class Tooltip(object): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, ywn): ''' Constructor ''' self.ywn = ywn self.tooltip = TextNode('Tooltip') self.tooltip.setText("Every day in every way I'm getting better and better.") self.tooltip.setTextColor(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1) self.tooltip.setShadow(0.05, 0.05) self.tooltip.setShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) self.tooltipNodePath = self.ywn.aspect2d.attachNewNode(self.tooltip) self.tooltipNodePath.setScale(0.07) self.tooltipNodePath.setPos(-1,0,0.9) self.ywn.taskMgr.add(self.taskMouseTooltip, 'taskMouseToolip') def setText(self, text): self.tooltip.setText(text) def clearText(self): self.tooltip.clearText() def taskMouseTooltip(self, task): self.tooltipNodePath.setPos(self.ywn.mouseWatcher.currentPosition.x * self.ywn.getAspectRatio(), 0, self.ywn.mouseWatcher.currentPosition.y) return task.cont
class MyApp(ShowBase): def __init__(self, rows, cols, instance=0, picturesConcentration=5, trial=0): self.trial = trial ShowBase.__init__(self) self.setIntitalValues(rows, cols, instance, picturesConcentration) def initPictures(self): = listFiles()'pictures/.DS_Store') #??? for i in range(len([i] = picToAscii([i], 'foo.txt') def splashScreenCreate(self, number): text1a = " Urgent message from ur PC:" text1b = "XyzBugz234VirusThingamajig, a very competent virus has taken over your computer..." text1c = " It has also managed to put you in a virtual ASCII maze in your computer! " text1d = " (because thats a thing that can happen) " text2a = "But dont worry, the antivirus software installed on your computer 'BFREE4EVR' will help you escape..." text2b = "Drag your favorite pictures (preferably jpeg) to the 'pictures' folder in the directory of the game. " text2c = "You'll see these pictures in ASCII format in the maze. BFREE4EVR will add messages in these pictures to help guide you." text2d = "Look for the hidden message in each picture you see; it will tell you whether you're om the right track or not." text2e = "if you're not on the right track, you should 'backtrack' to the last turn (hint ;) )" text3a = "Find the flag to complete the maze! (the flag is the only object thats not in black and white)" text3b = "Press 'h' at any time to toggle the help mini-sreen once the game starts." text3c = "There is also a helpful mini-map in the bottom right corner of ur screen, that shows the cells of the maze you've visited" text3d = "Be sure to solve the maze within the time limit indicated in the top left corner, or ur pc will b compromised." text3e = "However, the first level does not have a timer, so you can get comfortable with the controls" text3f = "The pictures may look glitchy because of the virus. You have to search them from a close distance. Good luck!" subtext = "[press q to continue]" text4a = "This is a buffer screen. Please dont panic. 'BFREE4EVR' is doing its thing. " text4b = "This may take anywhere from 30 seconds (regular case) to an eternity depending on how shitty ur pc is." text4d = "Oh! Almost forgot, policy requires that u provide BFREE4EVR consent to run on ur pc " text4c = "...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n...\n..." text4e = "[press q to provide consent and agree to terms and conditions etc and continue with loading game]" text4f = "...................This is another buffer screen................." text4g = "press q to start loading model, and then wait a while" if number == 1: splashText = "\n".join([text1a, text1b, text1c, text1d, subtext]) if number == 2: splashText = "\n".join( [text2a, text2b, text2c, text2d, text2e, subtext]) if number == 3: splashText = "\n".join( [text3a, text3b, text3c, text3d, text3e, text3f, subtext]) #if number ==4:splashText = "\n".join([text4a,text4b]) if number == 4: if self.instance == 0: splashText = "\n".join( [text4a, text4b, text4c, text4d, text4e]) else: splashText = "\n".join([text4f, text4g]) text = TextNode('meh') text.setCardColor(1, 1, 1, 1) # white text.setCardAsMargin(0.2, 0.2, 20, 0.2) text.setCardDecal(True) text.setText(splashText) text.