Пример #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.progress = itertools.cycle('|/-\\')
     self.gathering = 'Gathering output...'
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + self.gathering)
     self.sio = StringIO()
Пример #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.progress = itertools.cycle('|/-\\')
     self.gathering = 'Gathering output...'
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + self.gathering)
     self.sio = StringIO()
Пример #3
def ttypager(text):
    """Page through text on a text terminal."""
    lines = string.split(plain(text), '\n')
    if redirect.state != redirect.NOLOG_STATE:
        with redirect.logonly():
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
        if redirect.state == redirect.LOGONLY_STATE:
    with pager.nopager():
        with redirect.nolog():
            height = min(bits.get_width_height(term)[1] for term in range(bits.get_term_count()))
            r = inc = height - 1
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[:inc], '\n') + '\n')
            while True:
                if lines[r:]:
                    prompt = '-- any key to advance; PgUp to page up; q to quit --'
                    prompt = '-- END; PgUp to page up; q to quit --'
                prompt_len = len(prompt)
                c = bits.get_key()
                # Write the spaces one at a time to defeat word-wrap
                for i in range(prompt_len):
                    sys.stdout.write(' ')
                if c in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                elif c in (ord('\r'), ord('\n'), bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('n')):
                    if lines[r:]:
                        sys.stdout.write(lines[r] + '\n')
                        r = r + 1
                if c == bits.KEY_HOME:
                    r = 0
                if c == bits.KEY_END:
                    r = len(lines) - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_UP, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('p')):
                    r = r - 1 - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_PAGE_UP, ord('b'), ord('B')):
                    r = r - inc - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if lines[r:]:
                    sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[r:r+inc], '\n') + '\n')
                    r = r + inc
                    if not lines[r:]:
                        r = len(lines)
Пример #4
def _readline(prompt=""):
    global width, height, line_x, line_y, buffer_max, history, ctrl_o_index, completer

    with redirect.nolog():
        with pager.nopager():

            line_buffer = ''
            pos = 0
            prev_len = 0

            term_count = bits.get_term_count()
            width = [0] * term_count
            height = [0] * term_count
            line_x = [0] * term_count
            line_y = [0] * term_count

            for term in range(term_count):
                width[term], height[term] = bits.get_width_height(term)
                line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term)

            buffer_max = min((width[term] - 2 - line_x[term]) + ((height[term] - 1) * (width[term] - 1)) for term in range(term_count))

            history_index = len(history)
            history_state = dict()
            completer_state = 0

            if ctrl_o_index is not None:
                if ctrl_o_index < len(history):
                    history_index = ctrl_o_index
                    line_buffer = history[history_index]
                    pos = len(line_buffer)
                ctrl_o_index = None

            while True:
                # Update history
                history_state[history_index] = (line_buffer, pos)

                    # clear any characters after the current line buffer
                    trailing_len = prev_len - len(line_buffer)
                    if trailing_len > 0:
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            trailing_x, trailing_y = PositionCursor(len(line_buffer), line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                            print_buffer(" " * trailing_len, trailing_x, trailing_y, term)
                    prev_len = len(line_buffer)

                    for term in range(term_count):
                        # print the current line buffer
                        print_buffer(line_buffer, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                        # move the cursor to location of pos within the line buffer
                        PositionCursor(pos, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)

                    c = bits.get_key()

                    def ctrl(k):
                        return bits.MOD_CTRL | ord(k)

                    if c == ord('\r') or c == ord('\n') or c == ctrl('o'):
                        if line_buffer or (history and history[-1]):
                        if c == ctrl('o'): # Ctrl-O
                            ctrl_o_index = history_index + 1
                        return line_buffer + '\n'

                    if not (c == ord('\t') or c == ctrl('i')):
                        # reset completer state to force restart of the completer
                        completer_state = 0

