Пример #1
                def Pmk(
                ):  # needs to calculate the derivative of P_F w.r.t. the actual image warp used on the given map template, since we are extracting the map template, and not resampling it every time

                    H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                    H_mk_samp_temp = np.concatenate(
                        (H_mk[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F, H_mk[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                    # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                    H_mk_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp_temp)

                    # intialize the map->map-template warp as coord hmg
                    H_mk_coord = np.eye(3)

                    for i in range(H_mk_temp.shape[0]):
                        H_mk_coord = np.dot(H_mk_temp[i, :, :], H_mk_coord)

                    # compute the map-template -> map-template warp
                    H_mk0_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk0[k_ind, :, :])
                    H_mk0_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_samp)

                    H_warp_coord = H_mk_coord @ np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_coord)

                    # invert back to sampling params
                    H_warp_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_warp_coord)

                    P_mk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_warp_samp)
                    P_mk = P_mk.squeeze(0)

                    return P_mk
Пример #2
def compute_Pmk(P_init, P, T):
		P_init: Absolute warp parameters relating map to first frame, 1 x 8 x 1
		P: Warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame x 8 x 1
		T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates, length k

		P_mk: Warp parameters from map to templates, k x 8 x 1
		这里参数T给的定义是:T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates, length k

    P_mk = np.zeros((T.shape[0], 8, 1))

    k_ind = 0
    H_init = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_init)
    H_k = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[0, :, :])

    H_mk_samp = np.concatenate((H_init, H_k), axis=0)

    # invert to go from sampling params to coord params
    H_mk = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp)  # 矩阵的求逆操作

    # combine coord params
    H_mk_mat = np.eye(3)

    for i in range(H_mk.shape[0]):
        H_mk_mat = np.dot(H_mk[i, :, :], H_mk_mat)

    # after combining, invert back to sampling parameters
    H_mk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_mat)
    P_mk[k_ind, :, :] = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_mk_mat_samp)
    return P_mk
Пример #3
                    def Pfk(P_F):
                        H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                        H_fk_samp_temp = np.concatenate(
                            (H_fk[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F,
                             H_fk[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                        # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                        H_fk_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_samp_temp)

                        H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                        for i in range(H_fk_temp.shape[0]):
                            H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk_temp[i, :, :], H_fk_mat)

                        # after combining, invert back to sampling parameters
                        H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                        P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)
                        P_fk = P_fk.squeeze(0)
                        return P_fk
Пример #4
                    def Pfk(P_F):
                        H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                        H_kf_temp_samp = np.concatenate(
                            (H_kf[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F,
                             H_kf[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                        # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                        H_kf_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_kf_temp_samp)
                        # but then, invert back because we are calculating are going backward from frame to template
                        # therefore it is no-op, however leaving it here for explanation
                        H_kf_temp_inv = np.linalg.inv(H_kf_temp)

                        H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                        for i in range(H_kf_temp_inv.shape[0]):
                            H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk_mat, H_kf_temp_inv[i, :, :])

                        # finally, invert from coordinate params back to sampling params
                        H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                        P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)
                        P_fk = P_fk.squeeze(0)
                        return P_fk
Пример #5
def optimize_wmap(I, P, T, V, P_init, M_feat, T_feat, tol, max_itr, lam1,
		I: Image sequence, 4D numpy array, num_frame x C x H x W
		P: Warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame x 8 x 1
		M: Map image sequence, 4D numpy array, k x C x H x W
		T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates, length k
		V: Numpy array of numpy arrays, indicating the visibility neighborhood for each template
		P_init: Absolute warp parameters relating map to first frame, 1 x 8 x 1
		M_feat: Sequence of deep feature map images, 4D numpy array, k x Cf x Hf x Wf
		T_feat: Template images from I deep feature extractions, 4D numpy array, k x Cf x Hf x Wf
		tol: tolerance of iteration criteria
		max_itr: maximum number of optimization iterations
		lam1: weighting for sequence motion parameters
		lam2: weight for map params

		P_opt: Bundle adjusted warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame x 8 x 1

    num_frames = I.shape[0]

    def size_fn(a):
        if type(a) is int:
            return 1
            return a.size

    size_fn_vec = np.vectorize(size_fn)

    V_sz = size_fn_vec(V)
    sigma = V_sz.sum()