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) text.setFrameColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setTextColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setFrameAsMargin(0.2, 0.2, 20, 0.2) #specifying margins for frame text.setShadow(0.05, 0.05) text.setShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) textNodePath = self.aspect2d.attachNewNode(text) self.splashTextObject = textNodePath textNodePath.setPos(-1.1, 0, 0.8) textNodePath.setScale(0.1) text.setWordwrap(22) def setIntitalValues(self, rows, cols, instance, picturesConcentration): self.picturesConcentration = picturesConcentration self.rows, self.cols = rows, cols self.instance = instance if instance == 0: self.splashScreen = 1 self.splashScreenCreate(1) else: self.splashScreenCreate(4) self.splashScreen = 4 self.mode = "splashScreen" #some key mapping self.keyMap = { "left": 0, "right": 0, "forward": 0, "backward": 0, "stop": False, "camLeft": 0, "camRight": 0, "camForward": 0, "camBackward": 0 } self.keyMap["up"], self.keyMap["down"] = [ 0, 0 ] # only for debugging purposes, will be removed from actual game self.keyMap["createNewGame"] = 0 self.keyMap["nextScreen"] = 0 self.createKeyControls() timer = 0.2 taskMgr.doMethodLater(timer, self.move, "move") #self.setMazeValues(self.rows, self.cols) def setMazeValues(self, rows, cols): self.gameWon = False if self.instance > 0: #timer stuff secondsTimer = 1 #(measures seconds) self.time = 46 if self.instance == 2: self.time = 61 # bigger maze, more time.. :/ taskMgr.doMethodLater(secondsTimer, self.timer, "timer") self.timerText = TextNode('time?') self.timerText.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) self.timerText.setFrameColor(0, 1, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent self.timerText.setTextColor(0, 1, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent self.timerText.setFrameAsMargin(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2) #specifying margins for frame self.timerText.setShadow(0.05, 0.05) self.timerText.setShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) timeTextNodePath = self.aspect2d.attachNewNode(self.timerText) timeTextNodePath.setPos(-1.3, 0, 0.75) timeTextNodePath.setScale(0.06) self.initPictures() self.gameOver = False # Load the environment model. self.scene = self.loader.loadModel("box.egg") # Reparent the model to render. self.scene.reparentTo(self.render) #self.buffer = OnscreenImage(image = 'out2.jpg', pos = (0, 0, 0)) # adding buffer image #building the maze: self.randMaze, self.solution = maze.generateDifficultMaze(rows, cols) # The mickey picture I'm using was taken from: #self.buffer.destroy() self.boxWidth = 200.0 #550 self.boxHeight = 200.0 #550 self.wallHeight = 30.0 # above values found by trial and error. I think this gives the best user experience min, max = self.scene.getTightBounds() size = max - min (self.width, self.height) = (self.boxWidth * cols, self.boxHeight * rows ) # calculating dimesions of scene # Apply scale and position transforms on the model. self.scene.setPos(self.width / 2, self.height / 2, 0) # so that left bottom corner is (0,0) self.scene.setScale(self.width / size[0], self.height / size[1], 1) self.xWallBounds = [] self.yWallBounds = [] self.buildMaze(rows, cols) self.taskMgr.add(self.CameraView, "CameraView") #initalizing some more values self.CamOreintX, self.CamOreintY = 0, 0 self.angleRadians = 0 self.camZpos = self.wallHeight * 2 self.moveUnit = 5.0 self.deltaAngle = 1 self.text1a = "use (W,A,S,D) to change camera orientation (up, left, down, right)" self.text1b = "use arrow keys to move camera forward, backward, left or right" self.text1c = "press z to move camera up, x to move camera down." self.text1d = "press h to toggle these annoying