Пример #1
Файл: ui.py Проект: tgbugs/desc
class CameraControl(DirectObject, HasKeybinds):
    """ adds controls to a given camera, usually base.camera"""
    def __init__(self,camera=None):
        #camera setup
        self.camera = camera
        if self.camera == None:
            self.camera = base.camera

        #XXX note, when moving cam target we need to make sure the camera doesnt move too...
        cameraBase = GeomNode('cameraBase') #utility node for pan
        targetGeom = makeCameraTarget()
        self.cameraBase = render.attachNewNode(cameraBase)
        #self.cameraBase.setTwoSided(True) #backface culling issue with my tristrip fail

        self.cameraTarget = NodePath('cameraTarget') #utility node for rot, zoom, reattach

        self.track = self.camera.attachNewNode('track')  #hack for pointing vector
        #nn = GeomNode('helper')
        #ng = makeCameraTarget()

        #keybind setup

        #self.accept("escape", sys.exit)  #no, exit_cleanup will handle this...

        for function_name, key in keybinds['view'].items():
            self.accept(key, self.makeTask, [function_name])  # TODO split out functions that don't require tasks
            if keytest in {'mouse1','mouse2','mouse3'}:
                self.accept(keytest+'-up', self.endTask, [keytest,function_name])

        #gains #TODO tweak me!
        self.XGAIN = .01
        self.YGAIN = .01

        #window setup
        self.accept('window-event', self.getWindowSize)

        #self.accept('mouse1') #mouse 1 by itself does selection?
        #self.accpet('mouse3') #pan

        #--camera moves relatvie to arbitrary origin--
        #pan in plane
        #zoom #this needs to be on a log scale, linear is balls
        #--camera in place--
        #roll camera in place
        #look at selection/origin/center of mass of
        #--camera lense changes--
        #fov (for perspective)
        #z mode wasd + mouse to orient for zooming

        #--selection functions we need to leave space for--
        #drop origin if we don't have something selected
        #click select
        #drag select, logial intersec
        #right click for menu



    def getWindowSize(self,wat=None):
        self.__winx__ = base.win.getXSize()
        self.__winy__ = base.win.getYSize()

    def makeTask(self, function_name):
        """ ye old task spawner """
        if hasattr(self, function_name):
            if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
                x,y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
                setattr(self, '__%sTask_s__'%function_name, (x,y)) #this should be faster
                taskMgr.add(getattr(self,function_name), function_name+'Task')
            raise KeyError('Check your keybinds, there is no function by that name here!')

    def addEndTask(self,key,function_name):

    def endTask(self, key, function):
        for func in self.__ends__[key]:
            setattr(self, '__%sTask_s__'%func, None) #this should be faster
        self.__ch__=None #FIXME this seems hackish

    def getMouseDdDt(self, name): #XXX deprecated
        """ use gain to adjust pixels per degree
            this should probably be normalized to screen size actually?
            or no... but to what?
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x,z = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx,sz = getattr(self,'__%s_start__'%name)
            if z != sz or x != sx: #watch out for aliasing here...
                norm = (((x - sx) * self.XGAIN)**2 + ((z - sz) * self.YGAIN)**2)**.5
                #norm =  ((x - sx) * self.X_GAIN), ((z - sz) * self.Y_GAIN)
                setattr(self, '__%s_start__'%name, (x,z))
                return norm
            else: #mouse has not moved
                return 0

    def getMouseDdDf(self,name):
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x,y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx,sy = getattr(self,'__%s_s__'%(name))
            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__
            return dx, dy

    def getMouseCross(self,name): #FIXME may need to do this incrementally as we started with...
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x,y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx,sy = getattr(self,'__%s_s__'%(name))

