Пример #1
def list_calendar(request):
    Lists the calendars.

    Request: None; method is GET

    Response: use JSON string
            "id": integer id of a calendar,
            "title": string,
            "color": integer index of predefined colors,
            "enabeld": boolean

    items = Calendar.objects.filter(owner=request.user) 
    result = []
    for item in items:
            'id': item.id,
            'title': item.title,
            'color': item.color,
            'enabled': item.enabled,
    return respond_as_json(request, result)
Пример #2
def get_schedule(request):
    Get a single schedule item.

    Request: use GET parameters
    - id : integer id of an item

    Response: use JSON string
        "result":"OK" | "NOT_FOUND" | "FAILED",
        "item": {
            (same as above)

        item = Schedule.objects.get(id__exact=request.POST['id'])
        result = {'result':'OK', 'item':{
            'id': item.id,
            'calendar': item.belongs_to.id,
            'summary': item.summary,
            'location': item.location,
            'description': item.description,
            'date': item.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'time_start': item.time_start.hour * 60 + item.time_start.minute,
            'time_end': item.time_end.hour * 60 + item.time_end.minute,
    except Schedule.DoesNotExist:
        result = {'result':'NOT_FOUND'}
    except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        result = {'result':'FAILED'}
    return respond_as_json(request, result)
Пример #3
def add_schedule(request):
    Adds a schedule item.
    Currently does not support repeated schedules.

    Request: use POST parameters
    - type : "repeated" | "single"
    - calendar : integer id of a calendar which will include this item
    - summary : user string (max 120 chars)
    - location : user string (max 120 chars, optional)
    - range : integer; 0 (일일), 1 (종일)
    - description : user string (long, optional) - date : "YYYY-MM-DD"
    - time_start : integer representing minutes from 00:00
    - time_end : integer representing minutes from 00:00

    You should refer ScheduleForm in forms.py.
    It will validate the input from the web browser.

    Response: use JSON string
        "result": "OK" | "NOT_FOUND" | "FAILED",
        "id": integer id of the created item,

    def int2time(i):
        hour = i / 60
        minute = i % 60
        return time(hour=hour, minute=minute)

    if request.method == 'POST':
            item = Schedule()
            f = ScheduleCreateForm(request.POST)
            if f.is_valid():
                item.summary = f.cleaned_data['summary']
                item.location = f.cleaned_data['location']
                item.description = f.cleaned_data['description']
                item.range = f.cleaned_data['range']
                item.date = f.cleaned_data['date']
                item.begin = int2time(f.cleaned_data['time_start'])
                item.end= int2time(f.cleaned_data['time_end'])
                item.belongs_to = Calendar.objects.get(id__exact=f.cleaned_data['calendar'])
                result = {'result':'OK', 'item':{'id':item.id}}
                result = {'result':'FAILED'}
        except Calendar.DoesNotExist:
            result = {'result':'NOT_FOUND'}
        #except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
        #    result = {'result':'FAILED2'}
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Should be called with POST method.')
    return respond_as_json(request, result)
Пример #4
def list_schedule(request):
    Lists schedule items within a specific date range.

    Request: use GET parameters
    - date_start : "YYYY-MM-DD"
    - date_end : "YYYY-MM-DD"
    Response: use JSON string
            "id": integer id of an item,
            "calendar": integer id of the calendar to which this belongs,
            "summary": string,
            "location": string or null,
            "range": integer; 0 (일일), 1 (종일)
            "description": string or null,
            "date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            "time_start": integer representing minutes from 00:00,
            "time_end": integer representing minutes from 00:00

    f = ScheduleListForm(request.GET)
    print 'processing list_schedule()'
    if f.is_valid():
        date_start = f.cleaned_data['date_start']
        date_end = f.cleaned_data['date_end']
        if date_start > date_end:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest('Ending date should be later than starting date.')
        result = []

        # Auto-update schedules from timetables
        current_week_start = date_start - timedelta(days = (date_start.toordinal() % 7), hours=0, minutes=0)
        timetable_calendar = get_system_calendar(request.user, 'timetable')
        # TODO: cache!
        lectures = fetch_taking_courses(int(request.user.userprofile.student_id))

        # For all lectures I'm taking, with someday iteration from date_start to date_end and within the semester,
        # fetch class times which belongs to someday.
        for lecture in lectures:
            print 'Taking course : %s' % lecture.code
            for someday in date_range(date_start, date_end):
                if is_in_current_semester(someday) and not is_in_exam_periods(someday) and not is_holiday(someday):
                    class_times = lecture.classtime_set.filter(day=someday.weekday())
                    for class_time in class_times:
                        # TODO: 과목시간표에 대한 30분 단위 올림 처리
                            'id': -1, # This is a virtual schedule item, so users cannot modify it.
                            'calendar': timetable_calendar.id,
                            'color': timetable_calendar.color,
                            'summary': u'%s%s' % (lecture.title, u' (실험)' if class_time.type == 'e' else u''),
                            'location': class_time.get_location(),
                            'range': 0, # 일일 일정
                            'description': u'',
                            'date': someday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                            'time_start': class_time.begin.hour * 60 + class_time.begin.minute,
                            'time_end': class_time.end.hour * 60 + class_time.end.minute,

        items = Schedule.objects.filter(belongs_to__owner=request.user, date__gte=date_start, date__lte=date_end)
        for item in items:
                'id': item.id,
                'calendar': item.belongs_to.id,
                'color': item.belongs_to.color,
                'summary': item.summary,
                'location': item.location,
                'range': item.range,
                'description': item.description,
                'date': item.date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
                'time_start': item.begin.hour * 60 + item.begin.minute,
                'time_end': item.end.hour * 60 + item.end.minute,
        return respond_as_json(request, result)
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid parameters (date_start, date_end)')
Пример #5
            item = Calendar.objects.get(id__exact=id)
            if request.POST.has_key('color'):
                item.color = int(request.POST['color'])
            if request.POST.has_key('title'):
                item.title = request.POST['title']
            if request.POST.has_key('enabled'):
                item.enabled = bool(request.POST['enabled'])
            result = {'result':'OK'}
        except Calendar.DoesNotExist:
            result = {'result':'NOT_FOUND'}
        except TypeError, ValueError:
            result = {'result':'FAILED'}
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Should be called with POST method')
    return respond_as_json(request, result)

def list_schedule(request):
    Lists schedule items within a specific date range.

    Request: use GET parameters
    - date_start : "YYYY-MM-DD"
    - date_end : "YYYY-MM-DD"
    Response: use JSON string
            "id": integer id of an item,
            "calendar": integer id of the calendar to which this belongs,