instructions" self.text1 = "\n".join( [self.text1a, self.text1b, self.text1c, self.text1d]) #show instructions on screen self.showInstructions = False if self.instance == 0: self.Instructions() y = self.height #creating image shown at bootom left corner self.cellsVisited = set() self.imageWidth = 200 self.imageHeight = 200 self.imageMap ='RGB', (self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight), "lightGrey")"out0.jpg") self.imageObject = OnscreenImage(image='out0.jpg', pos=(0, 0, 0)) maze.colourCell(self.imageMap, "darkGrey", 0, 0, self.imageWidth / cols, self.imageHeight / rows, self.imageHeight) self.count = 0 self.oldRow, self.oldCol = 0, 0 self.updateImage() self.hasImageObject = True # Add the CameraView procedure to the task manager. self.taskMgr.add(self.CameraView, "CameraView") def updateImage(self): currRow = int(self.camYpos // self.boxHeight) currCol = int(self.camXpos // self.boxWidth) (rows, cols) = (len(self.randMaze), len(self.randMaze[0])) boxWidth = self.imageWidth / cols boxHeight = self.imageHeight / rows imageName = "out" + str(self.count) + "trial" + str( self.trial) + ".jpg" r = self.angleRadians * (180.0 / pi) if self.oldRow != currRow or self.oldCol != currCol: maze.colourCell(self.imageMap, "white", self.oldRow, self.oldCol, boxWidth, boxHeight, self.imageHeight) maze.colourCell(self.imageMap, "darkGrey", currRow, currCol, boxWidth, boxHeight, self.imageHeight) self.imageObject.destroy() self.oldRow, self.oldCol = currRow, currCol self.imageObject = OnscreenImage(image=imageName, pos=(0.85, 0, -0.65), scale=(0.25, 1, 0.25), hpr=(0, 0, r)) self.count += 1 imageName = "out" + str(self.count) + "trial" + str( self.trial) + ".jpg" if (currRow, currCol) not in self.cellsVisited: self.cellsVisited.add((currRow, currCol)) maze.drawCell(self.imageMap, self.randMaze, currRow, currCol, boxWidth, boxHeight, self.imageHeight) self.imageObject.destroy() self.imageObject = OnscreenImage(image=imageName, pos=(0.85, 0, -0.65), scale=(0.25, 1, 0.25), hpr=(0, 0, r)) self.count += 1 def gameWonOrLost(self): if self.gameWon: if self.instance == 0: text = "U WON THE GAME !!1!1!!1\n lol just kidding. You won level one!\n press P to go to the next level\n(Fewer pictures, bigger maze) " if self.instance == 1: text = "GoOd JoB 1!!!1!1!! YOu KnoW tHE drILl! neXT leVEl comiNg up.\n press P to go to the next level" if self.instance == 2: text = "U WON THE GAME !!1!1!!1 YOu escaped the virus.\n(for realz this time YAY!)\nPress P to play again! " else: text = "You just lost the level you noob.\nLuckily, you get infinite chances.\nPress P to try again." self.text = TextNode('bleh') self.text.setAlign(TextNode.ACenter) self.text.setText(text) textNodePath = aspect2d.attachNewNode(self.text) textNodePath.setScale(0.09) self.text.setCardColor(0, 0, 0, 1) self.text.setCardAsMargin(20, 20, 20, 20) self.text.setCardDecal(True) self.gameOver = True self.imageObject.destroy() self.hasImageObject = False #print("gameOver is "+str(self.gameOver)) def newGame(self): self.text.clearText() self.deleteAll() taskMgr.remove('move') taskMgr.remove('CameraView') taskMgr.remove('timer') self.destroy() self.deleteImages() if self.gameWon: # next level or restart if self.instance == 2: self.__init__(5, 5, 0, 5, self.trial + 1) #reset else: self.__init__(self.rows + 2, self.cols + 2, self.instance + 1, self.picturesConcentration + 2, self.trial + 1) else: self.__init__(self.rows, self.cols, self.instance, self.picturesConcentration, self.trial + 1) # same level def deleteAll(self): for m in render.getChildren(): m.removeNode() def deleteImages(self): for i in range(self.count): filename = "out" + str(i) + "trial" + str(self.trial) + ".jpg" os.remove(filename) def addPicture(self, x, y, h, row, col): if not probability(self.picturesConcentration): return i = random.randint(0, len( - 1) pictureText =[i] if (row, col) in self.solution: pictureText = addMessage(pictureText, "you're on the right track!") else: pictureText = addMessage(pictureText, "looks like you took a wrong turn!") z = 66 text = TextNode('node name') text.setCardColor(1, 1, 1, 1) # white text.setCardAsMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) text.setCardDecal(True) #contentsRead = readFile("mickeyText.txt") text.setText(pictureText) text.