Пример #1
    def instantiate_scene(scene: Scene, ontology: Ontology) -> Ontology:
        with ontology:
            def common_attributes(x: EntityInstance) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                result = {
                    'velocity': x.values.velocity,
                    'direction': ontology.Direction.from_string(x.values.orientation),
                    'length': x.values.length,
                    'width': x.values.width,
                    'height': x.values.height,
                    'lateral_distance': x.values.distance_lat,
                    'longitudinal_distance': x.values.distance_long,
                    'euclidean_distance': math.sqrt((x.values.distance_lat or 0) ** 2 +
                                                    (x.values.distance_long or 0) ** 2)
                return result

            entities: Dict[str, Tuple[EntityInstance, Thing]] = {}

            for car in [e for e in scene if e.kind == Kind.Vehicle]:
                car_onto = ontology.Car(car.name, **common_attributes(car))
                entities[car.name] = (car, car_onto)

            for ped in [e for e in scene if e.kind == Kind.Pedestrian]:
                ped_onto = ontology.Pedestrian(ped.name, **common_attributes(ped))
                entities[ped.name] = (ped, ped_onto)

            for ego in [e for e in scene if e.kind == Kind.Ego]:
                ego_onto = ontology.EgoCar(ego.name, **common_attributes(ego))
                entities[ego.name] = (ego, ego_onto)

            return ontology
Пример #2
def get_ontology(base_iri='emmo-inferred.owl', verbose=False):
    """Returns a new Ontology from `base_iri`.

    If `verbose` is true, a lot of dianostics is written.
    if (not base_iri.endswith('/')) and (not base_iri.endswith('#')):
        base_iri = '%s#' % base_iri
    if base_iri in default_world.ontologies:
        onto = default_world.ontologies[base_iri]
        onto = Ontology(default_world, base_iri)
    onto._verbose = verbose
    return onto
Пример #3
def parse_ontology(ontology: Ontology, schema=OntologySchema) -> List[dict]:
    Parse an ontology from owlready2.Ontology to a list of dicts with
    the domain fields forOntologyTerm
    By default it uses the OBO Schema for the definition and synonyms annotations.
    :param ontology: owlready2.Ontology to parse
    :param schema: schema class extending OntologySchema
    :return ontology_terms: list of dicts containing ontology terms
    ontology_terms = []
    for ontology_class in ontology.classes():
        ontology_id = ontology.name
        ontology_term_id = ontology_class.name
        term_label = ontology_class.label
        term_definition = _collect_annotations(
            ontology_class, [schema.DEFINITION_ANNOTATION]
        synonyms = _collect_annotations(ontology_class, schema.SYNONYM_ANNOTATIONS)
        parents = [
            for parent in ontology_class.is_a
            if isinstance(parent, ThingClass)
        children = [
            for child in ontology_class.subclasses()
            if isinstance(child, ThingClass)
        ontology_term = {
            "ontologyId": ontology_id,
            "ontologyTermId": ontology_term_id,
            "label": term_label,
            "description": term_definition,
            "synonyms": synonyms,
            "parents": parents,
            "children": children,
    return ontology_terms
Пример #4
    def __build_concepts_mapping(
            onto: Ontology) -> Tuple[Dict, Concept, Concept]:
        Construct a mapping from full_iri to corresponding Concept objects.

        concept.namespace.base_iri + concept.name
        mappings from concepts uri to concept objects
            1) full_iri:= owlready2.ThingClass.namespace.base_iri +
            2) Concept:
        concepts = dict()
        individuals = set()
        T = Concept(owlready2.Thing,
                    kwargs={'form': 'Class'},
        bottom = Concept(owlready2.Nothing,
                         kwargs={'form': 'Class'},
        for i in onto.classes():
            temp_concept = Concept(i,
                                   kwargs={'form': 'Class'},
            concepts[temp_concept.full_iri] = temp_concept
            assert T.instances  # if empty throw error.
            assert individuals.issubset(T.instances)
        except AssertionError:
            print('Sanity checking failed: owlready2. \
                Thing does not contain any individual.\
                To allivate this issue, we explicitly \
                assign all individuals/instances to concept T.')
            T.instances = individuals

        concepts[T.full_iri] = T
        concepts[bottom.full_iri] = bottom
        return concepts, T, bottom
 def __init__(self):
     name = None
     Ontology.__init__(self, default_world, onto.base_iri, name=name)
 def __init__(self, default_world, base_iri, name=None):
     Ontology.__init__(self, default_world, base_iri, name=name)
Пример #7
    def __build_hierarchy(self, onto: Ontology) -> None:
        Builds concept sub and super classes hierarchies.