                    if c == bits.KEY_HOME or c == ctrl('a'):
                        # start of line
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == bits.KEY_LEFT or c == ctrl('b'):
                        # left
                        if pos != 0:
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl('d'):
                        # EOF
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_DELETE:
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_END or c == ctrl('e'):
                        # end of line
                        pos = len(line_buffer)
                    elif c == bits.KEY_RIGHT or c == ctrl('f'):
                        # right
                        if pos != len(line_buffer):
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == ord('\b') or c == ctrl('h'):
                        # backspace
                        line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == ord('\t') or c == ctrl('i'):
                        # tab completion
                        if completer is not None:
                            if completer_state != 0:
                                for c in range(len(current_completion)):
                                    line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                                cur = pos
                                while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                                    pos -= 1
                                saved_str = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                                line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                            current_completion = completer(saved_str, completer_state)
                            completer_state += 1
                            if current_completion is not None:
                                for c in current_completion:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                for c in saved_str:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                completer_state = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('k'):
                        # delete from current to end of line
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos]
                    elif c == ctrl('l'):
                        # clear screen
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term);
                    elif c == bits.KEY_DOWN or c == ctrl('n'):
                        # Next line in history
                        if history_index < len(history):
                            history_index += 1
                            if history_index == len(history):
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index)
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == bits.KEY_UP or c == ctrl('p'):
                        # Previous line in history
                        if history_index > 0:
                            history_index -= 1
                            line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == ctrl('u'):
                        # delete from current to beginning of line
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[pos:]
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('w'):
                        # delete previous word
                        cur = pos
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] == ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                    elif c == ctrl('z') or c == bits.KEY_ESC:
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                    elif c in key_hooks:
                    elif c < 256 and chr(c) in string.printable:
                        # printable
                        line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, chr(c), pos)

                except IOError:
Пример #5
def ttypager(text):
    """Page through text on a text terminal."""
        import efi
        efi_options = ["f to write file"]
    except ImportError as e:
        efi_options = []
    lines = string.split(plain(text), '\n')
    if redirect.state != redirect.NOLOG_STATE:
        with redirect.logonly():
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
        if redirect.state == redirect.LOGONLY_STATE:
    with pager.nopager():
        with redirect.nolog():
            height = min(bits.get_width_height(term)[1] for term in range(bits.get_term_count()))
            r = inc = height - 1
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[:inc], '\n') + '\n')
            while True:
                if lines[r:]:
                    advance = ['any key to advance']
                    advance = ['END']
                if r > inc:
                    back = ["Up/PgUp to go back"]
                    back = []
                options = "; ".join(advance + back + efi_options + ["q to quit"])
                prompt = '-- {} --'.format(options)
                prompt_len = len(prompt)
                c = bits.get_key()
                # Write the spaces one at a time to defeat word-wrap
                for i in range(prompt_len):
                    sys.stdout.write(' ')
                if efi_options and c in (ord('f'), ord('F')):
                    ttydir = efi.get_boot_fs()
                    filepath = os.path.normpath(str.strip(readline._readline("filename: "), "\n"))
                    basepath, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
                    for dirname in str.split(basepath, os.sep):
                        if dirname is not "":
                            ttydir = ttydir.mkdir(dirname)
                    print "Saving {}...".format(filepath),
                    ttydir.create(fname).write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
                    print "Done"
                    print "Hit any key to continue..."
                    c = bits.get_key()
                if c in (ord('q'), ord('Q')):
                elif c in (ord('\r'), ord('\n'), bits.KEY_DOWN, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('n')):
                    if lines[r:]:
                        sys.stdout.write(lines[r] + '\n')
                        r = r + 1
                if c == bits.KEY_HOME:
                    r = 0
                if c == bits.KEY_END:
                    r = len(lines) - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_UP, bits.MOD_CTRL | ord('p')):
                    r = r - 1 - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (bits.KEY_PAGE_UP, ord('b'), ord('B')):
                    r = r - inc - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if lines[r:]:
                    sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[r:r+inc], '\n') + '\n')
                    r = r + inc
                    if not lines[r:]:
                        r = len(lines)
Пример #6
def _readline(prompt=""):
    global width, height, line_x, line_y, buffer_max, history, kill_ring, kill_accumulate, ctrl_o_index, completer

