Пример #1
    def processCommand(self, terms):
        print " -- processCommand: %s " % str( terms )
        if terms[0] == "reltimestep":
            relTimeValue = float( terms[1] )  
            relTimeIndex = float( terms[2] )  
            useTimeIndex = bool(terms[3]) 
            displayText =  terms[4] 
            if self.current_pipeline:
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule( module.id ) 
                    if persistentCellModule: persistentCellModule.updateAnimation( [ relTimeValue, relTimeIndex, useTimeIndex ], displayText  )
        elif terms[0] == "pipelineHelper":
            if self.current_config_function:
                if self.current_config_function.type == 'leveling':
                    range = list( self.current_config_function.range )
                    cmd_args = terms[1].split('-')
                    iRangeArg = int( cmd_args[1] )
                    range[ iRangeArg ] = float( terms[2] )
#                    print " --- PipelineHelper: set range = ", str( range )
                    self.current_config_function.broadcastLevelingData( range  )
#                    print " --- PipelineHelper, config type: ", self.current_config_function.type
            if self.current_pipeline:
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule( module.id ) 
                    if persistentCellModule: persistentCellModule.updateConfigurationObserver( terms[0], terms[1:] )
Пример #2
    def addVariable(self, var, type_='CDMS'):
        """ Add variable into dict / list & emit signal to create
        a tab for the variable

        if var is None:

        from packages.vtDV3D import ModuleStore

        cdmsVar = None
        replaced = False
        if type_ == 'CDMS':
            if type(var) == tuple:
                cdmsVar = var[1]
                var = var[0]

        for i in range(self.varList.count()-1,-1,-1):
            if self.varList.item(i).getVarName() == var.id:
                replaced = True
                item = self.varList.item(i)
                ModuleStore.addActiveVariable( item.varName, item.variable )
        if not replaced:
            item = QDefinedVariableItem(var,self.root,cdmsVar)
            ModuleStore.addActiveVariable( item.varName, item.variable )
Пример #3
    def processCommand(self, terms):
        print " -- processCommand: %s " % str(terms)
        if terms[0] == "reltimestep":
            relTimeValue = float(terms[1])
            relTimeIndex = float(terms[2])
            useTimeIndex = bool(terms[3])
            displayText = terms[4]
            if self.current_pipeline:
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule(module.id)
                    if persistentCellModule:
                            [relTimeValue, relTimeIndex, useTimeIndex],
        elif terms[0] == "pipelineHelper":
            if self.current_config_function:
                if self.current_config_function.type == 'leveling':
                    range = list(self.current_config_function.range)
                    cmd_args = terms[1].split('-')
                    iRangeArg = int(cmd_args[1])
                    range[iRangeArg] = float(terms[2])
                    #                    print " --- PipelineHelper: set range = ", str( range )
#                    print " --- PipelineHelper, config type: ", self.current_config_function.type
            if self.current_pipeline:
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule(module.id)
                    if persistentCellModule:
                            terms[0], terms[1:])
Пример #4
 def myPressed(self, item):
     from packages.vtDV3D import ModuleStore
     if item.isSelected():
         self.waitingForClick = False
         ModuleStore.setActiveVariable( item.varName )
         self.waitingForClick = True
         item.setSelected(True) # wait for click to deselect
Пример #5
 def getPersistentModule( self, **args ):
     mid = self.moduleInfo['moduleId']
     force = args.get('force',False)
     module = ModuleStore.getModule( mid ) 
     if force and ( module == None ):
         module = ModuleStore.forceGetModule(  mid, self.__class__.PersistentModuleClass( mid, **args ) ) 
     if module:     
         invalidate = args.get('invalidate',False)
         if invalidate:  module.invalidateWorkflowModule( self )
         else:           module.setWorkflowModule( self ) 
     return module
Пример #6
 def getPersistentModule(self, **args):
     mid = self.moduleInfo['moduleId']
     force = args.get('force', False)
     module = ModuleStore.getModule(mid)
     if force and (module == None):
         module = ModuleStore.forceGetModule(
             mid, self.__class__.PersistentModuleClass(mid, **args))
     if module:
         invalidate = args.get('invalidate', False)
         if invalidate: module.invalidateWorkflowModule(self)
         else: module.setWorkflowModule(self)
     return module
Пример #7
 def finalizePlot( self, plot_name ):
     from packages.vtDV3D import ModuleStore
     from packages.vtDV3D.CDMS_VariableReaders import CDMSTransientVariable
     from core.db.action import create_action
     proj_controller = self.app.uvcdatWindow.get_current_project_controller()
     controller = self.app.get_controller()
     plot = proj_controller.plot_registry.add_plot( plot_name, 'DV3D', None, None )
     action = create_action( self.port_ops ) 
     current_version = controller.current_version
     proj_controller.plot_was_dropped( (plot, self.sheetName, self.row, self.col) )
     proj_controller.execute_plot( current_version )
     controller.change_selected_version( current_version )
     proj_controller.update_plot_configure( self.sheetName, self.row, self.col )
     cell = proj_controller.sheet_map[ self.sheetName ][ ( self.row, self.col ) ]
     cell.current_parent_version = current_version
     cell_address = "%s%s" % ( chr(ord('A') + self.col ), self.row + 1 )
     sheetName = proj_controller.current_sheetName
     cell_location = [ proj_controller.name, sheetName, cell_address ]                
     pipeline = controller.current_pipeline              
     for mid in pipeline.modules.keys():
         pmod = ModuleStore.getModule( mid ) 
         if pmod: pmod.setCellLocation( cell_location )
     for ( name, var ) in self.variables:
         dvar = CDMSTransientVariable.from_module( var )
         proj_controller.defined_variables[ name ] = dvar
     proj_controller.emit( QtCore.SIGNAL("update_cell"), self.sheetName, self.row, self.col, None, None, 'DV3D', current_version )
Пример #8
    def deleteVariable(self, varid):
        """ Remove variable from dict and project
        from packages.vtDV3D import ModuleStore
        from packages.vtDV3D.vtUtilities import memoryLogger
        memoryLogger.log("start QDefinedVariableWidget.deleteVariable")
        for i in range(self.varList.count()-1,-1,-1):
            if self.varList.item(i).getVarName() == varid:
                success = True
                #this will delete from all projects
                for project in self.varList.item(i).projects:
                    controller = self.root.get_project_controller_by_name(project)
                    if controller:
                        if controller.remove_defined_variable(varid):
                            success = False
                ModuleStore.removeActiveVariable( varid )

