Пример #1
 def test_parse_tournament(self):
     tourn = pair.parse_tournament(tournament_state_good)
     self.assertEqual(tourn.events, tournament_state_good_eventlist)
     self.assertEqual(tourn.players, tournament_state_good_players)
     self.assertEqual(tourn.seeds, tournament_state_good_seeds)
     self.assertEqual(tourn.games, tournament_state_good_games)
     tourn = pair.parse_tournament(tournament_state_early_stop)
     self.assertEqual(tourn.events, tournament_state_early_stop_eventlist)
     for state in bad_tournament_states:
             with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         except AssertionError:
             print "parse_tournament did not raise ValueError on:"
             print state
Пример #2
def main(args=None):
    args = parse_args(args)
    if args.tournament_state:
        with open(args.tournament_state) as state_file:
            tourn = parse_tournament(state_file.read())
        with open(args.seed_file) as seed_file:
            tourn = parse_seeds(seed_file.read())
        if args.history_file:
            with open(args.history_file) as history_file:
                parse_history(tourn, history_file.read())

    if args.prelives > 0:
        filter_players(tourn, args.prelives)
    pairings, bye = get_pairings(tourn, args)
    if args.ranks:
        players = sorted(tourn.players, key=lambda p: tourn.ranks[p])
        for p in players:
            print "#", tourn.ranks[p], p, tourn.player_order[p]

    pairings, arbitrary = assign_colors(tourn, pairings)

    pairings.sort(key=lambda pr: min(tourn.ranks[pr[0]], tourn.ranks[pr[1]]))

    if bye:
        print "bye", bye
    for p1, p2 in pairings:
        if args.show_arbitrary:
            print "game", p1, p2, "# A" if (p1, p2) in arbitrary else ""
            print "game", p1, p2
Пример #3
def main(args=None):
    args = parse_args(args)
    if args.tournament_state:
        with open(args.tournament_state) as state_file:
            tourn = parse_tournament(state_file.read())
        with open(args.seed_file) as seed_file:
            tourn = parse_seeds(seed_file.read())
        if args.history_file:
            with open(args.history_file) as history_file:
                parse_history(tourn, history_file.read())

    if args.prelives > 0:
        filter_players(tourn, args.prelives)
    pairings, bye = get_pairings(tourn, args.virtual)
    if args.ranks:
        players = sorted(tourn.players, key=lambda p: tourn.ranks[p])
        for p in players:
            print "#", tourn.ranks[p], p, tourn.player_order[p]

    pairings, arbitrary = assign_colors(tourn, pairings)

    if bye:
        print "bye", bye
    for p1, p2 in pairings:
        if args.show_arbitrary:
            print "game", p1, p2, "A" if (p1, p2) in arbitrary else ""
            print "game", p1, p2
Пример #4
def main(args=None):
    args = parse_args(args)
    if args.tournament_state:
        with open(args.tournament_state) as state_file:
            tourn = parse_tournament(state_file.read())
        with open(args.seed_file) as seed_file:
            seed_data = seed_file.read()
            tourn = parse_seeds(seed_data)
        if args.game_file:
            with open(args.game_file) as history_file:
                history_data = history_file.read()
                parse_history(tourn, history_data)

    if not args.all_games:
        tourn = filter_games(tourn, args.lives)
    pairings, bye = get_pairings(tourn, args)
    if len(pairings) == 0: # tournament is finished, print final ranks
        print_final_ranking(tourn, args.virtual, args.utpr)

    if args.ranks:
        players = sorted(tourn.ranks, key=lambda p: tourn.ranks[p])
        for p in players:
            print "#", tourn.ranks[p], p, tourn.player_order[p][0],
            for r in tourn.player_order[p][1:]:
                print -r,

    pairings, arbitrary = assign_colors(tourn, pairings)

    pairings.sort(key=lambda pr: min(tourn.ranks[pr[0]], tourn.ranks[pr[1]]))

    if bye:
        print "bye", bye
    for p1, p2 in pairings:
        if args.show_arbitrary:
            print "game", p1, p2, "# A" if (p1, p2) in arbitrary else ""
            print "game", p1, p2
Пример #5
def main():
    arg_parser = ArgumentParser()
    arg_parser.add_argument("--user", "-u")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--auth", "-a")
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    payload = dict(cmd="users", user=args.user, auth=args.auth)
    resp = requests.post("http://arimaa.com/arimaa/chat/srv.php", data=payload)
    users = resp.content[3:].split()

    with open(args.tournament_state) as state_file:
        tourn = parse_tournament(state_file.read())

    missing = 0
    for player in tourn.players:
        if player not in users:
            print "Did not find %s in the chatroom" % (player, )
            missing += 1

    if missing == 0:
        print "All players present, good to go."
        print "Missing %d players!" % (missing, )
Пример #6
def main():
    arg_parser = ArgumentParser()
    arg_parser.add_argument("--user", "-u")
    arg_parser.add_argument("--auth", "-a")
    args = arg_parser.parse_args()

    payload = dict(cmd="users", user=args.user, auth=args.auth)
    resp = requests.post("http://arimaa.com/arimaa/chat/srv.php", data=payload)
    users = resp.content[3:].split()

    with open(args.tournament_state) as state_file:
        tourn = parse_tournament(state_file.read())

    missing = 0
    for player in tourn.players:
        if player not in users:
            print "Did not find %s in the chatroom" % (player,)
            missing += 1

    if missing == 0:
        print "All players present, good to go."
        print "Missing %d players!" % (missing,)