Пример #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.testTexture = loader.loadTexture("maps/envir_reeds.png")
        self.accept("1", self.toggleTex)
        self.accept("2", self.toggleLightsSide)
        self.accept("3", self.toggleLightsUp)

        self.LightsOn = False
        self.LightsOn1 = False
        slight = Spotlight('slight')
        slight.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1))
        lens = PerspectiveLens()
        self.slnp = render.attachNewNode(slight.upcastToLensNode())
        self.slnp1 = render.attachNewNode(slight.upcastToLensNode())
Пример #2
      #just make another branch connected to this one with a small variation in direction
      makeFractalTree(bodydata, nodePath,length,newPos, numIterations-1,numCopies,smallRandomAxis(vecList))

    drawBody(nodePath,bodydata, pos, vecList, length.getX(),False)
    drawLeaf(nodePath,bodydata, pos,vecList)

alight = AmbientLight('alight')
alight.setColor(Vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1))
alnp = render.attachNewNode(alight)

slight = Spotlight('slight')
slight.setColor(Vec4(1, 1, 1, 1))
lens = PerspectiveLens()
slnp = render.attachNewNode(slight.upcastToLensNode())

slnp.setPos(0, 0,40)

#rotating light to show that normals are calculated correctly
def updateLight(task):
  global slnp
Пример #3
  def __init__( self ):
  #The main initialization of our class
    #This creates the on screen title that is in every tutorial
    self.title = OnscreenText(text="Panda3D: Tutorial - Lighting",
                              style=1, fg=(1,1,0,1), font = font,
                              pos=(0.87,-0.95), scale = .07)

    #Creates labels used for onscreen instructions
    self.ambientText = self.makeStatusLabel(0)
    self.directionalText = self.makeStatusLabel(1)
    self.spotlightText = self.makeStatusLabel(2)
    self.pointLightText = self.makeStatusLabel(3)
    self.spinningText = self.makeStatusLabel(4)
    self.ambientBrightnessText = self.makeStatusLabel(5)
    self.directionalBrightnessText = self.makeStatusLabel(6)
    self.spotlightBrightnessText = self.makeStatusLabel(7)
    self.spotlightExponentText = self.makeStatusLabel(8)
    self.lightingPerPixelText = self.makeStatusLabel(9)

    self.disco = loader.loadModel("models/samples/disco_lights/disco_hall")
    self.disco.setPosHpr(0, 50, -4, 90, 0, 0)

    # First we create an ambient light. All objects are affected by ambient
    # light equally
    #Create and name the ambient light
    self.ambientLight = render.attachNewNode( AmbientLight( "ambientLight" ) )
    #Set the color of the ambient light
    self.ambientLight.node().setColor( Vec4( .1, .1, .1, 1 ) )
    #add the newly created light to the lightAttrib

    # Now we create a directional light. Directional lights add shading from a
    # given angle. This is good for far away sources like the sun
    self.directionalLight = render.attachNewNode( DirectionalLight(
"directionalLight" ) )
    self.directionalLight.node().setColor( Vec4( .35, .35, .35, 1 ) )
    # The direction of a directional light is set as a 3D vector
    self.directionalLight.node().setDirection( Vec3( 1, 1, -2 ) )

    # Now we create a spotlight. Spotlights light objects in a given cone
    # They are good for simulating things like flashlights
    self.spotlight = camera.attachNewNode( Spotlight( "spotlight" ) )
    self.spotlight.node().setColor( Vec4( .45, .45, .45, 1 ) )
    #The cone of a spotlight is controlled by it's lens. This creates the lens
    self.spotlight.node().setLens( PerspectiveLens() )
    #This sets the Field of View (fov) of the lens, in degrees for width and
    #height. The lower the numbers, the tighter the spotlight.
    self.spotlight.node().getLens().setFov( 16, 16 )
    # Attenuation controls how the light fades with distance. The numbers are
    # The three values represent the three constants (constant, linear, and
    # quadratic) in the internal lighting equation. The higher the numbers the
    # shorter the light goes.
    self.spotlight.node().setAttenuation( Vec3( 1, 0.0, 0.0 ) ) 
    # This exponent value sets how soft the edge of the spotlight is. 0 means a
    # hard edge. 128 means a very soft edge.
    self.spotlight.node().setExponent( 60.0 )