    I_gradx = np.gradient(I, axis=3)
    I_grady = np.gradient(I, axis=2)

    Mf_gradx = np.gradient(M_feat, axis=3)
    Mf_grady = np.gradient(M_feat, axis=2)

    P_mk0 = compute_Pmk(P_init, P, T)

    dP = np.zeros([num_frames - 1, 8, 1])
    crit = 0

    itn = 1

    while ((crit > tol) or (itn == 1)) and (itn < max_itr):
        P_fk = compute_Pfk(P, T, V, V_sz)
        P_mk = compute_Pmk(P_init, P, T)

        # warping: H_P * inv(H_P0) <- by rules of homography

        # convert sampling params to sampling hmg:
        H_mk_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk)
        H_mk0_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk0)

        # invert sampling params to get coord params:
        H_mk = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp)
        H_mk0 = np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_samp)

        # compute relative hmg:
        H_mk_rel = np.matmul(H_mk, np.linalg.inv(H_mk0))

        # invert back to sampling hmg:
        H_mk_rel_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_rel)

        # convert sampling hmg back to sampling params:
        P_mk_rel_samp = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_mk_rel_samp)

        ri = compute_ri(I, T, V, P_fk, V_sz)

        rm_rsh = compute_rm(M_feat, T_feat, P_mk_rel_samp)
        rm = np.tile(rm_rsh, (num_frames - 1, 1, 1, 1))

        Ji = compute_Ji(I_gradx, I_grady, P, T, V, P_fk, V_sz)
        Jm = compute_Jm(Mf_gradx, Mf_grady, P_init, P, T, P_mk_rel_samp, P_mk0)

        Ji_trans = Ji.swapaxes(2, 3)
        Ji_trans_Ji = lam1 * np.matmul(Ji_trans, Ji)

        Jm_trans = Jm.swapaxes(2, 3)
        Jm_trans_Jm = lam2 * np.matmul(Jm_trans, Jm)

        Hm = np.sum(Jm_trans_Jm, axis=1)
        Hi = np.sum(Ji_trans_Ji, axis=1)

        invH = np.linalg.inv(Hm + Hi)

        Jm_trans_rm = lam2 * np.matmul(Jm_trans, rm)
        Ji_trans_ri = lam1 * np.matmul(Ji_trans, ri)

        Jm_trans_rm_sum = np.sum(Jm_trans_rm, axis=1)
        Ji_trans_ri_sum = np.sum(Ji_trans_ri, axis=1)

        dP = np.matmul(invH, Jm_trans_rm_sum + Ji_trans_ri_sum)

        dP[:, 6:8, :] = 0

        P = P + dP

        dp_norm = np.linalg.norm(dP, ord=2, axis=1)
        crit = np.amax(dp_norm)

        print('itn:  {:d}'.format(itn))
        print('crit: {:.5f}'.format(crit))

        itn = itn + 1

    return P
Пример #6
def sliding_window_opt():
    xy_cor_list = []
    xy_cor_list_opt = []
    xy_cor_list_gt = []
    distance_error_list = []
    diff_score_list = []

    deep_net = dlk.custom_net(model_path)

    # opt_img_height参数决定了实时图与基准图之间的分辨率大小
    I_org, GPS_list = img_utility.load_I(image_dir, image_dir_ext,
    _, img_c, img_h, img_w = I_org.shape

    M = img_utility.load_M(map_loc)
    _, map_h, map_w = M.shape

    # 这里的P参数是需要我们传进来的
    P_init_org, P_org = pama_utility.load_P(motion_param_loc)
    P_opt = np.zeros(P_org.shape)
    curr_P_init = P_init_org

    # 就是离线跑的,人为这里的循环次数就是P_org的长度
    for i in range(P_org.shape[0]):
        start_timestamp = time.clock()
        I = I_org[i:i + 2, :, :, :]

        # t,V是之后优化中会用到的参数,这里进行定义
        # templates indices
        T = np.array([1])
        # visibility neighborhood
        V = np.array([np.arange(50), np.array([0])])

        V_ = np.array([np.array([0])])
        V = np.delete(V, 0)

        # curr_P shape [1,8,1]
        curr_P = np.expand_dims(P_org[i, :, :], axis=0)
        # 这里的改变是让整个矩阵的转移大小可以符合我们的要求
        curr_P = pama_utility.scale_P(curr_P, s=scale_img_to_map)
        P_mk = compute_Pmk(curr_P_init, curr_P, T)