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) font = loader.loadFont( 'Menlo.ttf' ) # font dowloaded from : "" text.setFont(font) text.setFrameColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setTextColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setFrameAsMargin(0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1) #specifying margins for frame text.setShadow(0.05, 0.05) text.setShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) textNodePath = self.render.attachNewNode(text) textNodePath.setPos(x, y, z) textNodePath.setHpr(h, 0, 0) textNodePath.setScale(0.6) def buildMaze(self, rows, cols): randMaze, solution = self.randMaze, self.solution maze.createImage(randMaze, 400, 400) self.endPoints = solution[-1] self.winXbounds = [] boxWidth = self.boxWidth boxHeight = self.boxHeight wallWidth = self.wallWidth = 5.0 print(boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth) wallHeight = self.wallHeight wall = loader.loadModel("box.egg") min, max = wall.getTightBounds() size = max - min (initialWidth, intialHeight) = (size[0], size[1]) # of box.egg k = wallWidth # added to wall length to guarantee smooth corners for row in range(rows): for col in range(cols): walls = randMaze[row][col] #creating walls: if (walls[0] == 1): #Nwall (startX, startY, endX, endY) = (col * boxWidth, row * boxHeight, (col + 1) * boxWidth, row * boxHeight) self.addWall(startX, startY, endX, endY, True, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth, wallHeight, initialWidth, intialHeight, k) self.addPicture(startX + wallWidth + boxWidth / 2, endY + 0.8 * wallWidth, 180, row, col) if (walls[1] == 1): (startX, startY, endX, endY) = ((col + 1) * boxWidth, row * boxHeight, (col + 1) * boxWidth, (row + 1) * boxHeight) if col == cols - 1: #Ewall self.addWall(startX, startY, endX, endY, False, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth, wallHeight, initialWidth, intialHeight, k) self.addPicture(endX - 0.8 * wallWidth, startY + wallWidth + boxHeight / 2, 270, row, col) if (walls[2] == 1): (startX, startY, endX, endY) = (col * boxWidth, (row + 1) * boxHeight, (col + 1) * boxWidth, (row + 1) * boxHeight) if row == rows - 1: #Swall self.addWall(startX, startY, endX, endY, True, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth, wallHeight, initialWidth, intialHeight, k) self.addPicture(startX + wallWidth + boxWidth / 2, endY - 0.8 * wallWidth, 0, row, col) if (walls[3] == 1): #Wwall (startX, startY, endX, endY) = (col * boxWidth, row * boxHeight, col * boxWidth, (row + 1) * boxHeight) # vertical self.addWall(startX, startY, endX, endY, False, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth, wallHeight, initialWidth, intialHeight, k) self.addPicture(endX + 0.8 * wallWidth, startY + wallWidth + boxHeight / 2, 90, row, col) for row in range(rows + 1): for col in range(cols + 1): (x, y, z) = (col * boxWidth, row * boxHeight, 0) model = loader.loadModel("box.egg") model.setScale(wallWidth, wallWidth, wallHeight) model.reparentTo(render) model.setPos(x, y, z) MyApp.applyRandomTexture(model, 0) (min, max) = model.getTightBounds() (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = (min[0], min[1], max[0], max[1]) k = 2 # panda renders weirdly at certain viewpoints if one gets too close to model :? self.xWallBounds += [(minX - k, maxX + k)] self.yWallBounds += [(minY - k, maxY + k)] self.initializeStartAndEnd(boxWidth, boxHeight, wallHeight, self.endPoints) self.splashTextObject.removeNode() #self.addFlag() #adds flag to end position def