Пример #1
def p_file_open(fn, mode = 'r'):
    """ open files if file exists - error otherwise """
    if os.path.isfile(fn):
            f_open = open(fn, mode)
        except EnvironmentError:
            msg = (p_here('', 2) + 'unable to open file : >' + fn + '< EnvironmentError!')
            p_log_this(msg, 'error') ; print msg
            msg = (p_here('', 2) + ' file : >' + fn + '< open for ' + mode)
            return f_open
    elif (mode == 'w'):
        open(fn, 'w').close()
            f_open = open(fn, mode)
        except EnvironmentError:
            msg = (p_here('', 2) + 'unable to open file : >' + fn + '< EnvironmentError!')
            p_log_this(msg, 'error') ; print msg
            msg = (p_here('', 2) + ' file : >' + fn + '< open for ' + mode)
            return f_open
        msg = (' file : >' + fn + '< does not exist')
        p_log_this(msg, 'error'); print msg
Пример #2
def p_main_cfg_create_hash():
    """ called by >pyprogen.py< after >create_ca_parser< is called,
        i.e after a new >y_main_TimeStamp.cfg< is written.
        Calculates hash of defaults & creates section >signature<
        with items: >timestamp< and >hash< """
    p_log_this('cfg_path_tmp: ' + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp)

    parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    cfg_file = parser.read(p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp)
    try:  # read defaults and calc their hash
        defaults = parser.items("defaults")  # read section "defaults"
        defaults_str = ''
        for key_val in defaults:             # type(defaults) == list[tuple, tuple ...]
            defaults_str = defaults_str + key_val[0] + key_val[1]
        hash_md5           = hashlib.md5()
        hash_md5.update(defaults_str)            # calc hash
        hash_of_defaults   = hash_md5.hexdigest()
    except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
        p_log_this("No section: 'defaults' in: >" + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp + '< !')

    # to >y_main.cfg< add a section "signature" with hash & time_stamp
    parser.set("signature", "hash", hash_of_defaults)
    parser.set("signature", "timestamp", p_glbls.date_time_str)
    parser.write(open(p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp, "w"))
Пример #3
def p_main_was_modified(outfile_path):
    """ check if y_main.py was modified (== hash is different) """
    old_main_file = p_utils.p_file_open(outfile_path, mode = 'r')
    if not old_main_file:
        return False
    with old_main_file:
        lines = old_main_file.readlines()

    date_line = lines[0]    # first  line contains date-time string
    hash_line = lines[1]    # second line contains hash (of lines 3 to n-1) at moment of generating
    # calc hash of code, i.e. of hash all lines, ignoring first 2 lines and last line:
    code_to_hash = ''
    for line in lines[2:-1]:
        code_to_hash = code_to_hash + line

    hash_md5       = hashlib.md5()
    hash_md5.update(code_to_hash)            # calc hash
    hash_of_code   = hash_md5.hexdigest()

    old_hash_str = rgx_get_old_hash_strg(hash_line)  # get hash at moment of generating
    if old_hash_str != hash_of_code:         # hashes are identical?
        mssge = ('>' + outfile_path + '< has been modified')
        p_log_this (mssge) # ; print mssge
        return True
        p_log_this ('>' + outfile_path + '<  + is unchanged')
        return False
Пример #4
def p_file_exists (fn, print_message = False):
    """ open files if file exists - error otherwise """
    if os.path.isfile(fn):
        return True
        msg = (' file : >' + fn + '< does not exist')
        p_log_this(msg, 'error')
        if print_message: print msg
        return False
Пример #5
def p_write_code (input_dict, outfile_fn, outfile_path):
    """ writes >input_dict< to outfile """
    p_log_this('writing: ' + outfile_path)
    with open(outfile_path, 'w') as outfile:
        # outfile.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n')
        outfile.write('# ' + p_glbls.date_time_str + ' generated by: >pyprogen.py<\n')
        #for key, patt in patts.iteritems():
        for key, patt in sorted(input_dict.iteritems()):
        outfile.write('# ' + p_glbls.date_time_str)
Пример #6
def rgx_get_old_hash_strg(hash_line):
    """ extract originally calculated hash from inp_line / thx to: http://txt2re.com"""
    re1='(>)'	# Any Single Character 1
    re2='(([a-z0-9]*))'	# Alphanum 1
    re3='(<)'	# Any Single Character 2
    rg = re.compile(re1+re2+re3,re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL)
    m  = rg.search(hash_line)
    if m:
        # print c1 ; print alphanum1 ; print c2
        old_hash_str = alphanum1
        old_hash_str = 'NO_HASH_FOUND'
    return old_hash_str
Пример #7
def p_main():
    """ if (>y_main.py< exists && >y_main.py< was modified) => save it.
    else: => create new >y_main.py<  """
    outfile_fn   = p_glbls.prog_name      # fn and path of >y_main.py<
    outfile_path = os.path.join(p_glbls.dir_main, outfile_fn)
    p_log_this('creating: ' + outfile_path)

