Пример #1
def set_vim_globals():
    """ Sets global vim preferences and commands.
    # To update the date when files are modified
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
                'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
        vim.command('execute "au! BufEnter" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":let b:pad_modified = 0"')
        vim.command('execute "au! BufWritePre" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":let b:pad_modified = eval(&modified)"')
        vim.command('execute "au! BufLeave" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":call pad#UpdatePad()"')

    # vim-pad pollutes the MRU.vim list quite a lot, if let alone.
    # This should fix that.
    if vim.eval('exists(":MRU")') == "2":
        mru_exclude_files = vim.eval("MRU_Exclude_Files")
        if mru_exclude_files != '':
            tail = "\|" + mru_exclude_files
            tail = ''
        vim.command("let MRU_Exclude_Files = '^" +
                join(get_save_dir(), ".*") + tail + "'")

        # we forbid writing backups of the notes
    orig_backupskip = vim.eval("&backupskip")
    vim.command("set backupskip=" +
            ",".join([orig_backupskip, join(get_save_dir(), "*")]))
Пример #2
def update():
    """ Moves a note to a new location if its contents are modified.

    Called on the BufLeave event for the notes.

    modified = bool(int(vim.eval("b:pad_modified")))
    can_rename = bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_rename_files")))
    if modified and can_rename:
        _id = PadInfo(vim.current.buffer).id
        old_path = expanduser(vim.current.buffer.name)

        fs = filter(
                expanduser(join(dirname(vim.current.buffer.name), _id)) + "*"))
        if old_path not in fs:
            if fs == []:
                new_path = expanduser(join(get_save_dir(), _id))
                exts = map(lambda i: '0' if i == '' else i[1:],
                           map(lambda i: splitext(i)[1], fs))
                new_path = ".".join([
                    expanduser(join(get_save_dir(), _id)),
                    str(int(max(exts)) + 1)
            new_path = new_path + vim.eval("g:pad_default_file_extension")
            move(old_path, new_path)
Пример #3
def set_vim_globals():
    """ Sets global vim preferences and commands.
    # To update the date when files are modified
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'
                    'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.",'
                    ' "OK", 1, "Error")')
            'execute "au! BufEnter" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":let b:pad_modified = 0"'
            'execute "au! BufWritePre" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":let b:pad_modified = eval(&modified)"'
            'execute "au! BufLeave" printf("%s*", g:pad_dir) ":call pad#UpdatePad()"'

    # vim-pad pollutes the MRU.vim list quite a lot, if let alone.
    # This should fix that.
    if vim.eval('exists(":MRU")') == "2":
        mru_exclude_files = vim.eval("MRU_Exclude_Files")
        if mru_exclude_files != '':
            tail = "\|" + mru_exclude_files
            tail = ''
        vim.command("let MRU_Exclude_Files = '^" + join(get_save_dir(), ".*") +
                    tail + "'")

    # we forbid writing backups of the notes
    orig_backupskip = vim.eval("&backupskip")
        "let &backupskip='" +
        ",".join([orig_backupskip, join(get_save_dir(), "*")]) + "'")
Пример #4
def open_pad(path=None, first_line=None): #{{{1
	"""Creates or opens a note.

	path: a valid path for a note.

	first_line: a string to insert to a new note, if given.
	# we require self.save_dir_set to be set to a valid path
	if get_save_dir() == "":
		vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
				'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
	# if no path is provided, we create one using the current time
	if not path:
		path = join(get_save_dir(), timestamp())

	vim.command("silent! botright" + str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_height")) + "split " + path)
	# set the filetype to our default
	if vim.eval('&filetype') in ('', 'conf'):
		vim.command("set filetype=" + vim.eval("g:pad_default_format"))
	# map the local commands
	if bool(int(vim.eval('has("gui_running")'))):
		vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader><delete> :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>")
		vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>dd :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>")

	vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+m :call pad#AddModeline()<cr>")
	# insert the text in first_line to the buffer, if provided
	if first_line:
		vim.command("normal! j")
Пример #5
def update():
    """ Moves a note to a new location if its contents are modified.