            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__
            norm = (dx**2 + dy**2)**.5
            cross = x * sy - y * sx

            return cross * norm

    def home(self, task):
        return task.cont

    def pan(self, task):
        """ I don't like it, it's weird! """
        invert = -1
        magic_number = 15
        magic_number = 20
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x,y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx,sy = getattr(self,'__%s_s__'%(task.getName()))
            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__ * magic_number * invert
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__ * magic_number * invert
            #cx,cy,cz = self.camera.getPos()
            setattr(self, '__%s_s__'%task.getName(), (x,y)) #reset each frame to compensate for moving from own position
            #nx,ny,nz = self.camera.getPos()
            #dx2, dy2, dz2 = nx-cx, ny-cy, nz-cz
            #self.cameraBase.setPos(self.cameraBase,dx2,dy2,dz2) #a hack to move cameraBase as if it were the camera
            #self.cameraTarget.setPos(self.cameraBase,dx2,dy2,dz2) #a hack to move cameraBase as if it were the camera
        return task.cont

    def zoom_in_slow(self, task, speed = 10):
        return self.zoom_in(task, speed) #hehe this will work because it just passes the task :)

    def zoom_out_slow(self, task, speed = 10):
        return self.zoom_out(task, speed)

    def zoom_in_fast(self, task, speed = 1000):
        return self.zoom_in(task, speed) #hehe this will work because it just passes the task :)

    def zoom_out_fast(self, task, speed = 1000):
        return self.zoom_out(task, speed)

    def zoom_in(self, task, speed = 100): #FIXME zoom_in and zoom_out still get custom xys even thought they don't use them!
        return task.cont

    def zoom_out(self, task, speed = 100):
        taskMgr.remove(task.getName()) #we do it this way instead of addOnce because we want to add all the tasks in one go
        return task.cont

    def rotate(self, task): #FIXME disregard orientation acqurie proper mouse movements!
        dx,dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        if self.__cth__ == None:
            self.__cth__ = self.cameraTarget.getH()
        if self.__ctp__ == None:
            self.__ctp__ = self.cameraTarget.getP()
        self.cameraTarget.setH(self.__cth__ - dx * 10)
        self.cameraTarget.setP(self.__ctp__ + dy * 10)
        return task.cont

    #if we are in camera mode
    def pitch(self, task):
        dx,dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        print('got pitch',dy)
        return task.cont

    def look(self, task): #AKA heading in hpr
        dx,dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        if self.__ch__ == None:
            self.__ch__ = self.camera.getH()
        if self.__cp__ == None:
            self.__cp__ = self.camera.getP()
        self.camera.setH(self.__ch__ - dx)
        self.camera.setP(self.__cp__ + dy) #FIXME when we're clicking this might should be inverted?
        return task.cont

    def roll(self, task):
        """ ALWAYS roll with respect to axis of rotation"""
        if self.__cr__ == None:
            self.__cr__ = self.cameraTarget.getR()
        #cross product idiot
        cross = self.getMouseCross(task.getName())

        self.cameraTarget.setR(self.__cr__ - cross * 10 )
        return task.cont
Пример #2
class Vehicle(ActorNode):
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        Create a new Vehicle node. Physics should be initialized before any
        instances of Vehicle are created.

          parent -- A PandaNode for the vehicle to attach to. Default is None,
                    in which case the Vehicle should be added to the scene
                    graph via NodePath.attachNewNode().

        ActorNode.__init__(self, 'VehiclePhysics')

        if parent:
            self.myPath = parent.attachNewNode(self)
            self.myPath = NodePath(self)

        # Load vehicle model and place in the transparent bin.
        vehicleModel = loader.loadModel(MODEL_PATH)
        hull = vehicleModel.find('**/Hull')
        hull.setBin('transparent', 30)
        pwnsEnclosure = vehicleModel.find('**/Pwns_Enclosure')
        pwnsEnclosure.setBin('transparent', 30)
        self.myPath.setPos(0, 0, -0.0)
        selectable = self.myPath.attachNewNode(SelectableNode('vehicle sel'))