    with redirect.nolog():
        with pager.nopager():

            line_buffer = ''
            pos = 0
            prev_len = 0

            term_count = bits.get_term_count()
            width = [0] * term_count
            height = [0] * term_count
            line_x = [0] * term_count
            line_y = [0] * term_count

            for term in range(term_count):
                width[term], height[term] = bits.get_width_height(term)
                line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term)

            buffer_max = min((width[term] - 2 - line_x[term]) + ((height[term] - 1) * (width[term] - 1)) for term in range(term_count))

            history_index = len(history)
            history_state = dict()
            completer_state = 0
            last_yank_start = None
            kill_accumulate = False

            if ctrl_o_index is not None:
                if ctrl_o_index < len(history):
                    history_index = ctrl_o_index
                    line_buffer = history[history_index]
                    pos = len(line_buffer)
                ctrl_o_index = None

            while True:
                # Update history
                history_state[history_index] = (line_buffer, pos)

                    # clear any characters after the current line buffer
                    trailing_len = prev_len - len(line_buffer)
                    if trailing_len > 0:
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            trailing_x, trailing_y = PositionCursor(len(line_buffer), line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                            print_buffer(" " * trailing_len, trailing_x, trailing_y, term)
                    prev_len = len(line_buffer)

                    for term in range(term_count):
                        # print the current line buffer
                        print_buffer(line_buffer, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)
                        # move the cursor to location of pos within the line buffer
                        PositionCursor(pos, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)

                    c = bits.input.get_key()

                    key = bits.input.key
                    def ctrl(k):
                        return key(k, ctrl=True)

                    # Reset states that depend on last key
                    if c != key('y', alt=True):
                        last_yank_start = None
                    if c not in (ctrl('k'), ctrl('u'), ctrl('w')):
                        kill_accumulate = False

                    if c == key('\r') or c == key('\n') or c == ctrl('o'):
                        if line_buffer or (history and history[-1]):
                        if c == ctrl('o'): # Ctrl-O
                            ctrl_o_index = history_index + 1
                        return line_buffer + '\n'

                    if not (c == key('\t') or c == ctrl('i')):
                        # reset completer state to force restart of the completer
                        completer_state = 0