                if success and varid in __main__.__dict__:
                    del __main__.__dict__[varid]

        memoryLogger.log("finished QDefinedVariableWidget.deleteVariable")
Пример #9
    def finalizePlot(self, plot_name):
        from packages.vtDV3D import ModuleStore
        from packages.vtDV3D.CDMS_VariableReaders import CDMSTransientVariable
        from core.db.action import create_action
        proj_controller = self.app.uvcdatWindow.get_current_project_controller(
        controller = self.app.get_controller()
        plot = proj_controller.plot_registry.add_plot(plot_name, 'DV3D', None,
        action = create_action(self.port_ops)
        current_version = controller.current_version
            (plot, self.sheetName, self.row, self.col))
        proj_controller.update_plot_configure(self.sheetName, self.row,
        cell = proj_controller.sheet_map[self.sheetName][(self.row, self.col)]
        cell.current_parent_version = current_version

        cell_address = "%s%s" % (chr(ord('A') + self.col), self.row + 1)
        sheetName = proj_controller.current_sheetName
        cell_location = [proj_controller.name, sheetName, cell_address]
        pipeline = controller.current_pipeline
        for mid in pipeline.modules.keys():
            pmod = ModuleStore.getModule(mid)
            if pmod: pmod.setCellLocation(cell_location)

        for (name, var) in self.variables:
            dvar = CDMSTransientVariable.from_module(var)
            proj_controller.defined_variables[name] = dvar
        proj_controller.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("update_cell"), self.sheetName,
                             self.row, self.col, None, None, 'DV3D',
Пример #10
    def processEvent(self, terms):
        """processEvent(message: String) -> None
        decodifies the event received by the server and posts it to QT's event handler. In order
        to do this, we must send three events: the first one disables this client's method that
        would send events to the server. The second is the actual event we want processed and the third
        reenables event sending to the server. This must be done to avoid a deadlock"""
        def decodeMouseEvent( event, screenDims ):
            """decodeMouseEvent(event: String) -> QtGui.QMouseEvent
            this method receives a string and returns the corresponding mouse event"""
            pos = ( int( float( event[2] ) * screenDims[0] ), int( float( event[3] ) * screenDims[1] ) )
            if event[1] == "left":
                button = QtCore.Qt.LeftButton
            elif event[1] == "right":
                button = QtCore.Qt.RightButton