    # Now we create three colored Point lights. Point lights are lights that
    # radiate from a single point, like a light bulb. Like spotlights, they
    # are given position by attaching them to NodePaths in the world
    self.redHelper = loader.loadModel('models/samples/disco_lights/sphere')
    self.redHelper.setColor( Vec4( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) )
    self.redHelper.setPos( -6.5, -3.75, 0 )
    self.redPointLight = self.redHelper.attachNewNode( PointLight(
"redPointLight" ) )
    self.redPointLight.node().setColor( Vec4( .35, 0, 0, 1 ) )
    self.redPointLight.node().setAttenuation( Vec3( .1, 0.04, 0.0 ) ) 

    #The green point light and helper
    self.greenHelper = loader.loadModel('models/samples/disco_lights/sphere')
    self.greenHelper.setColor( Vec4( 0, 1, 0, 1 ) )
    self.greenHelper.setPos( 0, 7.5, 0 )
    self.greenPointLight = self.greenHelper.attachNewNode( PointLight(
"greenPointLight" ) )
    self.greenPointLight.node().setAttenuation( Vec3( .1, .04, .0 ) ) 
    self.greenPointLight.node().setColor( Vec4( 0, .35, 0, 1 ) )

    #The blue point light and helper
    self.blueHelper = loader.loadModel('models/samples/disco_lights/sphere')
    self.blueHelper.setColor( Vec4( 0, 0, 1, 1 ) )
    self.blueHelper.setPos( 6.5, -3.75, 0 )
    self.bluePointLight = self.blueHelper.attachNewNode( PointLight( "bluePointLight" ) )
    self.bluePointLight.node().setAttenuation( Vec3( .1, 0.04, 0.0 ) ) 
    self.bluePointLight.node().setColor( Vec4( 0, 0, .35, 1 ) )
    self.bluePointLight.node().setSpecularColor( Vec4( 1 ) )

    #Create a dummy node so the lights can be spun with one command
    self.pointLightHelper = render.attachNewNode( "pointLightHelper" )
    self.pointLightHelper.setPos(0, 50, 11)
    self.redHelper.reparentTo( self.pointLightHelper )
    self.greenHelper.reparentTo( self.pointLightHelper )
    self.blueHelper.reparentTo( self.pointLightHelper )

    #Finally we store the lights on the root of the scene graph.
    #This will cause them to affect everything in the scene.

    render.setLight( self.ambientLight )
    render.setLight( self.directionalLight )
    render.setLight( self.spotlight )
    render.setLight( self.redPointLight )
    render.setLight( self.greenPointLight )
    render.setLight( self.bluePointLight )

    # Create and start interval to spin the lights, and a variable to
    # manage them.
    self.pointLightsSpin = self.pointLightHelper.hprInterval(6, Vec3(360, 0, 0))
    self.arePointLightsSpinning = True

    # Per-pixel lighting is initially off
    self.perPixelEnabled = False

    # listen to keys for controlling the lights
    self.accept( "escape", sys.exit)
    self.accept( "a", self.toggleLights, [[self.ambientLight]] )
    self.accept( "d", self.toggleLights, [[self.directionalLight]] )
    self.accept( "s", self.toggleLights, [[self.spotlight]] )
    self.accept( "p", self.toggleLights, [[self.redPointLight,
                                           self.bluePointLight]] )
    self.accept( "r", self.toggleSpinningPointLights )
    self.accept( "l", self.togglePerPixelLighting )
    self.accept( "z", self.addBrightness, [self.ambientLight, -.05] )
    self.accept( "x", self.addBrightness, [self.ambientLight, .05] )
    self.accept( "c", self.addBrightness, [self.directionalLight, -.05] )
    self.accept( "v", self.addBrightness, [self.directionalLight, .05] )
    self.accept( "b", self.addBrightness, [self.spotlight, -.05] )
    self.accept( "n", self.addBrightness, [self.spotlight, .05] )
    self.accept( "q", self.adjustSpotlightExponent, [self.spotlight, -1] )
    self.accept( "w", self.adjustSpotlightExponent, [self.spotlight, 1] )

    #Finally call the function that builds the instruction texts