        # ==== Initialize Physics ==== #
        thrusterForceNode = ForceNode('ThrusterForce')

        self.linearForce = LinearVectorForce(0, 0, 0)
        self.angularForce = AngularVectorForce(0, 0, 0)



        self.previousXY = (self.myPath.getX(), self.myPath.getY())

        self.tm = ThrusterManager()

        # Add self.updatePhysics to the task manager and run this task as
        # frequently as possible.
        self.updatePhysicsTask = taskMgr.add(self.updatePhysics,

        # ==== Initialize Cameras ==== #
        lens = PerspectiveLens()
        lens.setNearFar(0.05, 100.0)
        #Use either FocalLength or Fov. Fov ~40 is about what actual forward cameras are
        lens.setFov(70, 70)
        camera = Camera("Forward_left", lens).getPath()
        camera.setX(camera.getX() - 0.1)  # Forward cameras 20cm apart
            camera.getY() +
            0.05)  # Move in front of torpedo tubes to avoid abstruction
        camera.setHpr(0, 0, 0)

        camera = Camera("Forward_right", lens).getPath()
        camera.setX(camera.getX() + 0.1)  # Forward cameras 20cm apart
            camera.getY() +
            0.05)  # Move in front of torpedo tubes to avoid abstruction
        camera.setHpr(0, 0, 0)

        lens = PerspectiveLens()
        lens.setNearFar(0.05, 100.0)
        camera = Camera("Downward", lens).getPath()
        camera.setHpr(0, -90, 0)

        #Layout link (to access hydrophone information)
        self.layout = None

        #Hydrophone variables
        self.start_time = time()
        self.last_hydro_update = time()

    def setLayout(self, layout):
        #Add a link to the layout to allow for referencing other objects
        #This is necessary for the hydrophone addition
        self.layout = layout

    def getDepth(self):
        ''' Returns the depth of the vehicle, in meters. '''
        return -0.15 - self.myPath.getZ()

    def getHeading(self):
        ''' Returns the heading of the vehicle, in clockwise degrees. '''
        # Panda uses counter-clockwise degrees, with the range (-180, 180].
        heading = self.myPath.getH()
        if heading < 0:
            return -heading
        elif heading > 0:
            return 360 - heading
            return 0

    def updatePhysics(self, task):
        Use the motor PWM values calculated by the controller to apply forces
        to the simulated vehicle.

        This runs at every frame, so it needs to complete quickly.

        outputs = shm.kalman.get()
        passive_wrench = vehicle.passive_forces(outputs, self.tm)
        passive_forces, passive_torques = passive_wrench[:3], \

        # Get motor thrusts
        thrusts = np.array(self.tm.get_thrusts())

        # Add passive forces and torques to that produced by thrusters,
        # converting them to sub space first.
        force = self.tm.total_thrust(thrusts) + \
                self.tm.orientation.conjugate() * passive_forces
        torque = self.tm.total_torque(thrusts) + \
                self.tm.orientation.conjugate() * passive_torques

        # Finally apply forces and torques to the model
        # we also need to account for panda3d's strange coordinate system
        # (x and y are flipped and z points up (instead of down))
        self.linearForce.setVector(force_subspace[1], \
                                   force_subspace[0], \

        # We're supposed to use axis angle here, but I'm being sneaky
        # and using the torque vector directly, i.e. non normalized axis angle
        # with the hopes that this LRotationf constructor will figure it out
            LRotationf(LVector3f(torque_subspace[1], \
                                 torque_subspace[0], \
                                -torque_subspace[2]), 1))

        # Update shared variables for controller
        outputs.heading = self.getHeading()
        outputs.pitch = self.myPath.getP()
        outputs.roll = self.myPath.getR()

        # This velocity is in world space
        # We need to put it into THRUST CONVENTION SPACE
        # which we assume kalman outputs in...
        velocity = self.getPhysicsObject().getVelocity()

