambda **k: sql.conn.runOperation("UPDATE players SET online = 0"), False) # Light stuff if not IS_IN_TEST: print "> > Turn world time and light on...", lightchecks = config.tibiaDayLength / float(config.tibiaFullDayLight - config.tibiaNightLight) reactor.callLater(lightchecks, game.functions.looper, game.functions.checkLightLevel, lightchecks) print "%45s" % _txtColor("\t[DONE]", "blue") reactor.callLater(60, game.functions.looper, pathfinder.RouteCache.clear, 60) # Now we're online :) print _txtColor("Message of the Day: %s" % config.motd, "red") log.msg("Loading complete in %fs, everything is ready to roll" % (time.time() - timer)) global IS_ONLINE IS_ONLINE = True print "\n\t\t%s\n" % _txtColor("[SERVER IS NOW OPEN!]", "green")