def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Initialization. isOK = True log = self.GetLog() # . Paths. sourcePath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_ROOT"), "molecularStructures", "gaussianGeometryOptimization") statesPath = os.path.join(sourcePath, "states.yaml") xyzPaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(sourcePath, "xyz", "*.xyz")) xyzPaths.sort() # . Get the states. states = YAMLUnpickle(statesPath) # . Loop over the molecules. reports = {} numberNotConverged = 0 for xyzPath in xyzPaths: # . Basic set up. label = os.path.split(xyzPath)[1][0:-4] (charge, multiplicity) = states.get(label, (0, 1)) system = XYZFile_ToSystem(xyzPath) system.electronicState = ElectronicState(charge=charge, multiplicity=multiplicity) system.DefineQCModel(QCModelMNDO("am1", isSpinRestricted=True)) system.Summary(log=log) # . Skip molecules that are too large. if len(system.atoms) > _MaximumMoleculeSize: continue # . Loop over the optimizers. tagReports = {} for (tag, minimizer, options) in _Minimizers: # . Reset the system. system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzPath) system.Energy(log=log) # . Minimization. keywordArguments = dict(options) keywordArguments["log"] = log cpu = CPUTime() tagReports[tag] = minimizer(system, **keywordArguments) tagReports[tag]["CPU Time"] = cpu.Current() if not tagReports[tag].get("Converged", False): numberNotConverged += 1 # . Save the results. reports[label] = tagReports # . Finish up. self.ReportsSummary(reports, log=log) self.assertTrue(numberNotConverged == 0)
def GetSystem ( self, log = logFile ): """Get the system.""" if self.setUpType == "CHARMM": parameters = CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters ( self.parameterFiles, log = log ) system = CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem ( self.setUpFile, isXPLOR = True, log = log, parameters = parameters ) elif self.setUpType == "MOL" : system = MOLFile_ToSystem ( self.setUpFile ) elif self.setUpType == "MOL2" : system = MOL2File_ToSystem ( self.setUpFile ) if self.xyzFile is not None: system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3 ( self.xyzFile ) if self.mmModel is not None: system.DefineMMModel ( self.mmModel ) if self.hasSymmetry: system.DefineSymmetry ( crystalClass = CrystalClassCubic ( ), a = self.a ) system.label = self.label system.Summary ( log = log ) return system
def GetSystem ( self, log = logFile ): """Get the system.""" # . Set up the system with an MM model if it exists. if self.setUpMode == "amber": system = AmberTopologyFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.amberTopologyFile ), log = log, mmModel = self.mmModel ) system.coordinates3 = AmberCrdFile_ToCoordinates3 ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.setUpCoordinatesFile ), log = log ) elif self.setUpMode == "mol": system = MOLFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.setUpCoordinatesFile ) ) if self.mmModel is not None: system.DefineMMModel ( self.mmModel ) elif self.setUpMode == "xyz": system = XYZFile_ToSystem ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.setUpCoordinatesFile ) ) else: raise ValueError ( "Invalid set up mode: {:s}.".format ( self.setUpMode ) ) # . Finish energy model set up. if self.qcModel is not None: system.DefineQCModel ( self.qcModel ) if self.nbModel is not None: system.DefineNBModel ( self.nbModel ) # . Get reactants and products. self.reactants = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3 ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.reactantsFile ) ) self.products = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3 ( os.path.join ( self.dataPath, self.productsFile ) ) # . Finish up. self.system = system return system