        # Bring the velocity into THRUST CONVENTION SPACE
        # Don't forget to account for panda's coordinate system
        velocity = self.tm.heading_quat.conjugate() * \
                  np.array((velocity.getY(), velocity.getX(), -velocity.getZ()))

        outputs.velx = velocity[0]
        outputs.vely = velocity[1]
        outputs.depth_rate = velocity[2]

        outputs.depth = self.getDepth()
        outputs.north = self.myPath.getY()
        outputs.east = self.myPath.getX()

        dX = self.myPath.getX() - self.previousXY[0]
        dY = self.myPath.getY() - self.previousXY[1]

        # Forward and sway are in THRUST CONVENTION SPACE
        # don't forget to account for panda's coordinate system
        dF, dS, dD = self.tm.heading_quat.conjugate() * np.array((dY, dX, 0.0))

        outputs.forward += dF
        outputs.sway += dS

        # Output some quaternions, accounting for Panda's coordinate system
        outputs.q0, outputs.q2, outputs.q1, outputs.q3 = self.myPath.getQuat()
        outputs.q3 *= -1.0


        #XXX: Approximate altitude assuming that the pool is 12 feet deep
        svAltitude.set(3.6 - self.getDepth())

        self.previousXY = (self.myPath.getX(), self.myPath.getY())  #update


        return Task.cont

    def output_hydro_data(self):
        #Update simulated hydrophone values
        pingers = []  #Get all pingers from the layout
        for element in self.layout.elements:
            if element.getTypeName() == "Pinger":


        if time() - self.last_hydro_update > HYDRO_TICK_PERIOD:
            dt = time() - self.last_hydro_update
            self.last_hydro_update = time()

            if shm.hydrophones_settings.dsp_mode.get() == 1:  #Search mode
                #Incr search count
                    shm.hydrophones_results.search_count.get() + 1)

                #Generate proper "hydrophone bins" marks
                sb = 0
                for p in pingers:
                    f = p.pinger_frequency
                    dc = (f - (shm.hydrophones_settings.searchCenter.get() -
                          ) / shm.hydrophones_settings.searchStep.get() + 0.5
                    sb |= 1 << int(dc)

            else:  #Track Mode
                #Incr ping count
                    shm.hydrophones_results.ping_count.get() + 1)

                #Determine which pinger we are actively tracking (within 0.7khz of target)
                targetp = None
                for p in pingers:
                    if abs(shm.hydrophones_settings.trackFrequency.get() -
                           p.pinger_frequency) < 700:
                        targetp = p

                if targetp is not None:
                        int(shm.hydrophones_settings.trackMagThresh.get() +
                            1e4 * random()))
                    shm.hydrophones_results.ping_time.set(int(dt * 1000))

                    pp = targetp.path.getPos()

                    vv = vector.Vector(self.myPath.getY(), self.myPath.getX())
                    pv = vector.Vector(pp.getY(), pp.getX())

                    dv = pv - vv
                    ang = vector.GetAuvAngle(dv)
                    hdiff = helpers.heading_diff(self.getHeading(), ang)


                    dh = self.myPath.getZ() - pp.getZ()
                    dist = vector.Length(dv)
                    elev = math.degrees(math.atan2(dist, dh))
                    elev = min(elev, 90)


                    #phase calculations
                    dy = self.myPath.getY() - pp.getY()
                    dx = self.myPath.getX() - pp.getX()
                    yang = math.degrees(math.atan2(dist, dy))
                    xang = math.degrees(math.atan2(dist, dx))

                    shm.hydrophones_results.phaseX.set((90.0 - xang) / 90.0)
                    shm.hydrophones_results.phaseY.set((90.0 - yang) / 90.0)
                    shm.hydrophones_results.phaseZ.set((90.0 - elev) / 90.0)


            shm.hydrophones_results.uptime.set(int(time() - self.start_time))

    def __del__(self):
        ''' Remove update tasks from the panda task manager. '''
Пример #3
class CameraControl(DirectObject, HasKeybinds):
    """ adds controls to a given camera, usually base.camera"""
    def __init__(self, camera=None):
        #camera setup
        self.camera = camera
        if self.camera == None:
            self.camera = base.camera