    # Make new code:
    # make txt for >if<'s for >opt_arg_vars< of commandline
    txt = ' '*4 + '# optional args(ConfArgParser):\n'
    for arg in p_glbls.opt_arg_vars:
        # txt = txt + ' '*4 + 'if ' + 'xx_glbls.arg_ns.' + arg + ' == "something":\n'
        txt = txt + ' '*4 + 'if ' + 'xx_glbls.arg_ns.' + arg + ' == xx_glbls.arg_ns.' + arg + ':\n'
        txt = txt + ' '*8 + 'eval_arg(xx_glbls.arg_ns.' + arg +')\n'
        txt = txt + '\n'

    patterns.y_main[10] = txt       # add txt to pattern
    # generate correct var names
    y_main = p_subst_vars_in_patterns (patterns.y_main)
    # now >y_main< is complete. => calculate hash for generated program:
    code = ''   # put all code parts together in ane string.
    for key, chunk in sorted(y_main.iteritems()):
        code = code + chunk

    # print '=' *40 ; print len(code)  ;print '=' *40
    hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
    hash_md5.update(code)                      # calculate hash of code
    hash_of_code = hash_md5.hexdigest()        # here (>hash_of_mytext<) it is

    # Add hash as heading line to the code:
    code_dict    = dict()                           # p_write_code wants dict as input
    code_dict[1] = '# >' + hash_of_code + '< \n'    # second line of y_main.py
    code_dict[2] = code                             #

    # if existing >y_main.py< was modified => new >y_main.py< gets timestamp in fn
    if p_main_was_modified(outfile_path):
        outfile_path = outfile_path[:-3] + '_' + p_glbls.date_time_str + '.py'
    # finally write code (adding timestamp in first line & lastline)
    p_write_code (code_dict, outfile_fn, outfile_path)  # write >y_main(_+/-timestamp.py<
Пример #8
def p_globals():
    """ creates ./y_main/lib/y_glbls.py  """
    # fn and path of  >y_glbls.py<
    outfile_fn   = p_glbls.glbls_fn
    outfile_path = os.path.join(p_glbls.dir_lib, p_glbls.glbls_fn)
    p_log_this('creating: ' + outfile_path)

    txt =       ' '*4 + '# optional args(ConfArgParser):\n'
    for arg in p_glbls.opt_arg_vars:
        txt = txt + ' '*4 + 'arg_ns.' + arg + ' = None\n'
    txt = txt + ' '*4 + '# positional args(ConfArgParser):\n'
    for arg in p_glbls.pos_arg_vars:
        txt = txt + ' '*4 + 'arg_ns.' + arg + ' = None\n'
    txt = txt + ' '*4 + 'return arg_ns\n'
    patterns.y_glbls[04] = txt

    txt = ''
    patterns.y_glbls[96] = txt

    # p_subst(patterns.y_glbls, outfile_fn, outfile_path)
    code = p_subst_vars_in_patterns (patterns.y_glbls)
    p_write_code (code, outfile_fn, outfile_path)
Пример #9
def p_dir_is_abs(dir):
    """ checks if dir is abs dir """
    dir = os.path.normpath(dir)
    if (os.path.isabs(dir)):
        mssg_1 = (' dir: >' + dir + '< is absolute, should be relative!')
        mssg_2 = (' please change dir: >' + dir + '<    to relative subdir (i.e. ./log) ')
        mssg_3 = ('       ....  exiting!')
        print mssg_1 + mssg_2 + mssg_3
        p_log_this(mssg_1); p_log_this(mssg_2) ; p_log_this(mssg_3)
        p_exit()  # exit !
    if (dir == ''): dir = '.'
    return dir
Пример #10
def p_dir_make(dir):
    """ makes dir if dir """
    dir = os.path.normpath(dir)
    if not os.path.exists(dir):
            p_log_this(' creating dir: ' + dir )
        except IOError:
            mssge = (' creating dir: ' + dir + ' failed!')
            p_log_this(mssge) ; print mssge
        p_log_this(' dir exists : >' + dir + '<')
    return dir
Пример #11
def p_ConfArgParser(conf_file_fn='./pyprogen.conf'):
    """ creates >y_CAParser.py<; executes it, to generate a conf file >y_main.cfg< for >y_main.py<  """
    opt_args             = []  # local list of opt-args
    pos_args             = []  # local list of pos-args
    # >p_ConfArgParser< sets vars in p_glbls. ... for later use in >p_code.p_globals<
    p_glbls.opt_arg_vars = []  # list (in p_glbls) of opt-args
    p_glbls.pos_arg_vars = []  # list (in p_glbls) of pos-args