initializeStartAndEnd(self, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallHeight, endPoints): #initializing start position of camera: self.camXpos = boxWidth / 2 self.camYpos = boxHeight / 2 # adding flag to end of maze as recored by the solution model = loader.loadModel( "banner/banner.egg" ) # model from model.reparentTo(render) lo, hi = model.getTightBounds() size = hi - lo intialHeight = size[0] (endRow, endCol) = endPoints model.setPos(endCol * boxWidth + boxWidth / 2, endRow * boxHeight + boxHeight / 2, 0) scaleFactor = wallHeight * 0.7 / intialHeight model.setScale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor) tex = loader.loadTexture('banner/bannero_3_-_Default_CL.tif') model.setTexture(tex) def addWall(self, startX, startY, endX, endY, isHorizontal, boxWidth, boxHeight, wallWidth, wallHeight, initialWidth, intialHeight, k): model = loader.loadModel("box.egg") if isHorizontal: model.setScale(boxWidth / initialWidth - k, wallWidth, wallHeight) #horizontalWall else: model.setScale(wallWidth, boxHeight / intialHeight - k, wallHeight) #verticallWall self.addModel(startX, startY, endX, endY, model, wallWidth, True) MyApp.applyRandomTexture(model, 1) @staticmethod def applyRandomTexture(model, i): textures = ['blackWhite1.jpeg', 'blackWhite2.jpg'] # blacWhite2 from # blackWhite1 from tex = loader.loadTexture(textures[i]) model.setTexture(tex) def addModel(self, startX, startY, endX, endY, model, wallWidth, isHorizontal): x = (startX + endX) / 2 y = (startY + endY) / 2 z = 0 #print(self.xWallBounds, self.yWallBounds) #print(self.width, self.height, self.boxWidth, self.boxHeight, wallWidth) model.reparentTo(render) model.setPos(x, y, z) (min, max) = model.getTightBounds() (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) = (min[0], min[1], max[0], max[1]) k = 2 # panda renders weirdly at certain viewpoints if one gets too close to model :? self.xWallBounds += [(minX - k, maxX + k)] self.yWallBounds += [(minY - k, maxY + k)] def setKey(self, key, value): self.keyMap[key] = value def createKeyControls(self): self.accept("r", self.setKey, ["stop", not self.keyMap["stop"]]) self.accept("h", self.Instructions) self.accept("z", self.setKey, ["up", 1]) self.accept("x", self.setKey, ["down", 1]) self.accept("q", self.nextSplashScreen) self.accept("p", self.setKey, ["createNewGame", 1]) self.accept("arrow_up", self.setKey, ["forward", 1]) self.accept("arrow_down", self.setKey, ["backward", 1]) self.accept("arrow_left", self.setKey, ["left", 1]) self.accept("arrow_right", self.setKey, ["right", 1]) self.accept("arrow_up-up", self.setKey, ["forward", 0]) self.accept("arrow_down-up", self.setKey, ["backward", 0]) self.accept("arrow_left-up", self.setKey, ["left", 0]) self.accept("arrow_right-up", self.setKey, ["right", 0]) self.accept("w", self.setKey, ["camForward", 1]) self.accept("s", self.setKey, ["camBackward", 1]) self.accept("a", self.setKey, ["camLeft", 1]) self.accept("d", self.setKey, ["camRight", 1]) self.accept("w-up", self.setKey, ["camForward", 0]) self.accept("s-up", self.setKey, ["camBackward", 0]) self.accept("a-up", self.setKey, ["camLeft", 0]) self.accept("d-up", self.setKey, ["camRight", 0]) self.accept("z-up", self.setKey, ["up", 0]) self.accept("x-up", self.setKey, ["down", 0]) def nextSplashScreen(self): self.splashTextObject.removeNode() self.splashScreen += 1 if self.splashScreen > 5: self.splashScreen = 5 print(self.splashScreen) if self.splashScreen == 5 and self.mode == "splashScreen": self.mode = "game" self.setMazeValues(self.rows, self.cols) elif self.mode == "splashScreen": self.splashScreenCreate(self.splashScreen) def cameraMove(self, dy, dx): self.camYpos += dy self.camXpos += dx for i in range(len(self.xWallBounds)): xInterval = self.xWallBounds[i] (xLow, xHigh) = (xInterval[0], xInterval[1]) yInterval = self.yWallBounds[i] (yLow, yHigh) = (yInterval[0], yInterval[1]) if (xLow <= self.camXpos <= xHigh and yLow <= self.camYpos <= yHigh) or self.camZpos <= 1: self.camXpos -= dx self.camYpos -= dy #print(self.camXpos,self.camYpos, xLow, xHigh, yLow, yHigh) return (winRow, winCol) = self.endPoints k = 30 # you must go into winning cell (winXlow, winXhigh) = (winCol * self.boxWidth + k, (winCol + 1) * self.boxWidth - k) (winYlow, winYhigh) = (winRow * self.boxHeight + k, (winRow + 1) * self.boxHeight - k) if winXlow < self.camXpos < winXhigh and winYlow < self.camYpos < winYhigh: self.gameWon = True self.gameWonOrLost() self.updateImage() def Instructions(self): if self.showInstructions: self.textObject1.removeNode() self.showInstructions = False else: text = TextNode('eh') text.setCardColor(1, 1, 1, 1) # white text.setCardAsMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) text.setCardDecal(True) text.setText(self.text1) text.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) text.setFrameColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setTextColor(0, 0, 0, 1) # black, and not transparent text.setFrameAsMargin(0, 0, 0, 0) #specifying margins for frame text.setShadow(0.05, 0.05) text.setShadowColor(0, 0, 0, 1) textNodePath = self.aspect2d.attachNewNode(text) self.textObject1 = textNodePath textNodePath.setPos(-1.3, 0, -0.5) textNodePath.setScale(0.06) self.showInstructions = True def timer(self, task): self.time -= 1 self.timerText.setText("time left: " + str(self.time) + " seconds") if self.time == 5: self.timerText.setFrameColor(1, 0, 0, 1) # red self.timerText.setTextColor(1, 0, 0, 1) # red if self.time == 0: self.gameWonOrLost() return None # end task return task.again def move(self, task): #direction = (dx, dy, dz) if self.mode == "game" and not self.gameOver: # since I want to be able move left/right/forward/backwards relative to the current direction, # I had to use cos and sin to change the x and y positions if self.keyMap["left"] > 0: self.cameraMove(-sin(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit, -cos(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit) # bc math lol if self.keyMap["right"] > 0: self.cameraMove(+sin(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit, +cos(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit) if self.keyMap["forward"] > 0: self.cameraMove( cos(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit, -sin(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit) if self.keyMap["backward"] > 0: self.cameraMove(-cos(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit, +sin(self.angleRadians) * self.moveUnit) if self.keyMap["camLeft"] > 0: self.CamOreintX += self.deltaAngle if self.keyMap["camRight"] > 0: self.CamOreintX -= self.deltaAngle if self.keyMap["camForward"] > 0: self.CamOreintY += self.deltaAngle if self.keyMap["camBackward"] > 0: self.CamOreintY -= self.deltaAngle #for debugging purposes!!! if self.keyMap["up"] > 0: self.camZpos += self.moveUnit if self.camZpos >= self.wallHeight * 2: self.camZpos -= self.moveUnit if self.keyMap["down"] > 0: self.camZpos -= self.moveUnit if self.camZpos <= 1: self.camZpos += self.moveUnit if self.mode == "game" and self.gameOver: print("here") if self.keyMap["createNewGame"] > 0: self.newGame() if self.keyMap["nextScreen"] > 0 and self.mode == "splash": print(self.splashScreen) return task.cont def CameraView(self, task): spinConstant = 0 # makes camera spin angleDegrees = task.time * spinConstant + self.CamOreintX # spin about the x axis self.angleRadians = angleDegrees * (pi / 180.0) * sin(self.angleRadians) + self.camXpos, -0 * cos(self.angleRadians) + self.camYpos, self.camZpos), self.CamOreintY, 0) if self.hasImageObject: self.imageObject.setHpr(0, 0, angleDegrees) return Task.cont
