def addPermTime(self, time): if time == '': kivytoast.toast('Invalid Hours !!', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) else: db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("INSERT INTO essl.`leave_details` (ID, from_date, to_date, Reason, Status, app_date) VALUES('%d', '%s', '%s', '%s', 'PE', '%s')" %(int([0]),[1],[1], time,[1])) cur.close() db.close() kivytoast.toast('Success', (1, 0, 1, 0.5), length_long=True)
def Time(self, time): db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute("INSERT INTO essl.%d (IO, MTIME, MDATE, DOOR, AccType) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', 'REGULARIZATION')" %(int(,, time,, self.door)) kivytoast.toast('Data Added Successfully', (1, 0, 1, 0.5), length_long=True) except Exception as e: print(e) kivytoast.toast('Invalid Information !!', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) cur.close() db.close()
def remTime(self): db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() try: cur.execute("DELETE FROM essl.%d WHERE IO = '%s' AND MTIME = '%s' AND MDATE = '%s' AND DOOR = '%s' AND AccType = '%s'"%(int(,[0],[1],,[2],[3])) kivytoast.toast('Deleted Successfully !', (1, 0, 1, 0.5), length_long=True) except Exception as e: print(e) kivytoast.toast('Error, Please Restart', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) cur.close() db.close()
def checkLogin(self): login = checkCredentials(self.ids.username.text, self.ids.password.text) if login == 1:'admin')) = 'admin' elif login == 2: from pages import userPage'user')) = 'user' else: kivytoast.toast('Wrong Login Credentials!', (1, 0, 0, 0.5))
def getMonthInfo(self, artistID): global date try:":")[0])) monthlyPopup.month = (formatDateTitle(date)) monthlyPopup.workTime() monthlyPopup.pop() except Exception as e: if date == 'SELECT DATE': kivytoast.toast('Select Date !', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) else: kivytoast.toast('Error Retrieving Data', (0, 1, 1, 0.5), length_long=True)
def getDayInfo(self, artistID): global date from pages import infoPopup try: infoPopup.InfoTabAdmin(int(artistID.split(":")[0]), formatDate(date)) except Exception as e: print(e) if date == 'SELECT DATE': kivytoast.toast('Select Date !', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) else: kivytoast.toast('No Data Available for this date', (0, 1, 1, 0.5), length_long=True)
def callexcel(self, text, date): if text == 'DAY': excelIO.excelExport(date) #try: # excelIO.excelExport(date) #except Exception as e: # from pages import kivytoast # kivytoast.toast(str(e), (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) if text == 'MONTH': try: excelIO.exportMonth( date.split(".")[1].zfill(2), date.split(".")[2].zfill(2)) except: from pages import kivytoast kivytoast.toast('Please Select Date / Error', (1, 0, 0, 0.5), length_long=True)
def request_for_leave(self): id = self.ids.eid.text from_date = self.format_date(self.ids.fromDate.text) to_date = self.format_date(self.ids.toDate.text) if and type = '{}-{}:{}-{}'.format('EL', self.ids.el_days.text, 'CL', self.ids.cl_days.text) elif and not type = '{}-{}'.format('EL', self.ids.el_days.text) elif and not type = '{}-{}'.format('CL', self.ids.cl_days.text) elif type = 'LOP' reason = self.ids.reason.text eup = ExchangeMail.send_mail([id, from_date, to_date, type, reason]) up = leaveData.upload_to_db(id, from_date, to_date, type, reason) if up == 1: from pages import kivytoast kivytoast.toast('Leave request submitted', (0, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True)
def deleteAllData(self, delDate): db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() cur1 = db.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT ID FROM essl.user_master WHERE Status = 'OPEN' AND Name != 'ADMIN'" ) for id in cur.fetchall(): if id[0] == 1000: continue cur1.execute("DELETE FROM essl.%d WHERE MDATE = '%s'" % (id[0], delDate)) kivytoast.toast('Delete Successfull', (1, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True)
def callback(instance): def call(instance): if instance.text == 'OK': pop.dismiss() global selectedDates if instance.text == 'SAVE': db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() closePopBtn = Button(text="OK", size_hint=(1, 0.25)) closePopBtn.bind(on_release=call) if holidayBtn.state == 'down': for date in selectedDates: cur.execute("INSERT INTO essl.month_details (DAY, MONTH, YEAR, DETAIL) VALUES(%d, %d, %d, 'HOLIDAY')" %(date[0], date[1], date[2])) kivytoast.toast('Holidays Applied', (0, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) elif halfdayBtn.state == 'down': for date in selectedDates: cur.execute("INSERT INTO essl.month_details (DAY, MONTH, YEAR, DETAIL) VALUES(%d, %d, %d, 'HALFDAY')" %(date[0], date[1], date[2])) kivytoast.toast('Halfdays Applied', (0, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) cur.close() db.close()
def addPermTimeBulk(self, hours): def callback(instance): if instance.text == 'OK': pop.dismiss() return 0 closePopBtn = Button(text="OK", size_hint=(1, 0.25)) closePopBtn.bind(on_release=callback) if hours == '' or self.department == 'DEPARTMENT' or self.department == '': kivytoast.toast('Please Enter Valid Details !', (1, 0, 0, 0.5)) elif self.department == 'ALL': db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() cur1 = db.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT ID FROM essl.user_master WHERE Status = 'OPEN' AND Name != 'ADMIN'" ) for id in cur.fetchall(): if id[0] == 1000: continue cur1.execute( "INSERT INTO essl.%d (IO, MTIME, MDATE, DOOR) VALUES('P', '%s', '%s', 'PERMISSION')" % (int(id[0]), hours, formatDate( cur.close() cur1.close() db.close() kivytoast.toast('Added Permission Time', (0, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True) else: db = pymysql.connect(credentials['address'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], credentials['db'], autocommit=True, connect_timeout=1) cur = db.cursor() cur1 = db.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT ID FROM essl.user_master WHERE Status = 'OPEN' AND Department = '%s'" % (self.department)) for id in cur.fetchall(): if id[0] == 1000: continue cur1.execute( "INSERT INTO essl.%d (IO, MTIME, MDATE, DOOR) VALUES('P', '%s', '%s', 'PERMISSION')" % (int(id[0]), hours, formatDate( cur.close() cur1.close() db.close() kivytoast.toast('Added Permission Time', (0, 1, 0, 0.5), length_long=True)