        # 采用瀑布流的形式(从粗到细,进行结果的细化
        for idx in range(2):
            # 从基准地图中获取信息的步骤
            # 同时增加一个参数,接收其坐标值
            M_tmpl, xy_cor = extract_map_templates(P_mk, M, T, img_c, img_h,

            # 提取得到M图中的patch之后,再结合实时图(tamplate frame)去提取两者之间的特征,进而进一步进行单应矩阵的细调
            T_np = np.expand_dims(I[1, :, :, :], axis=0)
            T_tens = Variable(torch.from_numpy(T_np).float())
            T_tens_nmlz = dlk.normalize_img_batch(T_tens)
            T_feat_tens = deep_net(T_tens_nmlz)
            T_feat = T_feat_tens.data.numpy()

            M_tmpl_tens = Variable(torch.from_numpy(M_tmpl).float())
            M_tmpl_tens_nmlz = dlk.normalize_img_batch(M_tmpl_tens)
            M_feat_tens = deep_net(M_tmpl_tens_nmlz)
            M_feat = M_feat_tens.data.numpy()

            # 使用dlk的纠正手段
            dlk_net = dlk.DeepLK(dlk.custom_net(model_path))
            p_lk, _, itr_dlk = dlk_net(M_tmpl_tens_nmlz,
            # 计算patch与实时图之间的差距
            diff_score = torch.sqrt(
                torch.sum(torch.pow(M_tmpl_tens_nmlz - T_tens_nmlz,
            diff_score = diff_score / (M_tmpl_tens.shape[1] *
                                       M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] *
            print("基准子图与实时图之间的差距为:", diff_score)
            p_lk = p_lk.cpu()
            p_lk2x = pama_utility.scale_P(p_lk.data.numpy(), scaling_for_disp)
            # 只使用VO的结果
            # p_lk2x = np.zeros([1, 8, 1])

            s_sm = (scaling_for_disp * opt_img_height) / map_h
            curr_P_init_scale = pama_utility.scale_P(curr_P_init, s_sm)
            curr_P_scale = pama_utility.scale_P(curr_P, s_sm)

            H_rel_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(p_lk2x)
            H_org_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(curr_P_scale)
            H_rel_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_rel_samp)
            H_org_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_org_samp)
            H_opt_coord = H_rel_coord @ H_org_coord
            H_opt_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_opt_coord)

            P_opt_i_scale = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_opt_samp)
            s_lg = map_h / (scaling_for_disp * opt_img_height)
            P_opt_i = pama_utility.scale_P(P_opt_i_scale, s_lg)
            P_opt[i, :, :] = P_opt_i

            P_mk_opt = compute_Pmk(curr_P_init_scale, P_opt_i_scale, T)
            P_mk0 = compute_Pmk(curr_P_init_scale, curr_P_scale, T)
            P_mk_opt_map = pama_utility.scale_P(P_mk_opt, s_lg)
            P_mk0_map = pama_utility.scale_P(P_mk0, s_lg)
            H_mk_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk_opt)
            H_mk0_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk0)

            H_mk = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp)
            H_mk0 = np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_samp)
            H_mk_rel = np.matmul(H_mk, np.linalg.inv(H_mk0))
            H_mk_rel_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_rel)
            P_mk_rel_samp = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_mk_rel_samp)
            H_init_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(curr_P_init)
            H_opt_i_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_opt_i)

            H_init_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_init_samp)
            H_opt_i_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_opt_i_samp)
            H_init_coord_new = H_opt_i_coord @ H_init_coord
            H_init_samp_new = np.linalg.inv(H_init_coord_new)
            curr_P_init = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_init_samp_new)

            P_mk = curr_P_init
            curr_P = torch.zeros([1, 8, 1])