class TextBoard(): def __init__(self, text_color=(1, 1, 1), max_nr_rows=3, nr_char_per_row=20, frame_color=(0, 0, 0), frame_padding=0.4, frame_line_width=2, background_color=(1, 1, 0), background_padding=0.8): #print "TextBoard::init" # everything that belongs to this TextBoard will be stored under the root node self.root_node_path = render.attachNewNode(PandaNode('')) # create the text node that will be the TextBoard self.text_node = TextNode('') self.text_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode(self.text_node) self.set_max_nr_rows(max_nr_rows) r, g, b = text_color self.set_text_color(r, g, b) self.text_node.setAlign( TextNode.ALeft) # TextNode.ALeft, TextNode.ACenterba letter_width, letter_height = self._compute_letter_size() self.max_row_length = nr_char_per_row * letter_width self.text_node.setWordwrap(self.max_row_length) width, height = self._compute_max_text_size() self.text_node_path.setPos(0.5 * background_padding, -0.01, -letter_height) self.background_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode( PandaNode('background_node')) self._create_background(self.background_node_path, width + background_padding, height + background_padding + letter_height) self.frame_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode( PandaNode('frame_node')) self._create_frame(self.frame_node_path, width + background_padding, height + background_padding + letter_height) r, g, b = frame_color self.set_frame_color(r, g, b) self.set_frame_line_width(frame_line_width) r, g, b = background_color self.set_background_color(r, g, b) def _compute_max_text_size(self): self.text_node.setText(' ') width = 0 while (not self.text_node.getWidth() == width) and self.text_node.getWidth() < self.max_row_length: width = self.text_node.getWidth() self.text_node.appendText(' ') while self.text_node.getNumRows() < self.text_node.getMaxRows(): self.text_node.appendText('\n') return self.text_node.getWidth(), self.text_node.getHeight() def _compute_letter_size(self): self.text_node.setText('W') return self.text_node.getWidth(), self.text_node.getHeight() def _create_background(self, root_node_path, width, height): node, _vdata = create_side((0, 0), (width, -height)) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) def _create_frame(self, root_node_path, width, height): # top node, _vdata = create_line(0, 0, width, 0) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # right side node, _vdata = create_line(width, 0, width, -height) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # bottom side node, _vdata = create_line(width, -height, 0, -height) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # right side node, _vdata = create_line(0, -height, 0, 0) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) def get_node_path(self): return self.root_node_path def set_scale(self, scale): self.root_node_path.setScale(scale) def set_center_pos_xz(self, x, z): self.set_center_pos(x, 0, z) def set_center_pos(self, x, y, z): width, height = get_bounding_width_height(self.get_node_path()) self.get_node_path().setPos(x - width / 2.0, y, z + height / 2.0) def set_text(self, text=''): self.text_node.clearText() self.text_node.setText(text) def set_text_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.text_node.setTextColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_max_nr_rows(self, n): self.text_node.setMaxRows(n) def set_frame_visible(self, visible): rgba = self.frame_node_path.getColor() r = rgba[0] g = rgba[1] b = rgba[2] if visible: alpha = 1 else: alpha = 0 self.frame_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_frame_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.frame_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_frame_line_width(self, width): self.frame_node_path.setRenderModeThickness(width) def set_background_visible(self, visible): rgba = self.background_node_path.getColor() r = rgba[0] g = rgba[1] b = rgba[2] if visible: alpha = 1 else: alpha = 0 self.background_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_background_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.background_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha)
