Пример #1
 def load(self):
     """A second __init__ that is delayed, solves some circular references"""
     # Automatic paths #
     self.base_dir = self.out_dir + self.id_name + '/'
     self.p = AutoPaths(self.base_dir, self.all_paths)
     # Make an alias to the json #
     self.p.info_json.link_from(self.json_path, safe=True)
     # Children #
     # Raw file pairs #
     self.fwd_path = home + "ILLUMITAG/INBOX/%s/%s/%s" % (self.run.label, self.label, self.info['forward_reads'])
     self.rev_path = home + "ILLUMITAG/INBOX/%s/%s/%s" % (self.run.label, self.label, self.info['reverse_reads'])
     self.fwd = FASTQ(self.fwd_path)
     self.rev = FASTQ(self.rev_path)
     self.fastq = PairedFASTQ(self.fwd.path, self.rev.path, self)
     # Barcode length #
     self.bar_len = self.samples.bar_len
     # Make Outcomes #
     self.no_barcodes   = NoBarcode(self)
     self.one_barcodes  = OneBarcode(self)
     self.same_barcodes = SameBarcode(self)
     self.bad_barcodes  = BadBarcode(self)
     self.good_barcodes = GoodBarcode(self)
     self.outcomes = (self.good_barcodes, self.no_barcodes, self.one_barcodes, self.same_barcodes, self.bad_barcodes)
     self.children = self.outcomes
     # The good reads #
     self.quality_reads = QualityReads(self.good_barcodes.assembled.good_primers.len_filtered, self)
     self.fractions = Fractions(self)
     # Runner #
     self.runner = PoolRunner(self)
     # Graphs #
     self.graphs = [getattr(pool_plots, cls_name)(self) for cls_name in pool_plots.__all__]
     # Loaded #
     self.loaded = True
     # Return self for convenience #
     return self