        # need to rescale P_init_org and P_org to opt_img_height, from map_h
        # s_sm = opt_img_height / map_h;
        # s_sm = (scaling_for_disp * opt_img_height) / map_h  #########################################
        # curr_P_init_scale = pama_utility.scale_P(curr_P_init, s_sm)
        # curr_P_scale = pama_utility.scale_P(curr_P, s_sm)
        # # 这部分的内容是在增加优化部分的内容
        # # 直接注释掉这一行就是不使用优化跑的结果
        # # P_opt_i_scale = optimize_wmap(I, curr_P_scale, T, V, curr_P_init_scale, M_feat, T_feat, tol, max_itr, lam1, lam2)
        # # curr_P_scale = optimize_wmap(I_2x, curr_P_scale, T, V, curr_P_init_scale, M_feat_2x, T_feat_2x, tol, max_itr, lam1, lam2)
        # H_rel_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(p_lk2x)
        # H_org_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(curr_P_scale)
        # H_rel_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_rel_samp)
        # H_org_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_org_samp)
        # H_opt_coord = H_rel_coord @ H_org_coord
        # H_opt_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_opt_coord)
        # P_opt_i_scale = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_opt_samp)
        # s_lg = map_h / (scaling_for_disp * opt_img_height)
        # P_opt_i = pama_utility.scale_P(P_opt_i_scale, s_lg)
        # P_opt[i, :, :] = P_opt_i
        # ### plotting
        # P_mk_opt = compute_Pmk(curr_P_init_scale, P_opt_i_scale, T)
        # P_mk0 = compute_Pmk(curr_P_init_scale, curr_P_scale, T)
        # P_mk_opt_map = pama_utility.scale_P(P_mk_opt, s_lg)
        # P_mk0_map = pama_utility.scale_P(P_mk0, s_lg)
        # H_mk_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk_opt)
        # H_mk0_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk0)
        # # invert sampling params to get coord params:
        # H_mk = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp)
        # H_mk0 = np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_samp)
        # # compute relative hmg:
        # H_mk_rel = np.matmul(H_mk, np.linalg.inv(H_mk0))
        # # invert back to sampling hmg:
        # H_mk_rel_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_rel)
        # # convert sampling hmg back to sampling params:
        # P_mk_rel_samp = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_mk_rel_samp)
        # # compose new P_opt_i with curr_P_init
        # H_init_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(curr_P_init)
        # H_opt_i_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_opt_i)
        # H_init_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_init_samp)
        # H_opt_i_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_opt_i_samp)
        # H_init_coord_new = H_opt_i_coord @ H_init_coord
        # H_init_samp_new = np.linalg.inv(H_init_coord_new)
        # curr_P_init = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_init_samp_new)

        end_timestamp = time.clock()
        print("一张图片定位所需时间为:", end_timestamp - start_timestamp)
        print('finished iteration: {:d}'.format(i + 1))

        # 定位过程结束,以下部分是画图部分的内容
        side_margin = 0.15
        top_margin = 0.15
        targ_box = np.array([
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * side_margin,
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * top_margin
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * (1 - side_margin),
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * top_margin
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * (1 - side_margin),
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * (1 - side_margin)
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * side_margin,
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * (1 - side_margin)
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * side_margin,
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * side_margin
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] * (1 - side_margin),
                M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] * (1 - side_margin)

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
        plt.title('M{:d}'.format(i + 1))
        plt.imshow(img_utility.plt_axis_match_np(M_tmpl_tens[0, :, :, :]))
        plt.plot(targ_box[:, 0], targ_box[:, 1], 'r-')
        plt.plot(round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] / 2),
                 round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] / 2), 'ro')

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
        plt.title('M{:d} Warp'.format(i + 1))
        M_tmpl_curr_tens = M_tmpl_tens.float()
        P_mk_rel_samp_curr = torch.from_numpy(
            pama_utility.scale_P(P_mk_rel_samp, scaling_for_disp)).float()
        M_tmpl_w, _, xy_cor_curr_opt = dlk.warp_hmg(M_tmpl_curr_tens,
        # 进一步优化的内容
        # xy_cor_opt变量中存的是新的细化后的图像在原图像(上一次warp+crop之后的图像)中坐标位置
        print("未经过优化的绝对坐标为:", xy_cor)
        # print("经过优化的相对的坐标为:", xy_cor_curr_opt)
        xy_patch_org_cor_opt = dlk.warp_hmg_Noncentric(M,
        print("经过优化的绝对的坐标为:", xy_patch_org_cor_opt)
        xy_cor_curr_gt = srh.lag_log_to_pix_pos(M, GPS_list[i + 1])
        print("实际坐标为:", [xy_cor_curr_gt[0], xy_cor_curr_gt[1]])
        distance_error_curr = map_resolution * sqrt(
            (xy_cor_curr_gt[0] - xy_patch_org_cor_opt[0])**2 +
            (xy_cor_curr_gt[1] - xy_patch_org_cor_opt[1])**2)
        print("实际坐标与定位结果之间的距离:", distance_error_curr, "m")

