Пример #1
def parse_scm_connection(scm_connection):
    Return an SPDX vcs_url given a Maven `scm_connection` string or the string
    as-is if it cannot be parsed.

    See https://maven.apache.org/scm/scm-url-format.html


    delimiter = '|' if '|' in scm_connection else ':'
    segments = scm_connection.split(delimiter, 2)
    if not len(segments) == 3:
        # we cannot parse this so we return it as is
        return scm_connection

    _scm, scm_tool, vcs_url = segments
    # TODO: vcs_tool is not yet supported
    normalized = normalize_vcs_url(vcs_url, vcs_tool=scm_tool)
    if normalized:
        vcs_url = normalized

    if not vcs_url.startswith(VCS_URLS):
        if not vcs_url.startswith(scm_tool):
            vcs_url = '{scm_tool}+{vcs_url}'.format(**locals())

    return vcs_url
Пример #2
def build_vcs_and_code_view_urls(scm):
    Return a proper vcs_url and code_view_url from a Maven `scm` mapping or None.
    For example:

    >>> scm = dict(connection='scm:git:[email protected]:histogrammar/histogrammar-scala.git', tag='HEAD', url='https://github.com/histogrammar/histogrammar-scala')

    vcs_url = scm.get('connection') or None
    code_view_url = scm.get('url') or None

    if code_view_url:
        cvu = normalize_vcs_url(code_view_url) or None
        if cvu:
            code_view_url = cvu

    if not vcs_url:
        if code_view_url:
            # we can craft a vcs_url in some cases
            vcs_url = code_view_url
        return vcs_url, code_view_url

    vcs_url = parse_scm_connection(vcs_url)

    # TODO: handle tag
    # vcs_tag = scm.get('tag')

    return vcs_url, code_view_url
Пример #3
def vcs_repository_mapper(repo, package, vcs_revision=None):
    "repository" :
      { "type" : "git"
      , "url" : "https://github.com/npm/npm.git"
    "repository" :
      { "type" : "svn"
      , "url" : "https://v8.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/"
    if not repo:
        return package

    if isinstance(repo, list):
        # There is a case where we can have a list with a single element
        repo = repo[0]

    vcs_tool = ''
    vcs_repository = ''

    if isinstance(repo, str):
        vcs_repository = normalize_vcs_url(repo)

    elif isinstance(repo, dict):
        repo_url = normalize_vcs_url(repo.get('url'))
        if repo_url:
            vcs_tool = repo.get('type') or 'git'
            # remove vcs_tool string if repo_url already contains it
            if repo_url.startswith(vcs_tool):
                vcs_tool = ''
            vcs_repository = repo_url

    if vcs_repository:
        if vcs_tool:
            vcs_url = '{}+{}'.format(vcs_tool, vcs_repository)
            vcs_url = vcs_repository

        if vcs_revision:
            vcs_url += '@' + vcs_revision
        package.vcs_url = vcs_url
    return package
Пример #4
def build_vcs_and_code_view_urls(scm):
    Return a mapping of vcs_url and code_view_url from a Maven `scm` mapping.
    For example:

    >>> scm = dict(
    ...     connection='scm:git:[email protected]:histogrammar/histogrammar-scala.git',
    ...     tag='HEAD',
    ...     url='https://github.com/histogrammar/histogrammar-scala')
    >>> expected = {
    ...     'vcs_url': 'git+https://github.com/histogrammar/histogrammar-scala.git',
    ...     'code_view_url': 'https://github.com/histogrammar/histogrammar-scala'}
    >>> assert build_vcs_and_code_view_urls(scm) == expected

    vcs_url = scm.get('connection') or None
    code_view_url = scm.get('url') or None

    if code_view_url:
        cvu = normalize_vcs_url(code_view_url) or None
        if cvu:
            code_view_url = cvu

    if not vcs_url:
        if code_view_url:
            # we can craft a vcs_url in some cases
            vcs_url = code_view_url
        return dict(

    vcs_url = parse_scm_connection(vcs_url)