            if event[0] == "singleClick": 
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress
            elif event[0] == "mouseMove": 
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove
                button = QtCore.Qt.NoButton
            elif event[0] == "mouseRelease": 
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease

            button = QtCore.Qt.MouseButton(button)
            m = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier
            if event[4] == "shift": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
            elif event[4] == "ctrl": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
            elif event[4] == "alt": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
#            print " Client process %s %s event: pos = %s, screenDims=%s " % ( button, event[0], str( pos ), str( screenDims ) )

            return QtGui.QMouseEvent(t, QtCore.QPoint(pos[0], pos[1]), button, button, m)

        def decodeKeyEvent(event):
            """decodeKeyEvent(event: String) -> QtGui.QKeyEvent
            this method receives a string and returns the corresponding Key event"""
            type = None
            if event[0] == "keyPress":
                type = QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress
            elif event[0] == "keyRelease":
                type = QtCore.QEvent.KeyRelease
            key = int( event[1] )
            m = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier
            if event[2] == "shift": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
            elif event[2] == "ctrl": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
            elif event[2] == "alt": 
                m = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
#            print " Client process key event: %s " % str( event )

            return QtGui.QKeyEvent( type, key, QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(m) )

        app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
        newTab = self.updateCurrentTab()
        widget = self.currentTab.getCellWidget( 0, 0 ) if self.currentTab else None
#        print " ------------- QiVisClient.processEvent: %s  ---------------------" % ( str(terms) )
        if terms[2] == "interactionState":           
            if self.current_pipeline:
                state =   terms[3] if ( len(terms) > 3 ) else None
                altMode = terms[4] if ( len(terms) > 4 ) else None
                print " ~~~~~ Setting Client Interaction State: ", str(state), str(altMode)
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentModule = ModuleStore.getModule( module.id ) 
                    if persistentModule:
                        cf = persistentModule.updateInteractionState( state, altMode ) 
                        if cf: self.current_config_function = cf  
                    else: print "Can't find client persistentModule: ", module.id        
            newEvent = None      
            if terms[2] == "singleClick":
                cellModules = self.getCellModules()
                cpos = [ float(terms[i]) for i in range(7,10) ]
                cfol = [ float(terms[i]) for i in range(10,13) ]
                cup  = [ float(terms[i]) for i in range(13,16) ]
    #            print " >>> QiVisClient.cellModules: %s, modules: %s" % ( str( [ cellMod.id for cellMod in cellModules ] ), str( ModuleStore.getModuleIDs() ) )           
                for cellMod in cellModules:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule( cellMod.id ) 
                    if persistentCellModule: persistentCellModule.syncCamera( cpos, cfol, cup )            
            if terms[2] in ["singleClick", "mouseMove", "mouseRelease"]:
                if self.currentTab:
                    screenRect = self.currentTab.getCellRect( 0, 0 )
                    screenDims = ( screenRect.width(), screenRect.height() )
                    newEvent = decodeMouseEvent( terms[2:], screenDims )
            elif terms[2] in ["keyPress", "keyRelease" ]:
                newEvent = decodeKeyEvent(terms[2:])
            if widget and newEvent: 
                cellWidget = widget.widget()
                app.postEvent( cellWidget, newEvent)
Пример #11
    def processEvent(self, terms):
        """processEvent(message: String) -> None
        decodifies the event received by the server and posts it to QT's event handler. In order
        to do this, we must send three events: the first one disables this client's method that
        would send events to the server. The second is the actual event we want processed and the third
        reenables event sending to the server. This must be done to avoid a deadlock"""
        def decodeMouseEvent(event, screenDims):
            """decodeMouseEvent(event: String) -> QtGui.QMouseEvent
            this method receives a string and returns the corresponding mouse event"""
            pos = (int(float(event[2]) * screenDims[0]),
                   int(float(event[3]) * screenDims[1]))
            if event[1] == "left":
                button = QtCore.Qt.LeftButton
            elif event[1] == "right":
                button = QtCore.Qt.RightButton

