def test_source_on_clone(): assert { "_source": { "includes": ["*"], "excludes": [""] }, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "term": { "title": { "value": "python" } } }] } }, } == Search().source(includes=["*"]).source( excludes=[""]).filter("term", title="python").to_dict() assert { "_source": False, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "term": { "title": { "value": "python" } } }] } }, } == Search().source(False).filter("term", title="python").to_dict()
def test_using(self): o = object() o2 = object() s = Search(using=o) self.assertIs(s._using, o) s2 = s.using(o2) self.assertIs(s._using, o) self.assertIs(s2._using, o2)
def test_using(): o = object() o2 = object() s = Search(using=o) assert s._using is o s2 = s.using(o2) assert s._using is o assert s2._using is o2
def test_expand__to_dot_is_respected(self): s = Search().query("match", a__b=42, _expand__to_dot=False) self.assertEqual({"query": { "match": { "a__b": { "query": 42 } } }}, s.to_dict())
def test_search_query_combines_query(): s = Search() s2 = s.query("match", f=42) assert s2._query.to_dict() == Query(Match(f=42)).to_dict() assert s._query.to_dict() is None s3 = s2.query("match", f=43) assert s2._query.to_dict() == Query(Match(f=42)).to_dict() assert ordered(s3._query.to_dict()) == ordered( Query(Bool(must=[Match(f=42), Match(f=43)])).to_dict())
def test_source_copied_on_clone(self): s = Search().source(False) self.assertEqual(s._clone()._source, s._source) self.assertIs(s._clone()._source, False) s2 = Search().source([]) assert s2._clone()._source == s2._source assert s2._source == [] s3 = Search().source(["some", "fields"]) assert s3._clone()._source == s3._source assert s3._clone()._source == ["some", "fields"]
def test_search_query_combines_query(self): s = Search() s2 = s.query("match", f=42) self.assertEqual(s2._query.to_dict(), Query(Match(f=42)).to_dict()) self.assertEqual(s._query.to_dict(), None) s3 = s2.query("match", f=43) self.assertEqual(s2._query.to_dict(), Query(Match(f=42)).to_dict()) self.assertEqual( ordered(s3._query.to_dict()), ordered(Query(Bool(must=[Match(f=42), Match(f=43)])).to_dict()), )
def test_suggest(self): s = Search() s = s.suggest("my_suggestion", "pyhton", term={"field": "title"}) assert { "suggest": { "my_suggestion": { "term": { "field": "title" }, "text": "pyhton" } } } == s.to_dict()
def search(self, nested_autocorrect=True): return Search( using=self.client, mapping=self._mapping,, nested_autocorrect=nested_autocorrect, )
def test_suggest_accepts_global_text(self): s = Search.from_dict({ "suggest": { "text": "the amsterdma meetpu", "my-suggest-1": { "term": { "field": "title" } }, "my-suggest-2": { "text": "other", "term": { "field": "body" } }, } }) assert { "suggest": { "my-suggest-1": { "term": { "field": "title" }, "text": "the amsterdma meetpu", }, "my-suggest-2": { "term": { "field": "body" }, "text": "other" }, } } == s.to_dict()
def test_source_copied_on_clone(): s = Search().source(False) assert s._clone()._source == s._source assert s._clone()._source is False s2 = Search().source([]) assert s2._clone()._source == s2._source assert s2._source == [] s3 = Search().source(["some", "fields"]) assert s3._clone()._source == s3._source assert s3._clone()._source == ["some", "fields"]
def test_source(): assert {} == Search().source().to_dict() assert { "_source": { "includes": ["*"], "excludes": [""] } } == Search().source(includes=["*"], excludes=[""]).to_dict() assert {"_source": False} == Search().source(False).to_dict() assert { "_source": ["f1", "f2"] } == Search().source(includes=["*"], excludes=[""]).source(["f1", "f2"]).to_dict()
def test_copy_clones(self): from copy import copy s1 = Search().source(["some", "fields"]) s2 = copy(s1) assert s1 == s2 assert s1 is not s2
def test_response(self): r = Response( { "took": 42, "timed_out": False, "_shards": { "total": 10, "successful": 10, "skipped": 0, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": { "value": 34, "relation": "eq" }, "max_score": 0.0, "hits": [ { "_index": "my_index_01", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "1", "_score": 1.0, "_source": { "field_23": 1 }, }, { "_index": "my_index_01", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "2", "_score": 0.2, "_source": { "field_23": 2 }, }, ], }, }, Search(), ) self.assertEqual(r.took, 42) self.assertEqual(r.timed_out, False) self.assertEqual(r.success, True) self.assertEqual(r._shards, { "total": 10, "successful": 10, "skipped": 0, "failed": 0 }) self.assertIsInstance(r.hits, Hits) self.assertEqual( r.__repr__(), "<Response> took 42ms, success: True, total result 34, contains 2 hits", )
def test_aggs_allow_two_metric(): s = Search() s = s.aggs({"a": Max(field="a"), "b": Max(field="b")}) assert s.to_dict() == { "aggs": { "a": { "max": { "field": "a" } }, "b": { "max": { "field": "b" } } } }
def search( self, nested_autocorrect: bool = True, repr_auto_execute: bool = True ) -> Search: return Search( using=self.client, mappings=self.mappings,, nested_autocorrect=nested_autocorrect, repr_auto_execute=repr_auto_execute, )