class TextBoard(): def __init__(self, text_color=(1,1,1), max_nr_rows=3, nr_char_per_row=20, frame_color=(0,0,0), frame_padding=0.4, frame_line_width=2, background_color=(1,1,0), background_padding=0.8): #print "TextBoard::init" # everything that belongs to this TextBoard will be stored under the root node self.root_node_path = render.attachNewNode(PandaNode('')) # create the text node that will be the TextBoard self.text_node = TextNode('') self.text_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode(self.text_node) self.set_max_nr_rows(max_nr_rows) r,g,b = text_color self.set_text_color(r, g, b) self.text_node.setAlign(TextNode.ALeft) # TextNode.ALeft, TextNode.ACenterba letter_width, letter_height = self._compute_letter_size() self.max_row_length = nr_char_per_row * letter_width self.text_node.setWordwrap(self.max_row_length) width, height = self._compute_max_text_size() self.text_node_path.setPos(0.5*background_padding,-0.01,-letter_height) self.background_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode(PandaNode('background_node')) self._create_background(self.background_node_path, width+background_padding, height+background_padding+letter_height) self.frame_node_path = self.root_node_path.attachNewNode(PandaNode('frame_node')) self._create_frame(self.frame_node_path, width+background_padding, height+background_padding+letter_height) r,g,b = frame_color self.set_frame_color(r, g, b) self.set_frame_line_width(frame_line_width) r,g,b = background_color self.set_background_color(r, g, b) def _compute_max_text_size(self): self.text_node.setText(' ') width = 0 while (not self.text_node.getWidth() == width) and self.text_node.getWidth() < self.max_row_length: width = self.text_node.getWidth() self.text_node.appendText(' ') while self.text_node.getNumRows() < self.text_node.getMaxRows(): self.text_node.appendText('\n') return self.text_node.getWidth(), self.text_node.getHeight() def _compute_letter_size(self): self.text_node.setText('W') return self.text_node.getWidth(), self.text_node.getHeight() def _create_background(self, root_node_path, width, height): node, _vdata = create_side((0,0), (width, -height)) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) def _create_frame(self, root_node_path, width, height): # top node, _vdata = create_line(0, 0, width, 0) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # right side node, _vdata = create_line(width, 0, width, -height) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # bottom side node, _vdata = create_line(width, -height, 0, -height) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) # right side node, _vdata = create_line(0, -height, 0, 0) root_node_path.attachNewNode(node) def get_node_path(self): return self.root_node_path def set_scale(self, scale): self.root_node_path.setScale(scale) def set_center_pos_xz(self, x, z): self.set_center_pos(x, 0, z) def set_center_pos(self, x, y, z): width, height = get_bounding_width_height(self.get_node_path()) self.get_node_path().setPos(x-width/2.0, y, z+height/2.0) def set_text(self, text=''): self.text_node.clearText() self.text_node.setText(text) def set_text_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.text_node.setTextColor(r,g,b,alpha) def set_max_nr_rows(self, n): self.text_node.setMaxRows(n) def set_frame_visible(self, visible): rgba = self.frame_node_path.getColor() r = rgba[0] g = rgba[1] b = rgba[2] if visible: alpha = 1 else: alpha = 0 self.frame_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_frame_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.frame_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_frame_line_width(self, width): self.frame_node_path.setRenderModeThickness(width) def set_background_visible(self, visible): rgba = self.background_node_path.getColor() r = rgba[0] g = rgba[1] b = rgba[2] if visible: alpha = 1 else: alpha = 0 self.background_node_path.setColor(r, g, b, alpha) def set_background_color(self, r, g, b, alpha=1): self.background_node_path.setColor(r,g,b,alpha)