    Called on the BufLeave event for the notes.

    modified = bool(int(vim.eval("b:pad_modified")))
    can_rename = bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_rename_files")))
    if modified and can_rename:
        _id = PadInfo(vim.current.buffer).id
        old_path = expanduser(vim.current.buffer.name)

        fs = filter(isfile, glob(expanduser(join(dirname(vim.current.buffer.name), _id)) + "*"))
        if old_path not in fs:
            if fs == []:
                new_path = expanduser(join(get_save_dir(), _id))
                exts = map(lambda i: '0' if i == '' else i[1:],
                                    map(lambda i: splitext(i)[1], fs))
                new_path = ".".join([
                                    expanduser(join(get_save_dir(), _id)),
                                    str(int(max(exts)) + 1)])
            new_path = new_path + vim.eval("g:pad_default_file_extension")
            move(old_path, new_path)
Пример #6
def get_filelist(query=None, archive=None): # {{{1
    """ __get_filelist(query) -> list_of_notes

    Returns a list of notes. If no query is provided, all the valid filenames in
    self.save_dir are returned in a list, otherwise, return the results of grep
    or ack search for query in self.save_dir.
    if not query or query == "":
        files = listdir_recursive_nohidden(get_save_dir(), archive)
        search_backend = vim.eval("g:pad_search_backend")
        if search_backend == "grep":
            # we use Perl mode for grep (-P), because it is really fast
            command = ["grep", "-P", "-n", "-r", query, get_save_dir() + "/"]
            if archive != "!":
        elif search_backend == "ack":
            if vim.eval("executable('ack')") == "1":
                ack_path = "ack"
                ack_path = "/usr/bin/vendor_perl/ack"
            command = [ack_path, query, get_save_dir() + "/", "--type=text"]
            if archive != "!":

        if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_search_ignorecase"))):

        files = [line.split(":")[0]
                for line in Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0].\
                        replace(get_save_dir() + "/", "").\
                        split("\n")	if line != '']

    return files
Пример #7
def move_to_folder(path=None):
    if path is None:
        path = vim.eval("input('move to: ')")
    new_path = join(get_save_dir(), path, basename(vim.current.buffer.name))
    if not exists(join(get_save_dir(), path)):
        mkdir(join(get_save_dir(), path))
    move(vim.current.buffer.name, new_path)
Пример #8
def move_to_folder(path=None):
    if path is None:
        path = vim.eval("input('move to: ')")
    new_path = join(get_save_dir(), path, basename(vim.current.buffer.name))
    if not exists(join(get_save_dir(), path)):
        mkdir(join(get_save_dir(), path))
    move(vim.current.buffer.name, new_path)
Пример #9
def fill_list(files, queried=False, custom_order=False): # {{{1
	""" Writes the list of notes to the __pad__ buffer.

	files: a list of files to process.

	queried: whether files is the result of a query or not.

	custom_order: whether we should keep the order of the list given (implies queried=True).

	Keeps a cache so we only read the notes when the files have been modified.
	global cached_filenames, cached_timestamps, cached_data
	# we won't want to touch the cache
	if custom_order:
		queried = True

	timestamps = [getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), f)) for f in files]
	# we will have a new list only on the following cases
	if queried or files != cached_filenames or timestamps != cached_timestamps:
		lines = []
		if not custom_order:
			files = reversed(sorted(files, key=lambda i: getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), i))))
		for pad in files:
			with open(join(get_save_dir(), pad)) as pad_file:
				info = PadInfo(pad_file)
				if info.isEmpty:
					tail = "[EMPTY]"
					tail = u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join((info.summary, info.body))
				lines.append(pad + " @ " + tail)
		# we only update the cache if we are not queried, to preserve the global cache
		if not queried:
			cached_data = lines
			cached_timestamps = timestamps
			cached_filenames = files

	# update natural timestamps
	def add_natural_timestamp(matchobj):
		id_string = matchobj.group("id")
		mtime = str(int(getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), matchobj.group("id")))*1000000))
		return id_string + " @ " + natural_timestamp(mtime).ljust(19) + " │"
	if not queried: # we use the cache
		lines = [re.sub("(?P<id>^.*?) @", add_natural_timestamp, line) for line in cached_data]
	else: # we use the new values in lines
		lines = [re.sub("(?P<id>^.*?) @", add_natural_timestamp, line) for line in lines]

	# we now show the list
	del vim.current.buffer[:] # clear the buffer
	vim.command("normal! dd")
Пример #10
def open_pad(path=None, first_line=None):  # {{{1
    """Creates or opens a note.