def test_sort(): s = Search() s = s.sort("fielda", "-fieldb") assert ["fielda", {"fieldb": {"order": "desc"}}] == s._sort assert {"sort": ["fielda", {"fieldb": {"order": "desc"}}]} == s.to_dict() s = s.sort() assert [] == s._sort assert Search().to_dict() == s.to_dict()
def test_exclude(): s = Search() s = s.exclude("match", title="python") assert { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "bool": { "must_not": [{ "match": { "title": { "query": "python" } } }] } }] } } } == s.to_dict()
def test_aggs_allow_two_metric(self): s = Search() s = s.aggs([Aggs("a", "max", field="a"), Aggs("b", "max", field="b")]) self.assertEqual( s.to_dict(), { "aggs": { "a": { "max": { "field": "a" } }, "b": { "max": { "field": "b" } } } }, )
def test_update_from_dict(self): s = Search() s.update_from_dict({"indices_boost": [{"important-documents": 2}]}) s.update_from_dict({"_source": ["id", "name"]}) assert { "indices_boost": [{ "important-documents": 2 }], "_source": ["id", "name"], } == s.to_dict()
def test_search_column_selection(): mappings = Mappings(properties={ "col1": { "type": "keyword" }, "col2": { "type": "integer" } }) assert Search(mappings=mappings)[["col1", "col2"]].to_dict() == { "_source": { "includes": ["col1", "col2"] } }
def test_exclude(self): s = Search() s = s.exclude("match", title="python") self.assertEqual( { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "bool": { "must_not": [{ "match": { "title": { "query": "python" } } }] } }] } } }, s.to_dict(), )
def test_repr_execution(client_search): client_search.return_value = { "took": 42, "timed_out": False, "_shards": { "total": 10, "successful": 10, "skipped": 0, "failed": 0 }, "hits": { "total": { "value": 34, "relation": "eq" }, "max_score": 0.0, "hits": [ { "_index": "my_index_01", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "1", "_score": 1.0, "_source": { "field_23": 1 }, }, { "_index": "my_index_01", "_type": "_doc", "_id": "2", "_score": 0.2, "_source": { "field_23": 2 }, }, ], }, } s = Search(using=Elasticsearch(hosts=["..."]), index="yolo", repr_auto_execute=True) s.size(2).__repr__() client_search.assert_called_once() client_search.assert_any_call(body={"size": 2}, index=["yolo"]) client_search.reset_mock() s.size(2)._repr_html_() client_search.assert_called_once() client_search.assert_any_call(body={"size": 2}, index=["yolo"])
def test_grouping_agg(self): my_agg = Aggs(sample.EXPECTED_AGG_QUERY, mappings=MAPPINGS) agg_response = Aggregations(data=sample.ES_AGG_RESPONSE, _search=Search().aggs(my_agg)) # none provided self.assertIsNone(agg_response._grouping_agg()[0]) # fake provided with self.assertRaises(KeyError): agg_response._grouping_agg("yolo") # not bucket provided with self.assertRaises(ValueError): agg_response._grouping_agg("avg_f1_micro") # real provided self.assertEqual( agg_response._grouping_agg("")[0], "", )
def test_parse_as_dataframe(self): my_agg = Aggs(sample.EXPECTED_AGG_QUERY, mappings=MAPPINGS) df = Aggregations(data=sample.ES_AGG_RESPONSE, _search=Search().aggs(my_agg)).to_dataframe( grouped_by="") self.assertIsInstance(df, pd.DataFrame) self.assertEqual(set(df.index.names), {"classification_type", ""}) self.assertEqual(set(df.columns), {"avg_f1_micro", "avg_nb_classes", "doc_count"}) self.assertEqual( df.to_dict(orient="index"), { ("multiclass", "gpc"): { "avg_f1_micro": 0.93, "avg_nb_classes": 211.12, "doc_count": 198, }, ("multiclass", "kind"): { "avg_f1_micro": 0.89, "avg_nb_classes": 206.5, "doc_count": 370, }, ("multilabel", "ispracticecompatible"): { "avg_f1_micro": 0.72, "avg_nb_classes": 18.71, "doc_count": 128, }, ("multilabel", "preservationmethods"): { "avg_f1_micro": 0.8, "avg_nb_classes": 9.97, "doc_count": 76, }, }, )
def test_query_always_returns_search(self): s = Search() self.assertIsInstance(s.query("match", f=42), Search)
def test_source_on_clear(self): assert ({} == Search().source(includes=["*"]).source( includes=None, excludes=None).to_dict())
def test_from_dict_doesnt_need_query(self): s = Search.from_dict({"size": 5}) assert {"size": 5} == s.to_dict()
def search(self): return Search(using=self.client, mapping=self._mapping,
def test_reverse(self): d = { "aggs": { "per_country": { "aggs": { "avg_attendees": { "avg": { "field": "attendees" } } }, "terms": { "field": "country" }, } }, "highlight": { "fields": { "title": { "fragment_size": 50 } }, "order": "score" }, "post_filter": { "bool": { "must": [{ "terms": { "tags": ["prague", "czech"] } }] } }, "query": { "bool": { "filter": [{ "bool": { "should": [ { "term": { "category": { "value": "meetup" } } }, { "term": { "category": { "value": "conference" } } }, ] } }], "must": [{ "bool": { "minimum_should_match": 2, "must": [{ "match": { "title": { "query": "python" } } }], "must_not": [{ "match": { "title": { "query": "ruby" } } }], } }], } }, "script_fields": { "more_attendees": { "script": "doc['attendees'].value + 42" } }, "size": 5, "sort": ["title", { "category": { "order": "desc" } }, "_score"], "suggest": { "my-title-suggestions-1": { "term": { "field": "title", "size": 3 }, "text": "devloping distibutd saerch " "engies", } }, } d2 = deepcopy(d) s = Search.from_dict(d) # make sure we haven't modified anything in place self.assertEqual(d, d2) self.assertSearchEqual(d, s.to_dict())