Пример #1
    def great_circle(self, **kwargs):
            Named arguments:
            distance = distance to traveled
            azimuth = angle, in DECIMAL DEGREES of HEADING from NORTH
            start_point = Location4D object representing the starting point
            rmajor = radius of earth's major axis. default=6378137.0 (WGS84)
            rminor = radius of earth's minor axis. default=6356752.3142 (WGS84)

            Returns a dictionary with:
            'latitude' in decimal degrees
            'longitude' in decimal degrees
            'reverse_azimuth' in decimal degrees


        distance = kwargs.pop('distance')
        azimuth = kwargs.pop('azimuth')
        starting = kwargs.pop('start_point')
        rmajor = kwargs.pop('rmajor', 6378137.0)
        rminor = kwargs.pop('rminor', 6356752.3142)
        f = (rmajor - rminor) / rmajor

        lat_result, lon_result, angle_result = GreatCircle.vinc_pt(f, rmajor, math.radians(starting.latitude), math.radians(starting.longitude), math.radians(azimuth), distance)

        return {'latitude': math.degrees(lat_result), 'longitude': math.degrees(lon_result), 'reverse_azimuth': math.degrees(angle_result)}
Пример #2
    def great_circle(self, **kwargs):
            Named arguments:
            distance = distance to traveled
            azimuth = angle, in DECIMAL DEGREES of HEADING from NORTH
            start_point = Location4D object representing the starting point
            rmajor = radius of earth's major axis. default=6378137.0 (WGS84)
            rminor = radius of earth's minor axis. default=6356752.3142 (WGS84)

            Returns a dictionary with:
            'latitude' in decimal degrees
            'longitude' in decimal degrees
            'reverse_azimuth' in decimal degrees


        distance = kwargs.pop('distance')
        azimuth = kwargs.pop('azimuth')
        starting = kwargs.pop('start_point')
        rmajor = kwargs.pop('rmajor', 6378137.0)
        rminor = kwargs.pop('rminor', 6356752.3142)
        f = (rmajor - rminor) / rmajor

        lat_result, lon_result, angle_result = GreatCircle.vinc_pt(
            f, rmajor, math.radians(starting.latitude),
            math.radians(starting.longitude), math.radians(azimuth), distance)

        return {
            'latitude': math.degrees(lat_result),
            'longitude': math.degrees(lon_result),
            'reverse_azimuth': math.degrees(angle_result)