def pytest_clean_artifacts(dir_name: str, preview: bool = False) -> None:
    _LOG.warning("Cleaning pytest artifacts")
    dbg.dassert_ne(dir_name, "")
    if preview:
        _LOG.warning("Preview only: nothing will be deleted")
    # Show before cleaning.
    file_names = pytest_show_artifacts(dir_name, tag="Before cleaning")
    # Clean.
    for f in file_names:
        exists = os.path.exists(f)
        _LOG.debug("%s -> exists=%s", f, exists)
        if exists:
            if not preview:
                if os.path.isdir(f):
                elif os.path.isfile(f):
                    raise ValueError("Can't delete %s" % f)
                _LOG.debug("rm %s", f)
    # Show after cleaning.
    file_names = pytest_show_artifacts(dir_name, tag="After cleaning")
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(file_names), 0)
Пример #2
def frame(
    message: str,
    char1: Optional[str] = None,
    num_chars: Optional[int] = None,
    char2: Optional[str] = None,
    thickness: int = 1,
) -> str:
    """Print a frame around a message."""
    # Fill in the default values.
    if char1 is None:
        # User didn't specify any char.
        char1 = char2 = "#"
    elif char1 is not None and char2 is None:
        # User specified only one char.
        char2 = char1
    elif char1 is None and char2 is not None:
        # User specified the second char, but not the first.
        dbg.dfatal("Invalid char1='%s' char2='%s'" % (char1, char2))
        # User specified both chars. Nothing to do.
    num_chars = 80 if num_chars is None else num_chars
    # Sanity check.
    dbg.dassert_lte(1, thickness)
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(char1), 1)
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(char2), 1)
    dbg.dassert_lte(1, num_chars)
    # Build the return value.
    ret = ((line(char1, num_chars) + "\n") * thickness + message + "\n" +
           (line(char2, num_chars) + "\n") * thickness).rstrip("\n")
    return ret
def kill_process(
    get_pids: Callable[[], Tuple[List[int], str]],
    timeout_in_secs: int = 5,
    polltime_in_secs: float = 0.1,
) -> None:
    """Kill all the processes returned by the function `get_pids()`.

    :param timeout_in_secs: how many seconds to wait at most before giving up
    :param polltime_in_secs: how often to check for dead processes
    pids, txt = get_pids()"Killing %d pids (%s)\n%s", len(pids), pids, "\n".join(txt))
    if not pids:
    for pid in pids:
            os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL)
        except ProcessLookupError as e:
    #"Waiting %d processes (%s) to die", len(pids), pids)
    import tqdm

    for _ in tqdm.tqdm(range(int(timeout_in_secs / polltime_in_secs))):
        pids, _ = get_pids()
        if not pids:
    pids, txt = get_pids()
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(pids), 0, "Processes are still alive:%s",
                   "\n".join(txt))"Processes dead")
Пример #4
def get_repo_symbolic_name_from_dirname(git_dir: str) -> str:
    """Return the name of the repo in `git_dir`.

    E.g., "alphamatic/amp", "ParticleDev/commodity_research"
    cmd = "cd %s; (git remote -v | grep fetch)" % git_dir
    # TODO(gp): Make it more robust, by checking both fetch and push.
    # "origin  [email protected]:alphamatic/amp (fetch)"
    _, output = si.system_to_string(cmd)
    data: List[str] = output.split()
    _LOG.debug("data=%s", data)
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(data), 3, "data='%s'", str(data))
    # [email protected]:alphamatic/amp
    repo_name = data[1]
    m = re.match(r"^.*\.com:(.*)$", repo_name)
    dbg.dassert(m, "Can't parse '%s'", repo_name)
    repo_name =  # type: ignore
    _LOG.debug("repo_name=%s", repo_name)
    # We expect something like "alphamatic/amp".
    m = re.match(r"^\S+/\S+$", repo_name)
    dbg.dassert(m, "repo_name='%s'", repo_name)
    # origin  [email protected]:ParticleDev/ORG_Particle.git (fetch)
    suffix_to_remove = ".git"
    if repo_name.endswith(suffix_to_remove):
        repo_name = repo_name[:-len(suffix_to_remove)]
    return repo_name
def get_first_line(output: str) -> str:
    """Return the first (and only) line from a string.

    This is used when calling system_to_string() and expecting a single
    line output.
    output = prnt.remove_empty_lines(output)
    output_as_arr: List[str] = output.split("\n")
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(output_as_arr), 1, "output='%s'", output)
    output = output_as_arr[0]
    output = output.rstrip().lstrip()
    return output
Пример #6
def validate_datetime(timestamp: DATETIME_TYPE) -> pd.Timestamp:
    Assert that timestamp is in UTC, convert to pd.Timestamp.

    :param timestamp: datetime object or pd.Timestamp
    :return: tz-aware pd.Timestamp
    dbg.dassert_type_in(timestamp, [pd.Timestamp, datetime.datetime])
    pd_timestamp = pd.Timestamp(timestamp)
    dbg.dassert(pd_timestamp.tzinfo, "Timestamp should be tz-aware.")
    dbg.dassert_eq(, "UTC", "Timezone should be UTC.")
    return pd_timestamp
Пример #7
def get_client_root(super_module: bool) -> str:
    """Return the full path of the root of the Git client.

    E.g., `/Users/saggese/src/.../amp`.