        #XXX note, when moving cam target we need to make sure the camera doesnt move too...
        cameraBase = GeomNode('cameraBase')  #utility node for pan
        targetGeom = makeCameraTarget()
        self.cameraBase = render.attachNewNode(cameraBase)
        #self.cameraBase.setTwoSided(True) #backface culling issue with my tristrip fail

        self.cameraTarget = NodePath(
            'cameraTarget')  #utility node for rot, zoom, reattach

        self.track = self.camera.attachNewNode(
            'track')  #hack for pointing vector
        self.track.setPos(LVecBase3f(0, 50, 0))
        #nn = GeomNode('helper')
        #ng = makeCameraTarget()

        #keybind setup
        self.__ends__ = defaultdict(list)

        #self.accept("escape", sys.exit)  #no, exit_cleanup will handle this...

        for function_name, key in keybinds['view'].items():
                key, self.makeTask,
                 ])  # TODO split out functions that don't require tasks
            keytest = key.split('-')[-1]
            if keytest in {'mouse1', 'mouse2', 'mouse3'}:
                self.addEndTask(keytest, function_name)
                self.accept(keytest + '-up', self.endTask,
                            [keytest, function_name])

        #gains #TODO tweak me!
        self.XGAIN = .01
        self.YGAIN = .01

        #window setup
        self.accept('window-event', self.getWindowSize)

        #self.accept('mouse1') #mouse 1 by itself does selection?
        #self.accpet('mouse3') #pan

        #--camera moves relatvie to arbitrary origin--
        #pan in plane
        #zoom #this needs to be on a log scale, linear is balls
        #--camera in place--
        #roll camera in place
        #look at selection/origin/center of mass of
        #--camera lense changes--
        #fov (for perspective)
        #z mode wasd + mouse to orient for zooming

        #--selection functions we need to leave space for--
        #drop origin if we don't have something selected
        #click select
        #drag select, logial intersec
        #right click for menu

        self.__ch__ = None
        self.__cp__ = None
        self.__cr__ = None
        self.__cth__ = None
        self.__ctp__ = None


    def getWindowSize(self, wat=None):
        self.__winx__ = base.win.getXSize()
        self.__winy__ = base.win.getYSize()

    def makeTask(self, function_name):
        """ ye old task spawner """
        if hasattr(self, function_name):
            if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
                x, y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
                setattr(self, '__%sTask_s__' % function_name,
                        (x, y))  #this should be faster
                taskMgr.add(getattr(self, function_name),
                            function_name + 'Task')
            raise KeyError(
                'Check your keybinds, there is no function by that name here!')

    def addEndTask(self, key, function_name):

    def endTask(self, key, function):
        for func in self.__ends__[key]:
            taskMgr.remove(func + 'Task')
            setattr(self, '__%sTask_s__' % func, None)  #this should be faster
        self.__ch__ = None  #FIXME this seems hackish
        self.__cp__ = None
        self.__cr__ = None
        self.__cth__ = None
        self.__ctp__ = None

    def getMouseDdDt(self, name):  #XXX deprecated
        """ use gain to adjust pixels per degree
            this should probably be normalized to screen size actually?
            or no... but to what?
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x, z = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx, sz = getattr(self, '__%s_start__' % name)
            print(x, sx)
            print(z, sz)
            if z != sz or x != sx:  #watch out for aliasing here...
                norm = (((x - sx) * self.XGAIN)**2 +
                        ((z - sz) * self.YGAIN)**2)**.5
                #norm =  ((x - sx) * self.X_GAIN), ((z - sz) * self.Y_GAIN)
                setattr(self, '__%s_start__' % name, (x, z))
                return norm
            else:  #mouse has not moved
                return 0

    def getMouseDdDf(self, name):
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x, y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx, sy = getattr(self, '__%s_s__' % (name))
            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__
            return dx, dy

    def getMouseCross(
            self, name
    ):  #FIXME may need to do this incrementally as we started with...
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x, y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx, sy = getattr(self, '__%s_s__' % (name))