    # TODO: handle tag
    # vcs_tag = scm.get('tag')

    return dict(
Пример #5
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_0(self):
     test = 'npm/npm'
     expected = 'https://github.com/npm/npm'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_does_not_fail_on_empty(self):
     assert normalize_vcs_url(None) == None
     assert normalize_vcs_url('') == None
     assert normalize_vcs_url(' ') == None
Пример #7
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_11(self):
     test = 'https://github.com/christkv/kerberos.git'
     expected = 'https://github.com/christkv/kerberos.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #8
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_9(self):
     test = 'http://github.com/isaacs/nopt'
     expected = 'http://github.com/isaacs/nopt'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #9
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_7(self):
     test = '[email protected]:balderdashy/waterline-criteria.git'
     expected = 'https://github.com/balderdashy/waterline-criteria.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #10
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_5(self):
     test = 'git://github.com/angular/di.js.git'
     expected = 'git://github.com/angular/di.js.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #11
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_3(self):
     test = 'gitlab:another/repo'
     expected = 'https://gitlab.com/another/repo'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #12
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_svn(self):
     url = 'http://svn.example.org/projectA/'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     expected = 'http://svn.example.org/projectA/'
     assert expected == result
Пример #13
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_basic(self):
     url = 'https://pear2.php.net'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     expected = 'https://pear2.php.net'
     assert expected == result
def get_normalized_package_data(manifest_main_section):
    Return a mapping of package-like data normalized from a mapping of the
    `manifest_main_section` data or None.

    Maven Archiver does this:
        Manifest-Version: 1.0
        Created-By: Apache Maven ${maven.version}
        Built-By: ${user.name}
        Build-Jdk: ${java.version}
        Specification-Title: ${project.name}
        Specification-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
        Implementation-Title: ${project.name}
        Implementation-Vendor-Id: ${project.groupId}
        Implementation-Version: ${project.version}
        Implementation-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
        Implementation-URL: ${project.url}
    See https://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiver/examples/manifest.html
    if not manifest_main_section or len(manifest_main_section) == 1:
        # only a manifest version

    def dget(s):
        v = manifest_main_section.get(s)
        if v and v.startswith(('%', '$', '{')):
            v = None
        return v

    built_with_gradle = bool(dget('Gradle-Version'))

    # Name, namespace, version
    # from Eclipse OSGi
    # Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.ui.workbench.compatibility
    # Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.ui.intro.universal;singleton:=true
    b_sym_name = dget('Bundle-SymbolicName')
    if b_sym_name and ';' in b_sym_name:
        b_sym_name, _, _ = b_sym_name.partition(';')
    is_osgi_bundle = bool(b_sym_name)

    # Implementation-Title: org.apache.xerces.impl.Version
    # Implementation-Title: Apache Commons IO
    i_title = dget('Implementation-Title')
    i_title_is_id = is_id(i_title)

    # if present this is typically gid.aid (but with no clear split)
    # Extension-Name: org.apache.commons.logging
    ext_nm = dget('Extension-Name')
    if ext_nm == b_sym_name:
        ext_nm = None
    ext_nm_is_id = is_id(ext_nm)

    # Automatic-Module-Name: org.apache.commons.io
    am_nm = dget('Automatic-Module-Name')
    if am_nm == b_sym_name:
        am_nm = None
    am_nm_is_id = is_id(am_nm)

    # Name: Datalogic SDK
    nm = dget('Name')
    nm_is_id = is_id(nm)

    # this a namespace
    # Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.apache
    # Implementation-Vendor-Id: commons-io
    # Implementation-Vendor-Id: ${project.groupId}
    i_vendid = dget('Implementation-Vendor-Id')

    # Bundle-Version: 3.2.200.v20080610
    # Implementation-Version: 2.6.2
    # ImplementationVersion
    b_version = dget('Bundle-Version')
    i_version = dget('Implementation-Version') or dget('ImplementationVersion')

    # Descriptions
    # the Bundle-Name is always a short description
    # Bundle-Name: DejaCode Toolkit
    # Bundle-Name: %pluginName
    # Bundle-Name: %fragmentName
    b_name = dget('Bundle-Name')

    # Bundle-Description: Apache Log4j 1.2
    b_desc = dget('Bundle-Description')

    s_title = dget('Specification-Title')
    if s_title in (
        s_title = None

    # Implementation-Title structured by Gradle if Gradle-Version: is present
    # Implementation-Title: com.netflix.hystrix#hystrix-rx-netty-metrics-stream;1.5.12
    it_namespace = it_name = it_version = None
    it_split = re.split('[#;]', i_title or '')
    if len(it_split) == 3:
        it_namespace, it_name, it_version = it_split
    has_gradle_structured_i_title = i_title_is_id and it_namespace and it_name and it_version