        plt.imshow(img_utility.plt_axis_match_tens(M_tmpl_w[0, :, :, :]))
        # plt.plot(M_tmpl_w.shape[3]/2, M_tmpl_w.shape[2]/2, 'ro')
        plt.plot(targ_box[:, 0], targ_box[:, 1], 'r-')
        plt.plot(round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] / 2),
                 round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] / 2), 'ro')

        plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
        plt.imshow(img_utility.plt_axis_match_np(I_org[i + 1, :, :, :]))
        # plt.plot(I_org_2x.shape[3]/2, I_org_2x.shape[2]/2, 'ro')
        plt.plot(targ_box[:, 0], targ_box[:, 1], 'r-')
        plt.plot(round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[3] / 2),
                 round(M_tmpl_tens.shape[2] / 2), 'ro')
        plt.title('I{:d}'.format(i + 1))

        # 可以先不显示这里每一步的warp过程

        # 	# 画一下优化对比的结果
        # 	# 这一步是比较耗时的一步,基本上去掉这一步之后可以达到实时运行的效果了
        # if i == 60:
        # 	plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(transforms.ToPILImage()(torch.from_numpy(M)), xy_patch_org_cor_opt,
        # 									color="blue")
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(M_pil_marked, xy_cor, color="red")
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(M_pil_marked, xy_cor_curr_gt, color="green")
        # 	plt.title('当前定位结果,优化前:红;优化后:蓝;实际点:绿')
        # 	plt.imshow(M_pil_marked)
        # 	plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M, xy_cor_list, color="red")
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M_pil_marked, xy_cor_list_opt, color="blue")
        # 	M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M_pil_marked, xy_cor_list_gt, color="green")
        # 	plt.title('飞行轨迹历史,优化前:红;优化后:蓝;实际点:绿')
        # 	plt.imshow(M_pil_marked)
        # 	plt.show()
        # 	plt.plot(diff_score_list)
        # 	plt.show()

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(transforms.ToPILImage()(
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(M_pil_marked, xy_cor, color="red")
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Marker(M_pil_marked,

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M, xy_cor_list, color="red")
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M_pil_marked,
    M_pil_marked = srh.Add_M_Markers_list(M_pil_marked,

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(M_pil_marked)
    for i in range(len(xy_cor_list_opt) - 1):
        draw.line((xy_cor_list_opt[i][0], xy_cor_list_opt[i][1],
                   xy_cor_list_opt[i + 1][0], xy_cor_list_opt[i + 1][1]),
        draw.line((xy_cor_list[i][0], xy_cor_list[i][1], xy_cor_list[i + 1][0],
                   xy_cor_list[i + 1][1]),
        draw.line((xy_cor_list_gt[i][0], xy_cor_list_gt[i][1],
                   xy_cor_list_gt[i + 1][0], xy_cor_list_gt[i + 1][1]),
    # s_rel_pose = float(img_h_rel_pose) / map_h
    s_rel_pose = 1
    P_opt_scale = pama_utility.scale_P(P_opt, s_rel_pose)
    H_opt_rel_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_opt_scale)
    H_opt_rel_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_opt_rel_samp)

    P_opt_map_scale_coord = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_opt_rel_coord)

    P_opt_map_scale_coord_sqz = np.squeeze(P_opt_map_scale_coord)

    # switch axes in order to have proper format for next function, decompose_rel_hmg.py
    H_opt_rel_coord = H_opt_rel_coord.swapaxes(0, 2)
    H_opt_rel_coord = H_opt_rel_coord.swapaxes(0, 1)
    print("平均精度为:", np.sum(np.array(distance_error_list)) / 17)

        dict([('H_rel', H_opt_rel_coord), ('cor_opt', xy_cor_list_opt),
              ('diff_score', diff_score_list)]))
Пример #7
def compute_Pfk(P, T, V, V_sz):
		P: Warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame - 1 x 8 x 1
		T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates
		V: Numpy array of numpy arrays, indicating the visibility neighborhood for each template
		V_sz: Numpy array, 1D, indicating number of images in each visibility neighborhood