            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__
            norm = (dx**2 + dy**2)**.5
            cross = x * sy - y * sx

            return cross * norm

    def home(self, task):
        return task.cont

    def pan(self, task):
        """ I don't like it, it's weird! """
        invert = -1
        magic_number = 15
        magic_number = 20
        if base.mouseWatcherNode.hasMouse():
            x, y = base.mouseWatcherNode.getMouse()
            sx, sy = getattr(self, '__%s_s__' % (task.getName()))
            dx = (x - sx) * self.XGAIN * self.__winx__ * magic_number * invert
            dy = (y - sy) * self.YGAIN * self.__winy__ * magic_number * invert
            #cx,cy,cz = self.camera.getPos()
            self.camera.setPos(self.camera, dx, 0, dy)
                self, '__%s_s__' % task.getName(), (x, y)
            )  #reset each frame to compensate for moving from own position
            #nx,ny,nz = self.camera.getPos()
            #dx2, dy2, dz2 = nx-cx, ny-cy, nz-cz
            #self.cameraBase.setPos(self.cameraBase,dx2,dy2,dz2) #a hack to move cameraBase as if it were the camera
            #self.cameraTarget.setPos(self.cameraBase,dx2,dy2,dz2) #a hack to move cameraBase as if it were the camera
        return task.cont

    def zoom_in_slow(self, task, speed=10):
        return self.zoom_in(
            speed)  #hehe this will work because it just passes the task :)

    def zoom_out_slow(self, task, speed=10):
        return self.zoom_out(task, speed)

    def zoom_in_fast(self, task, speed=1000):
        return self.zoom_in(
            speed)  #hehe this will work because it just passes the task :)

    def zoom_out_fast(self, task, speed=1000):
        return self.zoom_out(task, speed)

    def zoom_in(
    ):  #FIXME zoom_in and zoom_out still get custom xys even thought they don't use them!
        self.camera.setPos(self.camera, 0, speed, 0)
        return task.cont

    def zoom_out(self, task, speed=100):
        self.camera.setPos(self.camera, 0, -speed, 0)
        )  #we do it this way instead of addOnce because we want to add all the tasks in one go
        return task.cont

    def rotate(self, task
               ):  #FIXME disregard orientation acqurie proper mouse movements!
        dx, dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        if self.__cth__ == None:
            self.__cth__ = self.cameraTarget.getH()
        if self.__ctp__ == None:
            self.__ctp__ = self.cameraTarget.getP()
        self.cameraTarget.setH(self.__cth__ - dx * 10)
        self.cameraTarget.setP(self.__ctp__ + dy * 10)
        return task.cont

    #if we are in camera mode
    def pitch(self, task):
        dx, dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        print('got pitch', dy)
        return task.cont

    def look(self, task):  #AKA heading in hpr
        dx, dy = self.getMouseDdDf(task.getName())
        if self.__ch__ == None:
            self.__ch__ = self.camera.getH()
        if self.__cp__ == None:
            self.__cp__ = self.camera.getP()
        self.camera.setH(self.__ch__ - dx)
            self.__cp__ +
            dy)  #FIXME when we're clicking this might should be inverted?
        return task.cont

    def roll(self, task):
        """ ALWAYS roll with respect to axis of rotation"""
        if self.__cr__ == None:
            self.__cr__ = self.cameraTarget.getR()
        #cross product idiot
        cross = self.getMouseCross(task.getName())

        self.cameraTarget.setR(self.__cr__ - cross * 10)
        return task.cont