    path: a valid path for a note.

    first_line: a string to insert to a new note, if given.
    # we require self.save_dir_set to be set to a valid path
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'
                'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.",'
                ' "OK", 1, "Error")')

    # if no path is provided, we create one using the current time
    if not path:
        path = join(get_save_dir(),
                    timestamp() + vim.eval("g:pad_default_file_extension"))
    path = path.replace(" ", "\ ")

    if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_open_in_split"))):
        if vim.eval('g:pad_position["pads"]') == 'right':
            vim.command("silent! rightbelow"
                    + str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_width")) + "vsplit " + path)
            vim.command("silent! botright"
                    + str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_height")) + "split " + path)
        vim.command("silent! edit " + path)

    # we don't keep the buffer when we hide it
    vim.command("set bufhidden=wipe")

    # set the filetype to our default
    if vim.eval('&filetype') in ('', 'conf'):
        vim.command("set filetype=" + vim.eval("g:pad_default_format"))

    # map the local commands
    if bool(int(vim.eval('has("gui_running")'))):
        vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader><delete> :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>")
        vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>dd :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>")

    vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+m :call pad#AddModeline()<cr>")
    vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+f :call pad#MoveToFolder()<cr>")
    vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>-f :call pad#MoveToSaveDir()<cr>")
    vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+a :call pad#Archive()<cr>")
    vim.command("noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>-a :call pad#Unarchive()<cr>")

    # insert the text in first_line to the buffer, if provided
    if first_line:
        vim.current.buffer.append(first_line, 0)
        vim.command("normal! j")
Пример #11
def move_to_folder(path=None):  # {{{1
    """ Moves the selected pad to a subfolder of g:pad_dir
    selected_path = get_selected_path()
    if path is None:
        path = vim.eval('input("move to: ")')
    if not exists(join(get_save_dir(), path)):
        mkdir(join(get_save_dir(), path))
    move(selected_path, join(get_save_dir(), path, basename(selected_path)))
    if path is None:
Пример #12
def move_to_folder(path=None):  # {{{1
    """ Moves the selected pad to a subfolder of g:pad_dir
    selected_path = get_selected_path()
    if path is None:
        path = vim.eval('input("move to: ")')
    if not exists(join(get_save_dir(), path)):
        mkdir(join(get_save_dir(), path))
    move(selected_path, join(get_save_dir(), path, basename(selected_path)))
    if path is None:
Пример #13
def sort(key="1"): #{{{1
	key = SORT_TYPES[key]
	if key=="date":
		vim.command("call pad#ListPads('')")

	tuples = []
	if key=="tags":
		view_files = [line.split()[0] for line in vim.current.buffer]
		for pad_id in view_files:
			with open(get_save_dir() + "/" + pad_id) as fi:
				tags = sorted([tag.lower().replace("@", "") for tag in re.findall("@\w*", fi.read(200))])
			tuples.append((pad_id, tags))
		tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda f: f[1])
		tuples = filter(lambda i : i[1] != [], tuples) + filter(lambda i : i[1] == [], tuples)
	elif key=="title":
		l = 1
		for line in vim.current.buffer:
			pad_id = line.split()[0]
			title = vim.eval('''split(split(substitute(getline(''' + str(l) + '''), '↲','\n', "g"), '\n')[0], ' │ ')[1]''')
			tuples.append((pad_id, title))
			l += 1
		tuples = sorted(tuples, key=lambda f: f[1])
	vim.command("setlocal modifiable")
	fill_list([f[0] for f in tuples], custom_order=True)
	vim.command("setlocal nomodifiable")
Пример #14
	def __init__(self, source):
		nchars = int(vim.eval("g:pad_read_nchars_from_files"))
		self.summary = ""
		self.body = ""
		self.isEmpty = True
		self.folder = ""
		self.id = timestamp()

		if source is vim.current.buffer:
			source = source[:10]
		elif source.__class__ == file:
			self.folder = abspath(source.name)[len(get_save_dir()):-len(basename(source.name))]
			source = source.read(nchars).split("\n")

		data = [line.strip() for line in source if line != ""]

		if data != []:
			# we discard modelines
			if re.match("^.* vim: set .*:.*$", data[0]):
				data = data[1:]

