def test_nested(self): n1 = Nested(query=Term(field="", value=2), path="some_nested_path") n2 = Nested(query={"term": { "": 2 }}, path="some_nested_path") for i, n in enumerate((n1, n2)): self.assertEqual( n.to_dict(), { "nested": { "path": "some_nested_path", "query": { "term": { "": { "value": 2 } } }, } }, ) self.assertEqual( n.__str__(), """<Query> nested, path="some_nested_path" └── query └── term,, value=2 """, )
def test_nested(self): # test all possibles definitions n1 = Nested(query=Term(field="", value=2), path="some_nested_path") n2 = Nested(query={"term": { "": 2 }}, path="some_nested_path") n3 = Nested({ "query": { "term": { "": 2 } }, "path": "some_nested_path" }) for i, n in enumerate((n1, n2, n3)): self.assertEqual(len(n._children), 2) self.assertEqual(n.line_repr(depth=None), "nested") self.assertEqual(n.path, "some_nested_path") q = next((c for c in n._children if isinstance(c, QueryP))) self.assertEqual(q.serialize(), {"query": {}}) # ensure term query is present self.assertEqual(len(q._children), 1) self.assertIsInstance(q._children[0], Term, i) p = next((c for c in n._children if isinstance(c, Path))) self.assertEqual(p.body["value"], "some_nested_path")
def test_boosting(self): b1 = Boosting( positive=Term(field="text", value="apple"), negative=Term(field="text", value="pie tart fruit crumble tree"), negative_boost=0.5, ) b2 = Boosting( positive={"term": { "text": "apple" }}, negative={"term": { "text": "pie tart fruit crumble tree" }}, negative_boost=0.5, ) for b in (b1, b2): self.assertQueryEqual( b.to_dict(), { "boosting": { "negative": { "term": { "text": { "value": "pie tart fruit crumble " "tree" } } }, "negative_boost": 0.5, "positive": { "term": { "text": { "value": "apple" } } }, } }, )
def test_term_clause(): body = {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}} expected = {"term": body} q1 = Term(field="user", value="Kimchy", boost=1) q2 = Term(user={"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}) for q in (q1, q2): assert q.body == body assert q.to_dict() == expected assert q.line_repr(depth=None) == ( "term", 'field=user, boost=1, value="Kimchy"', ) # other format q3 = Term(user="******") assert q3.body == {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}} assert q3.to_dict() == {"term": {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}}} assert q3.line_repr(depth=None) == ("term", 'field=user, value="Kimchy"')
def test_term_clause(self): body = {"user": {"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}} expected = {"term": body} q1 = Term(field="user", value="Kimchy", boost=1) q2 = Term(user={"value": "Kimchy", "boost": 1}) for q in (q1, q2): self.assertEqual(q.body, body) self.assertEqual(q.serialize(), expected) self.assertEqual(q.line_repr(depth=None), 'term, field=user, boost=1, value="Kimchy"') # other format q3 = Term(user="******") self.assertEqual(q3.body, {"user": {"value": "Kimchy"}}) self.assertEqual(q3.serialize(), {"term": { "user": { "value": "Kimchy" } }}) self.assertEqual(q3.line_repr(depth=None), 'term, field=user, value="Kimchy"')
def test_bool(self): # test all possibles definitions b1 = Bool( filter=Term(some_field=2), should=[Range(other={"gte": 1}), Term(some=3)], boost=1.2, ) b2 = Bool( filter=[Term(some_field=2)], should=[Range(other={"gte": 1}), Term(some=3)], boost=1.2, ) b3 = Bool( filter={"term": { "some_field": 2 }}, should=[{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], boost=1.2, ) b4 = Bool( filter=[{ "term": { "some_field": 2 } }], should=[{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], boost=1.2, ) for b in (b1, b2, b3, b4): self.assertQueryEqual( b.to_dict(), { "bool": { "boost": 1.2, "filter": [{ "term": { "some_field": { "value": 2 } } }], "should": [ { "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": { "value": 3 } } }, ], } }, )
from pandagg.query import Nested, Bool, Query, Range, Term, Terms as TermsFilter # warning, pandagg.query.Terms and pandagg.agg.Terms classes have same name, but one is a filter, the other an aggreggation q = Query( Bool( must=[ TermsFilter("genres", terms=["Action", "Thriller"]), Range("rank", gte=7), Nested( path="roles", query=Bool( must=[ Term("roles.gender", value="F"), Term("roles.role", value="Reporter"), ] ), ), ] ) ) # In[31]: # query computation q.to_dict() == expected_query