        1) self.top_down_concept_hierarchy is a mapping from Concept objects to a set of Concept objects that are
        direct subclasses of given Concept object.

        2) self.down_top_concept_hierarchy is a mapping from Concept objects to set of Concept objects that are
        direct superclasses of given Concept object.
        # 1. (Mapping from string URI to Class Expressions, Thing Concept, Nothing Concept
        self.uri_to_concept, self.thing, self.nothing = parse_tbox_into_concepts(
        assert len(self.uri_to_concept) > 2

        assert self.thing.iri == 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing'
        assert self.thing.name == '⊤'

        assert self.nothing.iri == 'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Nothing'
        assert self.nothing.name == '⊥'

        self.individuals = self.thing.instances
        self.down_top_concept_hierarchy[self.thing] = set()

        for IRI, concept_A in self.uri_to_concept.items(
        ):  # second loop over concepts in the execution,
            assert IRI == concept_A.iri
                assert len(onto.search(iri=IRI)) == 1
            except AssertionError:
                # Thing and Nothing is not added into hierarchy
                assert IRI in [
                assert concept_A.name in ['⊤', '⊥']
            owlready_concept_A = onto.search(iri=concept_A.iri)[0]
            assert owlready_concept_A.iri == concept_A.iri
            self.__concept_hierarchy_fill(owlready_concept_A, concept_A)
            self.__direct_concept_hierarchy_fill(owlready_concept_A, concept_A,

            # All concepts are subsumed by Thing.

            # All concepts subsume Nothing.


        # Sanity checking
        # 1. Did we parse classes correctly ?
        owlready2_classes = {i.iri for i in onto.classes()}
        our_classes = {k for k, v in self.uri_to_concept.items()}
            assert our_classes.issuperset(owlready2_classes) and (
                our_classes.difference(owlready2_classes) == {
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError('Assertion error => at superset checking.')

            # Thing subsumes all parsed concept except itself.
            assert len(self.top_down_concept_hierarchy[self.thing]) == (
                len(our_classes) - 1)
            assert len(self.down_top_concept_hierarchy[self.nothing]) == (
                len(our_classes) - 1)
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Assertion error => at concept hierarchy checking.')

        # start from here
            assert len(self.down_top_concept_hierarchy[self.nothing]) == (
                len(our_classes) - 1)
            assert len(self.top_down_direct_concept_hierarchy[self.thing]) >= 1
        except AssertionError:
            raise AssertionError(
                'Assertion error => total number of parsed concept checking')

        # 2. Did we create top down direct concept hierarchy correctly ?
        for concept, direct_sub_concepts in self.top_down_direct_concept_hierarchy.items(
            for dsc in direct_sub_concepts:
                assert concept.instances.issuperset(dsc.instances)

        # 3. Did we create top down concept hierarchy correctly ?
        for concept, direct_sub_concepts in self.top_down_concept_hierarchy.items(
            for dsc in direct_sub_concepts:
                assert concept.instances.issuperset(dsc.instances)

        # 3. Did we create down top direct concept hierarchy correctly ?
        for concept, direct_super_concepts in self.down_top_direct_concept_hierarchy.items(
            for dsc in direct_super_concepts:
                assert concept.instances.issubset(dsc.instances)

        # 4. Did we create down top concept hierarchy correctly ?
        for concept, direct_super_concepts in self.down_top_concept_hierarchy.items(
            for dsc in direct_super_concepts:
                    assert concept.instances.issubset(dsc.instances)
                except AssertionError:
                    raise AssertionError('Subset error')
Пример #8
 def save_as_xml(file: str, ontology: Ontology):
     if not file.endswith(".rdf.xml"):
         file = file + ".rdf.xml"