		Pfk: Numpy array, warp parameters from images to templates, sigma x 8 x 1

    sigma = V_sz.sum()

    P_fk_all = np.zeros((sigma, 8, 1))

    frame_id = 0  # iterates through sigma axis
    k_ind = 0
    for k in T:
        for f in V[k_ind]:
            # f and k index images I, F indexes P
            if (f < k):
                H_fk_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[f:k, :, :])

                # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                H_fk = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_samp)

                # combine coordinate warpings
                H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                for i in range(H_fk.shape[0]):
                    H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk[i, :, :], H_fk_mat)

                # after combining, invert back to sampling parameters
                H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)

                H_kf_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[k:f, :, :])

                # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                H_kf = np.linalg.inv(H_kf_samp)
                # but then, invert back because we are calculating are going backward from frame to template
                # therefore it is no-op, however leaving it here for explanation
                H_kf_inv = np.linalg.inv(H_kf)

                H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                for i in range(H_kf_inv.shape[0]):
                    H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk_mat, H_kf_inv[i, :, :])

                # finally, invert from coordinate params back to sampling params
                H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)

            P_fk_all[frame_id, :, :] = P_fk
            frame_id = frame_id + 1

        k_ind = k_ind + 1

    return P_fk_all
Пример #8
def compute_Ji(I_gradx, I_grady, P, T, V, P_fk, V_sz):
		I_gradx: x-gradient of image sequence, 4D numpy array, num_frame x C x H x W
		I_grady: y-gradient of image sequence, 4D numpy array, num_frame X C x H x W
		P: Warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame - 1 x 8 x 1
		T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates
		V: Numpy array of numpy arrays, indicating the visibility neighborhood for each template
		P_fk: Numpy array, warps images I to respective templates T, sigma x 8 x 1
		V_sz: Numpy array, 1D, indicating number of images in each visibility neighborhood

		Ji: Numpy array, dI/dW * dW/dPfk * dPfk/dPF, num_frame - 1 x sigma x (C x H x W) x 8

    sigma = V_sz.sum()
    num_frame, img_c, img_h, img_w = I_gradx.shape

    I_gradx_f = np.zeros((sigma, img_c, img_h, img_w))
    I_grady_f = np.zeros((sigma, img_c, img_h, img_w))

    I_f_ind = 0
    for i in range(len(V)):
        for f in V[i]:
            I_gradx_f[I_f_ind, :, :, :] = I_gradx[f, :, :, :]
            I_grady_f[I_f_ind, :, :, :] = I_grady[f, :, :, :]
            I_f_ind = I_f_ind + 1

    gradI_warpjac = compute_gradI_warpjac(I_gradx_f, I_grady_f, P_fk)
    gradI_warpjac = np.tile(gradI_warpjac, (num_frame - 1, 1, 1, 1))

    gradPfk_PF = np.zeros((num_frame - 1, sigma, 8, 8))

    for F in range(num_frame - 1):
        frame_id = 0  # iterates through sigma axis
        k_ind = 0
        for k in T:
            for f in V[k_ind]:
                # f and k index images I, F indexes P
                if (f < k) and (F < k) and (f <= F):
                    H_fk = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[f:k, :, :])

                    H_F_ind = F - f

                    def Pfk(P_F):
                        H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                        H_fk_samp_temp = np.concatenate(
                            (H_fk[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F,
                             H_fk[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                        # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                        H_fk_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_samp_temp)

                        H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                        for i in range(H_fk_temp.shape[0]):
                            H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk_temp[i, :, :], H_fk_mat)

                        # after combining, invert back to sampling parameters
                        H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                        P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)
                        P_fk = P_fk.squeeze(0)
                        return P_fk

                    # using auto-grad library for computing jacobian (8x8)
                    grad_P_fk = jacobian(Pfk)

                    P_F = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk[H_F_ind, :, :])
                    P_F = P_F.squeeze(0)

                    # evaluate 8x8 jacobian and store it
                    gradPfk_PF[F, frame_id, :, :] = \

                elif (f > k) and (F >= k) and (f > F):
                    H_kf = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[k:f, :, :])

                    H_F_ind = F - k

                    def Pfk(P_F):
                        H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                        H_kf_temp_samp = np.concatenate(
                            (H_kf[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F,
                             H_kf[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                        # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                        H_kf_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_kf_temp_samp)
                        # but then, invert back because we are calculating are going backward from frame to template
                        # therefore it is no-op, however leaving it here for explanation
                        H_kf_temp_inv = np.linalg.inv(H_kf_temp)