def test_bool(self): # test all possibles definitions b1 = Bool( filter=Term(some_field=2), should=[Range(other={"gte": 1}), Term(some=3)], boost=1.2, ) b2 = Bool( filter=[Term(some_field=2)], should=[Range(other={"gte": 1}), Term(some=3)], boost=1.2, ) b3 = Bool( filter={"term": { "some_field": 2 }}, should=[{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], boost=1.2, ) b4 = Bool( filter=[{ "term": { "some_field": 2 } }], should=[{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], boost=1.2, ) b5 = Bool({ "filter": { "term": { "some_field": 2 } }, "should": [{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], "boost": 1.2, }) b6 = Bool({ "filter": [{ "term": { "some_field": 2 } }], "should": [{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], "boost": 1.2, }) b7 = Bool( { "should": [{ "range": { "other": { "gte": 1 } } }, { "term": { "some": 3 } }], "boost": 1.2, }, filter=[{ "term": { "some_field": 2 } }], ) for b in (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7): self.assertEqual(len(b._children), 3) self.assertEqual(b.line_repr(depth=None), "bool") boost = next((c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, Boost))) self.assertEqual(boost.serialize(), {"boost": 1.2}) self.assertEqual(boost.line_repr(depth=None), "boost=1.2") filter_ = next((c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, Filter))) self.assertEqual(len(filter_._children), 1) self.assertEqual(filter_.line_repr(depth=None), "filter") t = filter_._children[0] self.assertIsInstance(t, Term) should = next((c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, Should))) self.assertEqual(len(should._children), 2) next((c for c in should._children if isinstance(c, Term))) next((c for c in should._children if isinstance(c, Range)))
def test_boosting(self): b1 = Boosting( positive=Term(field="text", value="apple"), negative=Term(field="text", value="pie tart fruit crumble tree"), negative_boost=0.5, ) b2 = Boosting( positive={"term": { "text": "apple" }}, negative={"term": { "text": "pie tart fruit crumble tree" }}, negative_boost=0.5, ) b3 = Boosting({ "positive": { "term": { "text": "apple" } }, "negative": { "term": { "text": "pie tart fruit crumble tree" } }, "negative_boost": 0.5, }) for b in (b1, b2, b3): self.assertEqual(len(b._children), 3) self.assertEqual(b.line_repr(depth=None), "boosting") negative_boosting = next( (c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, NegativeBoost))) self.assertEqual(negative_boosting.line_repr(depth=None), "negative_boost=0.5") self.assertEqual(negative_boosting.body, {"value": 0.5}) positive = next( (c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, Positive))) self.assertEqual(len(positive._children), 1) self.assertEqual(positive.serialize(), {"positive": {}}) self.assertEqual(positive.line_repr(depth=None), "positive") positive_term = positive._children[0] self.assertIsInstance(positive_term, Term) self.assertEqual(positive_term.field, "text") self.assertEqual(positive_term.body, {"text": {"value": "apple"}}) self.assertEqual(positive_term.serialize(), {"term": { "text": { "value": "apple" } }}) self.assertEqual(positive_term.line_repr(depth=None), 'term, field=text, value="apple"') negative = next( (c for c in b._children if isinstance(c, Negative))) self.assertEqual(len(negative._children), 1) self.assertEqual(negative.serialize(), {"negative": {}}) self.assertEqual(negative.line_repr(depth=None), "negative") negative_term = negative._children[0] self.assertIsInstance(negative_term, Term) self.assertEqual(negative_term.field, "text") self.assertEqual( negative_term.body, {"text": { "value": "pie tart fruit crumble tree" }}) self.assertEqual( negative_term.serialize(), {"term": { "text": { "value": "pie tart fruit crumble tree" } }}, ) self.assertEqual( negative_term.line_repr(depth=None), 'term, field=text, value="pie tart fruit crumble tree"', )