    # Set ns, name and version
    package_type = namespace = name = version = None
    descriptions = []

    # FIXME: may be we should then return each "personality"
    # we have several cases for names:
    # this is built with gradle and we have good id data
    if has_gradle_structured_i_title:
        package_type = 'maven'
        namespace = it_namespace
        name = it_name
        version = it_version
        descriptions = [nm, s_title, b_name, b_desc]

    # we have been created by maven archiver
    elif i_title and i_vendid and i_version:
        # TODO: improve name and namespace if ns is in name
        namespace = i_vendid
        name = i_title
        package_type = 'maven' if (
            i_title_is_id and not name.startswith(namespace)) else 'jar'
        version = i_version
        descriptions = [b_name, b_desc]

    # TODO: add case with only title + version that can still be handled if title is dotted

    # this is an OSGi bundle and we have enough to build a bundle
    elif is_osgi_bundle:
        # no namespace
        name = b_sym_name
        version = b_version
        descriptions = [b_name, b_desc]
        package_type = 'osgi'

    # we have not much data
        package_type = 'jar'
        # no namespace
        version = i_version

        if i_title_is_id:
            name = i_title
            descriptions = [s_title, nm]
        elif am_nm_is_id:
            name = am_nm
            descriptions = [s_title, i_title, nm]
        elif ext_nm_is_id:
            name = ext_nm
            descriptions = [s_title, i_title, nm]
        elif nm_is_id:
            name = nm
            descriptions = [s_title, i_title]
            name = i_title or am_nm or ext_nm or nm
            descriptions = [s_title, i_title, nm]

    descriptions = unique(descriptions)
    descriptions = [d for d in descriptions if d and d.strip() and d != name]
    description = '\n'.join(descriptions)
    if description == name:
        description = None

    # create the mapping we will return
    package = {}
    package['type'] = package_type
    package['namespace'] = namespace
    package['name'] = name
    package['version'] = version
    package['description'] = description

    # licensing
    # Bundle-License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
    package['declared_license'] = dget('Bundle-License')
    # Bundle-Copyright: Apache 2.0
    package['copyright'] = dget('Bundle-Copyright')

    # URLs
    # typically homepage or DOC
    # Implementation-Url
    # Implementation-URL: http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/
    package['homepage_url'] = dget('Implementation-URL') or dget(

    # Bundle-DocURL: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2
    package['documentation_url'] = dget('Bundle-DocURL')

    # vendor/owner/contact
    package['parties'] = parties = []
    # Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
    # Implementation-Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation
    i_vend = dget('Implementation-Vendor')
    if i_vend:
        parties.append(dict(role='vendor', name=i_vend))

    # Specification-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    s_vend = dget('Specification-Vendor')
    if s_vend == i_vend:
        s_vend = None
    if s_vend:
        parties.append(dict(role='spec-vendor', name=s_vend))

    # Bundle-Vendor: %providerName
    # Bundle-Vendor: %provider_name
    # Bundle-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation
    # Bundle-Vendor: http://supercsv.sourceforge.net/ and http://spiffyframe
    b_vend = dget('Bundle-Vendor') or dget('BundleVendor')
    if b_vend:
        v = dict(role='vendor', name=b_vend)
        if v not in parties:

    # Module-Email: [email protected]
    # Module-Owner: [email protected]
    m_email = dget('Module-Email')
    m_owner = dget('Module-Owner')
    if m_owner:
        o = dict(role='owner', name=m_owner)
        if m_email and m_email != m_owner:
            o['email'] = m_email