            if event[0] == "singleClick":
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress
            elif event[0] == "mouseMove":
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove
                button = QtCore.Qt.NoButton
            elif event[0] == "mouseRelease":
                t = QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease

            button = QtCore.Qt.MouseButton(button)
            m = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier
            if event[4] == "shift":
                m = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
            elif event[4] == "ctrl":
                m = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
            elif event[4] == "alt":
                m = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
#            print " Client process %s %s event: pos = %s, screenDims=%s " % ( button, event[0], str( pos ), str( screenDims ) )

            return QtGui.QMouseEvent(t, QtCore.QPoint(pos[0], pos[1]), button,
                                     button, m)

        def decodeKeyEvent(event):
            """decodeKeyEvent(event: String) -> QtGui.QKeyEvent
            this method receives a string and returns the corresponding Key event"""
            type = None
            if event[0] == "keyPress":
                type = QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress
            elif event[0] == "keyRelease":
                type = QtCore.QEvent.KeyRelease

            key = int(event[1])

            m = QtCore.Qt.NoModifier
            if event[2] == "shift":
                m = QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier
            elif event[2] == "ctrl":
                m = QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier
            elif event[2] == "alt":
                m = QtCore.Qt.AltModifier
#            print " Client process key event: %s " % str( event )

            return QtGui.QKeyEvent(type, key, QtCore.Qt.KeyboardModifiers(m))

        app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
        newTab = self.updateCurrentTab()
        widget = self.currentTab.getCellWidget(0,
                                               0) if self.currentTab else None

        #        print " ------------- QiVisClient.processEvent: %s  ---------------------" % ( str(terms) )

        if terms[2] == "interactionState":
            if self.current_pipeline:
                state = terms[3] if (len(terms) > 3) else None
                altMode = terms[4] if (len(terms) > 4) else None
                print " ~~~~~ Setting Client Interaction State: ", str(
                    state), str(altMode)
                for module in self.current_pipeline.module_list:
                    persistentModule = ModuleStore.getModule(module.id)
                    if persistentModule:
                        cf = persistentModule.updateInteractionState(
                            state, altMode)
                        if cf: self.current_config_function = cf
                        print "Can't find client persistentModule: ", module.id
            newEvent = None
            if terms[2] == "singleClick":
                cellModules = self.getCellModules()
                cpos = [float(terms[i]) for i in range(7, 10)]
                cfol = [float(terms[i]) for i in range(10, 13)]
                cup = [float(terms[i]) for i in range(13, 16)]
                #            print " >>> QiVisClient.cellModules: %s, modules: %s" % ( str( [ cellMod.id for cellMod in cellModules ] ), str( ModuleStore.getModuleIDs() ) )
                for cellMod in cellModules:
                    persistentCellModule = ModuleStore.getModule(cellMod.id)
                    if persistentCellModule:
                        persistentCellModule.syncCamera(cpos, cfol, cup)
            if terms[2] in ["singleClick", "mouseMove", "mouseRelease"]:
                if self.currentTab:
                    screenRect = self.currentTab.getCellRect(0, 0)
                    screenDims = (screenRect.width(), screenRect.height())
                    newEvent = decodeMouseEvent(terms[2:], screenDims)
            elif terms[2] in ["keyPress", "keyRelease"]:
                newEvent = decodeKeyEvent(terms[2:])