    :param super_module: if True use the root of the Git _super_module,
        if we are in a submodule. Otherwise use the Git _sub_module root
    if super_module and is_inside_submodule():
        cmd = "git rev-parse --show-superproject-working-tree"
        cmd = "git rev-parse --show-toplevel"
    _, out = si.system_to_string(cmd)
    out = out.rstrip("\n")
    dbg.dassert_eq(len(out.split("\n")), 1, msg="Invalid out='%s'" % out)
    client_root: str = os.path.realpath(out)
    return client_root
Пример #8
def get_amp_abs_path() -> str:
    """Return the absolute path of `amp` dir."""
    repo_sym_name = get_repo_symbolic_name(super_module=False)
    if repo_sym_name == "alphamatic/amp":
        # If we are in the amp repo, then the git client root is the amp
        # directory.
        git_root = get_client_root(super_module=False)
        amp_dir = git_root
        # If we are not in the amp repo, then look for the amp dir.
        amp_dir = find_file_in_git_tree("amp", super_module=True)
        git_root = get_client_root(super_module=True)
        amp_dir = os.path.join(git_root, amp_dir)
    amp_dir = os.path.abspath(amp_dir)
    # Sanity check.
    if si.get_user_name() != "jenkins":
        # Jenkins checks out amp repo in directories with different names,
        # e.g.,
        dbg.dassert_eq(os.path.basename(amp_dir), "amp")
    return amp_dir
def _system(
    cmd: str,
    abort_on_error: bool,
    suppress_error: Optional[Any],
    suppress_output: bool,
    blocking: bool,
    wrapper: Optional[Any],
    output_file: Optional[Any],
    tee: bool,
    dry_run: bool,
    log_level: Union[int, str],
) -> Tuple[int, str]:
    """Execute a shell command.

    :param cmd: string with command to execute
    :param abort_on_error: whether we should assert in case of error or not
    :param suppress_error: set of error codes to suppress
    :param suppress_output: whether to print the output or not
        - If "on_debug_level" then print the output if the log level is DEBUG
    :param blocking: blocking system call or not
    :param wrapper: another command to prepend the execution of cmd
    :param output_file: redirect stdout and stderr to this file
    :param tee: if True, tee stdout and stderr to output_file
    :param dry_run: just print the final command but not execute it
    :param log_level: print the command to execute at level "log_level".
        - If "echo" then print the command line to screen as print and not
    :return: return code (int), output of the command (str)
    orig_cmd = cmd[:]
    # Prepare the command line.
    cmd = "(%s)" % cmd
    dbg.dassert_imply(tee, output_file is not None)
    if output_file is not None:
        dir_name = os.path.dirname(output_file)
        if not os.path.exists(dir_name):
            _LOG.debug("Dir '%s' doesn't exist: creating", dir_name)
            dbg.dassert(bool(dir_name), "dir_name='%s'", dir_name)
        if tee:
            cmd += " 2>&1 | tee %s" % output_file
            cmd += " 2>&1 >%s" % output_file
        cmd += " 2>&1"
    if wrapper:
        cmd = wrapper + " && " + cmd
    # TODO(gp): Add a check for the valid values.
    # TODO(gp): Make it "ECHO".
    if isinstance(log_level, str):
        dbg.dassert_eq(log_level, "echo")
        print("> %s" % orig_cmd)
        _LOG.debug("> %s", cmd)
        _LOG.log(log_level, "> %s", cmd)
    dbg.dassert_in(suppress_output, ("ON_DEBUG_LEVEL", True, False))
    if suppress_output == "ON_DEBUG_LEVEL":
        # print("eff_lev=%s" % eff_level)
        # print("lev=%s" % logging.DEBUG)
        # Suppress the output if the verbosity level is higher than DEBUG,
        # otherwise print.
        suppress_output = _LOG.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.DEBUG
    output = ""
    if dry_run:
        _LOG.warning("Not executing cmd\n%s\nas per user request", cmd)
        rc = 0
        return rc, output
    # Execute the command.
        stdout = subprocess.PIPE
        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
        output = ""
        if blocking:
            # Blocking call: get the output.
            while True:
                line = p.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8")  # type: ignore
                if not line:
                if not suppress_output:
                output += line
            p.stdout.close()  # type: ignore
            rc = p.wait()
            # Not blocking.
            # Wait until process terminates (without using p.wait()).
            max_cnt = 20
            cnt = 0
            while p.poll() is None:
                # Process hasn't exited yet, let's wait some time.
                cnt += 1
                _LOG.debug("cnt=%s, rc=%s", cnt, p.returncode)
                if cnt > max_cnt:
            if cnt > max_cnt:
                # Timeout: we assume it worked.
                rc = 0
                rc = p.returncode
        if suppress_error is not None:
            dbg.dassert_isinstance(suppress_error, set)
            if rc in suppress_error:
                rc = 0
    except OSError as e:
        rc = -1
        _LOG.error("error=%s", str(e))
    _LOG.debug("rc=%s", rc)
    if abort_on_error and rc != 0:
        msg = ("\n" + prnt.frame("cmd='%s' failed with rc='%s'" % (cmd, rc)) +
               "\nOutput of the failing command is:\n%s\n%s\n%s" %
               (prnt.line(">"), output, prnt.line("<")))
        _LOG.error("%s", msg)
        raise RuntimeError("cmd='%s' failed with rc='%s'" % (cmd, rc))
    # dbg.dassert_type_in(output, (str, ))
    return rc, output