			self.summary = data[0].strip()
			if self.summary[0] in ("%", "#"): #pandoc and markdown titles
				self.summary = str(self.summary[1:]).strip()

			self.body = u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join(data[1:]).strip()

		if self.summary != "":
			self.isEmpty = False
			self.id = self.summary.lower().replace(" ", "_")

		if self.id.startswith("."):
			self.id = re.sub("^\.*", "", self.id)
Пример #15
 def add_natural_timestamp(matchobj):
     id_string = matchobj.group("id")
     mtime = str(
             getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), matchobj.group("id"))) *
     return id_string + " @ " + natural_timestamp(mtime).ljust(19) + " │"
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, source):

        source can be:

        * a vim buffer
        * a file object
        * a list of strings, one per line

        nchars = int(vim.eval("g:pad_read_nchars_from_files"))
        self.summary = ""
        self.body = ""
        self.isEmpty = True
        self.folder = ""
        self.id = timestamp()

        if source is vim.current.buffer:
            source = source[:10]
        elif source.__class__ == file:
            pos = len(get_save_dir()), len(basename(source.name))
            self.folder = abspath(source.name)[pos[0]:-pos[1]]
            source = source.read(nchars).split("\n")

        data = [line.strip() for line in source if line != ""]

        if data != []:
            # we discard modelines
            if re.match("^.* vim: set .*:.*$", data[0]):
                data = data[1:]

            self.summary = data[0].strip()
            # vim-orgmode adds tags after whitespace
            org_tags_data = re.search("\s+(?P<tags>:.*$)", self.summary)
            if org_tags_data:
                self.summary = re.sub("\s+:.*$", "", self.summary)
            if self.summary[0] in ("%", "#"):  # pandoc and markdown titles
                self.summary = str(self.summary[1:]).strip()

            self.body = u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join(data[1:]).strip()
            # if we have orgmode tag data, add it to the body
            if org_tags_data:
                self.body = ' '.join(\
                    [" ".join(\
                              map(lambda a: "@" + a, \
                                  filter(lambda a: a != "", \
                                         org_tags_data.group("tags").split(":")))), \
            # remove extra spaces in bodies
            self.body = re.sub("\s{2,}", "", self.body)

        if self.summary != "":
            self.isEmpty = False
            self.id = self.summary.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            # remove ilegal characters from names (using rules for windows
            # systems to err on the side of precaution)
            self.id = re.sub("[*:<>/\|^]", "", self.id)

        if self.id.startswith("."):
            self.id = re.sub("^\.*", "", self.id)
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, source):

        source can be:

        * a vim buffer
        * a file object
        * a list of strings, one per line

        nchars = int(vim.eval("g:pad_read_nchars_from_files"))
        self.summary = ""
        self.body = ""
        self.isEmpty = True
        self.folder = ""
        self.id = timestamp()

        if source is vim.current.buffer:
            source = source[:10]
        elif source.__class__ == file:
            pos = len(get_save_dir()), len(basename(source.name))
            self.folder = abspath(source.name)[pos[0]:-pos[1]]
            source = source.read(nchars).split("\n")

        data = [line.strip() for line in source if line != ""]

        if data != []:
            # we discard modelines
            if re.match("^.* vim: set .*:.*$", data[0]):
                data = data[1:]

            self.summary = data[0].strip()
            # vim-orgmode adds tags after whitespace
            org_tags_data = re.search("\s+(?P<tags>:.*$)", self.summary)
            if org_tags_data:
                self.summary = re.sub("\s+:.*$", "", self.summary)
            if self.summary[0] in ("%", "#"):  # pandoc and markdown titles
                self.summary = str(self.summary[1:]).strip()

            self.body = u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join(data[1:]).strip()
            # if we have orgmode tag data, add it to the body
            if org_tags_data:
                self.body = ' '.join(\
                    [" ".join(\
                              map(lambda a: "@" + a, \
                                  filter(lambda a: a != "", \
                                         org_tags_data.group("tags").split(":")))), \
            # remove extra spaces in bodies
            self.body = re.sub("\s{2,}", "", self.body)

        if self.summary != "":
            self.isEmpty = False
            self.id = self.summary.lower().replace(" ", "_")
            # remove ilegal characters from names (using rules for windows
            # systems to err on the side of precaution)
            self.id = re.sub("[*:<>/\|^]", "", self.id)

        if self.id.startswith("."):
            self.id = re.sub("^\.*", "", self.id)
Пример #18
def display(query, archive):  # {{{1
    """ Shows a list of notes.

    query: a string representing a regex search. Can be "".