    opt_arg_lines      = []  # lines with optional args
    pos_arg_lines      = []  # lines with positional args
    # regex: searching for whitespace
    rgx_whitespace = re.compile(r'\s+')
    # regex: searching for optional (== non-positional) args:
    rgx_minus       = make_regex_opt_arg_minus()         # regex vs. >('-f',<
    rgx_minus_minus = make_regex_opt_arg_minus_minus()   # regex vs. >('--foo',<
    # regex: searching for optional (== non-positional) args:
    rgx_pos_arg     = make_regex_pos_arg()               # regex vs. >('bar',<

    # in conf_file search for (non comment) lines with positional / optional args
    with open(conf_file_fn, 'r') as infile:
        for line in infile:
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                # remove whitespace lines:
                line_test = re.sub(rgx_whitespace, '', line)
                if line_test:
                    match_minus_minus = rgx_minus_minus.search(line)
                    match_minus       = rgx_minus.search(line)
                    match_pos_arg     = rgx_pos_arg.search(line)
                    if match_minus_minus:
                        group_0 = match_minus_minus.group(0)[:-1].lstrip()
                        if len (group_0) > 2:
                            # p_glbls.opt_arg_vars.append(group_0[3:])
                    elif match_minus:
                        group_0 = match_minus.group(0)[:-1].lstrip()
                        if len (group_0) > 1:
                            # p_glbls.opt_arg_vars.append(group_0[2:])
                    elif match_pos_arg:
                        group_0 = match_pos_arg.group(0)[:-1].lstrip()
                        if len (group_0) > 2:
                            # p_glbls.pos_arg_vars.append(group_0[1:])

    # strip '-' or '--' from opt_args and copy them to >p_glbls.opt_arg_vars<
    for arg in opt_args:
    # copy opt_args to >p_glbls.opt_arg_vars<
    for arg in pos_args:

    # generate lines with pos args like: >parser.add_argument('bar', type=file)<
    txt = ''
    for line in pos_arg_lines:
        txt = txt + '    ' + line # + '\n'
    # generate lines with pos args like: >parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo', ...)<
    for line in opt_arg_lines:
        txt = txt + line # + '\n'

    patterns.CA_Parser[04] = txt

    # log positional and optional arguments
    for arg in pos_args:
        p_log_this('pos. arg: ' + arg)
    for arg in opt_args:
        p_log_this('opt. arg: ' + arg)

    # write y_CAParser.py == ConfArgParser for new program

    p_glbls.CAParser_fn   = p_glbls.prefix + 'CAParser.py'  # >y_CAParser.py<
    p_glbls.CAParser_path = os.path.join(p_glbls.dir_lib, p_glbls.CAParser_fn )

    outfile_fn   = p_glbls.CAParser_fn
    outfile_path = p_glbls.CAParser_path

    code = p_subst_vars_in_patterns (patterns.CA_Parser)
    p_code.p_write_code (code, outfile_fn, outfile_path)
Пример #12
def p_read_ini(dir_cfg='.', cfg_fn='new_prog.ini'):
    """ reads defaults for generated program: name ..."""
    # http://www.karoltomala.com/blog/?p=622
    path = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(path)
    # print 'p_read_ini: dir_path = ', p_utils.p_act_dir_path()
    # print 'p_read_ini: dir_path = ', dir_path
    # print p_glbls.__file__
    cfg_path = os.path.join(dir_cfg, cfg_fn)     # cfg_path_tmp of >pyprogen.py< !
    cfg_path = os.path.normpath(cfg_path)        #      not of >y_main.py<  !!
    parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    p_log_this('cfg_path_tmp: ' + cfg_path)
    cfg_file = parser.read(cfg_path)
    p_log_this('cfg file: ' + str(cfg_file))

