Пример #1
    def topologyDistanceMatrix(self, metric='sd', resetSplitKeySet=False):
        """Returns a DistanceMatrix object showing topology distances.

        Uses the :meth:`p4.tree.Tree.topologyDistance` method to compare
        trees.  That method returns distances between pairs of trees,
        and this method simply collates those distances into a
        :class:`p4.distancematrix.DistanceMatrix` object, which is

        See :meth:`p4.tree.Tree.topologyDistance` for an explanation of the
        different metrics.  

        from p4.distancematrix import DistanceMatrix
        d = DistanceMatrix()
        d.names = []
        for t in self.trees:
        d.dim = len(d.names)
        # print d.names
        # sys.exit()
        d.matrix = []
        for i in range(d.dim):
            d.matrix.append([0.0] * d.dim)

        for i in range(d.dim):
            t1 = self.trees[i]
            for j in range(i + 1, d.dim):
                t2 = self.trees[j]
                theDist = t1.topologyDistance(
                    t2, metric=metric, resetSplitKeySet=resetSplitKeySet)
                d.matrix[i][j] = theDist
                d.matrix[j][i] = theDist
        return d
Пример #2
    def patristicDistanceMatrix(self):
        """Matrix of distances along tree path.

        This method sums the branch lengths between each pair of taxa, and
        puts the result in a DistanceMatrix object, which is returned.

        Self.taxNames is required.

        gm = ['Tree.patristicDistanceMatrix()']

        if not self.taxNames:
            gm.append("No taxNames.")
            raise P4Error(gm)

        # The tree will be rearranged, so make a copy to play with, so
        # self is undisturbed.
        t = self.dupe()

        d = DistanceMatrix()
        d.names = self.taxNames
        d.dim = len(d.names)
        # print d.names
        d.matrix = []
        for i in range(d.dim):
            d.matrix.append([0.0] * d.dim)

        for i in range(d.dim):
            n1 = t.node(d.names[i])
            t.reRoot(n1, moveInternalName=False)
            for j in range(i + 1, d.dim):
                n2 = t.node(d.names[j])
                # sum up distances between n1 and n2
                sum = n2.br.len
                n2 = n2.parent
                while n2 != n1:
                    sum = sum + n2.br.len
                    n2 = n2.parent
                # print "Dist from %s to %s is %f" % (d.names[i], d.names[j],
                # sum)
                d.matrix[i][j] = sum
                d.matrix[j][i] = sum
        return d