def generatePacket(self, time, source, destination, message):
    packet = Packet()
    packet.addBody("time", time)
    packet.addBody("source", source)
    packet.addBody("destination", destination)
    packet.addBody("message", message)

    self.lastPacket = packet # Used just for visualization purposes
    return packet
Пример #2
def main():
  # Make pygame window
  screen = pygame.display.set_mode((640,640))

  timer = 0
  numClients = 50

  # Create network of clients
  clients = []
  for i in xrange(0, numClients):

  # Set up random connections amongst the clients
  for i in xrange(0, numClients):
    for j in xrange(0, 5):
      clients[i].addConnection(clients[random.randrange(0, numClients)])

  # Instantiate network layer
  networkLayer = Network(clients)

  for c in clients:
    c.networkLayer = networkLayer;

  # Get user input
  keyInput = None
  while keyInput != 'q':
    message = None
    sourceID = -1
    destinationID = -1
    keyInput = raw_input("Select Option:\n's' - start\n'q' - end the program\n")
    # Start forming a message
    if keyInput == 's':
      # Choose a valid client index
      while sourceID < 0 or sourceID >= numClients:
        sourceID = int(raw_input("Enter the Client ID: "))
      source = clients[sourceID]

      # Choose an option
      keyInput = raw_input("\nSelect Option:\n'm' - submit message\n'd' - display client\n")

      # Send a direct message
      if keyInput == 'm':
        while destinationID < 0 or destinationID >= numClients:
          destinationID = int(raw_input("Enter the Reciever ID: "))
        destination = clients[destinationID]
        message = raw_input("Enter the message to send:\n")
        clients[sourceID].sendMessage(clients[sourceID].user, clients[destinationID].user, message, timer)

        if (len(source.networkLayer.BFS(source.ip, destination.ip)) == 0):
          print "No path between clients"

        # Process TCP packets on sender and receiver
        while networkLayer.routing(timer) or len(source.transportLayer.tcpPackets) > 0 or len(destination.transportLayer.tcpPackets) > 0:
          drawClient(screen, source, 20, 20, destination)
          drawClient(screen, destination, 300, 20)

          # Checks if the source has packet to send
          if source.transportLayer.sendPacket():
            srcPacket = source.transportLayer.tcpPackets.pop(0)
            srcPacket.addHeader("send_time", timer)
            # Send the packet to a buffer for resubmission
            if not srcPacket.getHeader("syn") and not srcPacket.getHeader("fin"):
              newPacket = Packet(srcPacket)
              message = newPacket.getBody("message")
              newPacket.addBody("message", message+"(r)")
              newPacket.addHeader("fail", False)

          # Checks for a retransmission packet
          retansmitPacket = source.transportLayer.checkRetransmission(timer)
          if retansmitPacket != None:
            nextPacket = Packet(retansmitPacket)
            message = nextPacket.getBody("message")
            nextPacket.addBody("message", message+"(r)")
            nextPacket.addHeader("fail", False)

          if destination.transportLayer.sendPacket():

          timer += 1

        # Reset the transport layers

        # Clients update their inbox
        drawClient(screen, source, 20, 20, destination)
        drawClient(screen, destination, 300, 20)

      # Display all IP addresses a client can talk to
      if keyInput == 'd':
        print clients[sourceID].connections
        drawClient(screen, source, 20, 20)