                    if c == key(bits.input.KEY_HOME) or c == ctrl('a'):
                        # start of line
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_LEFT) or c == ctrl('b'):
                        # left
                        if pos != 0:
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl('d'):
                        # EOF
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_DELETE):
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_END) or c == ctrl('e'):
                        # end of line
                        pos = len(line_buffer)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_RIGHT) or c == ctrl('f'):
                        # right
                        if pos != len(line_buffer):
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == key('\b') or c == ctrl('h'):
                        # backspace
                        line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key('\t') or c == ctrl('i'):
                        # tab completion
                        if completer is not None:
                            if completer_state != 0:
                                for c in range(len(current_completion)):
                                    line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                                cur = pos
                                while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                                    pos -= 1
                                saved_str = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                                line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                            current_completion = completer(saved_str, completer_state)
                            completer_state += 1
                            if current_completion is not None:
                                for c in current_completion:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                for c in saved_str:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c, pos)
                                completer_state = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('k'):
                        # delete from current to end of line
                        killed_text = line_buffer[pos:]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos]
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=True)
                    elif c == ctrl('l'):
                        # clear screen
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term);
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_DOWN) or c == ctrl('n'):
                        # Next line in history
                        if history_index < len(history):
                            history_index += 1
                            if history_index == len(history):
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, ('', 0))
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_UP) or c == ctrl('p'):
                        # Previous line in history
                        if history_index > 0:
                            history_index -= 1
                            line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(history_index, (history[history_index], len(history[history_index])))
                    elif c == ctrl('u'):
                        # delete from current to beginning of line
                        killed_text = line_buffer[:pos]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[pos:]
                        pos = 0
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=False)
                    elif c == ctrl(bits.input.KEY_LEFT):
                        # Move left by word
                        while pos != 0 and not line_buffer[pos-1].isalnum():
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1].isalnum():
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl(bits.input.KEY_RIGHT):
                        # Move right by word
                        end = len(line_buffer)
                        while pos != end and not line_buffer[pos].isalnum():
                            pos += 1
                        while pos != end and line_buffer[pos].isalnum():
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == ctrl('w'):
                        # delete previous word; note that this uses a different
                        # definition of "word" than Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right.
                        cur = pos
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] == ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos-1] != ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        killed_text = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=False)
                    elif c == ctrl('y'):
                        # Yank
                        if kill_ring:
                            line_buffer, last_yank_start, pos = insert_string(line_buffer, kill_ring[-1], pos)
                    elif c == key('y', alt=True):
                        # If immediately after yank, rotate kill ring and yank
                        # the new top instead.
                        if last_yank_start is not None:
                            line_buffer = line_buffer[:last_yank_start] + line_buffer[pos:]
                            pos = last_yank_start
                            kill_ring.insert(0, kill_ring.pop()) # Rotate
                            line_buffer, last_yank_start, pos = insert_string(line_buffer, kill_ring[-1], pos)
                    elif c == ctrl('z') or c == key(bits.input.KEY_ESC):
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                    elif c.key in key_hooks:
                    elif not(c.ctrl) and not(c.alt) and isinstance(c.key, basestring) and c.key in string.printable:
                        # printable
                            line_buffer, pos = insert_char(line_buffer, c.key.encode('ascii'), pos)
                        except UnicodeError:

                except IOError:
Пример #7
def _readline(prompt=""):
    global width, height, line_x, line_y, buffer_max, history, kill_ring, kill_accumulate, ctrl_o_index, completer

    with redirect.nolog():
        with pager.nopager():

            line_buffer = ''
            pos = 0
            prev_len = 0

            term_count = bits.get_term_count()
            width = [0] * term_count
            height = [0] * term_count
            line_x = [0] * term_count
            line_y = [0] * term_count

            for term in range(term_count):
                width[term], height[term] = bits.get_width_height(term)
                line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term)

            buffer_max = min((width[term] - 2 - line_x[term]) +
                             ((height[term] - 1) * (width[term] - 1))
                             for term in range(term_count))

            history_index = len(history)
            history_state = dict()
            completer_state = 0
            last_yank_start = None
            kill_accumulate = False

            if ctrl_o_index is not None:
                if ctrl_o_index < len(history):
                    history_index = ctrl_o_index
                    line_buffer = history[history_index]
                    pos = len(line_buffer)
                ctrl_o_index = None

            while True:
                # Update history
                history_state[history_index] = (line_buffer, pos)

                    # clear any characters after the current line buffer
                    trailing_len = prev_len - len(line_buffer)
                    if trailing_len > 0:
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            trailing_x, trailing_y = PositionCursor(
                                len(line_buffer), line_x[term], line_y[term],
                            print_buffer(" " * trailing_len, trailing_x,
                                         trailing_y, term)
                    prev_len = len(line_buffer)

                    for term in range(term_count):
                        # print the current line buffer
                        print_buffer(line_buffer, line_x[term], line_y[term],
                        # move the cursor to location of pos within the line buffer
                        PositionCursor(pos, line_x[term], line_y[term], term)

                    c = bits.input.get_key()

                    key = bits.input.key

                    def ctrl(k):
                        return key(k, ctrl=True)