    # VCS
    # the model is <vcs_tool>+<transport>://<host_name>[/<path_to_repository>][@<revision_tag_or_branch>][#<sub_path>]
    vcs_url = None
    code_view_url = None

    m_vcs_url = dget('Module-Origin') or ''
    if m_vcs_url.strip():
        # this block comes from Gradle?
        # Module-Origin: [email protected]:Netflix/Hystrix.git
        # Module-Source: /hystrix-contrib/hystrix-rx-netty-metrics-stream
        # Branch: master
        # Change: a7b66ca
        m_vcs_url = normalize_vcs_url(m_vcs_url)
        m_vcs_rev = dget('Change') or dget('Branch') or ''
        m_vcs_rev = m_vcs_rev.strip()
        m_vcs_rev = m_vcs_rev and ('@' + m_vcs_rev)
        m_vcs_subpath = dget('Module-Source') or ''
        m_vcs_subpath = m_vcs_subpath.strip('/').strip()
        m_vcs_subpath = m_vcs_subpath and ('#' + m_vcs_subpath.strip('/'))
        vcs_url = '{m_vcs_url}{m_vcs_rev}{m_vcs_subpath}'.format(**locals())
        # this block comes from Maven?
        # Scm-Url: http://github.com/fabric8io/kubernetes-model/kubernetes-model/
        # Scm-Connection: scm:git:https://github.com/fabric8io/zjsonpatch.git
        # Scm-Revision: ${buildNumber}
        # Scm-Revision: 4ec4abe2e7ac9e1a5e4be88e6dd09403592f9512
        s_vcs_url = dget('Scm-Url') or ''
        s_scm_connection = dget('Scm-Connection') or ''

        s_vcs_rev = dget('Scm-Revision') or ''
        s_vcs_rev = s_vcs_rev.strip()
        if s_vcs_rev:
            s_vcs_rev = '@' + s_vcs_rev

        if s_vcs_url.strip():
            code_view_url = s_vcs_url
            s_vcs_url = normalize_vcs_url(s_vcs_url)
            vcs_url = '{s_vcs_url}{s_vcs_rev}'.format(**locals())
        elif s_scm_connection.strip():
            vcs_url = parse_scm_connection(s_scm_connection)
            vcs_url = '{s_vcs_url}{s_vcs_rev}'.format(**locals())

    package['vcs_url'] = vcs_url
    package['code_view_url'] = code_view_url

    # Misc, unused for now
    # Source:
    # Eclipse-SourceBundle: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api;version="9.4.12.v20180830";roots:="."
    # Deps:
    # Require-Bundle

    package['notes'] = dget('Comment')
    return package
Пример #15
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_1(self):
     test = 'gist:11081aaa281'
     expected = 'https://gist.github.com/11081aaa281'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #16
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_github(self):
     url = 'https://github.com/igorw/monolog'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     expected = 'https://github.com/igorw/monolog'
     assert expected == result
Пример #17
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_2(self):
     test = 'bitbucket:example/repo'
     expected = 'https://bitbucket.org/example/repo'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #18
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_bitbucket(self):
     url = '[email protected]:vendor/my-private-repo.git'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     expected = 'https://bitbucket.org/vendor/my-private-repo.git'
     assert expected == result
Пример #19
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_4(self):
     test = 'expressjs/serve-static'
     expected = 'https://github.com/expressjs/serve-static'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #20
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_does_not_pad_git_plus(self):
     url = 'git+git://bitbucket.org/vendor/my-private-repo.git'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     assert url == result
Пример #21
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_6(self):
     test = 'git://github.com/hapijs/boom'
     expected = 'git://github.com/hapijs/boom'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #22
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_does_not_pad_git_plus2(self):
     url = 'git+https://github.com/stevepapa/angular2-autosize.git'
     result = normalize_vcs_url(url)
     expected = 'git+https://github.com/stevepapa/angular2-autosize.git'
     assert expected == result
Пример #23
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_8(self):
     test = 'http://github.com/ariya/esprima.git'
     expected = 'http://github.com/ariya/esprima.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #24
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_git_repo_url_without_slash_slash(self):
     test = '[email protected]/Filirom1/npm2aur.git'
     expected = 'https://github.com/Filirom1/npm2aur.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #25
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_10(self):
     test = 'https://github.com/chaijs/chai'
     expected = 'https://github.com/chaijs/chai'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #26
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_does_not_fail_on_empty(self):
     assert None == normalize_vcs_url(None)
     assert None == normalize_vcs_url('')
     assert None == normalize_vcs_url(' ')
Пример #27
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_13(self):
     test = '[email protected]:foo/private.git'
     expected = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/private.git'
     assert expected == normalize_vcs_url(test)
Пример #28
 def test_normalize_vcs_url_12(self):
     test = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/private.git'
     expected = 'https://gitlab.com/foo/private.git'
     assert normalize_vcs_url(test) == expected