    # p_glbls.prog_name
        p_glbls.prog_name = parser.get("properties", "prog_name")
        p_log_this('prog_name = ' + p_glbls.prog_name)
        if (len(p_glbls.prog_name) < 4):
            p_glbls.prog_name = p_glbls.prog_name + '.py'
            p_log_this('          =>' + p_glbls.prog_name)
        if ((string.lower(p_glbls.prog_name[-3:])) <> '.py'):
            p_glbls.prog_name = p_glbls.prog_name + '.py'
            p_log_this('          =>' + p_glbls.prog_name)
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        p_glbls.prog_name = 'z_main.py'
        p_log_this('no >prog_name< in: ' + cfg_path + ' !')
        p_log_this('prog_name set to: ' + p_glbls.prog_name)

    # p_glbls.prog_path
    p_glbls.prog_path = os.path.normpath(p_glbls.prog_name[:-3])
    # print 'p_read_ini: p_glbls.prog_path = ', p_glbls.prog_path
    p_log_this("prog_path = " + p_glbls.prog_path)

    # p_glbls.prefix
        p_glbls.prefix = parser.get("properties", "prefix")
        p_log_this('prefix = ' + p_glbls.prefix)
        if (len(p_glbls.prefix) < 2):
            p_log_this('prefix = ' + p_glbls.prefix)
            p_glbls.prefix = p_glbls.prog_name[0] + '_'  # prefix for generated program
            p_log_this('prefix set to: ' + p_glbls.prefix)
    except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        p_glbls.prefix = p_glbls.prog_name[0] + '_'  # prefix for generated program
        p_log_this('prefix set to: ' + p_glbls.prefix)

    # p_glbls.date_time_str
    p_glbls.date_time_str = p_utils.p_make_act_date_str()
Пример #13
def p_main_cfg_check_hash():
    """ called by >pyprogen.py< after >create_ca_parser< has been called and after
    p_main_cfg_create_hash() has added hash to: >./y_main/cfg/y_main_TimeStamp.cfg<

    if not (>y_main.cfg< exists)
        move >y_main_TimeStamp.cfg< to >y_main.cfg<
    elsif (>y_main.cfg< was changed):
        # keep >y_main.cfg<; keep >y_main_TimeStamp.cfg<;
        move >y_main_TimeStamp.cfg< to >y_main.cfg<

    p_log_this('cfg_path: ' + p_glbls.cfg_path)

    if not p_utils.p_file_exists (p_glbls.cfg_path):
        dest_path = p_glbls.cfg_path
        mssge = ( '>' + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp + '< renamed to: >' + dest_path + '<')
        p_log_this (mssge) ; print (mssge)
        # move source to dest:
        shutil.move(p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp, dest_path)
        #           p_glbls.cfg_path

    parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    cfg_file = parser.read(p_glbls.cfg_path)

    try:  # read defaults and calc their hash
        defaults = parser.items("defaults")
        defaults_str = ''
        for key_val in defaults:
            defaults_str = defaults_str + key_val[0] + key_val[1]
        hash_md5           = hashlib.md5()
        hash_md5.update(defaults_str)            # calc hash
        act_hash_of_defaults = hash_md5.hexdigest()
    except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
        mssge = ("No section: 'defaults' in: >" + p_glbls.cfg_path + '< !')
        p_log_this(mssge); print('Error: ' + mssge)

    try:  # read old hash (and time_stamp)
        old_hash_of_defaults = parser.get("signature", "hash")
        timestamp = parser.get("signature", "timestamp")
    except ConfigParser.NoSectionError or ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
        if ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
            p_log_this("No section: 'signature' in: >" + p_glbls.cfg_path + '< !')
        if ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
            p_log_this("No option: 'timestamp' or 'hash' in section 'signature' in: >" + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp + '< !')

    if (act_hash_of_defaults == old_hash_of_defaults):
        print 'section: "signature" in >' + p_glbls.cfg_path + '< unchanged.'
        dest_path = p_glbls.cfg_path
        mssge = ( '>' + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp + '< renamed to: >' + dest_path + '<')
        p_log_this (mssge) ; print (mssge)
        # move source to dest:
        shutil.move(p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp, dest_path)
        print 'section: "signature" in >' + p_glbls.cfg_path + '< has been modified.'
        print ' => 1) leave >' + p_glbls.cfg_path + '< unchanged.'
        print '    2) most recent config file is: >' + p_glbls.cfg_path_tmp + '<.'