Пример #1
def findLink(req, url):
    link = ''
    txt = load(url)
    for m in re.finditer(r'"http(s|)://(www.|)(dailymotion|videomega|videowood|youtube|openload)(.com|.tv|.co)([^"]*)', txt):
        if m.group()[1:-1] != link:
            link = m.group()[1:-1]
            image = getImage(link)
            page.addVideo(req, link, link, image)
Пример #2
def findImageLink(req, url, unquote=False, showPage=False):
    txt = load(url)
    for m in re.finditer(r'<a .*?</a>', txt, re.DOTALL):
        link = re.search(r'href="([^"]*)"', m.group(0))
        image = re.search(r'src="([^"]*)"', m.group(0))
        if link and image:
            if unquote == True:
                link1 = urllib.unquote(link.group(1))
                link1 = link.group(1)
            image1 = image.group(1)
            if showPage == False:
                page.addVideo(req, link1, link1, image1)
                page.addPage(req, link1, link1, image1)
Пример #3
def findVideoLink(req, url, showPage=False, showImage=False):
    parsed_uri = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    domain = '{uri.scheme}://{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=parsed_uri)
    txt = load(url)
    for m in re.finditer(r'<a .*?</a>', txt, re.DOTALL):
        link = re.search(r'href="([^"]*)"', m.group(0))
        title = re.search(r'title="([^"]*)"', m.group(0))
        image = re.search(r'src="([^"]*)"', m.group(0))
        if link and title and image:
            link1 = absURL(domain, link.group(1))
            title1 = title.group(1)
            image1 = absURL(domain, image.group(1))
            if showPage == False:
                page.addVideo(req, link1, title1, image1)
            elif showImage == True:
                page.addPage(req, link1, title1, image1)
                page.addPage(req, link1, title1)
Пример #4
def findFrame(req, url):
    for m in re.finditer(r'<iframe (.*?)</iframe>', load(url)):
        src = re.search(r'src="([^"]*)"', m.group(1))
        if src:
            page.addVideo(req, src.group(1))