            if widget and newEvent:
                cellWidget = widget.widget()
                app.postEvent(cellWidget, newEvent)
Пример #12
    def execute(self, **args ):
        import api
        from packages.vtDV3D.CDMS_DatasetReaders import CDMSDataset
        cdms_vars = self.getInputValues( "variable"  ) 
        if cdms_vars and len(cdms_vars):
            iVar = 1
            cdms_var = cdms_vars.pop(0)
            self.cdmsDataset = CDMSDataset()
            var, dsetId = self.addCDMSVariable( cdms_var, iVar )
            self.newDataset = ( self.datasetId <> dsetId )
            if self.newDataset: ModuleStore.archiveCdmsDataset( dsetId, self.cdmsDataset )
            self.newLayerConfiguration = self.newDataset
            self.datasetId = dsetId
            self.nTimesteps = 1
            self.timeRange = [ 0, self.nTimesteps, 0.0, 0.0 ]
            self.timeAxis = var.getTime()
            if self.timeAxis:
                self.nTimesteps = len( self.timeAxis ) if self.timeAxis else 1
                    comp_time_values = self.timeAxis.asComponentTime()
                    t0 = comp_time_values[0].torel(self.referenceTimeUnits).value
                    if (t0 < 0):
                        self.referenceTimeUnits = self.timeAxis.units
                        t0 = comp_time_values[0].torel(self.referenceTimeUnits).value
                    dt = 0.0
                    if self.nTimesteps > 1:
                        t1 = comp_time_values[-1].torel(self.referenceTimeUnits).value
                        dt = (t1-t0)/(self.nTimesteps-1)
                        self.timeRange = [ 0, self.nTimesteps, t0, dt ]
                    values = self.timeAxis.getValue()
                    t0 = values[0] if len(values) > 0 else 0
                    t1 = values[-1] if len(values) > 1 else t0
                    dt = ( values[1] - values[0] )/( len(values) - 1 ) if len(values) > 1 else 0
                    self.timeRange = [ 0, self.nTimesteps, t0, dt ]
            self.setParameter( "timeRange" , self.timeRange )
            self.cdmsDataset.timeRange = self.timeRange
            self.cdmsDataset.referenceTimeUnits = self.referenceTimeUnits
            self.timeLabels = self.cdmsDataset.getTimeValues()
            timeData = args.get( 'timeData', [ self.cdmsDataset.timeRange[2], 0, False ] )
            self.timeValue = cdtime.reltime( float(timeData[0]), self.referenceTimeUnits )
            self.timeIndex = timeData[1]
            self.useTimeIndex = timeData[2]
#            print "Set Time [mid = %d]: %s, NTS: %d, Range: %s, Index: %d (use: %s)" % ( self.moduleID, str(self.timeValue), self.nTimesteps, str(self.timeRange), self.timeIndex, str(self.useTimeIndex) )
#            print "Time Step Labels: %s" % str( self.timeLabels )
            intersectedRoi = self.cdmsDataset.gridBounds
            intersectedRoi = self.getIntersectedRoi( cdms_var, intersectedRoi )
            while( len(cdms_vars) ):
                cdms_var2 = cdms_vars.pop(0)
                if cdms_var2: 
                    iVar = iVar+1
                    self.addCDMSVariable( cdms_var2, iVar )
                    intersectedRoi = self.getIntersectedRoi( cdms_var2, intersectedRoi )
            for iVarInputIndex in range( 2,5 ):
                cdms_var2 = self.getInputValue( "variable%d" % iVarInputIndex  ) 
                if cdms_var2: 
                    iVar = iVar+1
                    self.addCDMSVariable( cdms_var2, iVar )
                    intersectedRoi = self.getIntersectedRoi( cdms_var2, intersectedRoi )
#            if self.newDataset: self.addAnnotation( "datasetId", self.datasetId )
            dset = self.getInputValue( "dataset"  ) 
            if dset: 
                self.cdmsDataset = dset
#                dsetid = self.getAnnotation( "datasetId" )
#                if dsetid: self.datasetId = dsetid 
                dsetId = self.cdmsDataset.getDsetId()
#                self.newDataset = ( self.datasetId <> dsetId )
                self.newLayerConfiguration = True # self.newDataset
                self.datasetId = dsetId
                ModuleStore.archiveCdmsDataset( self.datasetId, self.cdmsDataset )
                self.timeRange = self.cdmsDataset.timeRange
                timeData = args.get( 'timeData', [ self.cdmsDataset.timeRange[2], 0, False ] )
                self.timeValue = cdtime.reltime( float(timeData[0]), self.referenceTimeUnits )
                self.timeIndex = timeData[1]
                self.useTimeIndex = timeData[2]
                self.timeLabels = self.cdmsDataset.getTimeValues()
                self.nTimesteps = self.timeRange[1]
#                print "Set Time: %s, NTS: %d, Range: %s, Index: %d (use: %s)" % ( str(self.timeValue), self.nTimesteps, str(self.timeRange), self.timeIndex, str(self.useTimeIndex) )
#                print "Time Step Labels: %s" % str( self.timeLabels ) 