    Builds a list of files for query and then processes it to show the list in the pad format.
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
                'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
    pad_files = get_filelist(query, archive)
    if len(pad_files) > 0:
        if vim.eval("bufexists('__pad__')") == "1":
            vim.command("bw __pad__")
        if vim.eval('g:pad_position["list"]') == "right":
            vim.command("silent! rightbelow " +
                        str(vim.eval('g:pad_window_width')) + "vnew __pad__")
            vim.command("silent! botright " +
                        str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_height")) + "new __pad__")
        fill_list(pad_files, query != "")
        vim.command("set filetype=pad")
        vim.command("setlocal nomodifiable")
        print "no pads"
Пример #19
def delete_pad(): #{{{1
	""" Deletes the currently selected note in the __pad__ buffer.
	confirm = vim.eval('input("really delete? (y/n): ")')
	if confirm in ("y", "Y"):
		path = join(get_save_dir(), vim.current.line.split(" @")[0])
Пример #20
def get_filelist(query=None, archive=None):  # {{{1
    """ __get_filelist(query) -> list_of_notes

    Returns a list of notes. If no query is provided, all the valid filenames
    in self.save_dir are returned in a list, otherwise, return the results of
    grep or ack search for query in self.save_dir.
    if not query or query == "":
        files = listdir_recursive_nohidden(get_save_dir(), archive)
        search_backend = vim.eval("g:pad_search_backend")
        if search_backend == "grep":
            # we use Perl mode for grep (-P), because it is really fast
            command = ["grep", "-P", "-n", "-r", query, get_save_dir() + "/"]
            if archive != "!":
        elif search_backend == "ack":
            if vim.eval("executable('ack')") == "1":
                ack_path = "ack"
                ack_path = "/usr/bin/vendor_perl/ack"
            command = [ack_path, query, get_save_dir() + "/", "--type=text"]
            if archive != "!":

        if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_search_ignorecase"))):

        files = [
            line.split(":")[0] for line in Popen(
                command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE).communicate()[0].split("\n")
            if line != ''

        if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_query_dirnames"))):
            matching_dirs = filter(
                isdir, glob(join(get_save_dir(), "*" + query + "*")))
            for mdir in matching_dirs:
                    filter(lambda x: x not in files,
                           listdir_recursive_nohidden(mdir, archive)))

    return files
Пример #21
def search_pads(): # {{{1
    """ Aks for a query and lists the matching notes.
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
                'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
    query = vim.eval('input(">>> ")')
    display(query, "")
Пример #22
def search_pads():  # {{{1
    """ Aks for a query and lists the matching notes.
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
                'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
    query = vim.eval('input(">>> ")')
    display(query, "")
Пример #23
def display(query): # {{{1
	""" Shows a list of notes.

	query: a string representing a regex search. Can be "".

	Builds a list of files for query and then processes it to show the list in the pad format.
	if get_save_dir() == "":
		vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'\
				'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.", "OK", 1, "Error")')
	pad_files = get_filelist(query)
	if len(pad_files) > 0:
		if vim.eval("bufexists('__pad__')") == "1":
			vim.command("bw __pad__")
		vim.command("silent! botright " + str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_height")) + "new __pad__")
		fill_list(pad_files, query != "")
		vim.command("set filetype=pad")
		vim.command("setlocal nomodifiable")
		print "no pads"
Пример #24
 def add_natural_timestamp(matchobj):
     id_string = matchobj.group("id")
     mtime = str(int(getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), matchobj.group("id")))*1000000))
     return id_string + " @ " + natural_timestamp(mtime).ljust(19) + " │"
Пример #25
def get_selected_path():  # {{{1
    return join(get_save_dir(), vim.current.line.split(" @")[0])
Пример #26
def edit_pad(): #{{{1
	""" Opens the currently selected note in the __pad__ buffer.
	path = join(get_save_dir(), vim.current.line.split(" @")[0])
Пример #27
def fill_list(files, queried=False, custom_order=False):  # {{{1
    """ Writes the list of notes to the __pad__ buffer.

    files: a list of files to process.

    queried: whether files is the result of a query or not.

    custom_order: whether we should keep the order of the list given (implies queried=True).