def SetUpSystem(path, forceNoQC=False, useSystemWithTimings=True): """Set up the system.""" # . Get system data. systemData = YAMLUnpickle(os.path.join(path, _TestDataFileName)) # . Get the parameters. parameters = CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters( glob.glob(os.path.join(path, "*.prm"))) # . Get the test name. name = os.path.split(path)[-1] # . Generate the system. system = CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(path, name + ".psfx"), isXPLOR=True, parameters=parameters) if useSystemWithTimings: system = SystemWithTimings.FromSystem(system) system.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3( os.path.join(path, name + ".xyz")) system.label = systemData["Label"] # . Symmetry. if systemData.get("Crystal Class", None) is not None: symmetryOptions = systemData["Symmetry Parameters"] symmetryOptions["crystalClass"] = _CrystalClasses[ systemData["Crystal Class"]] system.DefineSymmetry(**symmetryOptions) # . QC data. if not forceNoQC: qcData = systemData.get(_QCRegionKey, None) if qcData is not None: # . Electronic state. system.electronicState = ElectronicState( charge=qcData.get("Charge", 0), multiplicity=qcData.get("Multiplicity", 1)) # . QC atoms. qcAtoms = set() for path in qcData["Atoms"]: index = system.sequence.AtomIndex(path) qcAtoms.add(index) system.DefineQCModel(_QCModel, qcSelection=Selection(qcAtoms)) # . Finish set up. system.DefineNBModel(_NBModel) return system
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data") molPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "mol") xyzPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "bAlaConformations") log = self.GetLog() # . Conformations. xyzFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(xyzPath, "*.xyz")) xyzFiles.sort() # . Generate the molecule. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "bAla_c7eq.mol")) molecule.Summary(log=log) # . Initialization. isOK = True # . Loop over the structures in the xyz files. for xyzFile in xyzFiles: molecule.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzFile) if log is not None: conformation = os.path.split(xyzFile)[-1].split("_", 1)[-1][0:-4] log.Heading("bALA Configuration " + conformation, QBLANKLINE=True) results = CIPLabelFinder(molecule, log=log) if results is None: localIsOK = False else: ((tCenters, rtCenters, stCenters, utCenters), (dCenters, edCenters, zdCenters, udCenters)) = results localIsOK = ( len ( tCenters ) == 4 ) and ( len ( dCenters ) == 0 ) and \ ( len ( stCenters ) == 1 ) and ( len ( utCenters ) == 3 ) isOK = (isOK and localIsOK) # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(isOK)
def runTest(self): """The test.""" # . Paths. dataPath = os.path.join(os.getenv("PDYNAMO_PMOLECULE"), "data") molPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "mol") xyzPath = os.path.join(dataPath, "bAlaConformations") log = self.GetLog() # . Conformations. xyzFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(xyzPath, "*.xyz")) xyzFiles.sort() # . Generate the molecule. molecule = MOLFile_ToSystem(os.path.join(molPath, "bAla_c7eq.mol")) molecule.Summary(log=log) # . Translate to principal axes using masses as weights. masses = molecule.atoms.GetItemAttributes("mass") molecule.coordinates3.ToPrincipalAxes(weights=masses) # . Loop over structures and output at the same time. if log is not None: table = log.GetTable(columns=[20, 10]) table.Start() table.Title("Radii Of Gyration") table.Heading("Conformation") table.Heading("Value") for xyzFile in xyzFiles: conformation = os.path.split(xyzFile)[-1].split("_", 1)[-1][0:-4] coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3(xyzFile) radiusOfGyration = coordinates3.RadiusOfGyration( weights=masses) table.Entry(conformation, alignment="left") table.Entry("{:.2f}".format(radiusOfGyration)) table.Stop() # . Success/failure. self.assertTrue(True)
import os #=========================================================== logFile.Header("Infrared fluorescent protein (parent)") parameters = ( "par_all27_prot_na.inp", "par.inp", ) mol = CHARMMPSFFile_ToSystem( "parent_waterbox.psf", isXPLOR=True, parameters=CHARMMParameterFiles_ToParameters(parameters)) mol.coordinates3 = XYZFile_ToCoordinates3("") mol.Summary() trajectory = XTCTrajectoryFileReader("heat.xtc", mol) trajectory.Summary() while trajectory.RestoreOwnerData(): logFile.Text("Frame count: %d\n" % trajectory.currentFrame) XYZFile_FromSystem("" % trajectory.currentFrame, mol) trajectory.Summary() #=========================================================== # This part takes a bit more time to execute, uncomment if you like # direc = "traj" #