                    # Reset states that depend on last key
                    if c != key('y', alt=True):
                        last_yank_start = None
                    if c not in (ctrl('k'), ctrl('u'), ctrl('w')):
                        kill_accumulate = False

                    if c == key('\r') or c == key('\n') or c == ctrl('o'):
                        if line_buffer or (history and history[-1]):
                        if c == ctrl('o'):  # Ctrl-O
                            ctrl_o_index = history_index + 1
                        return line_buffer + '\n'

                    if not (c == key('\t') or c == ctrl('i')):
                        # reset completer state to force restart of the completer
                        completer_state = 0

                    if c == key(bits.input.KEY_HOME) or c == ctrl('a'):
                        # start of line
                        pos = 0
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_LEFT) or c == ctrl('b'):
                        # left
                        if pos != 0:
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl('d'):
                        # EOF
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_DELETE):
                        if pos < len(line_buffer):
                            line_buffer, pos = delete_char(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_END) or c == ctrl('e'):
                        # end of line
                        pos = len(line_buffer)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_RIGHT) or c == ctrl('f'):
                        # right
                        if pos != len(line_buffer):
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == key('\b') or c == ctrl('h'):
                        # backspace
                        line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(line_buffer, pos)
                    elif c == key('\t') or c == ctrl('i'):
                        # tab completion
                        if completer is not None:
                            if completer_state != 0:
                                for c in range(len(current_completion)):
                                    line_buffer, pos = delete_char_left(
                                        line_buffer, pos)
                                cur = pos
                                while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos - 1] != ' ':
                                    pos -= 1
                                saved_str = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                                line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[
                            current_completion = completer(
                                saved_str, completer_state)
                            completer_state += 1
                            if current_completion is not None:
                                for c in current_completion:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(
                                        line_buffer, c, pos)
                                for c in saved_str:
                                    line_buffer, pos = insert_char(
                                        line_buffer, c, pos)
                                completer_state = 0
                    elif c == ctrl('k'):
                        # delete from current to end of line
                        killed_text = line_buffer[pos:]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos]
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=True)
                    elif c == ctrl('l'):
                        # clear screen
                        for term in range(term_count):
                            line_x[term], line_y[term] = bits.get_xy(term)
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_DOWN) or c == ctrl('n'):
                        # Next line in history
                        if history_index < len(history):
                            history_index += 1
                            if history_index == len(history):
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(
                                    history_index, ('', 0))
                                line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(
                    elif c == key(bits.input.KEY_UP) or c == ctrl('p'):
                        # Previous line in history
                        if history_index > 0:
                            history_index -= 1
                            line_buffer, pos = history_state.get(
                                history_index, (history[history_index],
                    elif c == ctrl('u'):
                        # delete from current to beginning of line
                        killed_text = line_buffer[:pos]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[pos:]
                        pos = 0
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=False)
                    elif c == ctrl(bits.input.KEY_LEFT):
                        # Move left by word
                        while pos != 0 and not line_buffer[pos - 1].isalnum():
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos - 1].isalnum():
                            pos -= 1
                    elif c == ctrl(bits.input.KEY_RIGHT):
                        # Move right by word
                        end = len(line_buffer)
                        while pos != end and not line_buffer[pos].isalnum():
                            pos += 1
                        while pos != end and line_buffer[pos].isalnum():
                            pos += 1
                    elif c == ctrl('w'):
                        # delete previous word; note that this uses a different
                        # definition of "word" than Ctrl-Left and Ctrl-Right.
                        cur = pos
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos - 1] == ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        while pos != 0 and line_buffer[pos - 1] != ' ':
                            pos -= 1
                        killed_text = line_buffer[pos:cur]
                        line_buffer = line_buffer[:pos] + line_buffer[cur:]
                        add_to_kill_ring(killed_text, to_right=False)
                    elif c == ctrl('y'):
                        # Yank
                        if kill_ring:
                            line_buffer, last_yank_start, pos = insert_string(
                                line_buffer, kill_ring[-1], pos)
                    elif c == key('y', alt=True):
                        # If immediately after yank, rotate kill ring and yank
                        # the new top instead.
                        if last_yank_start is not None:
                            line_buffer = line_buffer[:
                                                      last_yank_start] + line_buffer[
                            pos = last_yank_start
                            kill_ring.insert(0, kill_ring.pop())  # Rotate
                            line_buffer, last_yank_start, pos = insert_string(
                                line_buffer, kill_ring[-1], pos)
                    elif c == ctrl('z') or c == key(bits.input.KEY_ESC):
                        if len(line_buffer) == 0:
                            return ""
                    elif c.key in key_hooks:
                    elif not (c.ctrl) and not (c.alt) and isinstance(
                            c.key, basestring) and c.key in string.printable:
                        # printable
                            line_buffer, pos = insert_char(
                                line_buffer, c.key.encode('ascii'), pos)
                        except UnicodeError:

                except IOError:
Пример #8
 def getvalue(self):
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * (len(self.gathering) + 1) + '\r')
     return self.sio.getvalue()
Пример #9
 def write(self, s):
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + self.gathering + self.progress.next())
Пример #10
def ttypager(text):
    """Page through text on a text terminal."""
        import efi
        import readline
        efi_options = ["f to write file"]
    except ImportError as e:
        efi_options = []
    lines = string.split(plain(text), '\n')
    if redirect.state != redirect.NOLOG_STATE:
        with redirect.logonly():
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
        if redirect.state == redirect.LOGONLY_STATE:
    with pager.nopager():
        with redirect.nolog():
            height = min(bits.get_width_height(term)[1] for term in range(bits.get_term_count()))
            r = inc = height - 1
            sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[:inc], '\n') + '\n')
            while True:
                if lines[r:]:
                    advance = ['any key to advance']
                    advance = ['END']
                if r > inc:
                    back = ["Up/PgUp to go back"]
                    back = []
                options = "; ".join(advance + back + efi_options + ["q to quit"])
                prompt = '-- {} --'.format(options)
                prompt_len = len(prompt)
                c = bits.input.get_key()
                key = bits.input.key
                # Write the spaces one at a time to defeat word-wrap
                for i in range(prompt_len):
                    sys.stdout.write(' ')
                if efi_options and c in (key('f'), key('F')):
                    ttydir = efi.get_boot_fs()
                    filepath = os.path.normpath(str.strip(readline._readline("filename: "), "\n"))
                    basepath, fname = os.path.split(filepath)
                    for dirname in str.split(basepath, os.sep):
                        if dirname is not "":
                            ttydir = ttydir.mkdir(dirname)
                    print "Saving {}...".format(filepath),
                    ttydir.create(fname).write(string.join(lines, '\n') + '\n')
                    print "Done"
                    print "Hit any key to continue..."
                    c = bits.input.get_key()
                if c in (key('q'), key('Q')):
                elif c in (key('\r'), key('\n'), key(bits.input.KEY_DOWN), key('n', ctrl=True)):
                    if lines[r:]:
                        sys.stdout.write(lines[r] + '\n')
                        r = r + 1
                if c == key(bits.input.KEY_HOME):
                    r = 0
                if c == key(bits.input.KEY_END):
                    r = len(lines) - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (key(bits.input.KEY_UP), key('p', ctrl=True)):
                    r = r - 1 - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if c in (key(bits.input.KEY_PAGE_UP), key('b'), key('B')):
                    r = r - inc - inc
                    if r < 0:
                        r = 0
                if lines[r:]:
                    sys.stdout.write(string.join(lines[r:r+inc], '\n') + '\n')
                    r = r + inc
                    if not lines[r:]:
                        r = len(lines)
Пример #11
 def getvalue(self):
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + ' ' * (len(self.gathering) + 1) + '\r')
     return self.sio.getvalue()
Пример #12
 def write(self, s):
     with pager.nopager():
         with redirect.nolog():
             sys.stdout.write('\r' + self.gathering + self.progress.next())