    Keeps a cache so we only read the notes when the files have been modified.
    global cached_filenames, cached_timestamps, cached_data

    # we won't want to touch the cache
    if custom_order:
        queried = True

    files = filter(exists, [join(get_save_dir(), f) for f in files])

    timestamps = [getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), f)) for f in files]

    # we will have a new list only on the following cases
    if queried or files != cached_filenames or timestamps != cached_timestamps:
        lines = []
        if not custom_order:
            files = reversed(
                sorted(files, key=lambda i: getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), i))))
        for pad in files:
            pad_path = join(get_save_dir(), pad)
            if isfile(pad_path):
                with open(join(get_save_dir(), pad)) as pad_file:
                    info = PadInfo(pad_file)
                    if info.isEmpty:
                        if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_show_dir"))):
                            tail = info.folder + u'\u2e25 '.encode(
                                'utf-8') + "[EMPTY]"
                            tail = "[EMPTY]"
                        if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_show_dir"))):
                            tail = info.folder + u'\u2e25 '.encode(
                                'utf-8') + u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join(
                                    (info.summary, info.body))
                            tail = u'\u21b2'.encode('utf-8').join(
                                (info.summary, info.body))
                    lines.append(pad + " @ " + tail)

        # we only update the cache if we are not queried, to preserve the global cache
        if not queried:
            cached_data = lines
            cached_timestamps = timestamps
            cached_filenames = files

    # update natural timestamps
    def add_natural_timestamp(matchobj):
        id_string = matchobj.group("id")
        mtime = str(
                getmtime(join(get_save_dir(), matchobj.group("id"))) *
        return id_string + " @ " + natural_timestamp(mtime).ljust(19) + " │"

    if not queried:  # we use the cache
        lines = [
            re.sub("(?P<id>^.*?) @", add_natural_timestamp, line)
            for line in cached_data
    else:  # we use the new values in lines
        lines = [
            re.sub("(?P<id>^.*?) @", add_natural_timestamp, line)
            for line in lines

    # we now show the list
    del vim.current.buffer[:]  # clear the buffer
    vim.command("normal! dd")
Пример #28
def get_selected_path():  # {{{1
    return join(get_save_dir(), vim.current.line.split(" @")[0])
Пример #29
def open_pad(path=None, first_line=""):  # {{{1
    """Creates or opens a note.

    path: a valid path for a note.

    first_line: a string to insert to a new note, if given.
    # we require self.save_dir_set to be set to a valid path
    if get_save_dir() == "":
        vim.command('let tmp = confirm("IMPORTANT:\n'
                    'Please set g:pad_dir to a valid path in your vimrc.",'
                    ' "OK", 1, "Error")')

    # if no path is provided, we create one using the current time
    if not path:
        path = join(
            PadInfo([first_line]).id +
    path = path.replace(" ", "\ ")

    if bool(int(vim.eval("g:pad_open_in_split"))):
        if vim.eval('g:pad_position["pads"]') == 'right':
            vim.command("silent! rightbelow" +
                        str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_width")) + "vsplit " + path)
            vim.command("silent! botright" +
                        str(vim.eval("g:pad_window_height")) + "split " + path)
        vim.command("silent! edit " + path)

    # we don't keep the buffer when we hide it
    vim.command("set bufhidden=wipe")

    # set the filetype to our default
    if vim.eval('&filetype') in ('', 'conf'):
        vim.command("set filetype=" + vim.eval("g:pad_default_format"))

    # map the local commands
    if bool(int(vim.eval('has("gui_running")'))):
            "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader><delete> :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>"
            "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>dd :call pad#DeleteThis()<cr>"

        "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+m :call pad#AddModeline()<cr>"
        "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+f :call pad#MoveToFolder()<cr>"
        "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>-f :call pad#MoveToSaveDir()<cr>"
        "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>+a :call pad#Archive()<cr>")
        "noremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>-a :call pad#Unarchive()<cr>")

    # insert the text in first_line to the buffer, if provided
    if first_line:
        vim.current.buffer.append(first_line, 0)
        vim.command("normal! j")