                        H_fk_mat = np.eye(3)

                        for i in range(H_kf_temp_inv.shape[0]):
                            H_fk_mat = np.dot(H_fk_mat, H_kf_temp_inv[i, :, :])

                        # finally, invert from coordinate params back to sampling params
                        H_fk_mat_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_fk_mat)
                        P_fk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_fk_mat_samp)
                        P_fk = P_fk.squeeze(0)
                        return P_fk

                    grad_P_fk = jacobian(Pfk)

                    P_F = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_kf[H_F_ind, :, :])
                    P_F = P_F.squeeze(0)

                    gradPfk_PF[F, frame_id, :, :] = \

                    gradPfk_PF[F, frame_id, :, :] = np.zeros((8, 8))

                frame_id = frame_id + 1

            k_ind = k_ind + 1

    J = np.matmul(gradI_warpjac, gradPfk_PF)

    return J
Пример #9
def compute_Jm(Mf_gradx, Mf_grady, P_init, P, T, P_mk_rel, P_mk0):
		Mf_gradx: Map image gradients in x, numpy array, k x Cf x Hf x Wf
		Mf_grady: Map image gradients in y, numpy array, k x Cf x Hf x Wf
		P_init: Absolute warp parameters relating map to first frame, 1 x 8 x 1
		P: Warp parameter sequence, 3D numpy array, num_frame x 8 x 1
		T: Numpy vector containing indices from I which are templates, length k
		P_mk_rel: Numpy array, warp parameters used on each of the map templates, k x 8 x 1
		P_mk0: Numpy array, warp parameters from the map to each map template, k x 8 x 1

		Jm: Numpy array, dM/dW * dW/dPmk * dPmk/dPF, num_frame - 1 x k x (Cf x Hf x Wf) x 8

    k_num = T.shape[0]
    num_frames = P.shape[0] + 1

    gradMf_warpjac = compute_gradI_warpjac(Mf_gradx, Mf_grady, P_mk_rel)
    gradMf_warpjac = np.tile(gradMf_warpjac, (num_frames - 1, 1, 1, 1))

    gradPmk_PF = np.zeros((num_frames - 1, k_num, 8, 8))

    for F in range(num_frames - 1):
        k_ind = 0
        for k in T:
            if (F < k):
                H_init = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_init)
                H_1k = pama_utility.p_to_H(P[0:k, :, :])
                H_mk = np.concatenate((H_init, H_1k), axis=0)

                H_F_ind = F + 1

                def Pmk(
                ):  # needs to calculate the derivative of P_F w.r.t. the actual image warp used on the given map template, since we are extracting the map template, and not resampling it every time

                    H_F = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_F)

                    H_mk_samp_temp = np.concatenate(
                        (H_mk[0:H_F_ind, :, :], H_F, H_mk[H_F_ind + 1:, :, :]),

                    # invert to go from sampling parameters to coordinate parameters
                    H_mk_temp = np.linalg.inv(H_mk_samp_temp)

                    # intialize the map->map-template warp as coord hmg
                    H_mk_coord = np.eye(3)

                    for i in range(H_mk_temp.shape[0]):
                        H_mk_coord = np.dot(H_mk_temp[i, :, :], H_mk_coord)

                    # compute the map-template -> map-template warp
                    H_mk0_samp = pama_utility.p_to_H(P_mk0[k_ind, :, :])
                    H_mk0_coord = np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_samp)

                    H_warp_coord = H_mk_coord @ np.linalg.inv(H_mk0_coord)

                    # invert back to sampling params
                    H_warp_samp = np.linalg.inv(H_warp_coord)

                    P_mk = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_warp_samp)
                    P_mk = P_mk.squeeze(0)

                    return P_mk

                grad_P_mk = jacobian(Pmk)

                P_F = pama_utility.H_to_p(H_mk[H_F_ind, :, :])
                P_F = P_F.squeeze(0)

                gradPmk_PF[F, k_ind, :, :] = \

                gradPmk_PF[F, k_ind, :, :] = np.zeros((8, 8))

            k_ind = k_ind + 1

    J_m = np.matmul(gradMf_warpjac, gradPmk_PF)

    return J_m